Ruchaka Yoga

Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition 2020).

Ruchaka Yoga

Ruchaka Yoga is formed by Mars in a horoscope and it is considered as one of the five most auspicious Yogas in Vedic astrology called Panch MahaPurusha Yogas where the other four Yogas in this class are Hamsa Yoga, Malavya Yoga, Bhadra Yoga and Shasha Yoga. According to the prevalent definition of Ruchaka Yoga, when Mars is present in Kendra or Center from Ascendant in a horoscope, which means when Mars is present in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house from Ascendant in a horoscope in any one of the three signs namely Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn, Ruchaka Yoga is formed in the horoscope.

Ruchaka Yoga can bless the native with many good things depending on the strength of this Yoga in the horoscope as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. Mars is the planet associated with courage, bravery, physical energy, quick actions, youth, immunity, research, reforms and many other good things according to Vedic astrology. Accordingly, the formation of Ruchaka Yoga in a horoscope can bless the native with success through the fields of profession which require the application of these qualities. Hence the natives benefitting from Ruchaka Yoga may achieve good results as athletes, sportsmen, body builders, police officers, army officers, naval officers, air force officers, other officers related to various types of defence services, politicians, ministers and many other types of professionals, depending on the overall theme of their horoscopes.

We know that all these qualities and achievements are found rarely and they are not found in a great number of people. Therefore the formation of Ruchaka Yoga in a horoscope should also be a rare phenomenon and it should not be something that may repeat in a number of horoscopes. This is because horoscopes only reflect our personalities and our destinies based on those personalities. Hence if a person is blessed with certain special attributes, they are shown in the horoscope also. Since the natives with such qualities are rare, it means there should not be many horoscopes featuring strong Ruchaka Yoga.

Analyzing the definition of Ruchaka Yoga, we can find out that according to its prevalent definition, this Yoga is present in every twelfth horoscope on average as there are only 12 houses and 12 signs in a horoscope. Looking at the formation of Ruchaka Yoga, Mars can form Ruchaka Yoga when present in 1st house in one of the three signs namely Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn, and hence the number of occurrences is 3. The same number of occurrences will be found in case of placements of Mars in 4th, 7th and 10th houses which makes a total of 12 occurrences of Ruchaka Yoga out of the total 144 placements of Mars in 12 different houses and in 12 different signs. Hence this Yoga should be present in every 12th horoscope on average and accordingly every 12th person should be blessed with great qualities and blessings rendered by this Yoga. This is obviously not the case in actual practice as such qualities and achievements are found rarely. It means there is more to the formation of Ruchaka Yoga in a horoscope and this Yoga can’t be confirmed merely on the basis of presence of Mars in some particular houses and in some particular signs in a horoscope.

The most important factor for the formation of Ruchaka Yoga in a horoscope is that Mars should be working as a benefic planet in the horoscope, apart from being placed in any one of the already mentioned houses in any one of the already mentioned signs. On the other hand, malefic Mars placed in any of the above mentioned four houses in any of the signs namely Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn may not form Ruchaka Yoga and it may form some defect in the horoscope which may trouble the native with many types of problems. This is because benefic yogas are made by benefic planets only. Malefic planets can’t bless a person with very good results in the long run, though they may sometimes give some temporary gains to some natives, if their overall horoscopes are supportive for such gains.

For example, malefic exalted Mars placed in first house of a horoscope in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn can render enhanced physical energy, penetrating insight, bravery and courage to the native but the native may use them negatively. Though this native may witness short term gains by virtue of these qualities, if the overall horoscope is supportive for such gains; the results in the long run may be very bad. Similarly, malefic Mars present in any of the other three central houses of a horoscope can also cause problems for the native in one sphere of life or the other. Therefore, Mars must be a functional benefic in a horoscope, in order to form Ruchaka Yoga in such horoscope.

Hence the refined definition of Ruchaka Yoga says, if benefic Mars is placed in the any one of the central houses of a horoscope in any one of the signs namely Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn, Ruchaka Yoga is formed in such horoscope. This yoga may bless the native with success, fame, money, authority, recognition, awards, bravery, courage and many other good results; depending on the overall horoscope of the native in question.

Once the formation of Ruchaka Yoga is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. The strength of this Yoga is checked through the placement of Mars in different houses, different signs, different nakshatras and different navamshas, as well as through the influence of other positive or negative planets on Mars in a horoscope. For example, Ruchaka Yoga formed due to the presence of exalted Mars in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn can bless the native with a post of high authority in the government or with top class success through some sport or business, depending on the overall horoscope. Hence the native may become a defence officer, sportsman, athlete, doctor businessman or a minister through politics, depending on the overall horoscope.

Moving on to conjunctions; if benefic exalted Mars forms Ruchaka Yoga in first house in Capricorn and benefic Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Moon, Jupiter or Mercury is placed with it; the results indicated by such Ruchaka Yoga may enhance and the native may benefit even more. The types of good results given by such benefic conjunctions depend on the planet which forms such conjunction as well as all on other important attributes related to such planet; like nakshatra and navamsha of such planet. For example, if benefic Saturn forming Shasha Yoga is placed in first house in Capricorn along with Ruchaka Yoga forming Mars; the native may achieve top class results through business or through politics; though some of these natives may succeed in government services also; especially the ones like administrative services. This placement is better for blessing the native with authority through professions other than defence services; like the native may become an administrative officer, a high ranked doctor with government, minister through politics, a revenue officer and other such posts.  This is because the placement of Saturn with Mars may change this native and instead of engaging in professions which demand more direct physical aggression; he may choose to engage in professions which require patience and planning, along with aggression.

However, if Mars forms Ruchaka Yoga in a horoscope and at the same time, it is present in conjunction with malefic planets; the benefic results of this yoga may be diluted or corrupted. For example, Ruchaka Yoga formed due to the presence of exalted Mars in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn along with malefic Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury; and in some cases Venus; may not be able to produce sufficient results. Though Saturn and Venus generally don’t work as malefic planets for Capricorn ascendant; they can do so under certain special conditions, the discussion of which is beyond the scope of present topic. If Mars is not very strong due to nakshatra or navamsha placement and the afflicting planet is strong due to nakshatra and navamsha placement; such malefic planet may corrupt the results of Ruchaka Yoga. As a result, the native may witness some benefits in the beginning but all such benefits may be lost due to such corruptions where these corruptions may vary depending on which planet is causing them and on the overall horoscope of the native.

For example, if Ruchaka Yoga is formed in first house of a horoscope in Capricorn and malefic Sun is placed with Mars in this house, this combination may become troublesome or very troublesome for the native; unless there are strong grace saving factors in his horoscope. The malefic energy of Sun may make this native prone to accidents, injuries, health problems, impulsive decisions, bad temperament, prejudiced opinions and many other problems due to which the native may suffer a lot throughout his life. For example, if such native is selected for defence services; the malefic influence of Sun can corrupt Ruchaka yoga and as a result; the native may misbehave with other recruits during training, he may engage in fight with some of them and he may even seriously injure one of them. As a result, the native may have to face disciplinary action from authorities and in worst cases where the overall horoscope is also not supportive; the native may be disqualified from such service; which means he may lose his job.

Looking at other possibilities, if the native gets through such problems or he doesn’t face them due to running times or overall horoscope; he is likely to have a troublesome career. Malefic Sun may add corruption to Ruchaka yoga. As a result, the native may have a bad career and most officers or subordinates may not be willing to work with him; though he may still be an officer with authority. Depending on the overall horoscope; this native may also develop personal hatred for criminals which is not a good thing since an officer of law should perform his duty and he should not make things personal. Similarly, the benefic results given by Ruchaka Yoga may be diluted or corrupted by other malefic planets in a horoscope; when such planets are placed in conjunction with exalted Mars in the first house.

The next factor to check is the time of activation of Ruchaka Yoga, like all other yogas. Even when actually formed in a horoscope, any good or bad Yoga may not be activated from the time of birth of the native and this activation may vary from person to person. It means that Ruchaka Yoga present in different horoscopes may have different times of activation and accordingly, different natives may start benefitting from it during different ages. This is why you see some people witnessing such benefits at early ages, some during middle ages and some may witness such benefits late in their lives.

After this, the overall theme of the horoscope having such Ruchaka Yoga should be analyzed carefully as this is what matters the most. The overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and it can change everything. For example, if Ruchaka Yoga is formed due to the presence of exalted Mars in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn and the overall theme of the horoscope is indicating authority in the house of government, this Yoga may bless the native with good results related to some type of authority. Looking deeper, if the horoscope is showing good education, significant amount of aggression, a lot of public dealing and engagement in dispute settlement due to the combination of various planets, the native may become a police officer. This is because the overall theme of his horoscope may push him to engage in a field of profession which requires public dealing and dispute settlement on regular basis. Since both these characteristics want to find outward expression, the native may become a police officer as the job of police officer requires very good amount of public dealing and dispute settlement.

However, if Ruchaka Yoga is present in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn, the overall theme is authoritative and there are strong energies which may push this native towards discipline, aggression and away from public dealing, the native may join the army. This is because the native is brave, authoritative, more disciplined and he wants to stay away from public dealing. Hence this native may not try for a job in police force and he may look for a job in the army.

Looking at one more combination, if Ruchaka Yoga is formed in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn and the overall theme of the horoscope supports income through business, the native may achieve good results through businesses related to the domain of Mars. Hence this native may engage in the field of sports goods, weapon manufacturing or sales, production or sales of supplements for increasing physical strength and stamina; and other such fields. Once again, the type of field chosen by the native and the quantum of success achieved by him depend on the overall theme of his horoscope. Many other such combinations are also possible and that is why the overall theme of a horoscope is what matters the most. There are no doubts that if Ruchaka Yoga of good strength forms in a horoscope, the native must benefit from it and he must achieve good results. However, the type of good results achieved by this native, the timing and the quantum of those good results is indicted by the overall theme of his horoscope.

Generally speaking, you can simply tell that something good is going to happen to the native having Ruchaka Yoga in his horoscope. Specifically speaking, you can’t tell what type of good, how much good and when can such good happen to this native. Therefore, the overall theme of the horoscope becomes very important if you’re interested in the detailed applications of Ruchaka Yoga or any other good or bad Yoga present in a horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari