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Now suppose you want to increase this capacity to two kg of food at a time. If such is the case, this is what you require and this is how this entire process takes place. The first thing you need is the desire to increase your eating capacity and when you develop that desire, the second thing is to engage in conscious effort. It means you should try to eat more and more food in one meal and even if your capacity is reached, you should try.
This doesn’t mean you should forcibly eat even if you don’t have any space left in your stomach or so it tells you. It means when your capacity is reached, you should focus on your desire to eat more food and you should focus hard. At the same time, you should try to eat more food in small quantities even if it is ten grams. Ten grams of food may not look like making a difference but it does; as it creates demand for more space or more capacity.
This way, you’ll send signals to your subconscious mind that though the capacity is reached, you want to eat more. When that happens, your subconscious mind registers these signals and if they’re repeated again and again, your subconscious mind starts acting on them. As a result, it starts sending more energy towards your stomach and this energy is primarily supposed to complete two tasks.
The first task is to redesign your internal system in a way that it may handle more food at a time, thus giving you the option to eat more. The second task is to boost your digestive system in a way that by the time you eat the last ten percent of your food, ten or twenty percent of the already eaten food is channelized and hence it moves out of stomach, giving you more available space to pack in more food.
Through these two processes, your subconscious mind tries to expand your capacity to eat more food and this increased capacity can help you eat more and more. The limit of this capacity may reach when one of the two conditions is met. The first condition is that you stop putting demand for more capacity as you may have reached the capacity you wanted and you may not wish for more capacity. When that happens, the desire element gets out of the picture as the task to achieve your desired capacity has been accomplished and hence you may not want more capacity.
Therefore, your conscious mind starts sending signals to your subconscious mind once again that this much capacity is fine and you don’t want more capacity. Your conscious way of doing it is that while eating food, whenever you reach closer to this enhanced capacity, you start feeling satisfied and you don’t have the desire to eat more food. This feeling of satisfaction as well as this unwillingness to eat more food sends signals to your subconscious mind that you don’t need capacity more than this and hence you’re fine with it.
When these requests are sent again and again, your subconscious mind starts acting on them and it stops sending more targeted energy to your digestive system. The reason your subconscious mind does that is the fact that you have a specific amount of net energy and this energy is required to take care of all your day to day life functions. It is the job of your subconscious mind to strike a balance between how much energy is sent to which plane or to which part of your body and this job is done well by it, in most cases.
In cases when you don’t forward specific demands to expand any particular plane or ability in particular, you’re out of the picture and the operation is completely taken over by your subconscious mind. It means your system goes to autopilot mode and your subconscious mind makes all the decisions related to the distribution of energy to different planes. However, when you consciously want to change certain things about you, like you want to increase your eating capacity, you also become a part of this equation and hence the system goes to semi-autopilot mode.
This means though the distribution of energy is still carried out by your subconscious mind, your specific instructions are also included while making such distribution. In case of your conscious desire to eat more food, your subconscious mind starts sending more and more energy to your digestive system in order to expand or enhance it so that your wish may be fulfilled. As a result, your capacity to eat food is increased.
As long as you desire for more and more capacity, the distribution of energy is altered by this desire of yours and hence your subconscious mind keeps sending more and more energy to expand or enhance your digestive system. Once your desire is fulfilled, you stop sending such requests to your subconscious mind and hence it stops sending more energy to your digestive system. At this point, if you have reached the capacity to eat two kg food at a time and you don’t wish to increase this capacity, the job of your subconscious mind now becomes to maintain this capacity, instead of increasing it. Hence your subconscious mind makes sure that as much energy is supplied to your digestive system as is required to maintain the capacity to eat two kg solid food in a single meal.
The second factor that can stop this growth is the optimum physical limit to eat food in a single meal. It means even if you keep placing demands for more and more capacity and even if your subconscious mind keeps expanding your eating capacity, a stage may come when the optimum limit of your digestive system is reached. This optimum limit means how much food at the most you can handle at a time, being the type of species you are. In simple words, the optimum limit in this case is the maximum capacity of a human being to handle food in a single meal.
Though I have no idea about this capacity in your case as it may vary from person to person; let’s suppose it is ten kg for a single meal. It means if you wish, you can keep expanding your capacity from one kg to ten kg of solid food in a single meal and not beyond that. Hence the expansion of your capacity to eat may stop in two conditions. The first condition is that you stop wishing for more capacity and the second condition is that the optimum capacity is reached. In most cases, the expansion of your digestive system is stopped because of the first condition and not because of the second condition. It means your digestive system virtually keeps expanding as long as you want it to expand.
It should be noted that we’ve discussed only one aspect of this equation and there are other aspects also. For example, even if you increase your eating capacity to eat ten kg of solid food in one meal, you must be able to put the energy provided by this food to proper use. It means your daily calorie consumption or your requirement for physical energy should be such that the energy supplied by this food is utilized. If that doesn’t happen, the excess energy may start converting into fat and as a result, you may start putting on more and more weight.
You may be surprised to know that even when you keep gaining weight, the decision to maintain or even reduce your present eating capacity is still controlled by your own desire. It means as you gain more and more extra weight, though the basic functions of your body may become difficult to manage, your subconscious mind may still not reduce your eating capacity. This is the time to know that though your subconscious mind is a very powerful entity living inside you, it only works to facilitate your wishes in most cases.
It means your subconscious mind doesn’t have an agenda of its own and it operates more on the agendas given by your conscious mind, in most cases. Hence your subconscious mind doesn’t stop you from eating more and there are only two things that can do so. The first thing is that with the passage of time and with extra load, some of your digestive organs may become incapable of processing excessive amount of food for you. When that happens, your optimum limit to eat a specific quantity of food in a single meal is reduced and accordingly, you have to eat less now.
The second factor is once again the desire factor. In this case, you may keep putting more and more extra weight and though your digestive organs may remain intact, you may start disliking your body shape. When that happens, you may consciously start thinking about reducing your body weight and when you engage in this chain of thoughts, your intellect tells you that extra food eaten by you is the root cause of this excessive fat.
As a result, you may start developing dislike for too much food and as this dislike develops, two things happen simultaneously. The first thing is the rise of your desire to get rid of this extra fat at any cost and the second thing is to eat less food. Through repeated signals, your subconscious mind starts acting on both these requests. Acting on your first request, it starts making you interested in techniques and methods which may help you reduce extra fat. Hence you find yourself getting interested in going to a gym, for regular walks or for any other such activities which help reduce extra fat from your body.
Acting on your second request, your subconscious mind starts sending less energy to your digestive system. When that happens, the capacity of your digestive system starts decreasing. This is because in order to maintain any particular capacity, your digestive system needs a specific amount of energy, like all other systems do. For instance, if a car has an optimum speed of hundred miles per hour and in order to do so, it needs ten drops of fuel every second; this is what may happen when you change some variables.
It should be noted that the engines of cars are so designed that as you put demand for more speed and as they try to run faster, they need more fuel in order to do so. There’s a part in the engine which increases or decreases the supply of fuel drops to the engine, depending on how slow or fast it wants to run. It means the engine puts a demand for the amount of fuel to be sent to it based on the speed demanded by the driver; and the other part supplies that amount of fuel to it on regular basis.
Hence if a car needs ten drops of fuel every second in order to run at a speed of hundred miles per hour, this speed can be reduced in many ways. One of these ways is to reduce the capacity of the engine, the second way is to flatten a tyre in order to provide more resistance and similarly, there may be other ways of doing this. Coming to the way relevant to our example, let’s make certain changes to the fuel dispensing part in a way that at the most, it may supply nine drops of fuel per second and not more than that.
When that happens, the capacity of engine as well as all other factors remains the same and only the maximum amount of fuel which may be supplied to engine per second has been changed or so to say, reduced. Comparing it to our body and translating it in terms of energy, we have reduced the amount of energy that may be supplied per second to the engine, in the form of fuel. Whenever the driver puts demand for more speed, the engine tries to extract more fuel per second from this part and hence the speed keeps increasing.
However, as the car reaches a specific speed let’s assume ninety miles per hour, it starts consuming nine drops of fuel per second in order to maintain this speed. If the driver wishes to increase the speed further, he may not be able to do so. This is because the engine now needs more than nine drops of fuel per second in order to carry out the task of achieving a speed more than ninety miles per hour. Since the part is designed to supply nine drops per second at the most, the engine may not find more energy to meet this new demand.
Hence the engine may lack the required amount of energy and it may not be able to run the car at a speed more than ninety miles per hour. The driver may think that this is the optimum capacity of the engine but it is not so in reality. The engine is still capable of running this car at a speed of hundred miles per hour but it is not getting the required amount of energy to accomplish this task. The maximum amount of fuel per second or energy supplied to this engine enables it to reach the speed of ninety miles per hour when all other conditions are ideal and hence it can only reach that speed.
You see, though the engine still has the capacity to perform more, the reduction in the supply of energy has restricted it from doing so. Similarly, the supply of fuel drops per second or so to say, the supply of energy may be reduced further and the maximum speed achieved by this car can be lowered, though the optimum capacity of the engine may still remain the same.
A process which is not exactly the same but which is similar to this happens inside us also. When you develop desires for eating less food, your subconscious mind acts on them and it starts sending less energy to your digestive system. As a result, the capacity of your digestive system starts reducing due to lack of required energy to carry out this operation. Accordingly, you may witness reduction in your eating capacity over a period of time, just like you noticed increase in your eating capacity over a period of time. It should however be noted that this entire process takes place very slowly and it can easily take some weeks or even some months for you to notice significant increase or reduction in your eating capacity.
Now that you’ve understood the working of your eating capacity, it should be easier to understand the mechanism of expansion of your mental plane or intellect. There are primarily two factors required for this task, your desire to send more and more energy to your mental plane and the gradual enhancement of your mental plane to absorb and channelize more and more energy.
Hence if your mental plane has the capacity of 10 units at a time, it means it can absorb and channelize 10 units of energy at this time. Accordingly, it will be able to deliver intellectual performance matching this input of energy. If the maximum possible capacity of your mental plane is ten thousand units of energy and it is operating at 10 units only, at this stage, it is easy to understand that you may not be able to produce much intellectual work and your mental plane has the ability to expand hundred times from this point.
As a result, you may not be able to understand most things as more than ten units of energy may be required by your mental plane to break those things into constituent units and give you proper understanding of their mechanisms. However, if you keep trying hard even after failing again and again, you forward specific request to your subconscious mind, through these conscious acts of your desire to understand. Hence your subconscious mind registers a new task which says that you really need to understand more things related to mental plane and it starts doing this task for you.
Accordingly, your subconscious mind starts sending more and more energy to your mental plane and at the same time, it starts stimulating your mental plane to absorb and channelize more energy. It is a very slow process but it does bring results. Over a period of some years, your mental plane may increase in capacity and it may now start handling twenty or even thirty units of energy. Technically it means that your intellect has grown two or three times.
In practical language, you may now become able to understand the mechanism of all such things related to intellect, which require your mental plane to consume less than thirty units of energy, if your mental plane now has the capacity of thirty units. As there may be hundreds of concept which require your mental plane to have a capacity between ten and thirty units in order to be understood, you may start understanding all these hundreds of concepts. People notice that you’ve become more intellectual and you also witness ease in understanding matters which you found difficult some years ago.
As your mental plane reaches the capacity of thirty units, it may understand a number of new things but it may still not understand concepts which require the capacity of mental plane to be more than thirty units. Hence you understand hundreds of things previously not understood but you still find thousands of new things worthy of being understood. At this stage, two things may happen.
If you’re satisfied with the performance of your mental plane and you don’t want more intellect, the desire element goes away. This is because you don’t wish for more intellect and this message is conveyed to your subconscious mind. If you want to practically notice how you convey this message to your subconscious mind, pay attention to this.
You may have noted that while trying to understand some difficult looking concepts, you keep trying hard even if you don’t succeed. When you get tired trying, you may take a break for a while but this thought may keep crossing your mind every now and then, as to how to break that concept into pieces so that you may understand it. This is how you forward desires or demands to your subconscious mind. While trying hard to understand this concept and while thinking about it even when you’re not working on it, you convey this message to your subconscious mind that it is important for you to understand this concept.
Your subconscious mind registers this request and it starts working to fulfill it as already explained. Now consider another situation. You look at a concept, you try to understand it, you fail to do so and you quit. It means you don’t understand it and you may not even want to understand it. Hence you move away from it and when that happens, you don’t think about it in your free time. The type of message you’re sending to your subconscious mind is different in this case, compared to that in the first case.
In the first case, you consciously worked hard to understand a concept and even when you failed, you kept thinking about it. The message conveyed to your subconscious mind is that this concept is important for you to understand. The word important means a desire as there is nothing more important for you than your desires in most cases. Among all your desires also, your most intense desire or so to say your primary desire is the most important to you and you may be willing to do almost anything to achieve it.
This willingness sends strong messages to your subconscious mind and it starts doing everything in its power to fulfill this desire at the earliest. Looking into the second case, you try to understand a concept, you don’t succeed and you quit. Kindly note you’re not interested to give it more time as you don’t find it important. It means you’re willing to move ahead with your life, without understanding this concept. Hence you move on and you don’t think about it in your free time.
Now look at your thought pattern as well as your approach in this case. While trying to understand this concept, you didn’t try as hard and for as long as you did in the first case. Hence your approach is less intense in this case. Coming to your thought pattern, you don’t think about the need to understand this concept when you’re not working on it and in fact, you’ve quitted this job. Hence your thought pattern doesn’t attach importance to this concept.
Through this less intense approach and through the lack of importance attached to this concept, the message conveyed to your subconscious mind is that you don’t understand this concept and you don’t even want to. Hence there is no demand for the expansion of your mental plane and so your subconscious mind doesn’t try to send more energy to expand your mental plane. If you keep this status, it means your subconscious mind will keep sending as much energy to your mental plane, as much can enable it to keep having a capacity of thirty units and nothing more than that.
However, if you’re not satisfied with this capacity and you want to understand even more, the same process of creating yet another desire for more mental ability is started once again. Your subconscious mind tries to expand your mental plane even more and over a significant period of time, slowly but surely, it may succeed. If this process continues throughout your life, you may end up having the capacity of your mental plane as sixty units.
As your mental plane reaches the capacity of sixty units, you become able to understand many more things and concepts which require the application of intellect, to be decoded. Since the journey of the soul is continuous and intellectual abilities are the attributes of the soul instead of being those of the physical body; you are born again with your mental plane having a capacity of sixty units.
It means you’re an intellectual child and if your desire to achieve even more intellect remains strong in this life also, you may keep expanding your mental plane in this life also. This way, you may keep expanding your mental plane as long as you desire and as long as the maximum allowed limit is not reached. Some of you may think that this way, a person interested in more and more development of intellectual plane should reach the maximum allowed limit in a matter of some lives. It may look this easy but it is not and this is why.
The process which works to increase the capacity of your mental plane works in the backward direction also and this is what may change everything. It means that if you’ve reached an intellectual capacity of three hundred units in a life and you take a diversion in this life, your mental capacity may start decreasing instead of increasing or even instead of sustaining. Yes, that may happen due to a number of reasons and here is one of them.
Suppose in this life, you like a girl lot and you fall in love with her. Your love relationship may continue for many years and during these years, you may develop different types of desires. Since this girl has now become your primary desire, it is natural for you to find more and more ways to make her feel happy and to connect with her on deeper and deeper levels. When you forward these desires to your subconscious mind, a problem starts taking place.
Your intellect and your heart work in opposite directions in most cases and hence they may prove bad for each other in most cases. Since you now desire to get as close to this girl as you can, your subconscious mind starts working to fulfill this desire. As a result, it starts sending more energy to your heart since the matters of love are dealt with by your heart and not by your intellect. In fact, all relationships in their healthiest forms are dealt with by your heart and not by your intellect.
Though increasing number of people have started to control their relationships with their intellects rather than using their hearts for this job, this practice has only resulted in more problems in relationships. Any relationship can be strengthened in its truest sense, only through your heart and not through your intellect. This is because intellect is all about calculations, profits and losses whereas heart is all about feeling and living. Hence your intellect may warn you not to let go of your material possessions even in case of your loved ones whereas your heart may encourage you to let go of everything material if that makes your loved one happy and it gives you a feeling of joy.
As your subconscious mind starts sending more energy to your emotional plane, it starts expanding. As a result, you now have two different types of energies which generally don’t go well with each other and which stand in opposition to each other. Let’s now look at some of the things which may happen during this love relationship and which may demand your intellect to reduce in capacity.
Going to the beginning phase of one such relationship, suppose you like a girl with all your heart, you’re sitting with her over coffee and a conversation is going on. During the course of conversation, she may say a number of things which may not make sense when scrutinized by your intellect. For example, she may tell you that she saw a fancy dream and she believes it’ll come true. She may even tell you that she strongly believes that morning dreams often come true. After telling you all this, she may ask for your opinion on this.
Himanshu Shangari