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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Kaal Sarp Yog (Revised Edition)’.
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog
If in a horoscope, Rahu is placed in the third house, Ketu is placed in the ninth house and all other planets are placed within the axis of Rahu and Ketu, Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in that horoscope. To simplify, if all other planets are placed from house number three to nine or from house number nine to three in such horoscope, Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in the horoscope. In some cases; when any one among Moon, Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed outside Rahu-Ketu axis; Kaal Sarp Yog may still form in the horoscope.
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with problems related to father, siblings, profession, religious growth, spiritual growth, luck factor, higher education and a number of other things.
Whenever Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in a horoscope, Pitra Dosh is also formed. This is because malefic Ketu afflicts the ninth house and hence it forms Pitra Dosh. Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may adversely affect the luck factor. Since luck factor is important for each and every sphere of life; Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may create problems; almost in every sphere of native’s life, though the spheres represented by the third and the ninth house may be hit on primary basis.
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with problems related to or caused by his father, brothers and sisters. The native may have a sibling or siblings who may be jealous of him and they may try to trouble him in one way or the other, from time to time. Looking at another probability, the native may have to face financial losses and/or bad reputation due to the acts of his siblings. In some cases, the equation may reverse and the natives may bring bad reputation to their fathers and other family members. In such cases, the natives may trouble their siblings and fathers on account of various problems; almost throughout their lives.
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may create a number of problems related to professional sphere. Let’s look at some of them. The native may engage in illegal professions or he may engage in professions which may be considered immoral by society. Moving on, the native may choose life of crime and he may engage in various types of crimes; depending on his overall horoscope. The native may not have very good success rate in his profession and he may get caught by law enforcing agencies, a number of times; unless this factors is corrected by other planets in his horoscope. This is because Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog hits the luck factor; and luck is what one needs the most when engaging in crimes.
Hence the native may often fall short of luck and he may get caught. Such native may go to prison, many times in his life. In an extreme case of this type; the native may serve prison sentences of more than 5 years; more than once in his life or he may serve prison sentence of more than 14 years in one go.
Looking at some other problems, the native may witness delays, losses and setbacks through his profession. The native may suffer because of bad equation with his colleagues or teammates. Some of them may conspire against the native and he may face significant or serious problems because of them; from time to time. The native may have to quit his job or he may be terminated from the job, many times in his life; and the bad equation between him and his colleagues may play important role.
Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may also trouble the native with problems related to his father. The native may lose his father early in life due to various reasons. For example, native’s parents may get divorced during his childhood and native’s mother may get his custody. Considering another probability, native’s father may leave the family without information; in search of spiritual advancement. Looking at one more probability, native’s father may serve prison sentence of more than 10 years during native’s childhood. Hence the native may not have the chance to be with his father. In an extreme case when Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog is supported by other malefic planets; native’s father may die during his childhood.
In cases where this defect is not strong, the intensity of such problems may reduce. Hence the native may not be able to spend much time with his father; as his father may be engaged in a profession which may demand him to stay away from his family; like a defence personnel posted at a distant location.
Once the formation of Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog is confirmed in a horoscope, the next factor to check is the strength of this defect. The strength of Kaal Sarp Yog is calculated through the placements of Rahu and Ketu in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Rahu and Ketu. The overall theme of horoscope and running times (Mahadashas) also affect the strength of Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog.
Let’s start with signs. Suppose malefic Rahu in the third house in Libra and malefic Ketu in the ninth house in Aries form Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Rahu is strong in Libra and Ketu is strong in Aries. Hence such Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may be strong or very strong; depending on placements of Rahu and Ketu in various nakshatras and navamshas, within their respective signs.
Such Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may cause various types of problems related to profession. The native may have to change his job or even his field of profession, a number of times in his life. At times, the native may quit his job as he may have bad equation with his colleagues or seniors whereas at other times, his employers may terminate his job due to various reasons. Such native may often not care for general protocols to be followed in a particular job and this factor may have major contribution in making the native lose jobs. Apart from that; the native may often suffer due to bad luck.
If the native engages in business, he may often make hasty decisions, some of which may result in financial losses, setbacks, failures and loss of reputation. Such Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may provoke the native to engage in professions which may not be suitable for him. The native may get into such professions and he may realize later, that such professions are not suitable for him. Hence he may quit them. Taking an example, the native may invest in a cellphone selling showroom but he may get out of this profession after a year or so; as he may not feel comfortable with it and he may also face losses through it.
Malefic impact of such Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may also render criminal tendencies to the native. Hence he may engage in various types of crimes, depending on his overall horoscope. When supported by overall horoscope, such defect may turn the native into a drug trafficker, member of a mafia organization, woman trafficker or some other type of criminal; depending on his overall horoscope. In an extreme case of this type; the native may get convicted for some crimes committed by him and he may serve prison sentence of more than 10 years.
Moving on, let’s look at the influences of benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of running times and the overall theme of horoscope on such Kaal Sarp Yog. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner.
Suppose malefic Rahu in the third house in Libra and malefic Ketu in the ninth house in Aries form Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose a benefic combination of exalted Sun (in Taurus navamsha of Ashwini) and Mercury (in Virgo navamsha of Bharani) is placed in the ninth house in Aries along with malefic Ketu; and benefic Mars is placed in the third house in Libra, in Capricorn navamsha of Swati nakshatra.
Sun is exalted in Aries and it forms Budhaditya Yoga in combination with Mercury; though Grahan Yoga is also formed due to affliction from Ketu to Sun. However due to combined benefic influence of Sun and Mercury; the strength of Budhaditya Yoga may be much higher than that of Grahan Yoga. Mars does well in Libra and it is strong in Capricorn navamsha. Mars casts direct aspect on Ketu whereas Sun and Mercury cast direct aspect on Rahu. As a result, both Rahu and Ketu may turn partly benefic and partly malefic; and strength of Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may reduce a lot.
Since benefic exalted Sun being the lord of the first house as well as being the general signifier of ancestors is placed in the ninth house and it is supported by benefic Mercury; Pitra Dosh formed by Ketu may lose most of its strength. Benefic Mercury rules the second house which represents family. Hence it may also help a lot in reducing the strength of Pitra Dosh. More details on this concept have been featured in the revised edition of the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling’.
Suppose benefic Venus is placed in the tenth house in Taurus, in Taurus navamsha of Rohini nakshatra; Moon is placed in the eleventh house in Gemini, in Gemini navamsha of Punarvasu nakshatra, Saturn is placed in the second house in Virgo and exalted Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Cancer in Pushya nakshatra.
The overall horoscope becomes stronger and more balanced in this case. As a result, the native may not face serious or very serious problems in any sphere of his life; affected by such Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog. On the contrary, he may witness good results related to most such spheres; and the sphere of profession may benefit the most.
Looking at the running times, Moon is placed in Gemini navamsha of Punarvasu. Hence the native is born under Jupiter Mahadasha with about 5 years left. Jupiter Mahadasha is followed by 19 year Saturn Mahadasha, 17 year Mercury Mahadasha, 7 year Ketu Mahadasha, 20 year Venus Mahadasha and 6 year Sun Mahadasha. Jupiter is partly benefic and partly malefic in the horoscope. Saturn is malefic in the horoscope. Ketu is partly benefic and partly malefic.
Hence the native may not witness good professional results as well as those related to many other spheres; till the end of Saturn Mahadasha which means till the age of 24 years. After that, the Mahadashas may be ruled by Mercury, Ketu, Venus and Sun for 50 years which means till native’s age of 74 years. All these planets are highly benefic in the horoscope, except Ketu which is partly benefic and partly malefic. Hence the native may witness very good results in most spheres of his life during these fifty years; though the 7 year Ketu Mahadasha may create some problems. The sphere of profession may benefit the most and the native may earn billions thorough business.
Let’s look the entire equation from the opposite angle and see what may happen when such Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog is joined by malefic planets. Suppose malefic Rahu in the third house in Libra and malefic Ketu in the ninth house in Aries form Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose malefic Moon and malefic exalted Saturn are placed in the third house along with malefic Rahu; and Jupiter is placed in the ninth house in Aries; along with malefic Ketu. In general, Jupiter is partly benefic and partly malefic for horoscopes with Leo ascendant.
Malefic exalted Saturn and Moon may add a lot more negativity to the third house as well as to Rahu. Saturn and Moon may also transfer significant amount of negativity to Ketu and Jupiter in the ninth house. As a result; Saturn, Moon, Rahu and Ketu may turn highly malefic whereas Jupiter may turn significantly malefic in the horoscope. Hence such malefic combination may trouble the native with a number of problems related to many spheres of his life.
Saturn rules the sixth house which deals with diseases among other things. Moon represents emotional wellbeing and mental health among other things. Rahu is known for causing psychological disorders when it is malefic. As the combined result of these factors; the native may suffer from various types of psychological problems which may be serious or very serious; depending on the rest of his horoscope as well as on the finer factors.
Saturn rules the seventh house in this case and it is seriously afflicted. Hence such malefic combination may trouble the marriage of the native. In case the native is male; the problems may be relatively less in quantum, unless Venus is also damaged in the horoscope.
In case the native is female; she may witness very serious problems related to this sphere. This is because Jupiter is seriously afflicted by Ketu and it is also stuck in a malefic combination of five planets. Hence such female native may either not get married throughout her life or she may witness two, three or more broken marriages; depending on the overall horoscope and running times.
Such Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog supported by Saturn, Moon and Jupiter may also trouble the native with problems related to his father. Such problems may vary in type and quantum; primarily depending on the placements of Sun and Mars (lord of ninth house).
Apart from these, Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog may create a number of other problems for the native; depending on his overall horoscope.
Malefic effects of Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog can be reduced with the help of remedies. The application of gemstones and Poojas in particular may prove useful in reducing the strength and/or malefic effects of Kaal Sarp Yog. Gemstones may be more useful in counteracting the malefic effects produced by Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog, and they may not be able to directly reduce the strength of this defect in many cases. Poojas may directly reduce the strength of this defect in most cases. As that happens; malefic effects produced by Kaal Sarp Yog may also reduce.
Himanshu Shangari