Pitra Dosh in 12th House

Pitra Dosh - Ancestors are Calling Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling (Revised Edition 2020).

Pitra Dosh in Twelfth House

The twelfth house of horoscope represents foreign lands, hospitals, ashrams, refugee camps, prisons, sleep, dreams, imaginations, fantasies, perversions, mediation, spiritual growth, liberation, paranormal, supernatural, the occult, mysteries, illusions, losses, delays, addictions, vices, confusions, secret missions, investigations and many other things.

Let’s consider various formations of Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house and see what may happen. As we know, there are three categories of Pitra Dosh on the basis of formation. The first one is formed due to affliction to Sun, the second one is formed due to affliction to the ninth house and the third one is formed due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Let’s discuss the first and third category of Pitra Dosh formed in the twelfth house. Since Pitra Dosh due to affliction to the ninth house may not form in the twelfth house; this category can’t be discussed here.

Let’s start with Pitra Dosh formed due to affliction to Sun in the twelfth house. Suppose benefic Sun and Malefic Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Cancer. Sun rules the first house whereas Saturn rules the sixth and seventh house. Both these planets are not strong in Cancer.

When Pitra Dosh is formed in the twelfth house, the significances of the malefic planet may also be troubled; not through the benefic planet but through the twelfth house. When it comes to the benefic planet; it deals with problems created by the malefic planet as well as those created by the twelfth house. It means in the present case, significances of Sun may be troubled by Saturn as well as by the twelfth house. When it comes to Saturn, it may trouble the significances of Sun but its own significances may be troubled by the twelfth house. Hence Pitra Dosh formed in the twelfth house may prove more troublesome compared to the ones formed in many other houses of horoscope.

Such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to father, immunity, courage, confidence, health, lifespan, profession, personality, spiritual growth, mysterious events, unfortunate events, accidents, losses, mental health, sleep, dreams, marriage, husband, wife and many other types of problems.

The type and quantum of such problems depends on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placements of Sun and Saturn in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Cancer. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Since twelfth house is a difficult to handle house, the placements of more and more benefic planets in this case may not provide relief to the native. Though such placements may reduce the strength of Pitra Dosh, a number of other problems may be created if they are not able to handle the energy of the twelfth house; which may happen in majority of such cases.

When Sun and Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Cancer, there may be no benefic planet which may reduce the strength of such Pitra Dosh by virtue of its placement in the twelfth house; without creating problems. Hence the only way for benefic planets to reduce malefic effects of such Pitra Dosh may be through the overall theme of the horoscope.

Let’s see how relief may come through the rest of the horoscope. Sun represents the first house and Saturn represents the sixth and the seventh house. It means such Pitra Dosh may create major problems related to health, lifespan, personality, profession, marriage and father of the native though it may create a number of other problems also. In this case, each house which also reflects the same significances must be empowered by benefic planets. Among these houses, the first house becomes the most important. Hence it must be empowered by benefic planet or planets so that majority of the problems may be contained.

Taking an example, suppose a benefic combination of Mars, Mercury and Venus is placed in the first house of this horoscope in Leo. The first house is highly empowered in this case. Hence the problems related to health, lifespan, personality and profession may reduce a lot. Mars represents the ninth house in this case, it is strong in Leo and is supported by two other benefic planets. Hence native’s father may also not witness serious problems; though he may still face problems.

Venus is the general signifier for marriage and wife in case of male natives. Since Venus is supported by two benefic planets; the problems related to marriage may also reduce significantly; in case of a male native. If Jupiter is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope in Sagittarius; the problems related to the marriage of the female native may also reduce a lot.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Sun and Saturn form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Cancer and malefic Rahu is also placed in the same house. Rahu forms another Pitra Dosh by afflicting Sun. Hence the strength of Pitra Dosh as well as the overall negativity in the twelfth house may increase significantly. If malefic Moon is also placed in the twelfth house along with Sun, Saturn and Rahu; the problems may aggravate. Malefic Moon forms yet another Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house.

The overall combination in this case becomes highly malefic and even Sun may turn significantly malefic in this case. In general, Sun is highly benefic for Leo ascendant. However, things may change in this case. Sun is not strong in Cancer and it is being afflicted by three malefic planets. In addition to that, the twelfth house is a difficult to handle house and it may also trouble Sun. Hence Sun may not be able to protect its significances and such malefic combination may corrupt Sun. As a result; Sun may turn 50 to 70% malefic in this case; depending on the nakshatra and navamsha placements of these four planets; within the sign of Cancer.

Since the lord of ascendant is seriously afflicted by three malefic planets; the scope of damage caused by such triple Pitra Dosh is beyond description. The native may face problems related to each and every house of his horoscope. The overall health, mental health and lifespan of the native may be hit most severely.

Let’s look into the sphere of mental health. Since Moon is also afflicted by Saturn and Rahu; the native may face serious or very serious types of psychological problems. Such native may suffer from severe depression, madness, insanity, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder among other problems. If there are no grace saving factors in the horoscope, the native may suffer from such problems throughout his life and he may never get out of them. The native may also kill himself under the influence of such serious medical conditions.

The type and quantum of the problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.

Let’s now consider Pitra Dosh formed in the twelfth house, due to affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Suppose benefic Venus and malefic Sun form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Leo. Virgo rises in the ascendant in this case. Venus represents the second and ninth house whereas Sun represents the twelfth house. Sun is much stronger than Venus in Leo.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may create problems related to marriage, wife, father, finances, wealth, spiritual growth, health issues, disease, addictions and a number of other problems. The type and quantum of problems caused by such Pitra Dosh depend on the strength of such Pitra Dosh, on the overall horoscope as well as on the running times. The strength of such Pitra Dosh depends on the placements of Venus and Sun in various nakshatras and navamshas within the sign of Leo. Apart from this, influences of other benefic and malefic planets and the running times also affect the strength of this defect.

Though such Pitra Dosh may create serious or very serious problems related to various spheres; much depends on the overall horoscope. Whichever of these spheres are protected by benefic planets; they may suffer less. Whichever spheres are neither protected nor troubled; they may suffer significantly. The spheres which are troubled by other malefic planets also, may suffer the most.

Let’s look at the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on such Pitra Dosh as well as the impact of the overall theme of one such horoscope on such Pitra Dosh. Though the previous case of Sun and Saturn in the twelfth house didn’t offer opportunities for benefic planets to reduce the strength of Pitra Dosh by virtue of their placements in the twelfth house; the present case offers such opportunities. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Leo in Cancer navamsha.

The addition of benefic Jupiter may reduce the negativity of such Pitra Dosh, without causing side effects. Hence the native may witness relief related to many spheres of his life, affected by such Pitra Dosh. Suppose benefic Mercury is also placed in the twelfth house in Leo in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo navamsha. In this case, the strength of such Pitra Dosh may reduce a lot and the overall combination in the twelfth house may become benefic. Due to strong influence of three benefic planets, even Sun may become partly benefic in this case.

As a result, the native may witness good or very good results related to many spheres of his life; including the ones affected by such Pitra Dosh; provided the rest of his horoscope is strong. The twelfth house must be supported by the overall horoscope; even for the benefic planets to produce their optimum results. Suppose benefic exalted Moon is placed in the ninth house in Taurus, benefic exalted Rahu is placed in the first house in Virgo, Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Pisces, Saturn is placed in the tenth house in Gemini and Mars is placed in the fourth house in Sagittarius.

In this case, the native may become a high authority government officer in his own country or he may achieve such authority in a foreign country. Depending on the finer factors as well as on the running times; the native may settle in a foreign country; but he may not work for government. Instead he may engage in a practice or business of his own and he may witness good or very good results; depending on his overall horoscope. Such benefic combination may also get the native married to a woman who may belong to foreign origin.

Let’s look this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Venus and Sun form Pitra Dosh in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Leo and malefic Mars is also placed in the same house. Mars is strong in Leo. Hence it may cause serious affliction to Venus though it may not do the same to Sun; since Sun is stronger than Mars in Leo. However, Sun may cause serious affliction to Mars. As a result; such Pitra Dosh may gain additional strength and the overall combination may become more negative. Mars forms Pitra Dosh by afflicting Venus as well as Sun.

Suppose malefic Rahu is also placed in the twelfth house of this horoscope. Rahu may form Pitra Dosh by afflicting Venus and Sun; thereby aggravating the situation. The overall combination in the twelfth house may become highly malefic and even Venus may turn partly malefic in this case.

Hence such Pitra Dosh may trouble the native with problems related to family, wealth, money, speech, profession, siblings, lifespan, accidents, losses, destruction, diseases, surgeries, crime, calamities, murders, the occult, paranormal, supernatural, father, religion, higher education, spiritual growth, luck factor, mysteries, illusions, perversions, delays, addictions, vices and confusions; among other things.

Such malefic combination may trouble the native with various types of addictions and health problems caused because of such addictions. Hence the native may get addicted to various types of drugs, he may consume alcohol in heavy quantities, he may smoke a lot and/or he may engage in other likewise practices. Apart from causing health problems; such addictions and vices may trouble the native with loss of money and wealth as well as loss of reputation and respect. Since the second as well as the ninth house is involved in this combination; the native may waste significant part of money and wealth earned by his family; through such addictions.

The native may also bring disgrace to his family and especially to his father. Such native may also engage in various types of criminal activities and he may serve prison sentence; more than once in his life. Both Sun and the lord of the ninth house are seriously afflicted. Hence this troublesome combination may also make the native lose his father at a young age; unless there are grace saving planets in his horoscope. Taking an example, if benefic exalted Moon is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in Taurus; native’s father may not die. However, the native may trouble his father a lot; through his addictions, criminal activities, financial losses, professional failures and a number of other problems.

Looking at profession, the native may engage in profession if Mercury is strong in the horoscope. However, the success may not sustain and the native may end up in losses; a number of times. It means the native may lose his job many times in his life or he may face serious losses through business and he may go out of business; more than once in his life.

Though such malefic combination may trouble this native with a number of other problems; the horoscope may still be saved if strong benefic planets are placed appropriately. Taking an example, suppose benefic exalted Mercury forms Bhadra Yoga in the first house of this horoscope in Virgo and Saturn is placed in the fifth house in Capricorn. Benefic exalted Moon is placed in the ninth house in Taurus, benefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the eleventh house in Cancer and Mars is placed in the seventh house in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra. In this case, the native may do well related to profession, father, health, lifespan, reputation, marriage and a number of other spheres; though all these spheres may face ups and downs due to strong malefic combination in the twelfth house.

Similarly; the type and quantum of problems related to the other spheres may also be assessed by looking into the factors relevant to those spheres as well as by looking into the overall theme of the horoscope. Looking at the running times, when the planetary periods of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Pitra Dosh may reduce. On the other hand, the planetary periods of malefic planets other than the ones involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh may increase the quantum of such problems. When the planetary periods of malefic planets involved in the formation of Pitra Dosh are in effect, this defect may cause maximum possible damage.


Himanshu Shangari