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Tenth House of Horoscope
The tenth house of horoscope is called Karma Bhava or Karmasthana in Vedic astrology. Looking at its characteristics/significances; the tenth house represents profession, reputation, public image, visibility, credibility, fame, recognition, authority and many other things.
Profession is primarily represented by the tenth house though it is also represented by the first, third and eleventh house. The tenth and eleventh house both represent profession but the need to engage in profession or the primary motive is different in case of each one of these houses. The tenth house represents the need to engage in profession, which may rise in order to earn sufficient money and/or gain authority, recognition, status and other likewise things. On the other hand, the eleventh house represents the need to engage in profession; primarily for more and more money and secondarily for expanding professional network. In the process, it may render fame and/or visibility but they are by-products in most cases. Hence the former is focused more on achieving recognition and authority whereas the latter is focused more on money and networking.
For this reason, natives under strong influence of tenth house may engage in professions which may offer high visibility, authority, reputation and status; but which may or may not promise significant/large amounts of money. Such natives may practice as government officers working in various departments, high authority politicians, ministers, chief ministers, prime ministers, presidents, kings, queens and other heads of states.
On the other hand, natives under strong influence of eleventh house may engage in professions which may offer more and more money; but which may or may not promise authority, recognition and status. Such natives may practice as various types of businessmen who may make millions or billions through their respective businesses. However, many of them may not have authority, recognition and visibility. The former type of natives often work in high visibility professions whereas the latter type of natives are happy working in the background.
Drawing a comparison; an actor under strong influence of tenth house may primarily wish to achieve recognition though he may earn significant/large amounts of money in the process. Hence such actor may choose roles which give him scope to exhibit his acting skills, which are meaningful, which may leave impact on the crowds and which may win him awards. Though he may earn a lot of money; it may not be his primary objective. Hence the focus here is on recognition, credibility and authority.
Compared to this, an actor under strong influence of eleventh house may primarily wish to earn more and more money and he may not be focused much on achieving recognition, awards and other likewise things. Hence he’s more likely to focus on typical commercial type of movies which may do well or very well on box-office but which may not give him much scope as an actor. One such actor may earn billions but the number of meaningful/impactful roles played by him may not be high or even significant. The latter one may be happy being a part of movies loaded with film-stars since they may have better chances of doing well.
On the other hand, the former type of actor may be more willing to act in movies where he’s the only hero. Such movies may give him much more scope to prove himself as an actor. He may be held responsible for success as well as failure of such movies, being the lead star. However, he may be happy taking this risk/responsibility due to the influence of the tenth house. Hence tenth house is more likely to produce leaders or authoritative figures in various fields of profession whereas the eleventh house is more likely to produce moneymakers/opportunists in various fields of profession.
The tenth house is a comfortable house and every planet among navagraha may produce benefic results when placed in it; provided such planet itself is benefic. Placements of malefic planets in this house may create problems related to profession, reputation, authority, public image, status and a number of other problems; depending on the overall theme of horoscope under consideration.
Himanshu Shangari