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Looking at some other real life scenarios where a person can suffer big losses through this habit of being too greedy; relationships are also affected adversely when a person is too greedy. A person, who is too greedy, generally doesn’t want to give any of his possessions away even to his close relations. This is because the script of greed written on his subconscious mind encourages and helps him whenever he wishes to add something more to his collection whereas the same script opposes him and resists him when he tries to give away some of his possessions.
Since he has written a script of snatching more and more from people, on his subconscious mind, his subconscious mind feels uncomfortable when he tries to give away some of his possessions because giving away is the exact opposite of snatching or gathering, and the subconscious mind is not comfortable with executing the exact opposite actions. Hence his subconscious mind puts resistance whenever he tries to give away some of his possessions and as a result, this person is not able to give away or share much with most people. As a rule, the bigger is the possession in question, the more is the resistance put by subconscious mind and accordingly, the more difficult it is for him to do so successfully.
Hence this person develops a tendency of not giving away much, though he may have big amounts of money and possessions. Due to this reason, most people don’t feel comfortable in his company as they are often not rewarded as much for their good work done for this person, as they should be. If this person can afford to give away a lot and he still choose not to do so, this adds insult to injury as he is well capable of rewarding other people but he is still not doing so. Such a person may not be comfortable spending much money even on his wife and son, as he has a habit of collecting more and more for himself and he doesn’t have a habit of giving away, which is the opposite habit.
For this reason and due to such conduct of this person, even his close relatives like wife and son, don’t respect him much or value him much and they keep complaining about his habit of saving too much and spending too little. The wife of such a person may not be happy in his company and his children may turn rebels because he doesn’t give them their due share and they feel being deprived of what they duly deserve, most of the time. Such experiences happening repeatedly over a long period of time spoil the relationships and ultimately, such a person doesn’t have many people who love him or respect him and all this happens merely due to his habit of being too greedy.
Hence if you have this habit, you should start working hard to get rid of it as this habit is not only capable of bringing very bad results to you in this life, but it has the potential of spoiling many of your future lives also, as you may gain enough bad karmas through this habit, to spoil some of your future lives too. So let’s now look into some specific conscious activities which can help you get rid of this negative habit of being too greedy, so that you may not collect more bad karmas through this habit and you may stop suffering on various fronts of your life, due to this habit.
When it comes to finding some specific conscious activities which can help you get rid of this habit, it is fairly simple and all you have to do is to start doing the exact opposite of snatching, stealing, collecting and saving more and more. It means that you have to start engaging in small conscious acts of giving away, letting go and kindness, as these acts will start sending messages of kindness and giving away more, to your subconscious mind. As more and more of these messages reach your subconscious mind, the script of being too greedy will start getting weaker because you are now requesting your subconscious mind to help you do the exact opposite of greed and as you already know through the first part of this book, two opposite habits can’t stay together in your subconscious mind and one has to go.
As more and more such messages reach your subconscious mind and through these messages, you request your subconscious mind again and again, that you now wish to release some of your possessions and you want to engage in acts of kindness, thereby making more and more people happy; your subconscious mind starts understanding this new script and accordingly, it starts helping you out whenever you wish to engage in such acts of giving away. At the same time, your subconscious mind will start discouraging you whenever you wish to engage in more and more acts of greed and collect more and more for you, since the new script now is to give away more and not to collect more.
However, it should be noted that it may take you a long time to reach this stage as your subconscious mind will first put resistance when you try to break this habit of being too greedy by giving away your possessions. Your subconscious mind does so because it is being governed by a script written on it, the script which tells it to collect more and more which means release or give away less and less, and so it puts resistance when you try to give away. This is where conscious small acts of giving away can come to your rescue as they are the only ones which can help you erase this script of being too greedy and replace it with a script of being able to give away.
Care should be taken that in the beginning, you should only engage in small conscious acts of giving some of your possessions away and then only you should build up from there. The basic rule applies here which says, the bigger is an act that you try to do against the script written on your subconscious mind, the more is the resistance put by your subconscious mind. Similarly, the smaller is an act you try to do against the script written your subconscious mind, the smaller is the resistance put by your subconscious mind. Hence you have to find your way of treating your problem of being too greedy by obeying this rule and by working according to this rule, as you simply can’t succeed if you try to break this rule.
When you try to do any conscious act which is against the script written on your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind tries to stop you from doing this act and in doing so, it puts resistance which tries to stop you from doing and completing this act. This resistance may be in form of inner voices of fear, confusion and many other types of resistances. So while you are trying to complete this act which is against the script written on your subconscious mind, there are two forces working in the opposite directions, at the same time. The first one of these forces is the force of your subconscious mind which tries to stop you whereas the second force is the force of your conscious mind which tries to fight the first force, win over it and complete your task.
Hence your conscious and subconscious mind are up against each other and each one of them is trying to win over the other. When it comes to a clash between your conscious mind and subconscious mind, you should learn that your conscious mind is no match for your subconscious mind, in most cases. Accordingly, your conscious mind doesn’t stand a chance of winning over your subconscious mind, if both of them are using their full abilities because the abilities and powers of your subconscious mind are far greater than those of your conscious mind. Hence your conscious mind can’t win over your subconscious mind when both of them compete with their full strengths, and therefore you have to find some other way of making your conscious mind win over your subconscious mind.
The trick you can use to make your conscious mind win over your subconscious mind is to make use of the fact that though your subconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind, you can make it not use all that power against your conscious mind and instead use only a small fraction of that power. This way, your conscious mind is using all its power whereas your subconscious mind is using only a small fraction of its power and this is how you can make your conscious mind win over your subconscious mind. The way you can play this trick on your subconscious mind is by engaging in small conscious acts in the beginning instead of attempting big tasks because according to the rule, your subconscious mind will decide how much power to use, only depending on how strongly opposite is the task, against its script.
In the present case, the strength of opposition of your conscious tasks against the script written on your subconscious mind is decided by how big an amount of possession, you are trying to give away. It means that the bigger is a possession you are trying to give away, the more strongly it is against the script written on your subconscious mind and accordingly, the more power your subconscious mind will use to stop your conscious mind from doing so. On the other hand, the smaller is the possession you are trying to give away, the less strongly it is against the script written on your subconscious mind and accordingly, the less power your subconscious mind will use to stop your conscious mind from doing so.
Hence you should attempt small tasks of giving away in the beginning because by doing so, your conscious mind will face weak resistance from your subconscious mind and accordingly, your conscious mind will be able to win over this resistance, in most cases. Every time you complete one such small task, you send a message to your subconscious mind that you are now willing to give away some of your possessions. As you complete more and more such conscious small acts of giving away, you send more and more signals to your subconscious mind that you wish to give away. These signals request your subconscious mind to help you whenever you wish to give away some of your possessions.
At this stage, your subconscious mind has a script of ‘don’t give away’ written on it and at the same time, it is receiving new requests of ‘help me give away’. Due to these requests and the script being opposite in nature, your subconscious mind is not clearly able to decide whether to put resistance or to support you when you try to give away some of your possessions. Though your subconscious mind is confused at this stage but it still bends towards the script as the script is much older and much stronger than the new requests sent by you. As a result, it still tries to stop you from engaging in acts of giveaway, but with even less strength now because your requests of ‘give away’ are counteracting a part of the resistance generated by the script of ‘don’t give away’.
This is the time when you start feeling that in order to complete small acts of give away, you don’t have to put in the same amount of conscious effort, as you needed to put in some time ago. This is because, the strength of resistance posed by your subconscious mind has decreased and accordingly, your conscious mind needs to use less strength to win over this weakened resistance. When it starts happening, you should understand that you have completed the first level of treatment successfully and you are ready to move on to the next level because your conscious mind still has unused strength and you can make good use of this unused strength.
Hence you can start raising the amount of money or possessions that you are giving away, though this raise should not be too much too soon and it should only be a reasonable increase from what you were giving away previously. For example, if you have big amounts of money and you started with donating 5 dollars every day, once you start feeling comfortable with this amount, raise this amount to 10 dollars instead of raising it to 50 dollars every day or a weekly donation of 300 hundred dollars, even though you have millions and you can afford to donate thousands. This is once again due to the fact that if you raise the donations too high too soon, it will trigger such a high amount of resistance from your subconscious mind, which your conscious mind may not be able to overcome, even after using its entire strength.
As a result, you start feeling more and more uncomfortable on account of various reasons sent to you by your subconscious mind, as you try to do more and more such donations with amounts which are fairly bigger compared to your previous donations, though you may still be able to complete your first couple of such donations. Accordingly, your chances of disengaging from the entire treatment itself become higher and higher and ultimately, you may quit this whole treatment, surrendering to the resistance given by various reasons and inner voices, sent to you by your subconscious mind.
Hence increase the resistance gradually and wisely so that your conscious mind may be able to win over the new resistance posed by your subconscious mind and you may complete your tasks successfully, one after the other. Whenever you increase the amount of giveaways, wait for the time until you start feeling comfortable with the new amount and then you are ready to move on to the next level, which should be more difficult but not too difficult to trigger an amount of resistance from your subconscious mind, which can’t be won over by your conscious mind. Hence increase the level of difficulty gradually and wisely at each level of this treatment.
As you keep doing so and as you keep completing more and more tasks of giving away with increased difficulty, you keep sending more and more messages of ‘I want to give away’ to your subconscious mind. As it keeps happening, a time comes when the old script of ‘don’t give away’ written on your subconscious mind is erased and the new script of ‘give away’ is written instead. This is when you have got rid of your problem of being too greedy because greed means collecting more and more for yourself and the opposite of greed means giving away or sharing many of your possessions. Hence when you have mastered the art of giving away, you have also mastered the art of staying away from being too greedy.
Though I have mentioned to start donating money on daily basis but it is not the only activity that you can engage in and you can instead choose from a wide variety of other activities which require you to engage in acts of small giveaways. For example, you can start by donating your old or unusable clothes, shoes, DVDs, CDs, books and a wide variety of other such things which you don’t use much now. The catch here is once again that instead of giving away many things in one go, keep donating them in small installments as doing so will give you two benefits. The first one of these benefits is that smaller giveaways are more likely to be completed successfully and the second benefit is that the more is the number of such conscious giveaways completed by you, the more is the number of messages sent by you to your subconscious mind and accordingly, the more easily and the faster you will be able to get rid of your problem of being too greedy.
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To be Continued
Lord Shiva Bless You
Himanshu Shangari