Angarak Yoga

What are the Conditions for the Formation of Angarak Yoga?

Yogas are special combinations and positions of planets in a horoscope, in terms of houses and other planets. Even if the prevalent definition of any yoga seems to be simple, the actual process of calculating the results is complex. Billions of combinations are possible in a horoscope, but several other factors play a significant role in the formation of a specific yoga. These factors also affect the impact of yoga. One such yoga is the Angarak Yoga, which is formed when Mars is placed with Rahu or receives an aspect from Rahu.

Rahu can cause damage to the general and specific significance of Mars in a horoscope. Damage to general significance can cause issues related to energy, courage, immunity, aggression, bravery, initiative, physical health, and others. The native may face problems in various spheres of his life. Angarak Yoga can also cause problems related to the specific significance of Mars. This means that if Mars rules the fourth and ninth house, the native with Angarak Yoga may face problems related to mother, father, luck, peace of mind, properties, spiritual growth and many other problems.

Formation of Angarak Yoga

The probability of Mars being placed with Rahu in a particular house is 1 in 12. However, the prevalent definition of Angarak Yoga is not complete since there are certain conditions that must be met for this yoga to be formed in a horoscope. Let us see what these conditions are. 

Conditions for the Formation of Angarak Yoga

One of the important conditions for Angarak Yoga to be formed in a horoscope is that Rahu should be functionally maleficent in order to afflict Mars. This gives us four probable combinations, which are benefic Rahu with benefic Mars, benefic Rahu with malefic Mars, malefic Rahu with malefic Mars, and malefic Rahu with benefic Mars.

But since Rahu should be functionally malefic for Angarak Yoga to be formed, only two combinations can form this yoga: malefic Mars with malefic Rahu and benefic Mars with malefic Rahu. The remaining two combinations will not result in the formation of Angarak Yoga because Rahu is beneficial in both cases.

The next factor that affects the formation of this yoga is the aspect of malefic Rahu on Mars. An aspect from malefic Rahu may cause damage to the significance of Mars, but the damage may not be potent enough to cause effects similar to those created by a conjunction of malefic Rahu with Mars. Hence, the aspect relationship of Mars and malefic Rahu is also eliminated from the equation.

This means that only the conjunction of malefic Rahu with Mars can form Angarak Yoga, which gives it a more relevant definition.  If malefic Rahu is placed in conjunction with Mars, Angarak Yoga is formed.

Final Thoughts

Each and every aspect of a horoscope should be checked when determining the formation of the yoga. Moreover, there are several factors that influence the impact of yoga on a person’s life. If Angarak Yoga of good strength is formed, the native may suffer from various problems. But the type of problems may vary depending on the overall theme of the horoscope.

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