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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Kaal Sarp Yog (Revised Edition)’.
Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog
If in a horoscope, Rahu is placed in the eleventh house, Ketu is placed in the fifth house and all other planets are placed within the axis of Rahu and Ketu, Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in that horoscope. To simplify, if all other planets are placed from house number five to eleven or from house number eleven to five in such horoscope, Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in the horoscope. In some cases; when any one among Moon, Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed outside Rahu-Ketu axis; Kaal Sarp Yog may still form in the horoscope.
Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with problems related to love life, lover, birth of children, wellbeing of children, relationship with children, spiritual growth, creativity, profession, financial losses, friends, associates, stock markets and many other types of problems; depending on his overall horoscope.
Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog can create a number of problems related to profession. Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog can trouble the natives with sudden financial losses, delays, setbacks, job-loss, bad reputation, financial penalties, court cases, punishments and many other types of problems. Many natives having Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may be fond of making quick money. Hence they may engage in practices like stock markets, gambling of various types and other such practices. Though some of them may witness gains through such practices for short periods of time if their overall horoscopes are supportive; they may lose much more in the end.
Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog is good at creating problems related to children. Hence some of these natives may witness delay in the birth of children; especially their first ones. Some other natives (females) may witness miscarriages or abortions due to various reasons and some of these natives may go through various types of medical complications while trying to have children. Some of these natives may give birth to physically challenged children whereas some others may produce mentally challenged children. In an extreme case when this defect is strong and supported by other malefic planets; one such female native may witness multiple miscarriages before she may deliver an alive child; or she may not deliver one, throughout her life. Looking at another extreme; one such female native may die while giving birth to a child; though the child may survive.
Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may also create problems related to relationships with children. Hence some of these natives may not give much time or pay much attention to their children, which may eventually damage the relationship. Some other natives may stay away from their children for most of their lives; due to one reason or another. Some of these natives may have children who may be aggressive, volatile, stubborn and/or rebellious; and the natives may simply not be able to have good relationships with them; despite their best efforts.
Once the formation of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog is confirmed in a horoscope, the next factor to check is the strength of this defect. The strength of Kaal Sarp Yog is calculated through the placements of Rahu and Ketu in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Rahu and Ketu. The overall theme of horoscope and running times (Mahadashas) also affect the strength of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog.
Let’s start with signs. Suppose malefic Rahu in the eleventh house in Capricorn and malefic Ketu in the fifth house in Cancer form Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Rahu does well in Capricorn and Ketu does well in Cancer; though none of them is strong in these signs. Hence such Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may possess significant strength in some cases whereas it may be strong in some cases; depending on placements of Rahu and Ketu in different nakshatras and navamshas within their respective signs.
Such Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with problems related to profession. This type of defect may delay the beginning of professional career of the native and it may also create problems after his career begins; depending on his overall horoscope. Looking at problems; the native may witness financial losses, job loss; discontinuation of profession, bad reputation and other problems. The native may have to remain jobless for periods of one year or more; more than once in his life. Such native may not earn sufficient money through profession and he may struggle go make more money; for many years or throughout his life; depending on his overall horoscope.
Such Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may also make the native lose money through gambling, stock markets and other likewise practices. In an extreme case when such Kaal Sarp Yog is supported by other malefic planets; the native may lose most of his money and wealth through stock markets or gambling. The native may engage in various types of immoral and/or illegal activities and he may also become a criminal; depending on his overall horoscope. In an extreme case of this type; the native may commit serious crimes and he may serve prison sentence of more than 10 years.
Moving on, the native may take unneeded and unrealistic risks in his profession and he may suffer because of them. If the native engages in business; he may avail big financial loans to invest in an ambitious but risky business venture. Such venture may fail and the native may suffer big losses. In an extreme case of this type; the native may lose all his wealth due to serious losses in business; he may declare bankruptcy and/or he may serve prison sentence.
Such Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may create problems related to childbirth as well as relationship with children. If the native is female; problems related to childbirth may increase in quantum. The native may suffer from medical complications related to her reproductive system and she may not be able to conceive and deliver easily. The native may witness one or more the one miscarriage before she delivers an alive child. In an extreme case when such Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog is strong and supported by other malefic planets; the native may not give birth to a child throughout her life; though she may witness miscarriages. Looking at another extreme; the native may have one or more than one child who may be mentally retarded or they may suffer from psychological disorders.
Let’s look at the influences of nakshatras and navamshas on such Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog. The sign of Capricorn features three nakshatras; Uttarashada, Shravna and Dhanishtha. The last three quarters of Uttarashada, all four quarters of Shravana and the first two quarters of Dhanishtha fall in Capricorn. The sign of Cancer features three nakshatras; Punarvasu, Pushya and Ashlesha. The fourth quarter of Punarvasu, all four quarters of Pushya and all four quarters of Ashlesha fall in Cancer.
Moving on, let’s look at the influences of benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of running times and the overall theme of horoscope on such Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner.
Suppose malefic Rahu in the eleventh house in Capricorn and malefic Ketu in the fifth house in Cancer form Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose benefic exalted Mars and Moon are placed in the eleventh house in Capricorn and benefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the fifth house in Cancer. Suppose Sun is placed in the sixth house in Leo, benefic exalted Mercury forms Bhadra Yog in the seventh house in Virgo, Venus is placed in the eighth house in Libra and Saturn is placed in the tenth house in Sagittarius.
Mars is very strong in Capricorn and it forms Chandra Mangal Yoga with Moon in the eleventh house. Moon also does well in Capricorn. Hence Rahu is no match for collective strength of Mars and Moon in this case. As a result, Rahu may turn benefic in the horoscope though it may produce some malefic results; and the combination in the eleventh house may turn highly benefic. Looking at the fifth house; exalted Jupiter is much stronger than Ketu in Cancer. Apart from that; it receives a lot of positive energy from the combination in the eleventh house. As a result; Ketu may turn partly benefic and the combination in the fifth house may turn benefic though it may produce some malefic results. Hence Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may lose most of its strength. The native may not face many problems related to profession, finances, reputation and children; though he may face some problems related to love life.
Mercury is benefic due to the houses it rules and due to its placement in a comfortable house as well as in a comfortable sign. Formation of Bhadra Yoga may add much more strength to the seventh house as well as to the overall horoscope. Since the overall horoscope is very strong due to exalted Mars, exalted Jupiter and exalted Mercury; such horoscope may draw benefic results through malefic planets also.
The native may witness maximum benefits in the sphere of profession and he may earn millions or billions; depending on the finer factors as well as on the running times. He may witness good results related to children whereas he may face some problems related to love life.
Looking at the running times; suppose within the sign of Capricorn, Moon is placed in Capricorn navamsha of Uttarashada. It means the native is born under Sun Mahadasha with about 4 years left. This Mahadasha is followed by 10 year Moon Mahadasha, 7 year Mars Mahadasha, 18 year Rahu Mahadasha, 16 year Jupiter Mahadasha, 19 year Saturn Mahadasha and 17 year Mercury Mahadasha. These Mahadashas may rule the timelines from native’s time of birth till his age of 91.
Among these Mahadashas; Sun as well as Saturn Mahadasha may create problems along with benefic results; though such problem may not be serious or very serious. The Mahadashas of Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Mercury may produce very good results related to most spheres of native’s life; though Rahu Mahadasha may cause some problems also.
Let’s change the entire equation and see what may happen when Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog is influenced by malefic planets. Suppose malefic Rahu in the eleventh house in Capricorn and malefic Ketu in the fifth house in Cancer form Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose malefic Sun and Venus are placed in the eleventh house in Capricorn and malefic Saturn is placed in the fifth house in Cancer. Sun, Venus and Saturn are all malefic and they may provide more strength to Kaal Sarp Yog. As a result, the combinations in the eleventh as well as fifth house may turn malefic and the overall combination of Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu may become highly malefic. Hence Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog may cause 2 to 4 times more damage in this case.
Looking at the sphere of children; the native may face serious problems related to it and such problems may increase in quantum, if the native is female. Such native may not have her first child till the age of 40 or she may not have a child throughout her life. The native may also witness miscarriage, more than once in her life.
Such malefic combination may create a number of problems related to profession. The native may suffer from serious setbacks and losses, he may lose his job many times, he may remain jobless many times, he may become a criminal or he may not have any profession at all; depending on the overall horoscope. Taking an example, suppose Jupiter is placed in the sixth house in Leo, Mercury is placed in the eleventh house in Capricorn in Uttarashada in Pisces navamsha, Mars is placed in the eighth house in Libra and debilitated Moon is placed in the ninth house in Scorpio.
In this case, the native may remain jobless for most of his life or he may become a criminal; depending on the finer factors and running times. Taking an example, suppose within the sign of Scorpio, Moon is placed in Cancer navamsha of Vishakha. The native is born under Jupiter Mahadasha, with about 2 years left. This Mahadasha is followed by 19 year Saturn Mahadasha, 17 year Mercury Mahadasha, 7 year Ketu Mahadasha and 20 year Venus Mahadasha.
In this case, the native may become a criminal. Though he may witness financial gains and other benefits during Mercury Mahadasha; he may also face a number of problems. During the Mahadashas of Ketu and Venus, the native may come across serious problems and he may serve prison sentence of more than 10 years. If the finer factors are also not favourable; the native may get killed during Ketu Mahadasha; in an encounter or by another criminal.
Malefic effects of Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog can be reduced with the help of remedies. The application of gemstones and Poojas in particular may prove useful in reducing the strength and/or malefic effects of Kaal Sarp Yog. Gemstones may be more useful in counteracting the malefic effects produced by Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog, and they may not be able to directly reduce the strength of this defect in many cases. Poojas may directly reduce the strength of this defect in most cases. As that happens; malefic effects produced by Kaal Sarp Yog may also reduce.
Himanshu Shangari