Pitra Dosh in 5th House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Fifth House

The fifth house of horoscope represents children, love affairs, romance, entertainment, creativity, fame, spiritual growth, politics and many other things. Pitra Dosh formed in the fifth house of a horoscope can create problems related to all these spheres and many other types of problems; depending on the overall horoscope in question.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the fifth house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the fifth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the fifth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s first consider Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the fifth house. Suppose benefic Sun and malefic Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the fifth house of a horoscope in Sagittarius. In this case, Sun becomes the lord of the ascendant. Saturn represents the sixth and seventh house. Sun is stronger than Saturn in Sagittarius.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may cause damage to the general significances of Sun as well as to those of the first and fifth house through the significances of Saturn as mentioned earlier. Accordingly, the native may face various types of problems related to the relevant spheres of his life. The type and quantum of such problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, the overall horoscope and the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh is checked through the placement of Sun and Saturn in various nakshatras as well as navamshas within the sign of Sagittarius. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Sun and Saturn should also be checked.

Let’s consider the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh. If malefic Moon is placed in the fifth house, the quantum of problems may increase. The addition of malefic Rahu to the fifth house may further aggravate the problems. In this case; such Pitra Dosh may prove extremely difficult to handle and it may create serious problems related to all the spheres affected by it.

Looking at the sphere of love life; such Pitra Dosh may altogether deny the possibility of a love affair or it may get the native stuck in a troublesome love affair; depending on the finer factors as well as on the overall horoscope. Such native may engage in a love affair and the relationship may continue for many years with serious problems. If the rest of the horoscope doesn’t feature any relief, the native may get stuck in a relationship which may continue for 10 years or more but it may never convert into marriage. Such relationship may witness serious problems, multiple breakups and reconciliations over a period of years.

Looking at the sphere of health and lifespan, such Pitra Dosh may create serious problems related to these field. The type and quantum of these problems depends on the placements of various planets forming this malefic combination in various nakshatras and navamshas; as well as on the overall horoscope of the native. Let’s consider some other problems which may be created by such Pitra Dosh.

The native suffering from such triple Pitra Dosh may become a criminal. Such native may become a drug trafficker, child trafficker, woman trafficker, land mafia, illegal arms dealer, kidnapper or terrorist; depending on his overall horoscope. Since such Pitra Dosh seriously affects the lifespan of this native; he may get killed in an encounter or he may get murdered by a rival gang; before his age of 40 years. Taking an example, if a malefic combination of debilitated Jupiter, Venus and retrograde Mercury is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in Capricorn and Mars is placed in the tenth house in Taurus with malefic Ketu; the overall horoscope may become extremely malefic.

As a result, the native may engage in crimes like drug trafficking, child trafficking and woman trafficking among other crimes. Such native may face prison sentence of more than 10 years; as the best possible option according to this horoscope. It means if the finer factors and running times are not very bad; the native may serve such prison sentence. When these factors are also against him, the native may get murdered by a rival gang, by the relatives of a sufferer or he may get killed in an encounter with a law enforcing agency; before his age of 40. In the worst possible option; such native may get killed during his twenties.

Such Pitra Dosh may also cause other types of problems related to health and lifespan of the native. For example, the native may suffer from serious health problems which may trouble him a lot and which may ultimately claim his life. This type of Pitra Dosh may get the native killed through heart attack, various types of cancers and liver failure among other health problems.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of such Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle and see what may happen when such Pitra Dosh is accompanied by benefic planets in the fifth house. If benefic Mercury is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope with Sun and Saturn; Budhaditya Yoga is formed in the horoscope. The malefic impact of Pitra Dosh may significantly reduce in this case. As a result, the number and quantum of problems caused by such Pitra Dosh may reduce significantly. At the same time, if benefic Venus is also placed in the fifth house in Sagittarius in Poorvashada nakshatra; the equation may improve further.

Venus rules Poorvashada and it does well in this nakshatra. In this case, the overall combination in the fifth house may turn benefic and the malefic effects of Pitra Dosh may be reduced a lot. As a result, the native may do very well in the sphere of profession as well as health; and he may do well in the field of children and overall lifespan. Such benefic combination may bless the native with good or very good amount of money, success and fame through a creative field; depending on his overall horoscope. The native may also achieve authority as a government officer; if the overall horoscope is favourable. For example, if benefic Mars forms Ruchaka Yoga in the fourth house of this horoscope in Scorpio, benefic Rahu is placed in the first house in Leo and malefic Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Aquarius; the native may become a high authority government officer.

Let’s discuss Pitra Dosh formed in the fifth house due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house by one or more than one malefic planets. Suppose, benefic Moon and malefic Ketu form Pitra Dosh in the fifth house of a horoscope in Pisces. Moon rules the ninth house in this case. Moon is strong in Pisces but Ketu is stronger since it is exalted in Pisces. As a result, such Pitra Dosh may trouble the general significances of Moon as well as the significances of the fifth and ninth house through the aforementioned significances of Ketu.

Hence the native may face problems related to the spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. The type and quantum of such problems depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh as well as on the overall horoscope and running times. The strength of Pitra Dosh is checked through placement of Moon and Ketu in various nakshatras and navamshas within a sign; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Moon and Ketu.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic or malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh and that of the overall horoscope. Suppose malefic exalted Venus is also placed in the fifth house of this horoscope along with Ketu and Moon. The overall negativity may increase significantly in this case since Venus also forms Pitra Dosh by afflicting Moon. As a result, the native may suffer from serious problems related to the spheres affected by such Pitra Dosh. The addition of malefic Mars to the fifth house may further deteriorate the equation. Accordingly, the number as well as the quantum of problems posed by such malefic combination may become even higher.

In this case, three malefic planets afflict Moon thereby forming Pitra Dosh. In addition to this, these malefic planets afflict each other also. As a result, this malefic combination may shift the overall theme of this horoscope towards negativity; and strong benefic influences may be required to shift such theme towards positivity. Since the fifth house is the battleground for these malefic energies; maximum damage may be witnessed related to the significances of this house. Hence the native may face problems related to mother, father, health, lifespan, love life, children, marriage, profession, luck factor, finances, creativity, spiritual growth and a number of other things.

Looking at the sphere of marriage, Venus is the general as well as the specific signifier of marriage in this case since it rules the seventh house. Hence the native may face various types of problems related to his marriage; depending on his overall horoscope. Such native may not get married till late or very late in his life; though this combination on its own may not deny marriage. However, such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native with serious problems in his marriage and it may break one, two, three or more marriages of the native; depending on his overall horoscope as well as on the running times.

Apart from this, such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to the health and lifespan of the native as well as those of his mother and father. Such Pitra Dosh may also create problems related to the profession of this native as well as those related to many other spheres of his life.

Here again, whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

For example, if a malefic combination of Sun and Mercury forms another Pitra Dosh in the fourth house of this horoscope in Aquarius; the native may lose his father. Since such Pitra Dosh is formed in the fourth house and Moon is already troubled; the native may lose his mother also; unless Saturn is strong and well placed in the horoscope.

When it comes to the lifespan of the native; Mars being the lord of the first house is afflicted by malefic Venus and Ketu. This may cause serious problems related to native’s health and lifespan. Hence he may die young; likely due to heart attack or in an accident; unless there are strong grace saving factors in his horoscope.

Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems created by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in such combination may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of such Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

If such Pitra Dosh is formed by Moon and one malefic planet in the fifth house; the planetary period of Moon may significantly reduce the quantum of problems created by such Pitra Dosh. However, if such Pitra Dosh is formed due to affliction to Moon by three or four malefic planets; like in the present case; even the planetary period of Moon may produce malefic results.


Himanshu Shangari