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Rebirth and its Reasons 02

Heaven and Hell Within Part 02

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The next and the final reason for a soul to come on this earth again and again is called resolution or desire. It means that apart from coming to this earth in order to settle the account of good and bad karmas, a soul takes many births in order to achieve various things, to accomplish various goals or to engage in relationship with some other specific soul or souls. All these things or people to be achieved in these lives are the ones which a person in question desired in his previous life or in many previous lives. Such a person kept on trying to achieve these objectives but he could not achieve them at all or he could not achieve them up to a level of his satisfaction, due to one reason or the other. Hence this soul has a strong and unfulfilled desire for achieving such things or people and this strong desire becomes the cause for this soul to come to this earth again and again until such desires have been completely fulfilled and erased from the ‘To do list’ of this soul.

The desire element is a very strong reason for rebirth and in some cases, it can make a soul take many births in order to fulfill a single desire as such desire may require many other factors to be present, in order to be fulfilled and these factors may take many lives to come together. Before moving on with this explanation, it should be noted that in the system of nature, each and every desire of a soul is fulfilled unless a specific soul does conscious effort to erase or delete a desire from its list, in which case such desires are removed from the list of desires to be fulfilled, even though it may take a long time and much conscious effort, in order to do so.

Doesn’t it all sound very surprising and pleasing at the same time that the system of nature tries to fulfill each and every wish that we make. It may be surprising, but it is absolutely true though some terms and conditions apply here also, like they apply in case of many other situations in the time and age of today. As soon as a person gives birth to a desire, it is listed by nature and as this person keeps repeating this desire or working for this desire, it keeps becoming stronger and stronger in the system of nature and accordingly the system of nature marks this desire as a must fulfill desire. And though it may look like a blessing till this time but this same fact can act as a curse in many cases and it can make a soul take many births in order to fulfill this desire and even then, this desire may not be fulfilled to the complete satisfaction of this soul.

According to the system of nature, if you wish to achieve anything, you can do so provided you meet some conditions which are compulsory to be met in order for such a thing to come to you. The first condition is a desire to achieve such a thing, the second one is the amount of positive energy or good karmas that you need in order to get this thing and the third one is the amount of effort that you need, in order to achieve this thing when you already meet the first two conditions in a satisfactory manner. In practical language, in order to achieve something, you need the desire to achieve, necessary effort to achieve and luck or opportunity working in your favor.

This third factor of luck mentioned here is nothing but a resultant of your good or bad karmas which means that good karmas bring good luck to you which increases the chances of achieving a specific thing, whereas bad karmas bring bad luck to you which can keep you away from achieving a specific thing even though you may have a strong desire and necessary effort to achieve this thing. Hence you have to meet all three conditions in order to achieve a thing, in a way which is authorized and supported by the rules of nature. This concept has been explained in details in the first part of Heaven and Hell Within.

But when it comes to achieve a specific soul or a person, there is one more condition that needs to be met, in addition to all of the above mentioned conditions, and this condition comes in the form of consent of the second soul or person involved in this equation. The system of nature puts very strong emphasis on free will of every soul and accordingly, it respects the free will of every soul to the greatest extent. It means that even if you have a very strong desire to achieve a person or a soul, you are doing the best of your efforts and you even have tons of good karmas in your karmic account, this wish may still be refused or kept in pending list until the second soul in question agrees to become involved with you. Granting free will to every soul in this universe is one of the basic rules of nature and this rule can’t be broken or amended for anyone.

Yes, you can take the help of forceful practices in order to achieve the company of such a soul in question, but such practices are not authorized in the system of nature and accordingly they qualify as very bad karmas for which you are bound to be punished severely at a proper time and hence such practices should be avoided. Coming back to the topic, in case of achieving the company of a specific soul in one or more than one lives, the primary condition is the free will consent of both these souls in questions, as nature will put a stamp of approval on such a relation, only if both the souls are willing to engage with each other.

Taking an example to simplify this concept, suppose you have developed a strong desire to marry a particular girl in any one of your lives and let’s say in this life. Now as you start getting more and more attracted to this girl and your desire starts becoming stronger and stronger, such a strong desire creates a new job for your soul as well as for nature, and as your desire is very strong, the priority for this job has also become very high. You keep trying to get this girl with all your heart and mind but the problem lies in the fact that this girl is not much attracted to you and accordingly she does not want to engage with you, in the type of relation that you want with this girl. As more and more time goes by, your desire as well as efforts keep intensifying but the result is still the same as the free will of this girl is not in accordance with your desire.

Free will of every soul is of supreme importance for nature and accordingly it never interferes with the free will of anyone. This fact could be best understood by considering the scenario that even when a soul wishes to engage in bad or very bad karmas with all its free will, the system of nature allows this soul to engage in such bad karmas even though such bad karmas are likely to cause problems for the positive balance of nature. Even then, such a soul and every soul for that matter is not stopped from engaging in any type of activity or karma as nature has granted the right to execute free will, to each and every soul, even though some souls may abuse this right and engage in bad karmas. The system of nature doesn’t interfere with their free will, though it imposes relevant punishments on such souls for engaging in such bad karmas and disturbing the positive balance of nature.

Coming back to the topic, as the free will of this girl is not in accordance with your desire at this time, there are only two solutions left now. The first solution says that you should forsake this desire where such forsaking doesn’t mean that after trying your best, you stop all the efforts to get this girl but deep down you always think about this girl; as in this case the desire is still there. In order to forsake the desire for this girl, you have to forget her completely and not worry or think about her any longer, which is a very difficult thing to do for most people and accordingly, it is a less likely solution and so it leads us to the second solution.

The second solution says that you should keep trying until the time the free will of this girl comes in accordance with your desire so that the two of you may get together and this wish may be deleted from your soul as well as from the system of nature. As you have opted for this trying and waiting game whether consciously or subconsciously, it creates a pendency on your soul as well as in the system of nature and accordingly you will need to come back to this earth once again in order to fulfill this unfulfilled desire of yours, if you are not able to fulfill this desire in this present lifetime.

The system of nature though doesn’t interfere with the free will of this girl but it tries to help you achieve your wish at the same time. It means that in the next life, the system of nature will plan your birth in such times and conditions that you will once again have the chance of getting in touch with this girl. In this life, though you don’t know that you had wanted this girl with all your heart in your previous life, you still feel strongly attracted to this girl like it is love at first sight, and this attraction becomes very strong in a very short period of time. This is due to the reason that this attraction had already reached its peak in your previous life and your soul as well as your subconscious mind has a record of that. So when you come in contact with this girl in your next life, you continue from the same point from where you left in your previous life and accordingly you start trying to get this girl with all your heart and mind.

Now two outcomes are possible in this situation where the first outcome says that this girl also gets attracted to you and she gives her free will consent to be in a relationship with you and in this case you don’t need to take one more birth by virtue of this desire, as this desire has been fulfilled now. But in case of second outcome, the free will of this girl may once again not fall in line with your desire and hence she may not wish to engage in a relationship with you, even in this life. As a result, your wish remains unfulfilled even in this life and at the same time, it becomes even stronger as you have exhibited much desire and effort in this life also.

This strong and unfulfilled desire brings you back to life once more and once again the system of nature helps you by sending you on this earth at times and situations which bring you in contact with this girl, in this new life of yours. Once again the same process follows and if you are able to get this girl, this desire is fulfilled whereas if you are once again unable to get this girl due to her free will not coming in accordance with your desire, you are scheduled for one more birth as this desire still remains unfulfilled.

This keeps going on and on until a life comes when either the free will of this girl comes in accordance with your desire or you choose to forsake this desire completely. The second choice is rarely practiced by any soul since no soul likes to forsake a desire for which it has waited and tried for many lives. Hence you keep taking birth after birth until in one of your lives, this wish is fulfilled and you don’t have to take one more birth in order to fulfill this desire.

Let’s now take another example from a different sphere of our lives in order to better understand the importance and role of desire element, in the process of rebirths. Let’s assume that a person in his present life wants to become a very famous movie star and he starts doing efforts for it. In this case, the desire element is there and this person has started doing efforts also, and even though both these elements may not be as strong as may be required in order to become a famous movie star, but they are still there. With the passage of time, the desire of this person as well as the efforts of this person to become a big movie star, keep intensifying and this is where the third factor of luck or karma comes into play.

Since achieving big fame and money needs great amount of positive energy or rewards which can be earned primarily through engaging in more and more good karmas, hence this desire of becoming a big movie star depends a great deal on the amount of positive energy that he carries by virtue of good karmas done in past life as well as in this life. If this person has sufficient amount of good karmas or positive energy which is required to become a big movie star, his efforts will start bringing results and he will achieve what he wishes and in this case, the equation doesn’t demand one more life for this wish since it has been fulfilled.

But if this person does not have sufficient positive energy or good karmas which are essential for becoming a big movie star, he will not be able to become a big movie star despite all his desire and efforts. In this case, this desire remains unfulfilled and hence such an unfulfilled desire brings this person to this earth once again and in this life also, this person develops a strong desire of becoming a big movie star right from his early age. This is due to the fact that such desires are the attribute of the soul and hence they can’t simply go away once a person dies and instead they keep appearing life after life until they have been fulfilled in a specific life.

So this person once again starts working towards becoming a big movie star and let’s say that in this life, this person has good amount of positive energy or good karmas though this positive energy is not sufficient to completely grant him what he wants. Hence in this case, the efforts of this person will bring fruits and he will become a movie star but not as big or famous as he wants to be. The star status of this person will correspond to a status which can be achieved with the help of good karmas or positive energy that he has.

Hence, if this person has a stock of positive energy which can take him to the status of a movie star which falls in B or C category, this person will achieve that status with his efforts and he will achieve nothing more than that though he may keep trying harder and harder. B category of movie stars includes the movie stars who are not the most famous ones but who come just after the most famous ones and likewise the movie stars belonging to C category come just after the movies stars belonging to B category.

Let’s take an example from real life in order to make this concept easy to understand. Many of us use credit cards and they come with reward points and likewise there are many other types of memberships which offer reward points each time you shop or spend through such cards. As you keep shopping through these cards, you keep gathering more and more reward points and then a time comes when you want to make use of these reward points. All such companies offer various types of rewards and you can collect any reward that you want provided you have sufficient number of reward points in order to get that reward.

So if you want a luxury watch showing on the reward catalogue as your reward and that luxury watch says you need fifty thousand reward points in order to get it, if you have already earned those fifty thousand reward points, that watch is yours anytime. But if you have fewer number of reward points, say forty thousand reward points, you will either need to wait until the time you earn ten thousand more reward points or you will have to settle for another reward which comes within forty thousand reward points. This is exactly how it works in real life, you earn reward points through good karmas and then you get the rewards that you want or wanted in this life or in your previous life.

Coming back to the example of the person who wants to be a big movie star, even though the desire of this person has been partially fulfilled, he doesn’t want to compromise and he keeps developing even stronger desire and effort to become an A class movie star. This person dies with this strong desire which remains unfulfilled and hence this unfulfilled desire makes him come to this earth once again. In this new life, this person once again develops a strong conscious desire for becoming an A class movie star and he starts doing effort to fulfill this desire. Here again two things can happen where first one of them is that this person by now may have gathered the specific amount of positive energy or good karmas required to achieve the status of an A class movie star and accordingly this person gets this status after making efforts for it. Hence this desire of this soul is fulfilled and the file is closed.

But in the second case, it may happen once again that this person does not have sufficient amount of positive energy which can grant him the status of an A class movie star and hence he may not be able to achieve such a status, even in this life. If the positive energy gathered by this person is sufficient to grant him the status of a B class movie star, he will achieve that status and nothing more than that. In this case, this person once again dies with an unfulfilled desire of becoming an A class movie star and accordingly he takes one more birth in order to fulfill this desire.

This cycle keeps going on life after life until a life comes when this person has sufficient amount of good karmas or positive energy required to achieve the status of an A class movie star. This is the life which fulfills the desire of this person and he is able to achieve the status of an A class movie star and accordingly this desire is erased from the list of unfulfilled desires. This person may have to take many births in order to fulfill just this one desire due to the fact that this desire in question needs great amount of positive energy or good karmas and acquiring such great amount of positive energy can take many lives. Hence the bigger is the desire the more is the amount of positive energy or good karmas that you need in order to fulfill that desire.

Some of you may be surprised how we may have to take many births in order to fulfill a single strong desire of ours. And though it is surprising but it is not the end as every soul has many such desires which bring it to this earth again and again, and it is a common scenario in case of many souls that even though some of their desires are fulfilled in a specific life, they develop many other desires in that specific life. Some of these desires get fulfilled in the same life whereas some of them are not fulfilled due to various reasons and hence such desires force one more birth on this soul. This sequence goes on and as a result, a soul trapped in the whirlpool of making more and more wishes and then achieving them, keeps coming to this earth again and again as such a soul can’t find liberation until all its wishes and desires have been fulfilled.

The word liberation comes from the word Liberate and the world liberate means to set free and accordingly, the world liberation in karmic and spiritual terms means freedom and such freedom has very deep meaning which we will discuss now. A liberated soul is a soul which is free from the conditions of births and deaths as well as from karmas and their fruits. Now pay attention that there are only three factors which bind a soul or which put conditions of being born again and again, on a soul. Among these conditions, the settlement for bad karmas is the first one, rewards or settlement for good karmas done with desire for fruits is the second one and unfulfilled desires are the third reason. If any of these reasons exist, it is quite logical that a soul is not free since such a soul has willingly or unwillingly bound itself with results and conditions which can’t allow this soul to be liberated, as a bound soul can never be a free soul.

Considering the opposite scenario, when after many births and after great efforts, a soul finally stops engaging in bad karmas, one reason for rebirth is gone which means one out of the three big chains tying this soul has been untied. Likewise when this soul has achieved a stage where this soul can engage in more and more good karmas without developing a desire for the fruits of such good karmas, the second reason for rebirth is gone as the second one of the three big chains tying this soul has been untied. Finally when this soul is able to win over the illusion of developing more and more desires for various things and people, the third and the final reason for rebirth is also gone as the last one of the three big chains binding this soul has also been untied now.

As all the chains restricting this soul have been untied, such a soul is free from the cycle of rebirths and accordingly such a soul has earned the right to be called a liberated soul or such a soul has achieved liberation. It should be noted that liberation doesn’t mean that a soul can’t come to this earth ever again as that in itself will be one more condition, the condition which says to this soul that you can’t go to the earth now. Even if such a condition is put on a soul, it can’t be called truly liberated since the world liberated means free, free from all the conditions and boundaries. Hence the world liberation in its true sense means that such a liberated soul is not bound to come to this earth in human form under any conditions or karmas or unfulfilled desires. But at the same time, such a liberated soul is always free to come to this earth again and again, though in this case, such a decision is made by this soul itself and not by other factors of nature.

So liberation means that a soul doesn’t have to come to this earth again and again under some unavoidable conditions and at the same time, this soul can choose to come to this earth as and when this soul wishes so. Whenever such wish is made by this soul, the system of nature starts working in order to fulfill such wish of this soul and accordingly a time and place is decided for this soul to be born again. This soul is born again on this earth just like all of us but with a very big difference and this difference is the fact that this soul is free from the results of all the good as well as bad karmas done by it in its present human form. Accordingly this soul is neither rewarded for the good karmas nor punished for the bad karmas.

Liberation is a not a state of physical body and it is a state of mind and soul. There are two types of attributes which are called physical attributes and spiritual attributes where the physical attributes are the attributes of a physical body and the spiritual attributes are the attributes of a soul. Such attributes are also called Samskara or Sanskara. Since a physical body is temporary and it lasts only for some years, hence the attributes attached to this physical body are also temporary and they do not last permanently. Such physical attributes may include physical shape, beauty, physical health and all other such physical and materialistic things.

On the other hand, as a soul is permanent and it can’t be destroyed by any means, the attributes assigned to a soul are also permanent which means that once a person develops or writes such attributes on his soul, they are going to be there forever and ever until some specific and conscious practices are done to remove these attributes. The attributes like knowledge, wisdom and even liberation are the attributes of the soul and accordingly they stay forever once they have come. It means that any type of knowledge gained by you in any one of your lives will always remain with you though you may not be able to fully access and use this knowledge in some particular life of yours due to various karmic reasons.

But even then such knowledge and wisdom is always there inside you, stored in your subconscious mind and protected by it. When the right time comes in a life, for this knowledge to be released to you, it is released by your subconscious mind and you start having it once again as if by magic. In reality, there is no magic in it and this knowledge was gained long time back by you only and then this knowledge had become unavailable to you for some time. Now it has become available once again and since you don’t know all the steps involved in this process, you think that you have gained this knowledge by virtue of some magic.

As liberation is an attribute of the soul, it means that once a soul achieves this state of liberation, this state can’t be reversed and this soul remains liberated from there on, even though such a soul may have to put great amount of work and will power in order to achieve such a state of liberation. Accordingly when the liberated souls choose to come to this earth from time to time, they are free from the conditions of good and bad karmas and whatever they do on this earth whether good or bad, bears no fruits for them since they have already freed themselves from such fruits. In order for nature to maintain harmony in its system, such liberated souls become aware of their state of liberation at early or very early age and accordingly they start behaving like liberated souls which means they don’t engage in bad karmas, they don’t wish for the fruits of good karmas and they don’t develop any desires.

This is what it actually means when we say that a liberated soul is free from the fruit of good and bad karmas. Such souls are very well aware of their state of liberation and their state of highest wisdom and accordingly they do not engage in such acts or desires which can become the cause of new and conditional births, as per the laws of nature. This is the time when all of you should understand why some highly divine saints or Godly people start exhibiting very wise and balanced behavior right from their early or very early age. This is due to the fact that their state of liberation as well as their state of highest wisdom is conveyed to them at very early ages so that they may not engage in any such acts which may cause them to take new and conditional births, as per the laws of nature.

And since such souls gain access to all the knowledge and wisdom during their childhood or early childhood itself, they start behaving like enlightened souls right from their childhood. Such a behavior is nothing but logical and compulsory because in order to maintain its system in a flawless way, nature has to grant these souls an access to all their knowledge and wisdom as well as to their state of liberation, in early years of their lives. As such knowledge and wisdom comes to them, they start behaving like the enlightened ones right from their childhood, which is exactly what we should expect from a liberated soul and which is exactly what they do.


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To be Continued

Lord Shiva Bless You

Himanshu Shangari

Small Room and Big Heart

Heaven and Hell Within
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Related Articles : Stories with Moral Lessons

Once there was a person named Ashok who traveled from one place to the other for his trade. One evening while he was passing from a lonely and deserted area, the weather got very bad and heavy rain, storm and lightening, all of them made his journey almost impossible and he started to look for some place nearby where he could take shelter for the evening and night.

By virtue of his good luck, he came across a small room which was made in the middle of a deserted place and seeing this Ashok went to this room in hope of getting shelter. He knocked at the door and a sage opened the door with smile and before Ashok could tell him anything about his situation, the sage welcomed him in with a smile and asked him to spend the night there as the weather seemed impossible to continue the journey. The sage prepared some food for him and then they both started taking rest on the mats which were spread on the floor.

After some time, there was a knock on the door and they both got up. They went to the door and saw two men all drenched with water and looking all worried and before they could make any request, the sage welcomed them in and asked them to spend the night there. On hearing this, Ashok asked the sage that as there was place for only two people to sleep, then how would they accommodate another two people. The sage smiled and said that there was place for two people to lie down but three people could sit on one mat and the fourth one can take rest lying on the other mat and they could do it turn by turn.

After an hour or so, there was again a knock and when the door was opened, two more men were standing in the same situation looking for a shelter. The sage welcomed them also and said that if all of them sat instead of lying, there is still sufficient place for all of them. This arrangement was made and all of them sat on the floor and waited for the rain and storm to subside as the sage offered all of them something to eat.

Another couple of hours passed and there was again a knock and when the door was opened, four more men were standing on the door in the same situation and before anyone could say anything, the sage welcomed them in, saying that there is still sufficient room for all of them if all of them spent the night standing instead of sitting. Those men were also taken in and the sage offered them also, whatever little was left to eat.

The night passed and the weather got normal. In the morning, all of the people left the place giving many thanks to the sage and when it was Ashok’s turn to leave, he touched the feet of the sage and said, ” Thank you a million times, O Sage, as you have not only given me shelter and food at a very difficult time but you have also taught me a very important lesson for my life that if you really want help to help others, you will always find ways to do so. O Sage, your room may be small but your heart is very big. ”

Moral : In order to do good to someone, you do not always need big resources as the resources are not the primary requirement to help someone but intentions are. If you really have the intentions of helping other people, you will always find ways to help them just like the sage who had a small room but a big heart, and so he was able to adjust all of the people coming to him for help. Kindness and benevolence are ornaments of the soul and they are not dependent upon money or resources to express themselves. Once you develop these qualities within you, you will stop finding excuses for not helping the ones in need and instead you will start doing whatever you can do for them.



Himanshu Shangari

Stale Food

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Once their was a girl named Sulekha who was very religious, kind and wise. She got married in a business family and her father in law was the richest person in his village as well as in the nearby areas and her husband also assisted his father in his business. Even though her father in law had lots of money, he did not like to spend money for any type of charity work, religious work or any other type of good deed and this thing worried Sulekha a lot as she was very religious and kind by nature. Almost no beggar or needy person would get any type of help from their house.

Once her father in law was having his lunch when a Monk came to the door and asked for money or food to which her father in law said a blunt No. The Monk again asked for money or food and her father in law told the Monk to go somewhere else. When the Monk asked for money or food for the third time saying that when God had blessed him with everything, he should donate a part of it, Sulekha intervened and told the Monk to go someplace else as her father in law was eating Stale Food despite being very rich. On hearing her words, the monk smiled and left.

Her father in law became very angry on Sulekha’s harsh words and he asked her that even though she knew that he was eating freshly prepared food, then why did she insult him in front of Monk by telling such lie to him. Sulekha replied that whatever she had told the Monk, was true and that she had said nothing wrong to the Monk. This matter became an issue and this issue became such a big problem that her father in law took Sulekha to village Panchaayat ( Court ) and after telling them the whole incident he asked for Panchaayat’s permission to desert such a woman who did not respect her father in law and who lied.

The Panchaayat before reaching to any decision, gave Sulekha a chance to explain her side to which she said that whatever she had told the Monk, was truth and nothing but the truth and then on demand of Panchaayat, she explained the truth told by her.

” My father in law is a very rich person but he never spends any amount of his money on good deeds which means that all his money and other blessings, are a result of the good karmas that he did in his past life. As he is only eating his past life karmas and he is not doing any significant good karmas in this life, and as the Monk thought that my father in law must have done many good deeds in this life as he was blessed, so I cleared his doubt by telling him that my father in law is eating Stale Food, which means that all the richness that he sees has come from the good karmas done in past life and not from the good karmas done in this life. The Monk understood what I had said and his doubts were cleared and so he left. ”

Moral : If you are not blessed enough in this life, you should know that you did not do sufficient good karmas to be blessed in this life and so this is the time to start doing good deeds so that you may get blessed in this life as well as in the coming lives. And if you are blessed in this life, then it becomes even more important in this life to do more and more good karmas as most of the blessings that you have got in this life are the fruits of good karmas of your past life and most of them will last only till the end of this life or for a time period even shorter than that. So do not eat Stale Food which means that do not only enjoy the fruits of good karmas of your past life and make sure that you do enough good karmas in this life also, so that you stay blessed in this life as well as in the coming life also. Always remember that Good or Bad, whatever you do Today, will come back to you Tomorrow.


Himanshu Shangari

God is Kind

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Once their was a person named Somdutt who was a minister and consultant to the king of his state. Somdutt was a very wise, kind and humble person and he believed in Supreme power and ultimate benevolence of God so much that whenever something significant happened around him, he would say ” God is Kind “.

Once he went to the nearby Jungle with King and a brigade of king’s army, as the king wanted to do hunting and some other Jungle adventures. When they were in the middle of the Jungle, the horses of the chariot in which the king and Somdutt sat, got disturbed on account of something and they started running here and there like mad ones.

In a matter of short time only, they were not only separated from the army but they also crossed the border of their state and even before they could assess the situation, the chariot struck a big stone on the way and it overturned. The king, Somdutt and the driver, they all fell off the chariot but no one was injured seriously. Somdutt got up and said, ” God is Kind “. The king did not like this at the moment but he remained silent. The chariot driver told the king after inspecting the chariot that it was unable to move forward and it needed to be fixed, to which Somdutt again said, ” God is Kind ” which the king did not like again but remained silent.

The king then told the driver to fix the chariot and in the meantime, he decided to have a look around in search of water. Somdutt accompanied the king and they started looking for water in the Jungle. Soon they found a deserted place in the Jungle and there was a Well nearby which had a bucket on its edge for drawing water. Somdutt drew some water out of the well and he started pouring water to the king. As the king started drinking water, the bucket full of water fell out of Somdutt’s hands and it landed directly on king’s right foot. The impact was so severe that the little finger of king’s foot got cut off the foot.

Upon seeing this, Somdutt’s first reaction was ” God is Kind “. The king who was dying of pain, got so angry that he shoved Somdutt in to the well. Somdutt fell in the well and his first reaction was once again, ” God is Kind “. The angry king tied his foot with some cloth and started moving back to the chariot and as he was about mid way to the chariot, some tribal people attacked him, tied him up and took him with them. Very soon, the king found himself tied to a wooden pole with the statue of some tribal God in front of him and with many tribal people dancing around him. The king understood that he was chosen as a sacrifice to their God.

The king tried to convince them by saying that he was the king of a state and that he could give them many gifts if they left him but all his efforts were vain and no one seemed to had any impact of his words. As the time for Sacrifice reached, the tribal priest rose from his seat and went near the King. After inspecting the king from top to toe, he suddenly announced that the king cannot be sacrificed to the tribal God as he did not have one finger in his right foot and a dismembered person cannot be sacrificed as a rule. Upon hearing this, the tribal people released the king and set him free as he could never be sacrificed to the tribal God.

The king who had almost considered himself dead by now, got a new life and when he thought about all of it, he felt that the dismembered finger had saved his life and God was in fact kind to him. He felt regret on what he had done to Somdutt and he started moving to the well. When the king reached there, he saw that Somdutt was already out of the well and he was accompanied by the chariot driver as well as a couple of soldiers from his brigade. The king reached near them and after narrating the whole incident, he apologized to Somdutt. After hearing everything Somdutt smiled and said,

” You see my Lord, God is in fact very Kind, your dismembered finger was his act to save your life and had you not shoved me into this well, the tribal people would have caught me with you and they would have sacrificed me in our place, so you shoved me into the well only in order to save my life. The chariot driver did not come with us and hence his life was also saved. And to your greatest surprise my king, two members of the brigade of our army that accompanied us have come here and they have told that your enemy king knew about your Jungle visit and he was waiting to attack you with a big army in order to kill you. We got separated and all he found was a small brigade of our army which was useless for him and he made them captives otherwise most of them would also have been killed in order to save your life. These two soldiers have escaped and they have come to warn us. So you see my king,  God is Kind “.

Moral : God is always kind to his loved ones but we should also remember that God works in mysterious ways and many times, we may not be able to understand his kindness in the beginning of some of his mysterious acts, but we will finally get to know his kindness in the long run if we keep the faith and stick to the right path. Leaves of the trees fall only because he wants them to bless with new and fresh leaves. Likewise, miseries, failures and pains come to us many times in life only because he wants to make us stronger and stronger by putting us through such things.

Look around you and you will find that most of the great people in the history of world, had one thing in common ; They were all chosen to go through a great number of failures, pains, miseries and challenges many times in their lives and with the grace of God, they came out of them every time, becoming stronger, wiser and greater. Even your teachers and coaches put you through hard tests which bother and trouble you a lot until you pass them, but their intent is not to trouble you, but to make you a better, more capable and stronger person. Most of the great lessons and great things in life will come only after hard tests and challenges which is fair enough as every reward has the right to choose best candidate for it and in order to achieve the best, you have to become the best which will happen only when you go through many hardships and challenges in your life, and you come out of them as a winner after learning and adopting so much value from those challenges. So keep the faith and take every challenge of your life as a God given opportunity to improve yourself.



Himanshu Shangari

True Happiness

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SukhRam lived in a far away village with his family. He used to make items of pottery from clay and sell them for his bread and butter. He was a very good artist of clay and the pieces of pottery made by him were much appreciated in the nearby regions as he made some special artistic designs on his pieces of pottery. With the passage of time, his art even got better and so did his income as the pieces of pottery made by him had now started going to other villages and nearby places also.

One day while SukhRam was making items of pottery, a visitor came to meet him. SukhRam greeted him, served him tea and asked the reason for his visit. The visitor told SukhRam that he was a press reporter from a big city and he had come to interview SukhRam as someone had gifted a piece of his pottery to the owner of his News Paper who was deeply touched by his art and hence the owner sent him to interview the great artist who made such wonderful artistic items of pottery.

The reporter then started asking questions to SukhRam and over the course of his Interview, the reporter asked him as for how much did he sell each piece of his pottery to which SukhRam replied that he sold each piece for Rs. 10. The reporter was surprised to hear this and he told SukhRam that he was wasting his talent in this far away village and that he should come to the city. Hearing this, SukhRam asked the reporter, ” What will happen if I come to the City.”

” You will be able to sell your pieces of Pottery at far higher prices like Rs. 100 per piece or even more”, said the reporter.

” And then “, asked SukhRam.

” Then very soon you will become a Rich man and you can have your team of people who can make many more pieces of pottery for you, under your supervision “, Replied the reporter.

” And then “, asked SukhRam again.

” Then you will become even Richer and you will be able to buy a big house, cars and other things of luxury for you “, Replied the reporter.

” And then “, asked SukhRam once again.

” Then you will become a renowned artist in the town and people will start respecting you “, replied the reporter.

” And then “, asked SukhRam once again.

” Then what, Sir. You will be a Happy Man “, said the reporter with excitement.

” But I am already very Happy, then why should I do all these things and become Happy again “, replied SukhRam with a smile on his face.

Moral : Goals are good, ambitions are good and even achievements are good but it is not always good to keep on chasing goal after goal and keep on bagging achievement after achievement. If you want true Happiness, you will have to settle at some point of time and start enjoying what you have already achieved instead of running after even more achievements. The more you run after more achievements, the less time you will have to enjoy what you have already achieved and less happy you will be. Remember that there is a difference between Success and Happiness as Success is achieving something and Happiness is enjoying that achievement. That success is seldom good which comes at the cost of Happiness itself as you may have to sacrifice your happiness in your pursuit for success.


Himanshu Shangari

Me and my Lord

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Once there was an ascetic who lived in a deserted place and worshiped the God for achieving the ultimate goal. He would do hard worship and abstain from all types of materialistic indulgences. He would daily go to the nearby river for bathing and sometimes he would find another ascetic at the river doing the same things. The two of them often exchanged courtesies and then they would take their own paths.

This kept going on and many years passed in this way and during this period of time, both the ascetics had developed a bond of affinity with each other since they were the only two people living in that area where no one would come and both of them were doing worship of their respective Gods for the achievement of the ultimate.

15 years passed but the ascetic still felt far away from his goal which was to meet with God. He tried to do as hard worship as he could but he still did not get to meet the God and he started feeling that he was still far away from his destination due to which he started becoming a bit restless at times. Whenever he met the other ascetic on the river, he would see that the other ascetic was very calm and composed all the times and he always seemed to be absorbed in something, which raised his curiosity day by day.

One day when both the ascetics were taking their bath in the river, the first ascetic asked the second one whether he had met the God by now or not, to which the second ascetic replied very simply that he had met his God about 7 years ago and now he often met him. Hearing this the first ascetic was surprised as he was also doing very hard worship for almost the same time but he had not met his God even once.

So he decided to take guidance from the second ascetic and he told him his problem of not being able to meet God despite his very hard worship over the past 15 years, and he asked the second ascetic to help him meet his God. On hearing this, the second ascetic asked him as to what did he do before becoming an ascetic and what type of worship was he doing now.

The first ascetic replied, ” I had come from a well to do family and I am doing worship of my God at this place since the past 15 years. During these 15 years I have not got involved in any type of materialistic pursuit and I have been practicing very strict discipline for my worship. I have isolated myself from everything around me in such a way that for the past 15 years, there is only Me and my God. ”

” And this is why you have not been able to meet your God as there are still two of you, You and your God. You will not be able to meet him, my friend, until there is only one and not two. So lose this Me and you will gain your God. “, said the second ascetic with a smile on his face.

Moral : Ego is the biggest obstacle in your way to liberation and as long as you do not get rid of this ego, there is no liberation. I, Me, Mine and other such expressions are only the extensions of your ego and nothing else. If you want to reach the ultimate, you will need to leave all of these expressions behind and all you need to remember is YOU which is your God. A tiny drop cannot be called the Ocean until it is called the drop and once it becomes the ocean, it is not a drop anymore which means that if a drop wants be the ocean, it will have to stop being a drop which means it will have to lose its identity in order to be a part of the bigger identity.

The same moral can be extended to the sphere of relations also. As long as you do not lose yourself which means as long as you do not leave your ego, you will never be able to understand other people in a complete way and the moment you lose your ego, you will be able to understand and trust other people in a much better way which will lead to better, more enjoyable and stronger relations.

There are 3 stages of Ego, the first one is I ( I, me, mine, myself , the focus is only on yourself ), the second one is WE ( now you are ready to give space and credit to others but remember that there is still I and Me in WE as the person saying WE is also included in WE ) and the third and final stage is YOU ( the ego is lost here as there is no I or Me in YOU ), this YOU is God or other God like people and at this stage you start giving the credits for all of your works to YOU ( God or other people ). For a traveler of the spiritual path, the third stage of YOU is must whereas for the people who live in materialistic world, even the second stage of WE is very good. So rise above this I, reach WE and finally achieve YOU.


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Power of Karma

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Two friends Santa Singh and Ramlal lived as neighbours. They were both in poor condition and both of them aspired to be rich. One day Santa Singh heard that Ramlal had hit a Jackpot of Rs. 1 Crore and he had become rich. Santa Singh went to his house and he congratulated him. When he told RamLal that he was really lucky to hit the jackpot, Ramlal told Santa Singh that luck had got nothing to do with it and that he had prayed to Lord Vishnu continuously for 10 years and he daily asked for this Jackpot and Lord Vishnu finally made it happen.

Hearing this Santa Singh was amazed and he asked Ramlal that if he would do the same type of prayer, would it be possible that Lord Vishnu could bless him also with a Jackpot, to which Ramlal said Yes. Santa Singh brought an Idol of Lord Vishnu, established it in a clean part of his house and he started praying to it day and night asking for a Jackpot of Rs. 1 Crore.

10 Years went by and there was no Jackpot. Santa Singh got irritated and he went to Ramlal who had become even richer by now. Ramlal welcomed him and after hearing his problem he said that it could happen sometimes that someone’s wish might take longer to be fulfilled and that he should continue doing the worship of Lord Vishnu at least till the completion of 14 years.

Santa Singh came back and he started worshiping Lord Vishnu once again. 4 more years passed and nothing happened. Santa Singh again went to Ramlal and asked him what to do now, to which Ramlal replied that even he did not know what to do now. Santa Singh came back home, very angry and furious as he felt cheated by Lord Vishnu. In a fit of rage, he decided to disestablish the idol of Lord Vishnu from his house.

As he put his hands around the idol and he tried to get it up, he felt drops of water on his hands. When he looked properly, he found that Lord Vishnu’s statue was shedding tears which were wetting his hands. Seeing this, Santa Singh got furious and started saying to the idol that it is he who should weep and not the Lord as he as been cheated and not Lord Vishnu.

And then, all of a sudden, the idol changed into Lord Vishnu himself who, with tears in his eyes said to Santa Singh……..

” Santa Singh, I am so happy and moved by your dedicated and disciplined worship, that for the past 7 years I am dying to bless you with a Jackpot, not of Rs. 1 Crore but of Rs. 10 Crore. But for my sake, go and at least once………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Buy a Lottery Ticket. ”

Moral : God only helps those who help themselves. It is your duty to plant and raise the tree and it is God’s grace to bless it with fruits but if you don’t plant a tree, what is there to be blessed with fruits. Those who believe in God must learn that God always does half the work for his loved ones but he only does the second half after you have completed the first half. So while you pray to God to bring good to you, always remember to do the efforts required for that good to happen.


Himanshu Shangari

Keep the Faith

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There was a female rabbit who lived in a jungle which was full of dangerous predators and a mighty lion ruled that jungle as its king. Once this rabbit gave birth to its kits ( baby rabbits ) and started raising them. Within a passage of few months, these kits got bigger and they started going with their mother, in search of food and other adventures.

One day when this rabbit was on her way in search of food, along with her kits, suddenly a big tree branch fell and it injured one of her kits in such a way that the kit was unable to move as the branch had broken one of his legs. The rabbit did her best but could not do anything for her kit. She had to move from there as she knew that she cannot stay in an open place with her kits, for a long time but she did not want to leave her kit to death. She thought a lot and she looked here and there and she found a clear footprint of the king lion nearby. On seeing that footprint, an idea came to her mind. She put her kit right next to the footprint of king lion and she then said to her kit.

” Look, I am going to get some help for you and in the meantime, you sit right here close to this footprint and if any predator comes and tries to eat you, tell him that you are under the protection of the bearer of this footprint and he has left this footprint as a symbol of protection and whoever tries to eat you, will have to bear his rage. ” The kit even though fearful, agreed to it and mother rabbit moved on her way to fetch some help.

In a short while, a Jackal came there and he saw the kit. He found him an easy meal and as he was about to jump on him, the kid who was very much afraid of being eaten, drew the attention of the jackal towards the footprint of king lion and said in a fearful voice, ” I am under his protection and he has left his mark as a sign of protection. If you eat me, you will have to face his rage. ” The jackal saw the footprint of king lion and in less than a second, he ran away in fear.

The kit did not understand much but he felt happy and his confidence grew. After sometime, a wolf passed from there and upon seeing the kit, as he was about to jump at the kit for making him a meal, the kit drew his attention to the footprint and again said with somewhat confidant voice, ” I am under his protection, do you still want to eat me. ” The wolf hesitated for a moment and then walked away.

The kit was now finding it a good muse even though he did not understand much. With the passage of time, many predators came along and each time he said in an even more confidant voice, ” I am under his protection, do you still want to eat me “, and each time the result was the same as no one dared defy king lion’s seal of protection. This kept on going and ultimately, the king lion himself came to the scene. He saw a small kit which looked like a very easy meal to him and he started walking towards him.

The kit who by this time had God like faith in the protection of that footprint and was roaring with confidence, drew the attention of king lion to the footprint and said in a challenging voice, ” I am under his protection and he has left his symbol of protection here, do you still want to eat me and defy his protection. “…. King lion recognized his own footprint and reacted.

” Well if you are under his protection, then I will sit here and see who can dare defy his protection and eat you.” said the smiling king lion, deeply moved by the undivided faith of kit, and sat beside the kit for his protection.

Moral : Faith is a wonderful thing and it can make you achieve miraculous results in all walks of your life. Just like the kit had faith in the protection of that footprint and he was saved from all the predators including the king lion himself, likewise the people who have such faith in their God, will always be saved from the biggest of troubles and they will finally be shown a path which leads to the destination where the God himself sits with them. So whatever you wish to do or achieve, Just keep the faith and you will be in a much better position to achieve it.


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Related Articles : Stories with Moral Lessons

In ancient times, there used to be a person named Shashipal. He lived with his old parents and he made good money from his business so there was no problem of finances. The time of his marriage came and he got married. From this marriage he got a son and he named him SatyaPrakash.

The family of Shashipal was even though financially very well off but there was still no peace and the reason for that was his wife Sulekha. She was a very ill mannered and short tampered woman and she used to give Shashipal, a very hard time. Apart from this, she did not like his old parents at all and she always found excuses to quarrel with them and trouble them.

In the beginning, Shashipal thought that his wife will adjust with time but the contrary happened. In a few years only, his wife took control of the whole household and everyone had to agree to whatever she said or whatever she did whether it was right or wrong. Shashipal had completely surrendered to his wife and her cruelty kept on increasing day by day.

And then one day, she reached her limits as she order Shashipal to get rid of his parents as she did not want to live with them anymore. Shashipal tried to reason with her but she refused to hear anything and forced him to comply with her wish. She suggested him that he should take them to a far away place and he should leave them there and then their destiny will take care of them.

Under complete control of his wife, Shashipal unwillingly arranged for a Paalki ( it was used to carry people in those times ), he arranged for the bearers for that Paalki and he got his parents ready by saying that he was taking them to Pilgrimage ( Teerth Yaatra ). The plan was to leave them at some lonely and deserted place and come back. His son who was 5 years old by then, also insisted on going with the father and he took his son with him and the journey started.

After a day or two, they reached a lonely place which looked like a Jungle. Shashipal made a gesture at the bearers which meant to put the Paalki there and to go back. He wanted to go back quietly without saying anything to his parents as he did not have the courage to face them. As they all turned around and started to walk back home, his son SatyaPrakash said to him.

” Father don’t you think that we should also take the Paalki with us as leaving it here serves no purpose”. Shashipal heard this and he was pleased at his son’s sense of profit and loss even at this very young age of 5 years. He turned to his son and said, ” You will become an even better businessman than me as you have very good sense of profit and loss even at this young age. But my son, what will we do with this Paalki. ”

” When I grow up and you become old, I will use the same Paalki to bring you and mother to this place. ” , Said the Son innocently.

Moral : As you sow so shall you reap. Do not expect your kids to respect and serve you if you do not respect and serve your parents. No matter how many good things you try to teach your kids, it will be of almost no use. Always remember that most of the kids do not learn by your words but they learn by the examples that you set for them or in other words, they learn from your character and conduct. If they see you doing all the bad things, they may very well end up doing bad things, no matter how hard you may try to teach them all the good things in the world. So set good examples for your kids if you want them to be good as your kids are nothing but your own mirror reflections and they will show you, your real image during the later years of your life.


Himanshu Shangari

Show off is Good Sometimes

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Once upon a time, there was a great saint who had established harmonious connections with all the forces of nature as well as with all the living creatures on earth. Once he was traveling from one place to another and he decided to stay in a village which was on the way, as it had already got dark enough and his destination was still far away. So the Saint entered the village with the intention of spending the night there.

The villagers welcomed the saint and they took great care of each and every need of the saint with great respect and attention. In the morning, when the saint prepared to leave for his destination, the villagers gave him many types of eatables and other things which would help him during the course of his journey. The saint was very pleased and moved by the hospitality of the villagers and asked them as if he could do anything for them in return.

The villagers told the saint that everything else was good in the village except for a horrible snake who sat under the shade of a big tree in village and who bit each and everyone who went close to that tree and as a result many people from the village as well as from the nearby villages had died of his snakebite. The prayed the saint to relieve them of the terror of this snake.

The saint went to the tree where a big and horrible looking snake sat with a wide spread hood which inspired awe in the eyes of the beholders. As the saint went closer to the snake, the snake recognized the divine power of the saint, touched his feet and asked for his command. The saint told the snake not to bite any humans from now on, to which snake consented and gave his promise that from now on, he would not bite any humans.

The saint then started his journey leaving very happy villagers behind him. After a few months, as the saint was returning from his journey, he decided to stay in the same village for the night. The villagers welcomed him and served him very well once again. In the morning when the saint was about to leave the village, something came to his mind and he walked towards the tree under which the snake used to sit. As the saint reached the tree, he saw a very sympathetic and moving scene.

The snake was lying under the same tree with his body all wounded and it looked like almost dead. The saint went closer to him, took his weak and almost lifeless body in his lap and asked the snake as to how did he reached this state. The snake answered that since he had stopped biting people, they stopped fearing him and with the passage of time, the kids from the village started throwing stones on him while the elders watched, as it seemed to give them amusement. The situation got worse and the villagers even started to walk over his body as they had no fear of his snakebite and this is how he reached this miserable situation.

The saint healed the snake with his divine power and said, ” I had asked you not to bite anyone but I had not asked you not to spread your hood, look all horrible and scare the people who come close to you “.

Moral : Even though you may have a very good nature and you may be a true gentle human being, but you have to have some scary qualities in you which should be used for keeping bad people away. Even though you don’t want to harm anyone, a show off of being potentially harmful is a must in today’s world as otherwise, bad people will start walking over your body. So even if you don’t mean to bite, do learn to spread your hood and scare when you need to.


Himanshu Shangari