Angarak Yoga

Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology Revised Edition 2020
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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology (Revised Edition 2020).

Angarak Yoga

According to its definition prevalent in Vedic astrology, if Mars is placed with Rahu, or Mars receives an aspect from Rahu in a horoscope, Angarak Yoga is formed in such horoscope. Through Angarak Yoga, Rahu may cause damage to the general as well as specific significances of Mars in a horoscope.

Damage to the general significance of Mars may cause issues related to courage, energy, aggression, immunity, initiative, bravery, physical health, and other problems. Hence the native may face a number of problems in various spheres of his life due to issues related to these spheres. Apart from this, Angarak Yoga may cause problems related to specific significances of Mars in a horoscope. For example, if Mars rules the fourth and ninth house in a horoscope, the native suffering from his Yoga may face problems related to his profession, siblings, spiritual growth and father among other problems.

There are twelve houses in a horoscope. It means that the probability of Mars being placed with Rahu in a particular house is 1 in 12. For example, if Mars is placed in the first house of a horoscope, the probability of Rahu being placed in the first house is 1 in 12. It means every twelfth native is suffering from Angarak Yoga, merely on the basis of placement of Rahu with Mars. Taking other variations into consideration, the placement of Rahu in the fifth and ninth house of this horoscope will also form Angarak Yoga in the horoscope, according to the prevalent definition. It means the placement of Rahu in 3 out of 12 houses forms Angarak Yoga. As a result, every fourth native should suffer from malefic effects of this Yoga.

This fact doesn’t seem to hold ground in reality.  Hence the prevalent definition of Angarak Yoga is not complete and it lacks something. Let’s see which other conditions should be met in a horoscope for the formation of Angarak Yoga. Starting with the basic rule; benefic planets form good yogas and malefic planets form bad yogas. Hence Rahu must be a functional malefic in a horoscope, in order to afflict Mars and form Angarak Yoga.

Looking at the probable combinations of Rahu and Mars in the same house of a horoscope; there are four such combinations. These are; a combination of benefic Mars with benefic Rahu, benefic Mars with malefic Rahu, malefic Mars with benefic Rahu and malefic Mars with malefic Rahu. Looking at these combinations; only two out of these four combinations may form Angarak Yoga. These two combinations are benefic Mars with malefic Rahu; and malefic Mars with malefic Rahu. The remaining two combinations may not result in the formation of Angarak Yoga in the horoscope. This is because Rahu is benefic in both these cases and benefic Rahu may not form Angarak Yoga.

These calculations eliminate half the probabilities for the formation of Angarak Yoga in a horoscope. Looking at the next factor, when it comes to the aspect of malefic Rahu on Mars; such aspect may not form Angarak Yoga. An aspect from malefic Rahu may certainly cause damage to the significances of Mars. However, such damage may not be potent enough to cause effects like those created by a conjunction of malefic Rahu with Mars. Hence the aspect relationship of malefic Rahu with Mars may also be eliminated from this equation.

Looking at the resultant equation; only the conjunction of malefic Rahu with Mars may be able to form Angarak Yoga in a horoscope. This gives us a more relevant definition of Angarak Yoga. If malefic Rahu is placed in conjunction with Mars in a horoscope; Angarak Yoga is formed in the horoscope. Now that we have reached a relevant definition for Angarak Yoga, let’s look at other important facts associated with this yoga.

Mars is fiery planet and it is fully of energy. Rahu is known for adding corruption and deformities to other planets and houses. Hence it is believed that if Mars and Rahu form conjunction in a horoscope; the native may have too much corrupted energy to handle. Such native may use this excessive energy in the pursuit of selfish motives and he may often end up engaging in immoral and criminal activities. Such native may become a criminal, a murderer or a terrorist and he may create serious problems for himself as well as for the others. However, this belief may not hold solid ground in reality.

In cases where Rahu is benefic; such results may not be seen as benefic Rahu may not add such negative traits to Mars. On the contrary, it may provide more vision and imagination, so that the energy of Mars may be channelized in the best possible ways. As a result, the native may achieve success as a sportsman, defence professional, fitness trainer, fighter, dancer, actor or some other likewise professional. Even when malefic Rahu actually forms Angarak Yoga in a horoscope by afflicting Mars, the results may not always be like the ones; believed by a group of people. As we move ahead, we’ll discuss more about this aspect.

Once the formation of this yoga is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. The strength of Angarak Yoga is checked through the placement of Rahu and Mars in different houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Rahu and Mars in a horoscope.

Looking at the signs, malefic effects of Angarak Yoga formed by Mars and malefic Rahu may decrease if this Yoga is formed in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces. This is because Mars is stronger than Rahu in these signs. Hence such malefic Rahu may not cause much damage to the significances of Mars. On the other hand, the formation of Angarak Yoga in Taurus, Cancer, Libra or Aquarius may prove troublesome for the native. Rahu may do more damage to the significances of Mars in these signs.

Moving on to the next factor, the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Mars and Rahu in a horoscope should also be checked properly, before predicting the results of Angarak Yoga. This is a major factor and it can change the results; significantly or completely. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner. Suppose a combination of benefic Mars and malefic Rahu forms Angarak Yoga in the tenth house of a horoscope in Aries. Suppose benefic Moon is also placed in the tenth house of this horoscope along with Mars and Rahu. In this case, the horoscope may feature Ruchaka Yoga and Chandra Mangal Yoga in the tenth house.

The benefic impact of these two yogas may reduce the quantum of problems created by Angarak Yoga to a significant extent. Suppose benefic Jupiter is also placed in the tenth house in Aries and benefic Venus placed in the fourth house in Libra casts direct aspect to the planets in the tenth house. When it happens; the malefic effects of Angarak Yoga may reduce a lot and the overall combination in the tenth house may become benefic. As a result, the native under the combined influence of these benefic planets and Yogas may become a high authority government officer, politician, sportsman, actor or other likewise professional; depending on the rest of his horoscope.

The next factor to check is the field of impact of Angarak Yoga. To calculate the field of impact, the house of placement of this yoga as well as the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on this yoga should be checked. The formation of Angarak Yoga in various houses of a horoscope may trouble the native with different types of malefic results. For example, the formation of Angarak Yoga in the first house of a horoscope may cause problems related to health, lifespan, personality and profession of the native. On the other hand, the formation of Angarak Yoga in the seventh house of a horoscope may primarily cause problems related to the marriage of the native. If this Yoga is formed in the fifth house of a horoscope, the native may face problems related to love affairs, children, spiritual growth and some specific types of health issues.

The formation of Angarak Yoga in the eighth house may create problems related to the lifespan of the native. Such Yoga may also make the native suffer from various types of psychological problems, drug addiction and other likewise problems. Angarak Yoga in the eighth house may also make the native engage in crimes. In extreme cases when the overall horoscope is also supportive in a specific manner, such Angarak Yoga may produce a dangerous criminal. Such native may become a contract killer, an assassin, a hitman or he may become a terrorist. This native may kill many people during his lifetime. He may also end up killing himself in a suicidal attack; claiming many lives along with his own life; if the overall horoscope is supportive for this result. Likewise, the formation of Angarak Yoga in other houses of horoscope may cause different types of problems.

The next factor to check is the time of activation of Angarak Yoga. Even when actually formed in a horoscope, any good or bad Yoga may not be activated from the time of birth of the native and the activation may vary from person to person. It means that Angarak Yoga present in different horoscopes may have different times of activation. Accordingly, different natives may start facing problems due to it during different ages.

Above all, the overall theme of the horoscope having Angarak yoga should be analyzed carefully as this is what matters the most. The overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and it can change everything. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better way. Suppose a malefic combination of Mars and Rahu forms Angarak Yoga in the first house of a horoscope in Aquarius. If such Angarak Yoga is placed in Dhanishtha nakshatra or Shatabhisha nakshatra; it may trouble the native with a number of problems; depending on his overall horoscope. However, such Angarak Yoga on its own may not turn the native into a criminal. Though the native may become a criminal with such Angarak Yoga, but his engagement in crimes may initiate from other parts of his horoscope. It means such Angarak Yoga may help the native engage in crimes; only if the rest of his horoscope pushes him to engage in crimes. However, if a malefic combination of Mars and Rahu forms Angarak Yoga in the first house of a horoscope in Aquarius in Poorvabhadrapada nakshatra; the equation may change. Such Angarak Yoga alone holds the potential to turn this native into a criminal.

After this, the impact of running times should also be checked. The term ‘running times’ in this context means planetary periods, commonly known as Mahadashas. Running times are most important when it comes to check; when may the native suffer the most due to Angarak Yoga. Any type of good or bad yoga becomes duly effective, if one of the planets ‘actively involved’ in its formation rules the running time. Therefore, the native may witness the strongest malefic results of Angarak Yoga when he is hit by the planetary period of Rahu. This simple looking fact may significantly change the quantum of troubles faced by a native under strong influence of Angarak Yoga.

The term ‘actively involved’ in this context means the planet which actually contributes towards the formation of a yoga. In case of Angarak Yoga; Mars is passive as long as it is benefic. This is because benefic Mars may not cause problems but it may try to reduce them. Since Angarak yoga is supposed to be malefic; such benefic Mars should not be considered as an active planet for its formation. Hence the planetary period of Rahu only may intensify Angarak Yoga. However, if Mars is also malefic in a horoscope featuring Angarak Yoga; it should also be considered as an active planet. This is because Mars may also try to intensify the problems by afflicting Rahu. Hence the planetary period of Mars may also prove troublesome in this case.

In cases where Mars is benefic and Rahu is malefic; Angarak Yoga may be relatively less troublesome. When both Mars and Rahu are malefic in a horoscope; Angarak Yoga may cause problems of higher quantum. Taking an example, suppose malefic Mars and malefic Rahu form Angarak Yoga in the seventh house of a horoscope in Sagittarius. Such Angarak Yoga may cause even more intense problems related to the marriage of this native; than those caused by Angarak Yoga in the seventh house in Capricorn. The 7 year planetary period of Mars is followed by the 18 year planetary period of Rahu. Since both Mars and Rahu are malefic; the native may suffer from serious problems during these 25 years. It should be noted that malefic Mars also forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of this horoscope, in this case.

You see, the definition of Angarak Yoga looks very simple. However, the actual process of calculating the malefic results indicated by Angarak Yoga in a horoscope is complex. Therefore, each and every aspect in a horoscope should be checked properly; before concluding the formation of Angarak Yoga in a horoscope or before predicting the type and quantum of malefic results indicated by it.

Billions of combinations are possible in a horoscope. That is why the overall theme of a horoscope is what matters the most. There are no doubts that if Angarak yoga of good strength is formed in a horoscope, the native may suffer from a number of problems. However, the types of problems faced by the native, the timing and the quantum of such problems are indicted by the overall theme of his horoscope.

Himanshu Shangari