Number 9 in Numerology

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Number 9 is the final number in the series of nine master numbers which consist of single digit and accordingly this number carries its own specialty among all the numbers. Vedic Jyotish associates number 9 with Mars and accordingly many characteristics of Mars are passed on to number 9 which makes this number a special number of its own kind in numerology. Mars is known as the planet of energy and enthusiasm in Vedic Jyotish and these characteristics of Mars are passed on to number 9 in numerology due to which the natives coming under the strong influence of number 9 exhibit great amount of physical energy, mental energy and enthusiasm and many of these natives become successful in various spheres of their life by virtue of this energy and enthusiasm. Number 9 natives generally tend to have healthy and strong bodies and these natives are somewhat stronger than most of the other number type natives in numerology. These natives exhibit great deal of enthusiasm and initiative towards the jobs and targets which they want to do or they want to achieve and accordingly number 9 natives are considered as one of the most passionate types of workers and persons. Number 9 natives are generally very quick at taking the initiative and they do not like to wait at all once they have made a decision to engage in some kind of job because of the reason that these natives are good and quick at executing their decisions at the earliest after they have been taken. This characteristic of number 9 natives can make them get ahead of many of their colleagues and competitors as these natives are the ones who start the job first and also who finish the job first most of the times which is again due to abundant amount of energy and enthusiasm shown by these natives.

                    Vedic Jyotish associate qualities like bravery, courage and aggression with Mars and these characteristics of Mars are also displayed through number 9 in numerology due to which the native under the strong influence of number 9 in numerology are able to perform better and succeed in professional spheres which require bravery, courage and aggressive effort in order to succeed. For this reason, number 9 natives can become successful as sports persons, people dealing in various kinds of defense services and people dealing in other kinds of professions which require intense physical energy, aggression and other such qualities. Many number 9 natives are fond of keeping themselves fit and some of these natives may be seen engaging in practices like going to gym and doing other such exercises which can help them keep fit and grow stronger. Strength is the aspect which is liked most by these natives and accordingly most of number 9 natives tend to possess and exhibit strength on one level or the other whether that is physical strength, mental strength or courage or they have some other kind of strength or power to possess and exhibit. Number 9 natives are generally good at making friends and some of these natives can develop a big network of friends as these natives believe in increasing their strength by making more and more friends. The natives under the strong influence of this number can put themselves in risk or danger in order to help their friends and they expect the same from their friends and this is the quality of number 9 natives which makes them desirable and respectable as friends as these natives generally do not back out when one of their friends needs them in time of trouble. Hence number 9 natives can prove very good friends and the natives under very strong influence of this number can prove best type of friends among all number types.

                       Number 9 natives are generally romantic in nature and accordingly these natives tend to engage in romantic liaisons and love affairs which is again due to the influence of Mars on this number as Vedic Jyotish relates Mars to romance and passion and these characteristics of number Mars are passed on to number 9 in numerology. Number 9 natives are generally very passionate type of lovers and they are not the silent type lovers which means that if a number 9 native loves someone, he is very likely to go to them and express his love instead of just keeping quiet for a very long time and waiting for a better time to express their love or feelings. Number 9 natives simply do not like the idea of waiting whether it is their profession or it is their love life, and these natives are quick at taking decisions and executing them. Number 9 natives are generally very attentive and concerned about their lovers and they can sometimes do seemingly very difficult or risky things in order to impress their lovers, which is again due to the influence of Mars on this number. Male number 9 natives are generally very caring and protective towards their lovers and they can go to any limits in order to protect and save their lovers from any type of problem or trouble which makes the females in company of these natives, feel very safe and protected. Number 9 natives can become aggressive and violent if someone tries to mess with their lovers or if someone tries to take liberties with their lovers which can offend these natives and they can initiate aggressive actions which can result in troubles and problems for the other person.

                      Looking at some negative aspects of number 9 natives, these natives tend to be overaggressive at times which can land them in trouble every now and then which is again due to the fact that this number comes under the influence of Mars, which is considered as the planet ruling aggression, violence and other such characteristics, according to Vedic Jyotish. Natives under the strong influence of number 9 are the quickest type of natives when it comes to start an argument or engage in a fight, and these natives can become physical at an early stage of an argument as these natives generally do not believe in settling an argument with the help of talks and facts but instead they like to decide and argument with the help of muscle power or by using some other kind of authority. Apart from being very good friends, number 9 natives can also prove very difficult and long lasting enemies as these natives generally do not believe in forgiving anyone who has offended them in any possible way and they keep on trying to hurt the person who has offended them. Number 9 natives can prove very possessive in nature and due to this reason, they can turn enemies even towards their friends when their expectations are not met. It should be noted here that number 9 natives tend to take any type of risk in order to help their friends and they expect the same from their friends and when such expectations are not met, these natives can quit friendship and they can become enemy with the same friend. Their expectations are very high from their friends as well as lovers and relatives and anything less than their expectations can easily offend these natives which can make them engage in aggressive actions.

                          Some number 9 natives can prove to be very possessive lovers when it comes to love relations and these natives can easily become violent and aggressive towards the people who are simply trying to make friends with their lovers as these natives do not like to idea of their lover making friends with the people of opposite sex and in their rage of fury they can often hurt the other person and they can sometimes hurt their lover also by engaging in physical violence against their lover. For this reason, some number 9 natives can prove very tough to handle type of lovers and they may have to suffer from many breakups in their love life as these natives have a strong tendency to block the breathing space of their lover which makes them uncomfortable and they may decide to leave these natives. Hence number 9 natives need to cool themselves down and they should also learn to lower their expectations by understanding the fact that all natives are not same and accordingly the best cannot be expected from every native. Number 9 natives can become much happier in many spheres of their lives if they can learn to control their anger and aggression and they can manage to give space to other people and especially to the people whom they love.

Himanshu Shangari