Hindustan Times Chandigarh, 18 June 2017.

Hindustan Times Mumbai, 18 June 2017.

‘Witness your intellect from inside and learn to grow it, Himanshu in ‘Heaven and Hell Within Part 3’.
Author, Astrologer and Personality Developer Himanshu Shangari shared some thoughts on the concept of intellect, as explained in his book ‘Heaven and Hell Within 03’.
‘The personality of each human being at any time is the resultant of interactions of four important entities within him or her and these entities are intellect, heart, ego and conscience. All these entities exist within us, in different strengths and they have different characteristics or roles. Whenever we come across any situation; these entities start guiding us as to how we should deal with such situation’.
‘Different people witness these entities with different strengths depending on the journeys of their souls so far. Whichever entity is the strongest among these four in case of a person; such entity influences him the most and hence his decisions or acts have signatures of that entity’.
‘People who have intellect much stronger than heart, ego or conscience tend to benefit a lot in the fields which require the application of intellect, more than that of any other entity. However, the same people tend to suffer in fields which require the application of heart, to give good results; as they may use intellect instead of using heart in these fields’.
‘Hence people ruled by intellect may do well in anything dealing with knowledge and application of knowledge of any type. On the other hand, they may fail to do well in personal life because relationships are ruled by heart and hence the use of intellect in this field brings bad result in general’.
‘There’s a strong conflict between intellect and heart; just like the conflict between ego and conscience. This book features the working of intellect, how you can grow more intellect; how you can benefit more through it, where and how you should avoid its use as doing so may create problems; and a number of other facts related to the intellect’.
‘The book features a number of real life situations and it tells you how different type of people handle them. It means how you handle a situation if you’re ruled by intellect; heart, ego or conscience. Advanced study of human behavior as well as spiritual growth is featured in this book and it goes deep in human psychology’.
‘The fourth part of this series will deal with the heart and it will explain amazing facts related to the working as well as those related to the true potential of human heart’.