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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Kaal Sarp Yog (Revised Edition)’.
Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog
If in a horoscope, Rahu is placed in the fourth house, Ketu is placed in the tenth house and all other planets are placed within the axis of Rahu and Ketu, Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in that horoscope. To simplify, if all other planets are placed from house number four to ten or from house number ten to four in such horoscope, Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in the horoscope. In some cases; when any one among Moon, Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed outside Rahu-Ketu axis; Kaal Sarp Yog may still form in the horoscope.
Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with problems related to mother, home, family, properties, vehicles, security, mental health, profession, reputation, authority, public image and a number of other problems.
Many natives suffering from Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may perform poorly in the field of formal education and they may not go for higher education. This defect has marked tendency to deviate the natives away from formal education; especially when it is strong. Such natives may simply not be able to focus when they try to study and their minds may wander in hundreds of directions. This defect may create tendencies to pass exams through various types of cheating methods. Some of these natives may even arrange fake certificates and degrees. Some of these natives may also be good at forging signatures of their parents; during their years of education.
Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may also trouble the native with various types of problems related to his mother. Let’s look at some of them. Native’s mother may suffer from various types of health problems and many of them may start after the birth of the native. Looking at another probability; native’s mother may suffer from psychological disorders and they may be passed on to the native.
Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may also cause various types of problems related to profession. The native may not be able to settle in profession till late or very late in his life. In an extreme case when this defect is supported by other malefic planets; the native may not have any profession for most of his life. The native may not receive due credit for his work and he may often receive discredit for the mistakes committed by others. Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog is good at making the native suffer on account of office politics or politics in general. Hence the native may often be the one to blame, whenever something goes wrong.
The native may also face bad reputation due to this defect. In some cases, the native may do nothing to deserve it and it may simply come due to bad luck. In some other cases, the native may commit mistakes or he may issue such statements which may make him a target for criticism and bad reputation.
Looking at some other probabilities, the native may suffer from financial losses, setbacks, failures, court cases, penalties and imprisonment. Looking at another extreme; Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may keep the native jobless throughout his life or the native may literally lead the life of a bagger.
Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may also trouble the native with various types of addictions and vices which may have bad impact on his health; along with causing other problems. This defect may also trouble the native through problems related to properties and vehicles. The native may lose his vehicle through theft or in an accident. The native may lose money and valuables through theft in his residential house. The native may lose a lot of money or an entire property by virtue of legal disputes. In an extreme case of this type; residential house of the native may be completely destroyed due to fire incident, earthquake, flood or some other likewise reason.
Once the formation of Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog is confirmed in a horoscope, the next factor to check is the strength of this defect. The strength of Kaal Sarp Yog is calculated through the placements of Rahu and Ketu in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Rahu and Ketu. The overall theme of horoscope and running times (Mahadashas) also affect the strength of Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog.
Let’s start with signs. Suppose malefic Rahu in the fourth house in Aquarius and malefic Ketu in the tenth house in Leo form Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Rahu is strong in Aquarius and Ketu is strong in Leo. Hence such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may be strong or very strong; depending on placements of Rahu and Ketu in various nakshatras and navamshas within their respective signs.
Such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may create a number of problems related to profession. The native may not earn sufficient amount of money through his profession, for many years or throughout his life. The native may not get due credit for his work and most of the good work done by him may often be claimed by his seniors or colleagues. On the other hand, the native may often receive discredit for failures; for which he may not be responsible alone, or he may not be responsible at all.
Such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may keep the native jobless for significantly long periods of time (2 to 5 years) more than once in life. The native may find it difficult to settle in one job or profession due to various reasons and he may have to change his job or profession; many times in life. Looking at another probability, such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may get the native stuck in jobs or professions which he may not like or which he may dislike; for many years or throughout his life.
Though such native may be qualified for better jobs; he may end up getting the ones which may be below or far below his qualification. In an extreme case when supported by other malefic planets; such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may make the native work in a departmental store or he may have some other likewise profession; though he may be a qualified engineer or some other qualified professional.
Such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with a number of psychological problems. If the overall horoscope of one such native is strong, such problems may be relative low in quantum. Hence the native may suffer from issues like restlessness, anxiety and obsessive compulsive behavior patterns. In cases when such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog is strong and supported by other malefic planets; the native may suffer from serious psychological disorders like depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Moving on, let’s look at the influences of benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of running times and the overall theme of horoscope on such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner.
Suppose malefic Rahu in the fourth house in Aquarius and malefic Ketu in the tenth house in Leo form Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose a benefic combination of Jupiter and Moon is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Leo along with malefic Ketu; and Saturn is placed in the fourth house in Aquarius in Dhanishtha in Libra navamsha. Jupiter and Moon are highly benefic in the horoscope and they are strong in Leo. They form Gaj Kesari Yoga in the tenth house and collectively; they may reduce the negativity of Ketu and Rahu to a significant extent.
Suppose benefic exalted Sun is placed in the sixth house in Aries in Ashwini in Taurus navamsha; along with Mercury. Mars is placed in the fifth house in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada in Leo navamsha and Venus is placed in the seventh house in Taurus in Rohini nakshatra. The overall horoscope gains more strength as well as balance due to these placements. Hence the native may be better equipped to handle such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog.
Looking at Saturn, its functional nature is flexible in horoscopes with Scorpio ascendant. It means that Saturn may be benefic or malefic in such horoscopes; depending on the circumstances. The concept of various planets having tendencies to be benefic or malefic on the basis of the houses they rule in a horoscope has been explained in the chapter ‘Gemstones for House Lords’ of the revised edition of the book ‘Gemstones: Magic or Science?.
In this case, Saturn is comfortable in Aquarius, it is comfortable in Dhanishtha and it is strong as well as comfortable in Libra navamsha of this nakshatra. It receives benefic aspects from Jupiter and Moon. Sun is exalted which adds more confidence to the horoscope. Mars is placed in Uttarabhadrapada which is a wise and balanced nakshatra ruled by Saturn; and Mars is strong as well as comfortable in Leo navamsha of this nakshatra. Mercury may become partly benefic due to strong influence of benefic exalted Sun. Venus is malefic but it is placed in a good sign as well as in good nakshatra; and the seventh house doesn’t directly deal with profession or psychological problems.
Hence the overall horoscope becomes stronger and more balanced. As the combined result of all these factors; Saturn may turn benefic in the horoscope though it may have tendencies to cause some side effects at times. Therefore, the combination of Jupiter, Moon and Saturn supported by Sun and Mars may reduce the strength of such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog a lot. Hence the native may not suffer much because of it. On the contrary, he may witness good or very good results related to many spheres hit by such Kaal Sarp Yog.
The native may witness very good results related to profession, finances, properties and vehicles. He may witness good results related to mother, education and reputation; though these spheres may witness some problems from time to time. The sphere of mental health may still prove somewhat troublesome; despite the collective influence of so many benefic planets. However, such problems may not be very serious or even serious and the native may be able to manage them with some effort; unless the finer factors and especially the running times are troublesome.
Let’s change the entire equation and see what may happen when such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog is joined by malefic planets. Suppose malefic Rahu in the fourth house in Aquarius and malefic Ketu in the tenth house in Leo form Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose Mars is also placed in the fourth house and malefic Venus as well as Mercury is placed in the tenth house. Suppose Mars is placed in Shatabhisha nakshatra.
Rahu is highly malefic. Mars in general is partly benefic and partly malefic in horoscopes with Scorpio ascendant. However in this case, it is placed in an uncomfortable sign as well as in an uncomfortable nakshatra. It receives negativity through Rahu which is much stronger than Mars in Aquarius. The combination of malefic Venus, Mercury and Ketu also transfers negative energy to Mars through direct aspect. As the combined result of all these factors; Mars may turn malefic in the horoscope.
Mars rules the first house which deals with profession and lifespan among other things. It also rules the sixth house which deals with disputes, conflicts and diseases among other things. Mercury represents intellect and mental strength in general and through the eighth house; it represents diseases and psychological problems. Rahu also represents psychological problems and illusions among other things. Venus rules the twelfth house which deals with losses, illusions and confusions among other things. Ketu represents losses, mysteries and diseases among other things.
The planets in this malefic combination may especially have bad impact on the fourth house which deals with emotional wellbeing as well as mental health; and they may also afflict one another. As a result; the native may suffer from serious psychological problems where the type and quantum of such problems depends on the overall horoscope, finer factors and running times. Much may also depend on the health of Saturn (lord of the fourth house) and Moon.
If both these planets are strong and healthy; the native may witness relief. However if these planets are weak or troubled; the problems may aggravate. Hence the native may suffer from serious psychological disorders throughout his life.
Let’s get back to the basic setup of Rahu in the fourth house and Ketu in the tenth house; and let’s consider another variation. Suppose Saturn is placed in the tenth house in Leo along with malefic Ketu; and a malefic combination of Mercury, Venus and Sun is placed in the fourth house in Aquarius along with malefic Rahu.
Saturn is flexible in this horoscope, it is weak in Leo and it is afflicted by strong Ketu through conjunction. Apart from that; it receives a lot of negativity from the malefic combination in the fourth house. Hence it may turn significantly or highly malefic in the horoscope; depending on the finer factors. Sun is weak in Aquarius and it is afflicted by malefic Rahu, Venus and Mercury through conjunction; and all these planets are much stronger than Sun in Aquarius. Apart from that; the malefic combination in the tenth house may also send a lot of negativity to Sun.
In general, Sun is highly benefic for horoscopes with Scorpio ascendant. However, things are different in this case. Sun is weak and it is troubled by a number of malefic planets. Hence it may turn significantly malefic in the horoscope though it may still show some benefic effects. It means that each one of these six planets involved in this highly malefic combination may be significantly or highly malefic.
In general, it means that such horoscope may not be saved, no matter how good the other planets may be in the horoscope. If Mars is also placed in fourth house, the situation may become even worse since Mars may also turn highly malefic due to combined effect of these malefic planets. The same may happen with Moon if it is placed in the fourth or tenth house.
Though the native may suffer almost in every sphere of his life; the spheres of profession, family and mental health may be hit most severely. Such Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog supported by malefic Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Sun may not let the native settle in profession. Hence the native may live without profession for many years or throughout his life; depending on the rest of his horoscope and finer factors.
Suppose debilitated Moon is placed in the first house in Scorpio in Anuradha in Leo navamsha, debilitated Jupiter is placed in the third house in Capricorn and Mars is placed in the twelfth house in Libra.
In the case, the entire horoscope is doomed. The native is born under Saturn Mahadasha with about 16 years left. This Mahadasha is followed by 17 year Mercury Mahadasha, 7 year Ketu Mahadasha, 20 year Venus Mahadasha and 6 years Sun Mahadasha. It means these Mahadashas may rule the timelines from the time of birth of the native till his age of 66 years. Since all these planets are significantly or highly malefic; the native may fail to achieve success, almost in any sphere of his life. Very likely; the native may be born with a serious psychological disorder or with a serious physical illness and he may never recover from it; for as long as he lives.
Serious physical illness means the native may develop some type of cancer or other terminal illness during early childhood and he may not survive it. Even if the finer factors are favourable for the native; he may not survive beyond the age of 30 or 35 years. If the finer factors are also against the native; he may die any time before the age of 15.
Apart from these, Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog may create a number of other problems for the native; depending on his overall horoscope.
Malefic effects of Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog can be reduced with the help of remedies. The application of gemstones and Poojas in particular may prove useful in reducing the strength and/or malefic effects of Kaal Sarp Yog. Gemstones may be more useful in counteracting the malefic effects produced by Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog, and they may not be able to directly reduce the strength of this defect in many cases. Poojas may directly reduce the strength of this defect in most cases. As that happens; malefic effects produced by Kaal Sarp Yog may also reduce.
Himanshu Shangari