Vipreet Rajyoga

Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition 2020).

What is Vipreet Rajyoga

According to its definition prevalent in Vedic astrology, if in a horoscope, the lord of the sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house is placed in any one of the other two houses of the horoscope; Vipreet Rajyoga is formed in such horoscope. It means if in a horoscope; the lord of the sixth house is placed in the eighth or twelfth house, Vipreet Rajyoga is formed in the horoscope. Likewise, if the lord of the eighth house is placed in the sixth or twelfth house, this yoga is formed in the horoscope. Similarly, if the lord of the twelfth house is placed in the sixth or eighth house, Vipreet Rajyoga is formed in the horoscope. Vipreet Rajyoga is divided into three categories. Let’s look at these three types of Vipreet Rajyogas.

Harsha Yoga: According to its prevalent definition, if in a horoscope, the lord of the sixth house is placed in the eighth or twelfth house, Harsha Yoga is formed in the horoscope. Harsha yoga may bless the native with healthy body, wealth, good family life, financial gains, respect and influence in society, position of authority and other good results. The placement of the lord of the sixth house in the sixth house itself is not considered to form Harsha Yoga and it is considered as an exception to the formation of this type of Vipreet Rajyoga.

Sarala Yoga: According to its prevalent definition, if in a horoscope, the lord of the eighth house is placed in the sixth or twelfth house, Sarala Yoga is formed in the horoscope. Sarala yoga may bless the native with good character, knowledge, wisdom, wealth, property, victory over enemies, power, authority and other good results. The placement of the lord of the eighth house in the eighth house itself is not considered to form Sarala Yoga and it is considered as an exception to the formation of this type of Vipreet Rajyoga.

Vimala Yoga: According to its prevalent definition, if in a horoscope, the lord of the twelfth house is placed in the sixth or eighth house, Vimala Yoga is formed in the horoscope. Vimala yoga may bless the native with good character, wealth, property, power, authority, spiritual growth and other good results. The placement of the lord of the twelfth house in the twelfth house itself is not considered to form Vimala Yoga and it is considered as an exception to the formation of this type of Vipreet Rajyoga.

The literal meaning of the word Vipreet is ‘opposite’. The name Vipreet Rajyoga itself suggests that it is not a usual type of yoga and it is different. In general, benefic yogas are formed by benefic planets and they are not formed by malefic planets. However, it is believed that Vipreet Rajyoga is formed due to malefic planets, placed in adverse circumstances. For example, the lord of the sixth house placed in the twelfth house seems like a difficult to handle situation. However, it is supposed to form Harsha Yoga in the horoscope. It is believed that each type of Vipreet Rajyoga produces benefic results through adverse circumstances. It means the native under the strong influence of this Yoga may achieve benefits through situations which may be troublesome or destructive.

Let’s first look at some facts related to the formation of this Yoga in a horoscope. Suppose Aries rises as an ascendant in a horoscope. It means Virgo falls in the sixth house and Mercury becomes the lord of the sixth house. Scorpio falls in the eighth house and Mars becomes the lord of the eighth house. Pisces falls in the twelfth house and Jupiter becomes the lord of the twelfth house. Considering Mercury first, the probability of placement of Mercury in two specific houses which are the eighth and the twelfth house; out of twelve houses in total is 2 in 12. Looking at Mars, the probability of placement of Mars in the sixth or twelfth house is also 2 in 12. Similarly, the probability of placement of Jupiter in the sixth or eighth house is also 2 in 12.

Combining these results; the probability for the formation of one type of Vipreet Rajyoga or another in a horoscope is about 6 in 12. The word ‘almost’ has been used since two or three of these lords may be placed together in a single house, in some cases. According to these calculations, this Yoga is formed in every second horoscope. Accordingly, every second native should witness the benefits associated with Vipreet Rajyoga; depending on which type of Rajyoga he has in his horoscope.

This definition seems difficult to hold in real life. This is because; not every second native is seen enjoying the benefits offered by Vipreet Rajyoga. It means the prevalent definition of Vipreet Rajyoga lacks something. Let’s try to find out if Vipreet Rajyoga may actually form in a horoscope? If it does, what may be the conditions for its formation?

As we have been seeing again and again; benefic planets form good yogas and malefic planets form bad yogas. However, the definition of Vipreet Rajyoga goes against this rule; or it may only seems to do so. Malefic planets don’t form benefic yogas in a horoscope and this rule holds good. It means if Vipreet Rajyoga is actually formed in a horoscope; the planet involved in its formation may only seem to be malefic. It means such planet may look like a malefic planet but in reality; it may work as a benefic planet in such horoscope.

In general, the lords of the sixth, eighth and twelfth house have significant tendencies to produce malefic results. However, it should not be taken as a fixed rule as any rule can change in a horoscope; depending on its overall theme. This means that under specific conditions, even the lords of these three houses may work as functional benefic planets in a horoscope. The same theory also gives us the result that under specific conditions; the lords of the benefic houses may also behave as functional malefic planets in a horoscope. It means that even the lord of the ascendant, fourth house, fifth house, ninth house or tenth house may behave as a functional malefic planet in a horoscope; under specific conditions.

The sum total of these specific conditions is called the overall theme of a horoscope and this theme may be different in different cases. It means these specific conditions are not fixed ones and each horoscope has the potential to make its own set of specific conditions. This set of specific conditions is what I call the overall theme of horoscope. Since it has the potential to turn supposedly benefic planets into malefic planets and malefic planets into benefic planets; it becomes the most important aspect in a horoscope. This is why I assign so much importance to the overall theme of a horoscope.

The condition of placement of lords of certain specific houses in certain specific houses in a horoscope should be considered as an eligibility criterion for the formation of Vipreet Rajyoga. Once this criterion is met; we proceed to the primary condition for its formation. The primary condition for the formation of Vipreet Rajyoga is that the overall theme of the horoscope should be supportive for it. Unless this condition is met in a horoscope after the eligibility criterion is met; Vipreet Rajyoga may not form in such horoscope.

After understanding all this, let’s now look at the relevant definition of Vipreet Rajyoga. If a horoscope is strong enough to handle the energy of the sixth house and the lord of the sixth house is placed in the eighth or twelfth house; Harsha yoga may be formed in such horoscope. If a horoscope is strong enough to handle the energy of the eighth house and its lord is placed in the sixth or twelfth house, Sarala Yoga may be formed in such horoscope. Similarly, if a horoscope is strong enough to handle the energy of the twelfth house and its lord is placed in the sixth or eighth house; Vimala Yoga may be formed in the horoscope.

Once the formation of Vipreet Rajyoga is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. Contrary to most other yogas; the strength of Vipreet Rajyoga is not measured only by the strength of the planet forming this yoga in a horoscope. The strength of this yoga is measured by drawing a relative comparison between the strength of the planet involved in the formation of Vipreet Rajyoga; and the overall strength of the horoscope. It means if the planet forming Vipreet Rajyoga is strong in a horoscope, the overall horoscope should be even stronger. Likewise, if the planet forming Vipreet Rajyoga has average strength only; a relatively less strong horoscope may be capable of handling it. In the second case, the overall results produced by Vipreet Rajyoga may decrease in quantum; since the planet forming this yoga as well as the overall horoscope is not that strong.

However, if such planet is strong but the overall horoscope is not capable of handling such strong and difficult planet; such planet may end up causing problems instead of producing benefits. For this reason; Vipreet Rajyoga is among the most difficult to detect yogas featured in Vedic astrology. The formation and working of this yoga hangs in fine balance. As long as the overall horoscope is strong enough to handle the planet forming Vipreet Rajyoga; this yoga may produce benefic results. The moment a horoscope becomes incapable of controlling such planet; this yoga may start causing problems. It means this Yoga may cause problems; even when it is actually formed in a horoscope. This may happen in cases where the difference between the strength of the planet forming Vipreet Rajyoga and that of the overall horoscope is not much.

In such cases; the key to the working of this yoga lies with the planetary periods. As long as the planetary periods of the planets controlling this yoga are in effect; Vipreet Rajyoga may produce good or very good results. This is because the overall balance of the horoscope may shift more towards positivity; as these planets gain more strength through their planetary periods. On the other hand, when the planetary period of the planet forming Vipreet Rajyoga is in effect, the native may face problems. This is because such planet gains extra strength through its planetary period. As that happens, the overall balance of the horoscope may shift more towards negativity. Hence the native may witness problems. However, if the difference between the strength of the overall horoscope and that of the planet forming this Yoga is big as well as in favor of the overall horoscope; even the planetary periods of the planet forming Vipreet Rajyoga may produce very good results.

Hence Vipreet Rajyoga is a different and special type of yoga and it is nothing like the regular yogas in Vedic astrology. Its formation as well as its strength primarily depends on the overall theme of horoscope. Hence the overall theme of horoscope holds the key to Vipreet Rajyoga.

Vipreet Rajyoga indicates gains through risky and adverse looking situations. Hence the overall horoscope should be strong enough to benefit through such adverse and risky circumstances. For example, if a big social and political revolution is taking place in a geographical region, the natives having Vipreet Rajyogas in their horoscopes may benefit through these conditions. Such natives may emerge as leaders and they may lead such revolution. Depending on the types of Vipreet Rajyoga as well as depending on their overall horoscopes; different natives may benefit differently from such revolution. It means a native may become the head of a state through such revolution, another native may become a minister and yet another native may receive benefits which are even less in quantum.

Hence the presence of any type of Vipreet Rajyoga in a horoscope may provide sudden, profitable and at the same time risky opportunities to the native. Though most people may not wish to take chances with such opportunities due to the high risk element involved; such natives may grab these opportunities. Since their overall horoscopes may be capable enough to handle such risks, they may benefit through such risky but rewarding opportunities.

For example, the formation of Harsha Yoga in a horoscope due to the presence of the lord of the sixth house in the eighth house may bless the native with wealth, money, recognition and authority through adverse circumstances. The native may achieve these benefits by virtue of someone’s death, by virtue of someone’s loss and other such phenomena. For instance, if the head of a state is assassinated and chaos rules the country; the native having such Yoga may be chosen as the next candidate for this post. This is not a regular situation and it is an emergency created by sudden and unfortunate events. By virtue of Vipreet Rajyoga, the native may be able to benefit through such opportunity.

Let’s consider an example for Sarala Yoga. Suppose the native under the influence of this yoga is a doctor who also deals in research. When disease is spread all around and panic rules supreme, this native may come up with a medicine or vaccine to cure such disease or to prevent it from happening in the first place. Such native may become an overnight celebrity by virtue of his invention. Though many others may have lost hope to find such vaccine, this native may take it as an opportunity and he may engage in this mission.

Let’s take an example for Vimala Yoga. Suppose the native under the influence of Vimala Yoga is a high rank army officer. During times of distress, he may give his consent to lead an army operation on enemy soil; when many other officers may not be willing to do so. This native may undertake such mission, he may complete it and he may get rewarded.

Through this discussion, it may be seen that the word Vipreet holds good in two senses for this yoga. The first one of them is that this yoga is formed by the opposite type of planets. It means this yoga is formed by the planets which are supposed to be malefic; according to the general rule. However, such malefic planets turn into their exact opposites; which are benefic planets. The second sense is that Vipreet Rajyoga may almost always bless the native with benefits through adverse or opposite looking circumstances. It means when most people may choose to run in a situation; the native with Vipreet Rajyoga may choose to face such situation. Hence he is doing the exact opposite or Vipreet of what most other people are doing.


Himanshu Shangari