In the present chapter, we will discuss the horoscope of a person who has not only served as the president of United States for many years; he has also left a great impression on the people throughout the world. Known for his liberal views, known for his economic reforms, known for his diplomatic alliances, known for raising great amount of financial and moral support in times of need, known for his interest in empowering women and known for providing equal rights to as many sections of the society as many possible, this wonderful man is none other than the 44th president of United States of America, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, commonly known as Barack Obama.
To some people, the peak of achievements reached by this native may seem to end when he became the president of United States; however it didn’t end and in fact, it just started from there. The post of the president of United States was not the ultimate success for this native and it was merely a means to such success, as his real success started only after becoming the president. This man definitely has a great personality, with an eye for the welfare of weaker or suffering sections of society; and the post of the president of United States just gave him the resources to fulfill his wishes. He used those resources, he started many reforms and he has been able to achieve many great things during his tenure as the president.
Be it economic reforms, be it health care reforms, be it woman rights or woman equality, be it standing for the rights of homosexuals and getting them those rights; or be it improving the relations with as many countries as many possible; this man has worked sincerely on all these things and he has achieved most of them. We will now discuss the horoscope of Mr. Barack Obama in details and we will find out what makes him such a wonderful personality. We will also find out what the future holds for him. For the sake of convenience, I will refer to Mr. Barack Obama as ‘this native’, during the course of discussion.
Starting the discussion, debilitated Jupiter is placed in the first house of this horoscope in the sign of Capricorn and benefic Saturn is also placed in the first house of this horoscope along with benefic debilitated Jupiter. Benefic Saturn being the lord of Capricorn cancels the debilitation status of Jupiter and Neechbhang Raj Yog forms in this horoscope, which may bless this native with very good results related to some spheres of his life, depending on the overall tone of his horoscope.
Rahu is placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo, Mars is also placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo along with Rahu, Ketu is placed in the second house of this horoscope in the sign of Aquarius, Mercury is placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer, Sun is also placed in the seventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer, exalted Moon is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope in the sign of Taurus and benefic Venus is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Gemini.
The combined effect of such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets can bless this native with a post of top class authority, if the running time is supportive for such extremely positive result. If the running time is supportive, the native benefitting from such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may become the prime minister or the president of a big and powerful country and he may witness great authority as well as recognition through this post of high authority.
We shall now discuss the working of these planets in a scientific and practical way and we shall find out what personality traits do these planets render to this native, and how do they make him such a wonderful human being? Starting with Saturn, the placement of highly positive Saturn in the first house of this horoscope in the sign of Capricorn is absolutely positive which means 100% energy of Saturn is positive in this horoscope. The impact of positive energy of Saturn can make this native dependable.
In easy words, this native means business when he engages in anything and he is not looking for time pass or fun while making an attempt at an important thing or mission. If he is not interested in something, he is not likely to give it a try but if he is interested and he gives it a try; he may put all his physical, mental and emotional power behind his mission. We will find out about these powers in coming parts of this chapter.
This positive energy of Saturn can give this native a healthy body as well as a very practical approach which may help this native separate the reasonable things from the unreasonable things. This energy can also add a specific type of charm to the overall persona of this native; a charm which strongly conveys the message of ‘You can count on me’. The placement of benefic Jupiter in the first house of this horoscope in the sign of Capricorn along with benefic Saturn is the second most important thing happening to this native. The energy of Jupiter is broadly positive in this horoscope, with about 90% positive part in it and about 10% negative part in it.
The positive energy of Jupiter may add the qualities like liberalism and kindness to the personality of this native. It should be noted that without the positive energy of Jupiter combing the energy of Saturn in the first house, this native may have had rigid or very rigid views and his vision may have been restricted to some specific ideas or concepts only, with a strong dislike for the ideas lying on the opposite side of his ideas.
However, the addition of positive energy of Jupiter along with the positive energy of Saturn may add the shades of acceptance to the personality of this native. Acceptance is a word having great depths in it and this native may get blessed with the core of these depths. As a result, this native may have the ability to respect the views and beliefs of other people, even when such views and beliefs may be in complete opposition to his views and beliefs.
Accepting what is happening to you whether willingly or unwillingly is just one meaning of this word and this is not the deepest meaning of this word. The word acceptance in its true sense means accepting each and everything as well as accepting each and everyone; regardless of the fact whether you like them or not, provided such things or people are not acting against the universal theme. Everyone can accept things or people they like but it takes real greatness to accept with equal grace; things and people you don’t like. Hence Saturn may give this native the quality of being focused on his goals making him dependable whereas the addition of Jupiter may bring acceptance to the personality of this native.
This energy of acceptance is likely to become stronger after this native’s age of 35 and this native may reach its peak expression between his age of 49 and 54. When this energy of Jupiter reaches its peak, this native may start accepting some ideas, concepts or people; he may not have been able to properly accept till then. In simple words, this native may start becoming more and more liberal after his age of 35 and he may see the height of this personality trait during his age of 49 and 54. As the age of this native reaches closer to 54, he may take some of the most liberal decisions of his life; the decisions which even a liberal person like him may not have been able to take before this age.
This is because such decisions may require him to accept things which may be completely in opposition to his personal views and it may take the peak of this liberal energy of Jupiter to accept those things, as well as to adapt to some of those things. Hence these years of this native’s age may make him more and more adaptive and he may not only start accepting the viewpoints of more and more people, he may even start adapting to some of those contrary looking viewpoints. It is easy to understand that this quality may give him great popularity among common people.
A person who welcomes the diverse views of most people and tries to honor those views by practically making them possible, even when he has the power, authority and the luxury to reject them all; is certainly a very good man. Hence this native may take some highly liberal decisions after his age of 50 and he may receive great acceptance among people of many kinds. You see how great this word acceptance is, once you start accepting other things and people, they start accepting you back, empowering you more and more.
Moving on to the next planet, the energy of Rahu centered in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo is primarily a positive energy with about 80% positive part and about 20% negative part. This energy of Rahu is what makes this native a true diplomat as it adds to the personality of this native, the quality of finding and getting benefits in each and every situation. It should be noted that though this energy of Rahu can make him achieve most of the targets he sets during different times in his life; it is a very difficult to handle energy. It means that this energy could easily have ended up making him a selfish person who may use any type of fair or foul means to get what he wants; but for the strong beneficial energies of Saturn and Jupiter.
Though the energy of Rahu blesses this native with the ability to find means to achieve almost anything he wants, the combination of highly beneficial energies of Saturn and Jupiter ensures that he only wants to achieve healthy and good things. It means that the combined benefic energy of Saturn and Jupiter, which is also the strongest combination among all types of energy combinations in the horoscope of this native, may keep this native away from utilizing the manipulative energy of Rahu for unwholesome purposes. Hence this native may be blessed with manipulative abilities of very high order and he may use these abilities, only for the bigger benefits, most of the time.
It is however interesting to note that this native may engage in some not so good type of manipulative acts many times in his life, in order to achieve some very good results. This means that when the targets set by this native are in tune with the universal theme but they are not being achieved by using fair means alone, this native may practice the use of some manipulative means which may not be very fair. However, since his goals may be for the greater benefits, these not so fair means become justified. People from India can relate this quality of this native to that of Lord Krishna who was never shy of using manipulative means in order to achieve great things. This is what makes this native a true diplomat and this is what makes him achieve his target, more than often.
Moving to the next planetary energy, the placement of highly positive Mars in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo may add strong will power as well as the ability to show great courage, even under the most difficult or fearsome types of circumstances. It is this energy of Mars which can not only keep a check on the targets set by the energy of Rahu, but which can also provide Rahu with sufficient energy to work hard for those targets. The energy of Mars in this house can add such courage to this native that he may look for and achieve benefits, even from the most fearsome situations like a situation of war or a situation of great danger. Whereas most natives may think of running for shelter in such situations, this native on the contrary may come in the open, in order to take advantage of such situations.
This is because the highly positive energy of Mars makes him fearless and courageous; and these qualities are supported by the diplomatic energy of Rahu in the same house. Hence this combination results in a highly positive energy which is fearless, courageous and diplomatic in nature. As a result, this native may never feel scared of dangerous situations and he may sense strong opportunities of gaining great things through such situations by taking risks when necessary. However, this native is not likely to be war loving due to the interference of the energy of Rahu as well as that of Jupiter where the former bends him towards diplomatic solutions even in dangerous situations, and the latter tells him to keep the bigger picture in mind during such situations.
As a result, this native may try to manage things through diplomacy as long as he can; and the use of aggression may be the last option for him. However, once he understands that the other party doesn’t understand the language of diplomacy and the use of aggression has become the only option available; he may not hesitate using such aggression. Hence while dealing with other countries in situations of probable wars, he may first try his best to find diplomatic solutions to such situations in order to avoid wars; as those wars may result in loss of human life on a great scale. However, once his weapon of diplomacy fails, he may be ready with the next weapon. This weapon is the weapon of aggression and this weapon may result in a war, whenever used.
Since this native is fearless as well as diplomatic, he is likely to engage in a war for as long as the enemy is not defeated. However, if during the course of war, the enemy is willing to find a solution in a diplomatic way, this native may welcome it as he may find the idea of war unnecessary once again. This is why he may prove a good choice as a defense minister also. No one can serve better for this ministry, than the person who knows when to start and when to stop a war, keeping bigger picture in mind. It is almost impossible to scare a person like this native under any circumstances due the mixture of these energies.
The same mixture of energies can also bless him with the ability to use his resources and courage, only when it is needed for bigger benefits and not for satisfying his ego or on being provoked by someone for showing aggression. This native may simply know what the best thing to do is in any such situation, and he is likely to do that thing only. The mixture of this energy may tend to shift more towards aggression and less towards diplomacy till the age of 33 years of this native. However, this energy may start finding its balance from 34th year of this native’s age and it may reach its peak as this native completes 46th year of his life. As a result, this native may start using more diplomacy and less aggression, after his age of 33 and this tendency may reach its peak by his age of 46.
The energy of Ketu placed in the second house of this horoscope is a mixture of positive and negative energies, with about 50% positive part and about 50% negative part in it. The positive part of this energy may have its impact on this native’s speech abilities and it can bless him with liberal expressions while speaking. It means that this native may give due credit to his teammates, he may appreciate everyone for their good work and he may even give credit to his competitors when it is due. This native is not at all likely to be restrictive on appreciation while speaking; and he may say very good things about the people who deserve such things.
The energy of Ketu can also shift the speech of this native towards optimism due to which he may not like to speak in a depressing manner, even if he is speaking in a difficult situation. The positive energy of Ketu is also likely to help him strike more and more ideas regarding many concepts and it can boost his overall intelligence.
The negative part of this energy can cause some problems for this native, though some of them may be rectified due to the presence of other positive energies in the horoscope of this native. Since a number of these problems may be personal in nature, I will not go into the details of those problems in order to respect the privacy of this native. However, I will still mention that this negative energy can disturb his childhood and it can also cause problems in his marriage, especially during the first year or two of his marriage.
Though the marriage may still have a very good public face and the partners may have great care for each other, they may have differences of opinion on many things and such differences may become stronger at times. However, the negative part of this energy affecting the marriage of this native is likely to start reducing after his age of 35 and he may witness better equation with his wife after this age. Before this age, the couple may from time to time engage in arguments which may not be very heated ones, but which may hit the other party with deep emotional and sensitive energies. The negative part of this energy may also cause this native to forget some words while he is speaking or he may speak wrong words by chance. However this aspect may be corrected by some other energies and this may happen only at times.
Coming to the next planet, the placement of Sun in the seventh house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer is once again a mixed placement with about 70% positive and about 30% negative energy. The positive energy of Sun can bless this native with great analytical abilities and he may find that these abilities perform at their best, when he is trying to make the world around him a better and safer place to live. It means that this energy may push this native to find out more and more about the concerns of homeless people, the concerns of unsafe people, the concerns of people suffering from health problems and not having proper resources to get out of these problems; and many other such concerns.
On a bigger level, this energy may motivate this native to work for the benefit of people in a way which makes them better in terms of safety, family life, health care and other such issues which are the common concerns of the natives running families. Apart from this, the positive part of this energy may motivate this native to settle things with his enemies, if such settlements are possible and beneficial. Hence this native may be ready for diplomatic and especially for peaceful solutions any time, even if a war is going on with a person, with an organization or even with a country. It may simply be hard for this native to keep inflicting fatal types of damages to other people or nations, even if they are in war with this native or his country. As a result, you may find this native trying to make the world around him one big family where all types of people can live together, regardless of the differences in opinion.
The negative part of Sun’s energy may cause some problems during the initial years of his marriage due to which such problems may be felt during those years. The negative part of Sun’s energy can also sometimes make this native a bit too emotional and he may get carried away in emotions for a while. However, there are other strong and balancing energies which can rectify this problem due to which, such emotional incidents may be felt only by the people very close to him, and not by everyone.
The planetary energy of Mercury is once again a mixture of energies with about 80% positive and 20% negative part in it. The positive part of this energy can bless this native with great communication skills and it may especially add a touch of care to his speaking pattern. It means that whenever this native tries to convince someone, he is more likely to sound like he cares for them and he is not likely to speak in a very clever or threatening way. For instance, if this native is going through a peace talk with the representative of another country, he is not likely to convince them through aggressive speech or gestures.
This native may not tell such representative how much damage he or his country may face if they don’t agree to his point of view. On the contrary, he may convey the same message in a caring way; by indicating how much the other person or his country may benefit if they reach an agreement. In simple words, this energy may motivate this native to highlight the positive sides of an agreement instead of making him highlight the negative outcomes of a disagreement, as going negative may be his last resort. As a result, this native may become very good at achieving what he wants through table talk; and he may especially be very good at reaching agreements, even with people or organizations who may be in opposition to him or his country.
It is interesting to note that most people or organizations engaging in talks with this native may reach an agreement with him and at the same time, they may feel their issues have been duly taken care of. The positive energy of Mercury may bless this native with the eye of a loving mother, who cares for all his children in equal way. Hence this native may understand this concept very well that each and everyone engaging in a talk for an agreement of any type should benefit in one way or the other. Therefore, instead of pushing or threatening other people to agree to his point of view, he is likely to convince them that doing so is beneficial for them and hence the other parties may agree most of the time.
Having a caring eye for everyone and ensuring benefits for everyone is the mark of a great man and this mark may multiply the level of his acceptance, many times. As a result, this native may not only receive great acceptance in his own region or country, he may receive such acceptance across the globe. People around the world may simply judge from this native’s speech and gestures that he cares for them and he is willing to do something good for them. This is what may give him great acceptance across the globe and many people may see him as a member of their community or their family.
The negative part of Mercury’s energy may sometimes weaken this native on emotional grounds which may delay aggressive decisions, even when they are required. It means that this native may take more time to engage in aggressive and destructive measures, even when such measures may become the last resort. He may do so by thinking about the quantum of damage suffered by the other party in case of engaging in such destructive measures and he may take more time, trying to find a peaceful solution.
This quality is certainly not a negative quality when you are looking at a very good man who cares even for his enemies. However, it may sometimes make him a bit weak as the chief of the army of a very powerful nation, though such weakness may be corrected by the energy of Saturn and Mars in many such cases. Therefore, this native may perform better in such situations, if he has a less emotional associate with him, who may get him out of this emotional state of caring for the enemy, whenever he gets into one such situation.
The next one on the list is Venus which is situated in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Gemini. The energy of Venus is highly positive in case of this native and this energy may do wonderful things to this native, particularly things related to his thought pattern and mentality. This strong positive energy of Venus may bless this native with a highly adaptable mind which may learn and adapt to almost any idea or concept, even though it may be contrary to his original ideology. As a result, this native may keep growing more and more with time, by adapting to more and more diverse ideas, concepts and faiths. Hence he may evolve more and more with the passage of time, becoming more and more accepting with time, which may make him more and more accepted among different groups of people with diverse faiths and views.
The energy of Venus may also push this native to engage in social reforms and these reforms may have much to do with social and gender justice, due to the working of this energy in the horoscope of this native. As a result, he may work a lot for reforms related to social injustice as well as against discrepancies in the gender domains, which means bias with a group of people on the basis of their gender or orientation. He may not only work for these reforms, he may also be able to achieve many of them, reaching an even better level of acceptance among people suffering from such social and gender injustice. It should be noted that the words social and gender injustice also include in their collective sense, the word Racial Injustice.
The positive energy of Venus may also bless this native with great diplomatic skills as well as with a highly acceptable point of view; especially with great communication skills. As a result, this native may be able to achieve the solutions to many problems and he may convince many important people for the reforms he may want to implement, by virtue of his great communication skills featuring a much bigger point of view than most other people. It means during discussions for finding solutions to these problems, this native may project the view point of the suffering parties in such a way that it may seem injustice not to accept that point of view. Hence this native is not likely to force his point of view on others, and he is likely to make other people understand his point of view in all its broad senses.
Moving on to the last and absolutely benefic planet in the horoscope of this native, the working of exalted Moon is completely positive in the horoscope of this native and this energy may serve as a bridge between the caring and aggressive energies of this native. It means that the highly positive energy of Moon may help this native understand the need of diplomacy, care or aggression under any situation, thus giving him a more balanced personality. This highly exalted Moon may also bless this native with great attachment to his wife as well as to his children on a family level, thereby diminishing the marriage disturbing effects of Ketu and Sun to a significant extent.
This highly positive Moon may also add a magnetic and charming persona to this native and it can make him very radiant. This energy may give him a deep sense of care not only for his children and family, but for the children and families of others’ also. It is this energy of exalted Moon that may enhance many of the positive energies found in the horoscope of this native, like the energies of Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. This very same energy of exalted Moon may also reduce or correct the negative parts of the energies exhibited by Sun, Mercury and Ketu.
The energy of Moon in this horoscope is the one, which may give outward expression to many of the highly positive energies in his horoscope. There is no negative shade in this energy and it is highly strong and positive, making it easy for this native to understand the strength and weakness of everything and everyone, in a matter of no time. All these energies working together can give this native a great personality and he may be able to conquer each and every mission he undertakes.
Looking at another aspect of this discussion, it should be noted that even though Neechbhang Raj Yog formed in this horoscope can bless this native with a post of very high authority, it may not bless him with a post of the highest authority in a country, if the running time is not favorable or if certain specific planets are not placed in a specific way in his horoscope. This is due to the fact that the extreme types of results are very rare to come across and accordingly, each and everything should be perfectly in order for such results. Even if a single factor changes in this horoscope having such Neechbhang Raj Yog, this native may not achieve the best possible result, though he may still achieve the second best or third best. Let’s now make some changes to the placement of exalted Moon in the fifth house of this horoscope within the sign of Taurus and see what may happen in these different cases.
Within the sign of Taurus, Moon can be placed in three different nakshatras as this sign features three nakshatras called Krittika, Rohini and Mrigashira. Considering the first case, if Neechbhang Raj Yog as well as every other planet remains the same in this horoscope and exalted Moon is placed in the nakshatra of Krittika in this horoscope, this native may not become the president or prime minister of a country, though he may still achieve the second best result. It means that the native under the impact of Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may be able to achieve the post of a defense minister or he may become another very important minister in the national government of a country more than once in his life, but he may not become the prime minister or president of such country.
This is due to the fact that the placement of Moon in the nakshatra of Krittika in this case is favorable for the post of a minister with the support of such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets in this horoscope, but it is not supportive for a post of supreme authority. Looking at the practical reason, this placement may make this native a bit too criticizing and impulsive in speech as well as in actions, which may reduce his acceptance as a leader and hence his associates may not want to give him the opportunity to lead them.
Considering the second possibility, if benefic exalted Moon is placed in Rohini nakshatra within the sign of Taurus when Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets are placed in the already mentioned houses of this horoscope, the native may achieve this result. The combined effect of such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may start blessing this native with good results in politics after his age of 35, he may progressively witness better and better results after this age and he may achieve extremely good results after his age of 43. Looking at the practical aspect, this energy of Moon may bless this native with great interest in practical results and it may also bless him with the ability to ignore small flaws in the personalities of other people. As a result, this native’s associates may be happy to choose him as their leader due to his high level of acceptance.
Taking a look at the third possibility, if benefic exalted Moon is placed in Mrigashira nakshatra within the sign of Taurus when Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets are placed in the already mentioned houses of this horoscope, the native may once again not achieve a post of the highest authority through politics, though he may still achieve a post of high or very high authority. In this case, the native blessed by such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may start witnessing significant results through politics after his age of 28, instead of witnessing these results after his age of 35 as mentioned in second example. Hence this third combination of planets in this horoscope may bless this native with early success in politics and such success may continue to build up with the increasing age of the native.
However, he may not be able to achieve a post of the highest authority through politics, though the combined effect of such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may still bless him with many posts of high authority during his political career. It means that this native benefitting from such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may come across very important ministries in the national government, progressively after his age of 28; but he may not become the prime minster or the president of a country.
This is once again due to the fact that the placement of benefic exalted Moon in Mrigashira nakshatra in this case doesn’t support a post of the highest authority and hence the native may not achieve this result, though the collective influence of Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may still bless this native with many posts of high or very high authority during his political career, after his age of 28. Looking at the practical aspect, this placement may bend this native towards sensual and artistic fields and he may not be willing to devote all his time to politics, in order to spare some time to indulge in such artistic pursuits. As a result, the net percentage of input as well as the net percentage of output may decrease, making him fall short of the post of the president.
It should be noted that the fact that the presence of benefic exalted Moon in Krittika or Mrigashira nakshatra doesn’t support a post of the highest authority instead of the presence of Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets in this horoscope is valid for this horoscope only; and it should not be considered as a general rule. It means that another native having a different type of Neechbhang Raj Yog or different combination of planets in the same horoscope may achieve a post of the highest authority due to the placement of benefic exalted Moon in Krittika or Mrigashira nakshatra; and he may not witness this result when benefic exalted Moon is placed in Rohini nakshatra within the sign of Taurus.
For instance, if instead of being placed in the eighth house of this horoscope, benefic Rahu is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in the sign of Libra and benefic Ketu is placed in the fourth house of this horoscope in the sign of Aries, the native may still achieve this result, even if benefic exalted Moon is placed in Mrigashira nakshatra in his horoscope. The native under the collective influence of Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets mentioned in this example may start witnessing political growth after his age of 28, he may achieve many posts of high authority between his age of 28 and 40; and he may become the prime minister or the president of a country after his age of 40.
However, the combined effect of such Neechbhang Raj Yog and other benefic planets may not bless this native with the post of the prime minster or the president of a big and influential country and he may become the head of state of a country which may have decent size and reasonable amount of influence over the world. As already mentioned by me many times, the overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and even a small change in the overall theme may affect the net results in a positive or in a negative way. Hence the overall tone of a horoscope should be studied carefully, before predicting the net results of Neechbhang Raj Yog or any other beneficial Yog present in a horoscope.
Looking at the coming times, though this native has completed two terms as the president of United States, he is not likely to become publically invisible. The overall theme of the horoscope of this native is likely to keep pushing him to work for many sections of the society, especially the weaker or the suffering sections. Hence this native may assume active social roles in the coming future also, and you may see him doing one thing or the other; or motivating you to do one thing or the other, for the welfare of the weaker sections. So if you’re a supporter of this great man, don’t lose heart as you may see him in some type of authority or in big actions, in the coming years.
The period starting from July 2017 may bring some problems for this native and these problems may linger on for a year or two. During this period, this native may face problems in personal life, health problems, as well as problems related to his profession and overall image. He may also face some allegations related to some spheres of his life, the details of which I won’t mention here. Hence he should take good care of himself during this period.
With this, we come to the end of this chapter. I have seen a number of very good energies in your horoscope Mr. Barack Obama, and I know you are capable of achieving a number of great things in the future.
Lord Shiva Bless You
Himanshu Shangari