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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Kaal Sarp Yog (Revised Edition)’.
Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog
If in a horoscope, Rahu is placed in the eighth house, Ketu is placed in the second house and all other planets are placed within the axis of Rahu and Ketu, Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in that horoscope. To simplify, if all other planets are placed from house number two to eight or from house number eight to two in such horoscope, Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in the horoscope. In some cases; when any one among Moon, Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed outside Rahu-Ketu axis; Kaal Sarp Yog may still form in the horoscope.
Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with problems related to family, speech, communication, wealth, money, health, addictions, marriage, in-laws, psychological problems, lifespan, diseases, surgeries, investigations, spiritual growth, black magic and a number of other problems.
Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may create health problems, financial problems and other types of problems for the family of the native; soon after his birth. Hence the native may bring difficulties for himself as well as for his family members and this state of affairs may last till the native turns 12 or 15. Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may also create problems between native’s parents; soon after his birth and such problems may aggravate with time. As a result, the atmosphere of the house may get disturbed and the native may not get due care and attention. In case such Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is strong and supported by other malefic planets; the native may lose one or both parents; before 15 years of age.
In some cases; natives affected by Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may not get love and attention from their parents; due to various reasons. For example, one such native may have a sibling who may be favourite to the parents and the native may not get much of their attention. Looking at another probability, both the parents may be so busy in their professional spheres that they may not spare sufficient time for the native. Considering another probability; one of the parents may suffer from serious health issues. Hence the native may not get his due share of love and attention since the other parent may spend most of his/her time in taking care of the troubled parent and other affairs.
Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may have bad impact on the sphere of marriage. This defect takes as much pleasure in delaying the marriages of natives under its influence; as in disturbing or breaking their marriages. Many natives suffering from Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may witness delay in their marriages. If this defect is not strong, one such native may get married after the age of 30. If this defect is strong; the native may get married after the age of 35. If this defect is strong and supported by other malefic planets; the native may get married after the age of 40 or he may not get married at all.
Apart from delaying the marriage of a native under its impact, Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is good at causing problems after marriage. This defect may trouble the marriage through lack of physical, mental and/or emotional compatibility; differences of opinion, misunderstandings, trust issues, insecurities, suspicions, extramarital affairs and a number of other problems. This defect may break one or two marriages of the native on its own; on account of various problems. If this defect is supported by other malefic planets; the native may witness two, three or more broken marriages.
Even if the first marriage of one such native survives due to overall horoscope; he may still feel like being trapped in marriage; instead of enjoying it. Even after 20 years of marriage; one such native may not share his innermost feelings with his partner and he may keep his distance. The marriage may be more like a responsibility or a social necessity; than a relationship based on love, care, sharing, affection and friendship.
Extramarital affairs may often trouble the natives suffering from Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog. Hence natives under strong influence of this defect may have significant tendencies to engage in extramarital affairs. In some cases; the natives may engage in such affairs, primarily because of physical pleasure. Whether such extramarital relationships are physical, mental and/or emotional; they may create a number of problems in the marriages of these natives. In many such cases; these natives may suffer from broken marriages; primarily due to such relationships.
Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may also create a number of problems related to profession. In many cases; it may delay the beginning of professional careers of natives under its influence. Hence these natives may have to wait for long or very long periods of time; before they get their first jobs or professions. This defect is also good at keeping the natives jobless for significant periods of time (1 to 3 years); many times in their lives.
When this defect is strong in a horoscope; professional stability may be hard to achieve for the native; unless benefic planets in the horoscope balance this factor. Hence such native may achieve success at times; but the success may not sustain. The native may keep facing ups and downs in his profession; till the age of 40 or throughout his life; depending on his overall horoscope. One such native may also suffer from financial losses, job loss; discontinuation of profession, conspiracies, unfortunate incidents and a number of other problems; through his profession.
Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the natives with a number of health problems and it may also reduce their lifespans. Some of these natives may develop troublesome diseases, some may have fatal diseases, some others may suffer because of accidents of various types and some of them may suffer through unfortunate incidents. In an extreme case when this defect is strong and supported by other malefic planets; the native may die young due to a fatal disease or infection, he may get killed in an accident, he may get murdered; or he may die an unfortunate incident which may be natural or unnatural.
Looking at natural incidents; the native may die because of earthquake, flood, volcanic eruption, landslide and other such incidents. Looking at unnatural incidents; the native may die in a fire incident, building crash, crossfire between two groups, bomb blast and other such incidents.
Once the formation of Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is confirmed in a horoscope, the next factor to check is the strength of this defect. The strength of Kaal Sarp Yog is calculated through the placements of Rahu and Ketu in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Rahu and Ketu. The overall theme of horoscope and running times (Mahadashas) also affect the strength of Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog.
Let’s start with signs. Suppose malefic Rahu in the eighth house in Sagittarius and malefic Ketu in the second house in Gemini form Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Rahu is not strong in Sagittarius and Ketu is not strong in Gemini though they may do well in these signs when placed in suitable nakshatras and navamshas. Hence such Kaal Sarp Dosh may possess significant strength in some cases and it may be strong in some cases; depending on placements of Rahu and Ketu in various nakshatras and navamshas within their respective signs.
Such Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may create problems related to speech, family, finances, wealth, profession, health, marriage, lifespan and many other problems. Looking at the sphere of profession; such defect may delay the beginning of professional career of the native and it may also delay his professional growth. The native may have to work extra hard and extra-long in order to witness desired results. If such Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is strong; the native may not settle in a profession till the age of 40 or even more. Such native may have to change his job or profession many times in his life; and he may also have to remain jobless between job changes.
Looking at the sphere of finances; the native may face financial problems due to various reasons; depending on his overall horoscope. The native may not earn much, he may have to spend a lot of money in order to take care of his parents, he may have to spend a lot of money towards the treatment of diseases or he may lose a lot of money through addictions and vices; depending on his overall horoscope. In an extreme case when this defect is strong and supported by other malefic planets; the native may have to spend his entire life in want of money.
Looking at the sphere of marriage; such Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may delay the marriage of the native and/or it may create a number of problems in his marriage or marriages; depending on his overall horoscope. The native may have troubled relationships with his wife/wives; he may have extramarital affairs and/or he may suffer from various types of addictions, vices and perversions. Due to these problems as well as other problems; the native may witness one or two broken marriages. In an extreme case when such Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is strong and supported by other malefic planets; the native may lose two or more wives to divorces or to death. Looking at another extreme; the native may murder his wife or his wife may get him murdered; depending on the overall horoscope.
Moving on, let’s look at the influences of benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of running times and the overall theme of horoscope on such Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner.
Suppose malefic Rahu in the eighth house in Sagittarius and malefic Ketu in the second house in Gemini form Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose a benefic combination of Sun and Mercury is placed in the second house in Gemini along with Ketu, benefic Saturn is placed in the first house in Taurus, Moon is placed in the ninth house in Capricorn in Shravana in Cancer navamsha, exalted Venus is placed in the eleventh house in Pisces, Jupiter is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius and Mars is placed in the twelfth house in Aries.
Due to the placement of malefic Rahu in a troublesome house (eighth), no benefic planet may be able to reduce its negativity through conjunction; without causing side effects or problems. This is because the eighth house features hostile environment and any benefic planet placed in it; along with malefic Rahu in this case, comes under double attack. Rahu as well as the eighth house may trouble such planet. Hence Rahu is better placed alone in this house, in this case. The concept of problems caused because of placements of benefic planets with malefic planets in the eighth or twelfth house of horoscope has been explained in the Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh’.
Looking at the second house, Mercury is strong in Gemini and Sun does well in this sign. Hence Ketu is no match for their combined strength in this case. As a result, the overall combination in the second house may turn benefic though it may still produce some malefic results. Sun and Mercury may send a lot of positivity to Rahu through direct aspect, which may reduce negativity of Rahu. Apart from that, the overall horoscope is benefic and strong.
As the combined result of all these factors; the strength of Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog may reduce a lot in the horoscope. Hence the native may witness relief in most spheres hit by it and he may achieve good results in many of these spheres. The sphere of profession as well as health may benefit the most; and the sphere of marriage may do well.
Looking at the running times; Moon is placed in Cancer navamsha of Shravana nakshatra. It means the native is born under Moon Mahadasha with about 1 year left. This Mahadasha is followed by 18 year Rahu Mahadasha, 16 year Jupiter Mahadasha, 19 year Saturn Mahadasha and then by 17 year Mercury Mahadasha. These Mahadashas may rule the timelines from the time of native’s birth till his age of 71 years. The native may witness mixed results during Rahu Mahadasha as well as during Jupiter Mahadasha. Saturn Mahadasha may begin at his age of 35 and this Mahadasha may bless him with very good overall results. Mercury Mahadasha may also bless the native with very good overall results. Hence the native may do well till the age of 35 though he may face problems from time to time. From 35 to 71; he may witness very good or wonderful results related to most spheres of his life; depending on the finer factors.
Let’s change the entire equation and see what may happen when such Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog is influenced by malefic planets. Suppose malefic Rahu in the eighth house in Sagittarius and malefic Ketu in the second house in Gemini form Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose malefic Mars and Jupiter are placed in the eighth house along with Rahu; and Venus is placed in the second house in Gemini along with Ketu. The eighth house may become seriously troubled in this case. Mars is strong in Sagittarius and Jupiter is very strong in this sign. Hence the overall combination in the eighth house may turn highly malefic.
Looking at the second house; Venus is stronger than Ketu in Gemini. However, Venus is partly malefic in this horoscope. Apart from that; it receives a lot of negative energy from the eighth house. Hence it may not be able to fight these four planets on its own and it may turn significantly or highly malefic; depending on the overall horoscope. Since the lord of the first house, the lord of the eighth house and the eighth house itself are seriously afflicted; the biggest threat may be posed to health and lifespan of the native. As a result, the native may die any time before the age of 35; unless there are strong benefic planets which counteract this fact.
Malefic effects of Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog can be reduced with the help of remedies. The application of gemstones and Poojas in particular may prove useful in reducing the strength and/or malefic effects of Kaal Sarp Yog. Gemstones may be more useful in counteracting the malefic effects produced by Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog, and they may not be able to directly reduce the strength of this defect in many cases. Poojas may directly reduce the strength of this defect in most cases. As that happens; malefic effects produced by Kaal Sarp Yog may also reduce.
Himanshu Shangari