Number 8 in Numerology

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Number 8 has its own special significance in numerology and it can sometimes prove a very difficult number to handle and some natives under the influence of this number may not be able to channelize the energy of this number in a right and proper way. All of these as well as many other characteristics associated with number 8 in numerology, start making sense when we look at the relation of this number with astrology. Vedic Jyotish associates number 8 with Saturn which is one of the most difficult planets among navagraha and not every native can make proper and positive use of energy of Saturn as the energy of this planet is very difficult to handle and it brings some negativity in most of the cases which makes it difficult for the natives under the strong influence of this energy to use it in entirely positive sense. On a positive note, Vedic Jyotish relates Saturn with the ability to do hard work and the ability to show good perseverance while trying to achieve a target or goal and these qualities of Saturn are displayed through number 8 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong influence of number 8 are generally very hard working and they are also blessed with good amount of patience and these two qualities combined together result in the quality of perseverance which means that the natives under the strong influence of number 8 can put in hard work in order to achieve a goal and they can also wait for a long time in order to see the results. Number 8 natives can try again and again in order to achieve success or a goal and they are not the ones who will try once and then quit the job if they fail once.

                      Number 8 natives are die hard type of natives and they generally do not give up to failures and setbacks and they keep on trying their best with the same enthusiasm until they achieve their goals and for this reason, number 8 natives can be called true fighters. It should be noted here that number 8 natives generally have a good sense of judgment and they will continue trying to achieve a target only as long as they think that trying for that target is practical, relevant and worth the efforts. Vedic Jyotish associates Saturn with the characteristics like good judgment, analytical ability and good decision making ability and these characteristics of Saturn are also relayed through number 8 in numerology due to which the natives under the influence of this number are generally good at deciding as to whether they should keep on trying to achieve a particular goal or they should quit trying. Number 8 natives are good at sensing their profit and loss in most of the affairs that they come across in their lives and accordingly they can make good profits in many spheres of their lives. Vedic Jyotish relates the ability of management and diplomacy with Saturn and these qualities of Saturn are also expressed through number 8 in numerology due to which the natives under the strong influence of number 8 possess good management skills and they are also diplomatic and manipulative due to which these natives can achieve success in various kinds of professional spheres and they can be seen particularly successful in the professional spheres which require management skills, diplomacy or manipulation in order to succeed. Some number 8 natives can also gain a position of power and authority in government by virtue of their manipulative and diplomatic nature as these natives can become successful political leaders by virtue of these characteristics.

                            Saturn is also considered as a planet related to spiritualism and meditation in Vedic Jyotish and these characteristics of Saturn are also passed on to number 8 in numerology due to which some natives under the specific influence of this number can develop good interest in spiritual and paranormal spheres and some of these natives can witness good advancement in one of these spheres. Saturn is considered as a planet of Maya in Vedic Jyotish and accordingly number 8 also has an element of Maya or illusion in it due to which number 8 natives have a tendency to look into the secrets of Maya and some of these natives have strong urges to understand the inner working of hidden aspects of nature as well as many other things which makes them inclined towards spiritual and paranormal spheres. Some number 8 natives can dedicate many years of their lives to spiritual and paranormal spheres and some of these natives may choose one of such spheres as their field of profession due to which some number 8 natives may be seen practicing as astrologers, numerologists, psychics, magicians, black magicians, palmists, tantrics, spiritual mediums and other professionals of similar kinds and some of these natives can achieve name and fame by virtue of their engagement and achievements in one of the above mentioned professional spheres. Number 8 natives are generally well disciplined and dedicated to their cause due the influence of Saturn on this number which is considered as one of the most disciplined planets among navagraha, according to Vedic Jyotish and for this reason, many number 8 natives can achieve very good results in many spheres of their lives as these natives have a strong tendency to keep on working towards their goals in a disciplined way.

                       Looking at the negative side of number 8 in numerology, Saturn is considered as a cold and emotionless planet in Vedic Jyotish and these characteristics of Saturn can also be passed on to number 8 in some cases due to which some number 8 natives possess a strong tendency to bypass emotions and sentiments as these natives have cold and calculating nature. This characteristic of number 8 natives can make them perform poorly at the front of relations as many of these natives do not give much value to their relationships on emotional level and these natives keep themselves absorbed in their profession due to which the people in the company of these natives may feel ignored at times. Some number 8 natives can be very materialistic or extremely materialistic in nature due to which they may not care for love, feelings, relations and other such things and all they find important are materialistic objects and in order to achieve their materialistic targets, they can use, exploit or misuse their friends, relatives and even the closest of their relations which can again make them fail in the sphere of relations as most of their relatives and friends are always afraid that these natives may exploit them for their benefit and accordingly most of their relations become distant from them due to which number 8 natives may sometimes become almost alone in their lives. Number 8 natives can become ruthless, cold and merciless at times and they can go to extreme limits in order to punish the ones who do not follow the norms and discipline set by these natives due to which these natives can sometimes be tagged as dictators or very hard to deal with which again makes them suffer on the front of relations and their trust with people as most of the other people do not want to deal with these natives.

                   Hence number 8 natives need to cool down a bit and they also need to learn the value of emotions and relations in order to make stronger and lasting bonds with people in general and with their friends and relatives. Number 8 natives who learn to be attentive and caring towards the needs of the others, can prove very successful in many spheres of their lives.

Himanshu Shangari