The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020).
What is Manglik Dosh
Mars is a fiery planet and it is loaded with energy. When Mars is functionally benefic in a horoscope, this energy may be used for various constructive purposes. It is like we can use fire to cook food, to warm ourselves, to run our industries and to do many other things.
However, when Mars is functionally malefic in a horoscope, the same fire becomes destructive like forest fire which can burn anything and everything that comes within its reach. Malefic Mars can cause various types of problems for the native under its influence and some of these problems are related to marriage; when Mars forms Manglik Dosh in a horoscope.
Placement of Mars in Horoscope
Manglik Dosh is among the most feared defects mentioned in Vedic astrology. Many people reject marriage alliances, merely because of presumed Manglik Dosh. According to its prevalent definition, if Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a horoscope, Manglik Dosh is formed in such horoscope. This defect is associated with delay in marriage, troubled marriages, disputes, separations, divorces, widowhood and many other disturbing events.
Though there are no doubts that a planet like Mars is actually capable of doing all this and even more; the question is ‘does it do such things so often’? Let’s find out the answer to this question as well as to a number of other questions associated with this defect.
A horoscope has 12 houses and the probability of each planet being placed in any one of these houses is 1 in 12. Since Manglik Dosh is said to be formed when Mars is placed in any one of the already mentioned 6 out of 12 houses, the probability of presence of Manglik Dosh in a horoscope is 1 in 2. Therefore, 50% of people are suffering from Manglik Dosh, across the globe.
As a remedy to this defect, it is often suggested that a Manglik should get married to another Manglik. A native who has Manglik Dosh in his horoscope is called Manglik. The logic behind such alliance is that if both natives have Manglik Dosh in their horoscopes, they will balance each other out. Having known this much, let’s dig deeper and check the authenticity of these claims or beliefs.
The literal meaning of the term Dosh is defect. A defect should be associated with a malefic planet and not with a benefic planet. According to one of the elementary rules of Vedic astrology; benefic planets form good yogas and malefic planets form bad yogas. So is it assumed that Mars placed in these six specific houses is always malefic; or is it assumed that even benefic Mars placed in these six houses forms Manglik Dosh?
No planet may become malefic merely by placement in a specific house; as each and every planet among navaraha is fully capable of producing malefic as well as benefic results in each and every house of a horoscope. That leaves us with the second assumption that even benefic Mars placed in these six specific houses forms Manglik Dosh.
Mars – The Planet of Energy
If we try to look into this assumption, it can be found that Mars is a planet of energy and marriage is a delicate relationship. The extra energy featured by Mars may not be good for marriage and hence it may break marriage or even cause death of the partner. It means when a native is affected by such assumed Manglik Dosh, he may bring too much energy to the sphere of marriage and this excessive energy may cause serious problems in marriage or to the partner. It is like the native affected by Manglik Dosh may be very aggressive, stubborn, argumentative, impulsive, violent, hot-headed or he may possess other such personality traits which are caused by excess of energy; since such excess tends to balance itself out through outward expressions like the ones mentioned.
This may sound convincing and it may be assumed for a moment that it is true. But then, how can the marriage of one Manglik with another Manglik be the solution for this defect? Is there any wisdom in bringing even more energy to a marriage through another Manglik when there is already too much energy to handle, because of one Manglik? Does it sound wise that an aggressive, impulsive, stubborn, argumentative, violent and/or hot-headed native should be paired with the one who possesses the same personality traits? Are we trying to make a positive by bringing two negatives together?
The concept which gives a positive through two negatives is called multiplication and not addition, in mathematics. When two negatives are added, the resultant is an even bigger negative. The best way to reduce a negative number is to add a positive number to it. Taking an example, if +8 is added to -10, the resultant is -2 which means the negativity has decreased. However, if -8 is added to -10, the resultant is -18 which means the negativity has increased.
Coming to the real life; an aggressive or violent native is better matched with a wise and tolerant native and not with another one of his kind. Two aggressive, argumentative, impulsive or violent natives put together in a relationship like marriage may end up causing disasters in most cases. It means the belief which says a Manglik should be married to another Manglik is not a wise one and hence it should not be followed.
Benefic Mars & Different Yogas
Coming back to the belief that even benefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in six specific houses of a horoscope; this belief is paradoxical. Looking at some facts, the definition for another yoga says that the placement of benefic Mars in the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn forms Ruchaka Yoga in the horoscope. Ruchaka Yoga is a benefic Yoga and it may bless the native with very good results related to various spheres of his life; including marriage. The definition for another yoga says that if benefic Moon and Mars are placed together in any house of a horoscope; Chandra Mangal Yoga is formed in such horoscope. It is a beneficial yoga and it may bless the native with wonderful results related to many spheres of his life; including marriage.
Suppose benefic exalted Mars is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn. Does it form Manglik Dosh or Ruchaka Yoga? Suppose benefic Moon is also placed in the first house of this horoscope along with exalted Mars. Does Mars form Manglik Dosh or it forms Ruchaka Yoga as well as Chandra Mangal Yoga? Since a number of natives have witnessed very good results due to Ruchaka Yoga and Chandra Mangal Yoga; the belief that even benefic Mars forms defect in six specific houses of a horoscope is not true.
Formation of Manglik Dosh
Hence we need to approach the formation of Manglik Dosh through the same guideline which proves itself correct time and again. This guideline forms the basis of defining each good and bad yoga in Vedic astrology. According to this guideline; benefic planets form good yogas and malefic planets form bad yogas.
It means Mars has to be functionally malefic in a horoscope in order to form Manglik Dosh in such horoscope; and benefic Mars can’t form Manglik Dosh in a horoscope. Hence the refined definition of Manglik Dosh is; if malefic Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a horoscope, Manglik Dosh is formed in such horoscope.
Once the formation of Manglik Dosh is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. The strength of Manglik Dosh is checked through the placement of Mars in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas. Apart from that, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Mars; the overall theme of the horoscope and the running times may also affect the strength of Manglik Dosh.
Let’s discuss the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Mars in a horoscope. This is a major factor and it can change the results; significantly or completely. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus. Suppose benefic exalted Moon is also placed in the seventh house along with Mars. Moon is benefic and it is stronger than Mars in Taurus. Hence it may significantly reduce the strength of Manglik Dosh.
This placement of Moon may especially prove good for the event of marriage. It means the marriage of this native may not be delayed much, despite the presence of Manglik Dosh in the seventh house. Within the sign of Taurus, if Moon is placed in Taurus or Cancer navamsha of Rohini nakshatra, it may also help with the quality of marriage. However, if exalted Moon is placed in Mrigashira nakshatra; it may prove more helpful for the event of marriage, than for the health of marriage.
Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house in Taurus. Suppose malefic Ketu is also placed in the seventh house and malefic Rahu is placed in the first house in Scorpio. In this case, Manglik Dosh may gain more strength and the native may face even more problems related to his marriage. Since Mars rules the first house in this horoscope, along with the sixth house; this malefic combination may also create problems related to overall health, lifespan, profession and personality of the native.
Looking at the sphere of marriage, the native may witness delay in marriage or he may face broken marriages; depending on his overall horoscope and finer factors. Such malefic combination may delay the marriage of the native beyond his age of 35. It can also break two or three marriages of the native; unless there are strong benefic planets in the horoscope, which balance out this effect.
This malefic combination may also prove very troublesome for native’s own health and lifespan. Such native may suffer from various types of health problems and he may die before his age of 60. If the overall horoscope is weak or malefic; the native, his wife or both of them may get killed in an accident or they may get murdered; depending on their overall horoscopes. As more malefic planets influence Mars; such Manglik Dosh may prove even more troublesome.
Impact of Manglik Dosh
The next factor to check is the field of impact of Manglik Dosh. To calculate the field of impact, the house of placement of Mars as well as the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Mars should be checked. The formation of Manglik Dosh in various houses of horoscope may trouble the native with different types of malefic results, though it may create problems related to marriage in each case.
For example, the formation of Manglik Dosh in the first house of horoscope may cause problems related to health, lifespan, personality and profession of the native; apart from causing problems related to marriage. On the other hand, the formation of Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of horoscope may primarily cause problems related to the marriage of the native. If Manglik Dosh is formed in the second house of horoscope, the native may face problems related to money, wealth, finances, family, speech and communication; in addition to the problems related to marriage.
The formation of Manglik Dosh in the fourth house may create problems related to mother, education, peace of mind, mental and emotional health, properties, vehicles and family; in addition to the problems related to marriage. The formation of Manglik Dosh in the eighth house may create problems related to health and lifespan of the native; in addition to the problems related to marriage. The formation of Manglik Dosh in the twelfth house may create problems related to financial losses, unfortunate events, addictions and vices; in addition to the problems related to marriage.
Time of Activation of Manglik Dosh
The next factor to check is the time of activation of Manglik Dosh. Even when actually formed in a horoscope, any good or bad Yoga may not be activated from the time of birth of the native and the activation may vary from person to person. It means that Manglik Dosh present in different horoscopes may have different times of activation. Accordingly, different natives may start facing problems due to it during different ages.
Above all, the overall theme of the horoscope having Manglik Dosh should be analyzed carefully as this is what matters the most. The overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and it can change everything. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better way. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus in Capricorn navamsha of Krittika nakshatra.
Such Manglik Dosh is strong and it may break one or two marriages of the native; without support from other malefic planets. Such Manglik Dosh alone may not prove troublesome for health and lifespan of the native though it may trouble his first wife with these problems. Hence the first wife of this native may face serious health issues and she may die; if her own horoscope is not strong enough to protect her lifespan.
Let’s see how an overall benefic horoscope may reduce these problems. Suppose benefic exalted Venus is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope in Pisces, benefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the ninth house in Cancer, benefic Saturn is placed in the third house in Capricorn and malefic Mercury is placed in the sixth house in Aries. In this case, the overall horoscope become more balanced and it is capable of reducing the problems indicted by Manglik Dosh. Venus rules the seventh house and it is exalted in the fifth house.
Jupiter is the general signifier of marriage in case of female natives and it is also exalted in the ninth house. The placements of Saturn and Mercury may also help create better balance in the horoscope. Suppose benefic Sun is placed in the fifth house in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra along with Venus; and benefic Moon is placed in the second house in Sagittarius in Poorvashada nakshatra. Rahu is placed in the second house with Moon; and Ketu is placed in the eighth house in Gemini. In this case, the horoscope becomes better and more capable. Hence Manglik Dosh may neither delay the marriage of this native, nor may it break any marriage of this native; provided the finer factors are favourable.
Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus in Capricorn navamsha of Krittika nakshatra. Suppose malefic Venus is placed in the sixth house in Aries in Bharani nakshatra along with malefic Rahu; and malefic Ketu is placed in the twelfth house in Libra. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the fourth house in Aquarius in Dhanishtha nakshatra and a malefic combination of Sun and Mercury is placed in the eighth house in Gemini.
In this case, the overall horoscope becomes negative and it may especially prove bad for marriage. Manglik Dosh formed in such horoscope may trouble the marriage or marriages of a male native; more than those of female native. This native may face serious or very serious type of problems related to his marriage. For example, the native may witness two or three broken marriages, the native may lose his first wife to death or the native may engage in extramarital affair and he may face bad reputation along with divorce; depending on his overall horoscope.
Looking at some other probabilities, the wife of this native may have an extramarital affair and the native may face social as well as family problems due to such affair. In an extreme case of this type; native’s wife may run away with her lover and she may never come back.
Effect of Mahadashas
After this, the impact of running times should also be checked. The term ‘running times’ in this context means planetary periods, commonly known as Mahadashas. Running times are most important when it comes to check; when may the native suffer the most due to Manglik Dosh. Any type of good or bad yoga becomes duly effective, if one of the planets involved in its formation rules the running time. Therefore, the native may witness the strongest malefic results of Manglik Dosh when he is hit by the planetary period of Mars. This simple looking fact may significantly change the quantum of troubles faced by a native under strong influence of Manglik Dosh.
Planetary periods or Mahadashas are decided on the basis of placements of Moon in various nakshatras, in the birth chart of native. The planet which rules the birth nakshatra of a native; rules the planetary period at the time of birth of such native. For example, if Moon is placed in Aries in Ashwini nakshatra; Ashwini becomes the birth nakshatra of this native. Since Ashwini is ruled by Ketu; the native is born under Ketu Mahadasha.
Planetary periods repeat in fixed cyclic pattern and one cycle takes 120 years to complete. Ketu Mahadasha lasts for 7 years, followed by 20 year Venus Mahadasha, followed by 6 year Sun Mahadasha, 10 year Moon Mahadasha, 7 year Mars Mahadasha, 18 year Rahu Mahadasha, 16 year Jupiter Mahadasha, 19 year Saturn Mahadasha and 17 year Mercury Mahadasha. This gives us 120 years. At the end of Mercury Mahadasha; Ketu Mahadasha begins again.
Let’s take an example to understand the relevance of running times. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus and malefic Rahu is also placed in the seventh house. The 7 year planetary period of Mars is followed by 18 years of Rahu period. Hence both these planets rule the planetary periods for 25 years; once the planetary period of Mars begins.
Suppose such Manglik Dosh is capable of breaking three or four marriages of the native; with the support of overall horoscope. The maximum quantum of damage indicated by such Manglik Dosh may be realized; when the planetary period of Mars in in effect. This is because during this period, Manglik Dosh may gain additional strength and hence it may trouble the native with maximum possible strength.
Since malefic Rahu is also engaged in this combination, the planetary period of Rahu may also prove very troublesome for marriage. Hence the native may face the worst problems indicated by such malefic combination; if planetary periods of Mars and Rahu hit him at relevant times. The term ‘relevant times’ in this context means when opportunities have appeared.
You see, the definition of Manglik Dosh looks very simple. However, the actual process of calculating the malefic results indicated by Manglik Dosh in a horoscope is complex. Therefore, each and every aspect in a horoscope should be checked properly; before concluding the formation of Manglik Dosh in a horoscope or before predicting the type and quantum of malefic results indicated by it.
Vedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Manglik Dosh. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Manglik Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing the horoscope.
Himanshu Shangari