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Match Making and Manglik Dosh

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)

Vedic astrology is a very old and comprehensive faith of astrology. Though some other similar faiths are like streams or rivers, Vedic astrology is an ocean which can provide resources to many of these faiths. I have studied and researched many such faiths like Numerology and Vastu but none of them holds their ground without the support of Vedic astrology. It is the faith which is the backbone of many such faiths.

The fact that Vedic astrology is among the oldest faiths of its kind, also makes it vulnerable to many types of corruptions and adulterations from time to time. Some of these adulterations may be the results of misinterpretations of various concepts of Vedic astrology from time to time. Some others may be there because some scholars may have twisted some definitions, for selfish motives. Due to such adulterations, corruptions and misinterpretations, Vedic astrology may not look as capable and accurate to a number of people, as it actually is.

With the grace of Lord Shiva, I have spent years in researching various concepts of Vedic astrology. It has been a constant effort to find out where and how much, such concepts may have been misinterpreted; and what could be the correct interpretations of these concepts. Though in their misinterpreted forms, most such concepts of Vedic astrology don’t hold ground in real practice of astrology, almost all of them hold solid ground in their modified forms. This effort has taken many years of research as well as analysis of thousands of horoscopes. The results however, have been very rewarding.

This book is an effort to create awareness among the lovers of Vedic astrology that this faith is still as capable as it was when it was born. Various misinterpretations from time to time may have caused confusions related to many important concepts of this faith. Through this book, an attempt has been made to create awareness about the concepts of Horoscope Matching and Manglik Dosh. The concepts like Gun Milaan and Manglik Dosh are given utmost importance for the purpose of horoscope matching.

Looking at the system of Gun Milaan, it pays utmost importance to Moon signs and Moon nakshatras of the natives under consideration for horoscope matching. Since Moon can build and sustain delicate relationships and it represents mind; it becomes the primary choice for marriage. Many of us may not realize but we are controlled by our minds, our feelings and our emotions; much more than we are controlled by anything else. It means if the minds of two people can be matched; the chances of these two people forming and sustaining meaningful relationships increase a lot.

Accordingly, the system of Gun Milaan was devised, to assess the success rate of marriages; based on unique attributes belonging to Moon. When this system was devised, it was believed ‘marriage is a union of two minds’.

Those were the times when people in general had different lifestyles, different needs, different societies and a number of other different attributes; compared to us. Hence much importance was assigned to the fact that the partners should be compatible on the level of mind.

It means primary importance was not assigned to aspects like education, wealth, luxuries, foreign settlement and many other such aspects. The primary goal of horoscope matching was that the partners should be compatible with each other. Those times were more spiritual where peace of mind mattered the most.

The world has changed a lot since then. Looking at the present times; we are living in the age of materialism. Accordingly, the primary needs have changed. Success, wellbeing, prosperity, resources and pleasures related to material domain have become the primary focus for most people in the present times. As a result, the primary concerns related to horoscope matching have changed.

Nowadays, the parents of a female native ask how much money the male will make, how many material resources and pleasures he will be able to possess, will he settle in a foreign country and many other such questions.

Likewise, the parents of a male native have their own questions, most of which are also related to material domains. For example, physical beauty of females has become much more important than their inner beauty which means the beauty of their minds. Hence people are willing to settle for less in the domain of inner beauty; if they’re able to get physically beautiful brides. Physical beauty falls under material domain.

Most questions asked by both sides in the present times don’t belong to the domain of the mind and they belong to material domain. Hence it is unfair to assess the wellbeing of marriage using the same system.

Our needs have changed and accordingly; different approach should be taken for horoscope matching. Whereas the placements of Moon in matching signs and nakshatras can bless a couple with emotional and mental compatibility and that too if the rest of the horoscope is supportive; it simply can’t bless them with all the things they are asking for; in this day and age.

Accordingly, we need to shift our focus away from Moon and towards the planets which are capable of blessing us with the results we are looking for. Hence different and more detailed approach is required for match making, in the present times.

Gun Milaan is still an important aspect of horoscope matching; though it is not the only aspect. Taking an example, if the process of horoscope matching is attempted like a question paper; the section of Gun Milaan may carry 10 out of 100 marks. This makes it an important section but not the only section which should be attempted. Hence Gun Milaan should be considered as a part of the process called horoscope matching and it should not be considered as the entire process itself.

When it comes to Manglik Dosh, it is believed that the placement of Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house of a horoscope forms Manglik Dosh in such horoscope. This defect is associated with a number of troublesome problems related to marriage. However, it may not be so in reality and benefic Mars placed in any one of these six houses may not form Manglik Dosh.

Hence the refined definition for this defect is; if malefic Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a horoscope, Manglik Dosh is formed in such horoscope. Even if Manglik Dosh is formed in a horoscope, it doesn’t mean that the native should face very serious problems. In order to assess the type and quantum of problems indicated by Manglik Dosh in a horoscope; its strength, field of impact and other relevant factors should be checked properly. Only then, it may be assessed whether such Manglik Dosh may or may not cause potential problems.

The strength of Manglik Dosh is checked through the placement of Mars in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas. Apart from that, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Mars; the overall theme of the horoscope and the running times (planetary periods) may also affect the strength of Manglik Dosh.

Vedic astrology is duly equipped with remedies to reduce the strength of every type of defect formed during Gun Milaan. Appropriate remedies may also reduce the strength of Manglik Dosh as well as other defects which may affect marriage and wellbeing of a couple.


Himanshu Shangari

Horoscope Matching

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Horoscope Matching

Importance of Moon in Horoscope Matching

Sun and Moon are considered as the two most important planets in Vedic astrology. Among these two; Moon is considered more important. Though Sun represents very important characteristics like confidence, intelligence, initiative and leadership abilities; Moon represents the mind. Through mind, Moon also represents emotional wellbeing and peace of mind.

The value of Moon is enhanced a lot; when it comes to relationships. Relationships are primarily run by emotions as well as feelings and both these attributes are ruled by Moon. Hence you simply may not have good relationships and sustain them; unless you’re blessed by the energy of Moon. The emotional bonds which make and sustain relationships are ruled by Moon. Since mother ranks the highest when it comes to have beautiful relationships (with her children), mother is also ruled by Moon.

When it comes to a relationship like marriage, there may be no planet as important as Moon; especially in case of arranged marriages. In Vedic India; most marriages were arranged. Hence the bride and groom had no prior interactions with each other. In most cases; even their families didn’t have direct interactions and marriage proposals were sought through circles of friends and relatives. This system is still alive in India. Though some couples are engaging in love marriages in present times; some couples are still engaging in arranged marriages.

When a marriage is arranged, two strangers are supposed to form a very valuable relationship; a bond which may become the most important one for the rest of their lives. Hence parents take advice from astrologers by horoscope matching in order to find out if such relationship is going to sustain and if it is going to be meaningful. A marriage may look like a union of two people; it is a union of two minds in the deepest sense.

What is Gun Milaan

Accordingly, the system of Gun Milaan was devised, to assess the success rate of marriages; based on unique attributes belonging to Moon. When this system was devised, it was believed ‘marriage is a union of two minds’. Though other planetary factors were duly considered; but major focus was put on Gun Milaan. Let’s try to understand the system of Gun Milaan before moving ahead with the discussion.

During their transitory motion; all planets among navagraha except Rahu and Ketu move from Aries to Pisces in cyclic movements. Rahu and Ketu move from Pisces to Aries in cyclic retrograde motion. Hence Moon also moves from Aries to Pisces. Within these twelve signs; lie 27 nakshatras from Ashwini to Revati. Hence each planet moves through these 27 nakshatras also; while moving through 12 zodiac signs. This concept has been explained in details in the book ‘Nakshatras – The Journey of Soul’.

At any given point in time; Moon is placed in one specific sign as well as in one specific nakshatra within that sign; like all other planets among navagraha. When a native is born; the sign of placement of Moon at that time is commonly called the birth sign, Moon sign, Moon Raashi or simply Raashi of that native. Likewise, the nakshatra of placement of Moon is called the birth nakshatra of the native. 12 signs and 27 nakshatras form a number of favorable and unfavorable combinations among themselves. The study of such combinations as well as their outcomes is conducted through the system of Gun Milaan.

Through this system, various attributes associated with Moon signs and Moon nakshatras of bride and groom are matched. This matching indicates outcomes which may be highly favorable, favorable, average, unfavorable or highly unfavorable; depending on the points which may be scored out of 36. These points are called Gunas. Since this system works on the basis of calculating the strength of a match based on Gunas; it is called Gun Milaan (point based matching). Let’s see how such Gunas are assigned.

Important Aspects of Horoscope Matching

Vedic astrology considers eight important koots (aspects) which form the core of this system called Gun Milaan. These koots as well as the points assigned to them are listed below. We’ll discuss each individual koot in details; in the coming chapters.

Varna:                          1 Point

Vashya:                        2 Points

Tara:                             3 Points

Yoni:                             4 Points

Graha Maitri:              5 Points

Gana:                            6 Points

Bhakoot:                      7 Points

Nadi:                             8 Points


Points or Gunas are assigned to each one of these eight koots as mentioned above. The koot of Varna is considered as the least important in this system and hence it carries 1 point. Moving down the point table, the koot of Nadi is considered as the most important koot and hence it carries 8 points. The remaining six koots carry 2 to 6 points based on their importance. The total number comes out as 36 when the points for all the koots are added up. Hence in the system of Gun Milaan, the total score is 36. The score that a couple under consideration gets out of this total score decides the strength of compatibility between such couple.

A score below 18 is considered bad for compatibility and it gets worse as it moves down to 1. A score above 18 is progressively considered better and a score of 36 out of 36 is called a perfect match. Hence, if a couple registers a score of 26 out of 36, the match is recommended with some cautions and some remedies for the missing Gunas. However, if a score of 10 or below is obtained, the match is not recommended at all, even with remedies. This is how the system of Gun Milaan works.

Knowing this much, let’s move ahead with the discussion. The system of Gun Milaan considers Moon and Moon alone for all calculations. No other planets is taken into account while making calculations through this system.

All eight koots have been named on the basis of placements of Moon in various signs and nakshatras. For example, the koot named Yoni stands for the species to which a specific nakshatra among 27 nakshatras relates. To simplify, the first nakshatra Ashwini is associated with horse yoni. Hence the placement of Moon in this nakshatra in the birth chart of a native makes him have horse yoni, according to this system.

Similarly, the koot of Graha Maitri which carries 5 points in this system is calculated on the basis of presence of Moon in specific signs in the birth charts of the natives being considered for marriage. If the lords of the signs of placements of Moon in the birth charts of such natives are same or friendly towards each other, 5 out of 5 points are assigned.  For example, if both natives have their Moon signs as Libra or one of them has Moon sign as Libra whereas the other one has the Moon sign as Gemini, 5 out of 5 points are assigned. In the first case, both the Moon signs belong to the same planet Venus whereas in the second case, the lords of these Moon signs being Venus and Mercury are mutually friendly towards each other.

On the other hand, if the lords of the Moon signs of these two natives are enemies towards each other, 0 out of 5 points are assigned for this koot. For example, if the Moon sign of one native is Leo and the Moon sign of the other native is Aquarius, 0 out of 5 points is assigned for Graha Maitri koot. This is because the lord of the sign Leo and the lord of the sign of Aquarius, which are Sun and Saturn respectively, are mutual enemies.

Similarly, the points for all other koots are also assigned and finally a score is calculated by adding up all those points. As already mentioned, if the final score is good, it is called a good match. However, if the score is bad or very bad, the match is not recommended.

Since this system works on the basis of Moon alone, it can’t be a complete system on its own; when it comes to decide the fate of a marriage. Hence it may be a helpful system but it may not be the only factor which should be considered. Given the kind of wisdom that ancient astrologers and sages possessed, it is doubtful that they depended on the system of Gun Milaan alone; for predicting the fate of marriages. They must have considered other important factors also.

Effects of the Planets on Horoscope Matching

A horoscope features 9 planets, 12 houses, 12 signs and 27 nakshatras. Each one of them is important in one sense or another and none of them can be ignored. Some of them may be important because they can bring good things and some of them may be important because they can cause destruction; depending on the overall theme of a horoscope in question. Among these factors, the planets carry maximum importance and their placements in various houses, signs, nakshatras and navamshas may strongly influence any sphere of life.

Taking an example, suppose exalted Moon is placed in the sixth house in Taurus in Mrigashira nakshatra, in the horoscope of a male native. Let’s consider another case where exalted Moon is placed in the twelfth house in Taurus in Rohini nakshatra in the horoscope of a female native. When we match these horoscopes through the system of Gun Milaan, the score comes out as 36 out of 36; which means a perfect match.

The male native has a horoscope with Sagittarius ascendant and the female native has a horoscope with Gemini ascendant. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of male native’s horoscope in Gemini in Ardra nakshatra. In this case, Manglik Dosh alone is capable of breaking this marriage, despite the perfect match indicated by Gun Milaan.

Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of female native’s horoscope in Sagittarius in Moola nakshatra. Manglik Dosh in the seventh house in Moola nakshatra can prove destructive and this defect alone holds the potential to break two to three marriages of this native. Since both natives have Manglik Dosh in their horoscopes; the marriage may fail miserably. It means Manglik Dosh; when present in one or both horoscopes being considered for horoscope matching; carries significant importance and it can’t be ignored, merely on the basis of perfect or very good score in Gun Milaan.

Let’s consider another probability and let’s start without Manglik Dosh in any of these horoscopes. Let’s suppose in the horoscope of a male native; malefic Venus is placed in the sixth house in Taurus in Krittika nakshatra along with Moon. Venus represents marriage and wife for a male native. It is malefic and placed in the sixth house which is a difficult to handle house. Moon rules the eighth house in this case and it too is malefic. As a result, Venus is under attack from Moon and from the sixth house.

This malefic combination alone is capable of breaking more than one marriage of the native despite the perfect score of 36 given by Gun Milaan. In addition to that, such malefic combination holds the potential to make the native lose his first wife to death.

Let’s make a change to the horoscope of the female native also. Suppose debilitated Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of her horoscope in Capricorn. Jupiter represents husband and marriage as its general significance in case of female natives. Since Jupiter rules the seventh house in this horoscope; it represents the husband and marriage as its specific significance also. Hence the most important planet for the marriage of this female native is debilitated in the eighth house; which is a difficult to handle house.

This placement of Jupiter alone is capable of creating serious problems related to the marriage of this female native; including the death of her husband. Here again, Gun Milaan gives the perfect score of 36 but the actual results may be the opposite of perfect. If these two natives get married, the results may be disastrous.

Apart from that; there are a number of other problems which may be created by various planets in these two horoscopes and such problems may be directly related to marriage. Taking an example, let’s start with basic placements of Moon in both horoscopes. Suppose Rahu and Ketu form Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope of the female native. It means Rahu is placed in the first house in Gemini, Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Sagittarius and all other planets are placed between the seventh and twelfth house.

Suppose Rahu is placed in Ardra nakshatra within the sign of Gemini and Ketu is placed in Moola nakshatra within the sign of Sagittarius. Such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may prove very troublesome for marriage as well as for other spheres of this native’s life. It may destroy one, two, three or more marriages of this native; depending on her overall horoscope. Here again, Gun Milaan gives a score of 36 but the fate of this marriage may be troublesome.

Similarly, there are hundreds of other defects, placements and combinations which may create serious problems in the marriage of these natives. However, Gun Milaan may still assign 36 points which means the marriage is perfect. In order to understand different concepts; we have only assumed that one of them may be present in a horoscope, at a time. However in reality; more than one of such troublesome concepts may be present in one or both the horoscopes.

There is another fact related to horoscope matching which carries great importance. In the Vedic times; it was believed ‘marriage is a union of two minds’. These were the times when people in general had different lifestyles, different needs, different societies and a number of other different attributes; compared to us. Hence much importance was assigned to the fact that the partners should be compatible on the level of mind.

It means primary importance was not assigned to aspects like education, wealth, luxuries, foreign settlement and many other such aspects. The primary goal of horoscope matching was that the partners should be compatible with each other. Hence if both the horoscopes showed not many materialistic resources and pleasures but they showed good compatibility; one such match was considered good. The material aspect was limited to needs only; in most cases. It means if the couple was able to meet their daily needs and have good compatibility; the marriage was considered good. Those times were more spiritual where peace of mind mattered the most.

Horoscope Matching in the Modern Times

The world has changed a lot since then. Looking at the present times; we are living in the age of materialism. Accordingly, the primary needs have changed. Success, wellbeing, prosperity, resources and pleasures related to material domain have become the primary focus for post people in present times. As a result, the primary concerns related to horoscope matching have changed.

Nowadays, people ask how much money the groom will make, how many material resources and pleasures he will be able to possess, will he settle in a foreign country and many other such questions. Likewise, the parents of the groom have their own questions, most of which are also related to material domains. For example, the physical beauty of females has become much more important than their inner beauty which means the beauty of their minds. Hence people are willing to settle for less in the field of inner beauty; if they’re able to get a physically beautiful bride. Physical beauty falls under material domain. Likewise, people may be interested in how much money the female will make instead of being interested in how loving and caring she may be.

Most questions asked by both sides in present times don’t belong to the domain of the mind and they belong to material domain. Hence it is unfair to assess the wellbeing of a marriage using the same system. For instance, many females are willing to settle for less mental and emotional compatibility if they’re able to get married to rich males. Likewise, many males are willing to settle for less mental and emotional compatibility, if they are able to get married to beautiful females.

Accordingly, we need to shift our focus away from Moon and towards the planets which are capable of blessing us with the results we are looking for. There are planets like Sun, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn which can bless you with money, wealth, beauty, luxuries, authority, fame, reputation, success, bravery, courage, intellect, planning, dutifulness, intelligence, creativity and many other such things. A number of people in present times wish that their partners should possess some of these attributes.

Therefore, in the present times; horoscope matching should be done; by considering all aspects which may be generally important according to the need of present times; or they may be specifically important. Looking at the term ‘specifically important’; the parents of a female may want that their daughter should get married to someone who may permanently settle abroad so that their daughter may also settle abroad. It this case, if the horoscope of the male indicates that he may become a foreign citizen in the future; it is a specifically beneficial as well as important factor.

Hence horoscope matching should be done by taking all these factors into consideration. When Gun Milaan is the only system which is practiced to predict the outcomes of a marriage in present times; the accuracy of predictions may be questionable in most cases. Even if a concept like Manglik Dosh is considered along with Gun Milaan, it is not sufficient. The entire horoscopes should be matched properly, generally as well as specifically; to obtain maximum benefits from the process of horoscope matching.

Coming to the end, it should be kept in mind that the system of Gun Milaan is still an important aspect of horoscope matching; though it is not the only aspect. Taking an example, if the process of horoscope matching is attempted like a question paper; the section of Gun Milaan may carry 10 out of 100 marks. This makes it an important section but not the only section which should be attempted. Hence Gun Milaan should be considered as a part of the process called horoscope matching and it should not be considered as the entire process itself.


Himanshu Shangari



Manglik Dosh

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020).

What is Manglik Dosh

Mars is a fiery planet and it is loaded with energy. When Mars is functionally benefic in a horoscope, this energy may be used for various constructive purposes. It is like we can use fire to cook food, to warm ourselves, to run our industries and to do many other things.

However, when Mars is functionally malefic in a horoscope, the same fire becomes destructive like forest fire which can burn anything and everything that comes within its reach. Malefic Mars can cause various types of problems for the native under its influence and some of these problems are related to marriage; when Mars forms Manglik Dosh in a horoscope.

Placement of Mars in Horoscope

Manglik Dosh is among the most feared defects mentioned in Vedic astrology. Many people reject marriage alliances, merely because of presumed Manglik Dosh. According to its prevalent definition, if Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a horoscope, Manglik Dosh is formed in such horoscope. This defect is associated with delay in marriage, troubled marriages, disputes, separations, divorces, widowhood and many other disturbing events.

Though there are no doubts that a planet like Mars is actually capable of doing all this and even more; the question is ‘does it do such things so often’? Let’s find out the answer to this question as well as to a number of other questions associated with this defect.

A horoscope has 12 houses and the probability of each planet being placed in any one of these houses is 1 in 12. Since Manglik Dosh is said to be formed when Mars is placed in any one of the already mentioned 6 out of 12 houses, the probability of presence of Manglik Dosh in a horoscope is 1 in 2. Therefore, 50% of people are suffering from Manglik Dosh, across the globe.

As a remedy to this defect, it is often suggested that a Manglik should get married to another Manglik. A native who has Manglik Dosh in his horoscope is called Manglik. The logic behind such alliance is that if both natives have Manglik Dosh in their horoscopes, they will balance each other out. Having known this much, let’s dig deeper and check the authenticity of these claims or beliefs.

The literal meaning of the term Dosh is defect. A defect should be associated with a malefic planet and not with a benefic planet. According to one of the elementary rules of Vedic astrology; benefic planets form good yogas and malefic planets form bad yogas. So is it assumed that Mars placed in these six specific houses is always malefic; or is it assumed that even benefic Mars placed in these six houses forms Manglik Dosh?

No planet may become malefic merely by placement in a specific house; as each and every planet among navaraha is fully capable of producing malefic as well as benefic results in each and every house of a horoscope. That leaves us with the second assumption that even benefic Mars placed in these six specific houses forms Manglik Dosh.

Mars – The Planet of Energy

If we try to look into this assumption, it can be found that Mars is a planet of energy and marriage is a delicate relationship. The extra energy featured by Mars may not be good for marriage and hence it may break marriage or even cause death of the partner. It means when a native is affected by such assumed Manglik Dosh, he may bring too much energy to the sphere of marriage and this excessive energy may cause serious problems in marriage or to the partner. It is like the native affected by Manglik Dosh may be very aggressive, stubborn, argumentative, impulsive, violent, hot-headed or he may possess other such personality traits which are caused by excess of energy; since such excess tends to balance itself out through outward expressions like the ones mentioned.

This may sound convincing and it may be assumed for a moment that it is true. But then, how can the marriage of one Manglik with another Manglik be the solution for this defect? Is there any wisdom in bringing even more energy to a marriage through another Manglik when there is already too much energy to handle, because of one Manglik? Does it sound wise that an aggressive, impulsive, stubborn, argumentative, violent and/or hot-headed native should be paired with the one who possesses the same personality traits? Are we trying to make a positive by bringing two negatives together?

The concept which gives a positive through two negatives is called multiplication and not addition, in mathematics. When two negatives are added, the resultant is an even bigger negative. The best way to reduce a negative number is to add a positive number to it. Taking an example, if +8 is added to -10, the resultant is -2 which means the negativity has decreased. However, if -8 is added to -10, the resultant is -18 which means the negativity has increased.

Coming to the real life; an aggressive or violent native is better matched with a wise and tolerant native and not with another one of his kind. Two aggressive, argumentative, impulsive or violent natives put together in a relationship like marriage may end up causing disasters in most cases. It means the belief which says a Manglik should be married to another Manglik is not a wise one and hence it should not be followed.

Benefic Mars & Different Yogas

Coming back to the belief that even benefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in six specific houses of a horoscope; this belief is paradoxical. Looking at some facts, the definition for another yoga says that the placement of benefic Mars in the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn forms Ruchaka Yoga in the horoscope. Ruchaka Yoga is a benefic Yoga and it may bless the native with very good results related to various spheres of his life; including marriage. The definition for another yoga says that if benefic Moon and Mars are placed together in any house of a horoscope; Chandra Mangal Yoga is formed in such horoscope. It is a beneficial yoga and it may bless the native with wonderful results related to many spheres of his life; including marriage.

Suppose benefic exalted Mars is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn. Does it form Manglik Dosh or Ruchaka Yoga? Suppose benefic Moon is also placed in the first house of this horoscope along with exalted Mars. Does Mars form Manglik Dosh or it forms Ruchaka Yoga as well as Chandra Mangal Yoga? Since a number of natives have witnessed very good results due to Ruchaka Yoga and Chandra Mangal Yoga; the belief that even benefic Mars forms defect in six specific houses of a horoscope is not true.

Formation of Manglik Dosh

Hence we need to approach the formation of Manglik Dosh through the same guideline which proves itself correct time and again. This guideline forms the basis of defining each good and bad yoga in Vedic astrology. According to this guideline; benefic planets form good yogas and malefic planets form bad yogas.

It means Mars has to be functionally malefic in a horoscope in order to form Manglik Dosh in such horoscope; and benefic Mars can’t form Manglik Dosh in a horoscope. Hence the refined definition of Manglik Dosh is; if malefic Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a horoscope, Manglik Dosh is formed in such horoscope.

Once the formation of Manglik Dosh is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing to check is its strength. The strength of Manglik Dosh is checked through the placement of Mars in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas. Apart from that, the influences of benefic and malefic planets on Mars; the overall theme of the horoscope and the running times may also affect the strength of Manglik Dosh.

Let’s discuss the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Mars in a horoscope. This is a major factor and it can change the results; significantly or completely. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus. Suppose benefic exalted Moon is also placed in the seventh house along with Mars. Moon is benefic and it is stronger than Mars in Taurus. Hence it may significantly reduce the strength of Manglik Dosh.

This placement of Moon may especially prove good for the event of marriage. It means the marriage of this native may not be delayed much, despite the presence of Manglik Dosh in the seventh house. Within the sign of Taurus, if Moon is placed in Taurus or Cancer navamsha of Rohini nakshatra, it may also help with the quality of marriage. However, if exalted Moon is placed in Mrigashira nakshatra; it may prove more helpful for the event of marriage, than for the health of marriage.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house in Taurus. Suppose malefic Ketu is also placed in the seventh house and malefic Rahu is placed in the first house in Scorpio. In this case, Manglik Dosh may gain more strength and the native may face even more problems related to his marriage. Since Mars rules the first house in this horoscope, along with the sixth house; this malefic combination may also create problems related to overall health, lifespan, profession and personality of the native.

Looking at the sphere of marriage, the native may witness delay in marriage or he may face broken marriages; depending on his overall horoscope and finer factors. Such malefic combination may delay the marriage of the native beyond his age of 35. It can also break two or three marriages of the native; unless there are strong benefic planets in the horoscope, which balance out this effect.

This malefic combination may also prove very troublesome for native’s own health and lifespan. Such native may suffer from various types of health problems and he may die before his age of 60. If the overall horoscope is weak or malefic; the native, his wife or both of them may get killed in an accident or they may get murdered; depending on their overall horoscopes. As more malefic planets influence Mars; such Manglik Dosh may prove even more troublesome.

Impact of Manglik Dosh

The next factor to check is the field of impact of Manglik Dosh. To calculate the field of impact, the house of placement of Mars as well as the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Mars should be checked. The formation of Manglik Dosh in various houses of horoscope may trouble the native with different types of malefic results, though it may create problems related to marriage in each case.

For example, the formation of Manglik Dosh in the first house of horoscope may cause problems related to health, lifespan, personality and profession of the native; apart from causing problems related to marriage. On the other hand, the formation of Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of horoscope may primarily cause problems related to the marriage of the native. If Manglik Dosh is formed in the second house of horoscope, the native may face problems related to money, wealth, finances, family, speech and communication; in addition to the problems related to marriage.

The formation of Manglik Dosh in the fourth house may create problems related to mother, education, peace of mind, mental and emotional health, properties, vehicles and family; in addition to the problems related to marriage. The formation of Manglik Dosh in the eighth house may create problems related to health and lifespan of the native; in addition to the problems related to marriage. The formation of Manglik Dosh in the twelfth house may create problems related to financial losses, unfortunate events, addictions and vices; in addition to the problems related to marriage.

Time of Activation of Manglik Dosh

The next factor to check is the time of activation of Manglik Dosh. Even when actually formed in a horoscope, any good or bad Yoga may not be activated from the time of birth of the native and the activation may vary from person to person. It means that Manglik Dosh present in different horoscopes may have different times of activation. Accordingly, different natives may start facing problems due to it during different ages.

Above all, the overall theme of the horoscope having Manglik Dosh should be analyzed carefully as this is what matters the most. The overall theme of a horoscope is the most important aspect in it and it can change everything. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better way. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus in Capricorn navamsha of Krittika nakshatra.

Such Manglik Dosh is strong and it may break one or two marriages of the native; without support from other malefic planets. Such Manglik Dosh alone may not prove troublesome for health and lifespan of the native though it may trouble his first wife with these problems. Hence the first wife of this native may face serious health issues and she may die; if her own horoscope is not strong enough to protect her lifespan.

Let’s see how an overall benefic horoscope may reduce these problems. Suppose benefic exalted Venus is placed in the fifth house of this horoscope in Pisces, benefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the ninth house in Cancer, benefic Saturn is placed in the third house in Capricorn and malefic Mercury is placed in the sixth house in Aries. In this case, the overall horoscope become more balanced and it is capable of reducing the problems indicted by Manglik Dosh. Venus rules the seventh house and it is exalted in the fifth house.

Jupiter is the general signifier of marriage in case of female natives and it is also exalted in the ninth house. The placements of Saturn and Mercury may also help create better balance in the horoscope. Suppose benefic Sun is placed in the fifth house in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra along with Venus; and benefic Moon is placed in the second house in Sagittarius in Poorvashada nakshatra. Rahu is placed in the second house with Moon; and Ketu is placed in the eighth house in Gemini. In this case, the horoscope becomes better and more capable. Hence Manglik Dosh may neither delay the marriage of this native, nor may it break any marriage of this native; provided the finer factors are favourable.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus in Capricorn navamsha of Krittika nakshatra. Suppose malefic Venus is placed in the sixth house in Aries in Bharani nakshatra along with malefic Rahu; and malefic Ketu is placed in the twelfth house in Libra. Suppose benefic Jupiter is placed in the fourth house in Aquarius in Dhanishtha nakshatra and a malefic combination of Sun and Mercury is placed in the eighth house in Gemini.

In this case, the overall horoscope becomes negative and it may especially prove bad for marriage. Manglik Dosh formed in such horoscope may trouble the marriage or marriages of a male native; more than those of female native. This native may face serious or very serious type of problems related to his marriage. For example, the native may witness two or three broken marriages, the native may lose his first wife to death or the native may engage in extramarital affair and he may face bad reputation along with divorce; depending on his overall horoscope.

Looking at some other probabilities, the wife of this native may have an extramarital affair and the native may face social as well as family problems due to such affair. In an extreme case of this type; native’s wife may run away with her lover and she may never come back.

Effect of Mahadashas

After this, the impact of running times should also be checked. The term ‘running times’ in this context means planetary periods, commonly known as Mahadashas. Running times are most important when it comes to check; when may the native suffer the most due to Manglik Dosh. Any type of good or bad yoga becomes duly effective, if one of the planets involved in its formation rules the running time. Therefore, the native may witness the strongest malefic results of Manglik Dosh when he is hit by the planetary period of Mars. This simple looking fact may significantly change the quantum of troubles faced by a native under strong influence of Manglik Dosh.

Planetary periods or Mahadashas are decided on the basis of placements of Moon in various nakshatras, in the birth chart of native. The planet which rules the birth nakshatra of a native; rules the planetary period at the time of birth of such native. For example, if Moon is placed in Aries in Ashwini nakshatra; Ashwini becomes the birth nakshatra of this native. Since Ashwini is ruled by Ketu; the native is born under Ketu Mahadasha.

Planetary periods repeat in fixed cyclic pattern and one cycle takes 120 years to complete. Ketu Mahadasha lasts for 7 years, followed by 20 year Venus Mahadasha, followed by 6 year Sun Mahadasha, 10 year Moon Mahadasha, 7 year Mars Mahadasha, 18 year Rahu Mahadasha, 16 year Jupiter Mahadasha, 19 year Saturn Mahadasha and 17 year Mercury Mahadasha. This gives us 120 years. At the end of Mercury Mahadasha; Ketu Mahadasha begins again.

Let’s take an example to understand the relevance of running times. Suppose malefic Mars forms Manglik Dosh in the seventh house of a horoscope in Taurus and malefic Rahu is also placed in the seventh house. The 7 year planetary period of Mars is followed by 18 years of Rahu period. Hence both these planets rule the planetary periods for 25 years; once the planetary period of Mars begins.

Suppose such Manglik Dosh is capable of breaking three or four marriages of the native; with the support of overall horoscope. The maximum quantum of damage indicated by such Manglik Dosh may be realized; when the planetary period of Mars in in effect. This is because during this period, Manglik Dosh may gain additional strength and hence it may trouble the native with maximum possible strength.

Since malefic Rahu is also engaged in this combination, the planetary period of Rahu may also prove very troublesome for marriage. Hence the native may face the worst problems indicated by such malefic combination; if planetary periods of Mars and Rahu hit him at relevant times. The term ‘relevant times’ in this context means when opportunities have appeared.

You see, the definition of Manglik Dosh looks very simple. However, the actual process of calculating the malefic results indicated by Manglik Dosh in a horoscope is complex. Therefore, each and every aspect in a horoscope should be checked properly; before concluding the formation of Manglik Dosh in a horoscope or before predicting the type and quantum of malefic results indicated by it.

Vedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Manglik Dosh. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Manglik Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing the horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari




Nadi Dosh Bhakut Dosh

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Nadi Dosh

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Nadi and Bhakut carry maximum points 8 and 7 respectively in the point chart of traditional Match Making done by Gun Milan system prevailing in Indian Astrology. If any of these two shows 0 points in match making point chart, a defect is formed. For example if Nadi is showing 0 points, a Nadi Dosh is formed and if Bhakut is showing 0 points, a Bhakut Dosh is formed. But what are these defects called Nadi Dosh and Bhakut Dosh and what are the basis for assigning 0 points for Nadi or Bhakut which indicates the presence of Nadi Dosh or Bhakut Dosh in match making. Let’s try to find the theory behind these defects and also know what are the remedies that can be done to rectify these defects.

Starting with Nadi Dosh, let’s first find out what is a Nadi Dosh and how is it formed. Horoscope of every person shows his Nadi depending upon the placement of Moon in different Constellations or Nakshatras at the time of his birth. Depending upon these placements, following are the three kinds of Nadis.

If Moon is placed in any of these 9 constellations named Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabhisha or Poorvabhadrapada in natal horoscope, the native is said to have Aadi Nadi.

If Moon is placed in any of these 9 constellations named Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushya, Poorvaphalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvashada, Dhanishtha or Uttarabhadrapada in natal horoscope, the native is said to have Madhya Nadi.

If Moon is placed in any of these constellations named Kritika, Rohini, Ashlesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttarashada, Shravana or Revati in natal horoscope, the native is said to have Ant Nadi.

If both Male and Female have Nadis which are different from each other, a score of 8 is added to the point chart and if both of them are having same Nadis, a score of 0 is added and Nadi Dosh is said to be formed. For example if the Male is born in Hasta Nakshatra and the Female is born in Ardra Nakshatra, both of them are having Aadi Nadi which is same and hence Nadi Dosh is said to be formed. Nadi Dosh is generally said to cause a divorce or separation if both Male and Female are having Aadi Nadi. Nadi Dosh is said to cause death of either one or both of the partners if both Male and Female are having either Madhya or Ant Nadis. This is why a Male and a Female having same Nadi are advised not to marry each other. However there are some aspects which are said to cancel the effects of Nadi Dosh. Nadi Dosh is said to be nullified if any of these conditions is met:

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Himanshu Shangari



Nadi Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Nadi Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Nadi Dosh / Nadi Dosha

Nadi koot carries 8 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Different number of points are assigned for Nadi matching, based on how the Nadis of male and female match with each other; according to the rules of Gun Milaan.

According to Vedic astrology; there are 3 Nadis (channels) in human body and each one of them represents an element. The first one is called Aadi Nadi and it represents Vaata (air) element. Aadi Nadi represents the flow of energy from bottom to top, which means from feet to head. The second one is called Madhya Nadi and it represents Pitta (fire) element. Madhya Nadi represents the flow of energy in both directions; from top to bottom as well as from bottom to top. The third Nadi is called Antya Nadi and it represents Kapha (water) element. Antya Nadi represents the flow of energy from top to bottom.

Vedic astrology assigns a Nadi to each one of the 27 nakshatras. Each Nadi claims 9 nakshatras. A native’s Nadi is the one assigned to his or her birth nakshatra. Here is the distribution of 27 nakshatras among 3 Nadis.

If Moon is placed in Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabhisha or Poorvabhadrapada in a horoscope, the native is said to have Aadi Nadi.

If Moon is placed in Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushya, Poorvaphalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvashada, Dhanishtha or Uttarabhadrapada in a horoscope, the native is said to have Madhya Nadi.

If Moon is placed in Krittika, Rohini, Ashlesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttarashada, Shravana or Revati in a horoscope, the native is said to have Antya Nadi.

The process of Nadi matching is based on the rule that if both male and female native belong to same Nadi; 0 out of 8 points are assigned. Nadi Dosh is formed in this case. If the Nadi of male is different than that of female, 8 out of 8 points are assigned. For example, if male native has Aadi Nadi and female native has Madhya or Antya Nadi; 8 out of 8 points are assigned. Such Nadi match is considered good. On the other hand, if the female native also belongs to Aadi Nadi, 0 out of 8 points are assigned and Nadi Dosh is formed.

For the sake of convenience, here is the points table for Nadi matching:



Aadi Nadi Madhya Nadi Antya Nadi
Aadi Nadi 0 8 8
Madhya Nadi 8 0 8
Antya Nadi 8 8 0

If both natives have same Nadis, 3 types of Nadi Dosh can be formed during Nadi matching; depending on which Nadi is represented by birth nakshatras of both natives. Aadi Nadi Dosh is formed, if both male and female native have Aadi Nadi. Madhya Nadi Dosh is formed, if both male and female have Madhya Nadi. Antya Nadi Dosh is formed, if both male and female native have Antya Nadi.

Aadi Nadi Dosh may cause disturbances, arguments, divorce and problems related to children. Madhya Nadi Dosh may cause divorce, mishappenings and problems related to children. Antya Nadi Dosh may cause divorce, death of a partner and problems related to children.

The system of Gun Milaan mentions some exceptions. Nadi Dosh is considered nullified if any one of these conditions is met:

If both male and female have same birth nakshatra but the Pada (part or quarter) is different, Nadi Dosh is considered nullified. Each one of 27 nakshatras has 4 parts or quarters called padas or charanas in Vedic astrology. Taking an example, if Moon is placed in Ashwini nakshatra in the horoscope of male as well as that of female native; Nadi Dosh is formed. However, if the quarters occupied by Moon in both the horoscopes are different; Nadi Dosh is considered nullified.

For example, if Moon is placed in the first quarter of Ashwini in male native’s horoscope; the placement of Moon in second, third or fourth quarter of Ashwini in the horoscope of female native nullifies Nadi Dosh. However, if Moon is placed in the first part of Ashwini in female native’s horoscope; Nadi Dosh stands effective.

If both male and female have same Moon sign but the birth nakshatras are different and both of them have same Nadi, Nadi Dosh is considered nullified. For example, if Moon is placed in Ardra nakshatra in the horoscope of male native and Moon is placed in any one of the first three quarters of Punarvasu nakshatra in the horoscope of female native; Nadi Dosh is considered nullified. All quarters of Ardra fall in Gemini and the first three quarters of Punarvasu fall in Gemini whereas the fourth quarter falls in Cancer.

However, if Moon is placed in the fourth quarter of Punarvasu nakshatra in Cancer in the horoscope of female native; Nadi Dosh stands effective. Both Ardra and Punarvasu belong to Aadi Nadi and the natives have different Moon signs; Gemini in case of male and Cancer in case of female.

If both male and female have same birth nakshatra but their Moon signs are different, Nadi Dosh is considered nullified. For example, if Moon is placed in any one of the first three quarters of Punarvasu in the horoscope of male native and Moon is placed in the last quarter of Punarvasu in the horoscope of female native; Nadi Dosh is considered nullified. Both natives have same birth nakshatra and hence both of them have same Nadi (Aadi). However, the Moon sign of male is Gemini and that of the female is Cancer. If Moon is placed in the Gemini part of Punarvasu nakshatra in the horoscope of the female native; Nadi Dosh stands effective.

Now that we know the relevance of Nadi matching in Gun Milaan, let’s look at its actual relevance in the process of horoscope matching. There are no doubts that the specific problems indicated by three types of Nadi Dosh may trouble the couple if one such marriage is conducted.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Hence serious problems posed by Nadi Dosh may be realized; only if the overall horoscopes of male and female natives support these tendencies. On the other hand, such problems may reduce a lot; if the overall horoscopes show tendencies against them.

Let’s try to understand this concept with the help of some examples and let’s consider all types of Nadi Dosh. Let’s start with Madhya Nadi Dosh. Suppose Moon is placed in Bharani nakshatra in male native’s horoscope and Moon is placed in Mrigshira nakshatra in female native’s horoscope. Both Bharani and Mrigashira belong to Madhya Nadi. The process of Nadi matching assigns a score of 0 in this case; and Madhya Nadi Dosh is formed. As a result, this couple should face problems related to children and a number of other problems related to their marriage.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Taking an example, suppose benefic Moon is placed in the second house in male native’s horoscope in Aries in Bharani; and Poorvabhadrapada rises in the ascendant in Pisces. Suppose benefic exalted Moon is placed in the fifth house in female native’s horoscope in Taurus in Mrigashira; and Uttarashada rises in the ascendant in Capricorn. Nadi Dosh is formed when we match Nadis for these natives. However, the overall equation is quite different in this case.

In case of male native; the placement of ascendant in Poorvabhadrapada nakshatra adds air element to his basic constitution; since Poorvabhadrapada nakshatra belongs to Aadi Nadi. As Pisces rises in the ascendant and it is a water sign; water element is also added to the constitution of this native. Hence this male native may be a mixture of all three elements. Moon is the lord of the fifth house which represents children among other things. Moon is benefic and it is placed in the second house which promotes the concept of family; when empowered by benefic planets.

In case of female native; the placement of ascendant in Uttarashada nakshatra adds water element to her constitution; since Uttarashada belongs to Antya Nadi. Hence this female native may be a mixture of fire and water element. Moon rules the seventh house in this horoscope. It is benefic, exalted and placed in the fifth house which directly deals with children. Hence the placement of Moon may not only prove beneficial for child aspect of marriage; it may also prove very good for the health of marriage.

Hence the couple may not face problems related to children since the essential elements are healthy in their horoscopes. Apart from children, the fifth house also represents love life. The placement of benefic exalted Moon being the lord of the seventh house in the fifth house indicates that this native may form a bond of love with her husband.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Moon is placed in the fifth house of male native’s horoscope in Aries in Bharani; and Poorvashada nakshatra rises in the ascendant in Sagittarius. Suppose Moon is placed in the tenth house of female native’s horoscope in Taurus in Mrigashira; and Poorvaphalguni rises in the ascendant in Leo. The equation is quite troublesome in this case. All four prominent nakshatras; Bharani, Poorvashada, Mrigashira and Poorvaphalguni belong to Madhya Nadi. Hence they all represent fire element.

In addition to that; both horoscopes have their ascendants in fire signs; Sagittarius and Leo. It means both these natives may be troubled with excess of fire element. In the horoscope of male, malefic Moon being the lord of the eighth house is placed in the fifth house in a fire sign as well as in a fiery nakshatra. The eighth house represents unfortunate events, death and destruction among other things.

Due to the combined influence of all these factors; Madhya Nadi Dosh may cause very serious or destructive problems in this case. The couple may have physically or mentally abnormal child or children or they may witness death of one or more than one child; unless there are strong balancing factors in their horoscopes. Madhya Nadi Dosh may also cause serious problems in the marriage of this couple; owing to the excess of fire element in both natives; unless there are strong balancing factors in their horoscopes.

Similarly, there are a number of other probable malefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may increase the strength of all three types of Nadi Dosh. On the other hand, there are a number of other probable benefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may reduce the strength of all three types of Nadi Dosh. Hence each and every relevant factor in both horoscopes should be checked properly, in order to determine whether or not any type of Nadi Dosh may create problems in the marriage of two natives, under consideration for horoscope matching.

Vedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Nadi Dosh. Though Nadi Dosh Nivaran Pooja may be performed in general; it alone may not be sufficient in most cases. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Nadi Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native or natives under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing both horoscopes.


Himanshu Shangari


Bhakoot Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Bhakoot Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Bhakoot (Moon Sign) carries 7 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Different number of points are assigned for Bhakoot matching, based on how the Bhakoots of male and female match with each other; according to the rules of Gun Milaan.

Bhakoot means the Moon sign. It means if the Moon sign of a native is Aries, his Bhakoot is Aries. According to the system of Gun Milaan, if Bhakoots of male and female make a combination of 2-12, 5-9 or 6-8 with respect to each other, Bhakoot Dosh is formed. The numbers mentioned in these combinations are calculated on the basis of the distance of both Moon signs with respect to each other.

Taking an example, if the Moon sign of male native is Aries and that of female native is Leo, we get a combination of 5-9. This is because when we count from Aries, Leo is the 5th sign. When we count from Leo, Aries is the 9th sign. Hence Bhakoot relationship of 5-9 is formed. Similarly, Aries and Virgo form a combination of 6-8 whereas Aries and Taurus form a combination of 2-12.

There are 12 probable combinations for Bhakoot matching. These are 1-1, 2-12, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9, 6-8, 7-7, 8-6, 9-5, 10-4, 11-3 and 12-2. Out of these, six combinations don’t belong to 5-9, 6-8 or 2-12 category. For these six combinations, 7 out of 7 points are assigned. For example, if the Moon sign of male is Aries and that of female is Cancer, a relationship of 4-10 is formed between them. Hence 7 out of 7 points are assigned. The remaining six combinations form Bhakoot Dosh and 0 out of 7 points is assigned.

Bhakoot Dosh may create a number of problems in the marriage, depending on its type. Dwi-Dwadash (2-12 or 12-2) Bhakoot Dosh may create problems related to the financial aspect of the marriage. Navam-Pancham (9-5 or 5-9) Bhakoot Dosh may create problems related to children. Shadashtak (6-8 or 8-6) Bhakoot Dosh may create problems like incompatibility, health issues, divorce and death of one partner among other things.

The system of Gun Milaan mentions some exceptions. Bhakoot Dosh is considered nullified if any one of the following conditions is met:

If the lord of Moon signs of male and female is the same, Bhakoot Dosh is considered nullified. For example, 6-8 Bhakoot Dosh is considered nullified in case of Aries-Scorpio and Taurus-Libra combination. Likewise, 12-2 Bhakoot Dosh is considered nullified in case of Capricorn-Aquarius combination.

If the lords of Moon signs of male and female are friendly towards each other, Bhakoot Dosh is considered nullified. For example, Bhakoot Dosh is considered nullified in case of Aries-Sagittarius and Scorpio-Pisces; since both Jupiter and Mars are friendly towards each other.

It should be noted that for this condition to meet, lords of both Moon signs should be friendly towards each other. For example, 2-12 Bhakoot Dosh is not considered nullified according to this rule, in case of Leo-Virgo combination. This is due to the fact that Mercury is friendly towards Sun but Sun is neutral towards Mercury. Hence Bhakoot Dosh stands effective in this case.

It should be noted that even if Bhakoot Dosh is nullified due to exception, 0 out of 7 points is assigned. In this case, the natives don’t score for Bhakoot Dosh. However, they may not suffer from malefic effects of Bhakoot Dosh.

For the sake of convenience, here is the points table for Bhakoot matching:

Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Aries 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0
Taurus 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7
Gemini 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7
Cancer 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0
Leo 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0
Virgo 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7
Libra 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0
Scorpio 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0
Sagittarius 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7
Capricorn 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7
Aquarius 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0
Pisces 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7


Now that we know the relevance of Bhakoot matching in Gun Milaan, let’s look at its actual relevance in the process of horoscope matching. There are no doubts that the problems indicated by three types of Bhakoot Dosh may prove troublesome if one such marriage is conducted.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Hence Bhakoot Dosh may create serious problems in marriage; only if it is supported by the overall horoscopes of both natives. If the overall horoscopes match well; Bhakoot Dosh may not be able to create serious or even significant problems.

Let’s take same examples to understand this concept in a better manner and let’s start with Dwi-Dwadash Bhakoot Dosh. This type of Bhakoot Dosh may create problems related to financial matters, if such marriage is conducted. For the purpose of Bhakoot matching, the Moon sign of each native is considered as his or her ascendant which means the first house. The placement of the Moon sign of the second native is then considered, with respect to the Moon sign of the first native.

Taking an example, suppose the Moon sign of the male native is Cancer and that of the female native is Gemini. For this calculation, Cancer is considered as the ascendant for the male native and Gemini is considered as the ascendant for the female native. In a horoscope with Cancer ascendant, Gemini falls in the twelfth house. The twelfth house represents financial expenditures and losses; among other things. In a horoscope with Gemini ascendant, Cancer falls in the second house. The second house deals with wealth and saved money as well as with the tendency to save money and accumulate wealth; among other things.

Hence this combination suggests that the male native may lose money through the female native. On the other hand, the female native may gain money through the male native. Combining these facts; such couple may witness financial problems, primarily because of mismanagement of finances. Apart from that, financial problems may rise due to other issues also. Considering an example, the female native may spend more or much more than what male native earns. This may create financial problems for the couple and such problems may affect the health of marriage.

Looking at another probability, the female native may not spend more than usual but the male native may not earn sufficient money to meet their basic needs. Here again, the equation of earning versus spending is mismatched; though the reason is different this time.

Similarly, there are a number of other ways through which such Bhakoot Dosh may trouble the couple with financial problems. In an extreme case when the overall horoscopes are not good for marriage; such financial problems may break the marriage.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Taking an example, suppose benefic Moon is placed in Cancer in the fourth house of male native’s horoscope. Aries rises in the ascendant in this case and Moon represents the fourth house. Suppose benefic Venus is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Capricorn.

Venus is the general as well as specific signifier of wife. Venus also represents the second house which deals with money and wealth. Both Moon and Venus are benefic and they strengthen each other through direct aspects. Benefic Moon is placed in the fourth house which represents wealth and properties among other things. Venus is placed in the tenth house which represents profession.

Due to the combined effect of these factors, the native may come across more money and wealth after marriage and his wife may play an important role in it. It means though the native may have to spend or lose some money due to his wife; he may earn or save much more. Hence Bhakoot Dosh may not cause problems in this case.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose benefic Moon is placed in the fourth house of male native’s horoscope in Cancer and exalted Venus is placed in the twelfth house in Pisces. Venus rules the second and the seventh house. Venus is also the general signifier of wife in case of male natives. The lord of the second as well as seventh house is placed in the twelfth house which represents expenditures; among other things. Hence if Dwi-Dwadash Bhakoot Dosh is formed in this case; the male native may lose significant amount of money through his wife or because of his wife; unless there are balancing factors in both horoscopes.

Similarly, there are a number of other probable malefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may increase the strength of all three types of Bhakoot Dosh. On the other hand, there are a number of other probable benefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may reduce the strength of all three types of Bhakoot Dosh. Hence each and every relevant factor in both horoscopes should be checked properly, in order to determine whether or not Bhakoot Dosh may create problems in the marriage of two natives, under consideration for horoscope matching.

Vedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Bhakoot Dosh. Though Bhakoot Dosh Nivaran Pooja may be performed in general; it alone may not be sufficient in most cases. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Bhakoot Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native or natives under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing both horoscopes.


Himanshu Shangari



Gana Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Gan Dosh / Gana Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Gan Koot carries 6 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Different number of points are assigned for Gana matching, based on how the Ganas of male and female match with each other; according to the rules of Gun Milaan.

Vedic astrology assigns a Gana to each nakshatra out of a total of 3 Ganas. These are named as Dev Gana (gods), Manava Gana (humans) and Rakshas Gana (demons). This classification of Ganas divides 27 nakshatras in 3 groups having equal number of nakshatras. It means that 9 nakshsatras have Dev Gan, 9 have Manava Gan and 9 have Rakshas Gan. The Gana of a native is the Gana assigned to the birth nakshatra of such native. Here are the Ganas assigned to each nakshatra according to Vedic astrology:

Ashwini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Shravana and Revati belong to Dev Gana; according to Vedic astrology.

Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Poorvashada, Uttarashada, Poorvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada belong to Manava Gana; according to Vedic astrology.

Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha belong to Rakshas Gana; according to Vedic astrology.

The compatibility of each Gan with other Gan has been decided according to the rules of Vedic astrology. The system of Gun Milaan uses the following guidelines in order to calculate compatibility between Ganas of male and female:

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Dev Gana and the birth nakshatra of the female also belongs to Dev Gana, 6 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gana match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Manava Gan and the birth nakshatra of the female also belongs to Manava Gan, 6 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gan match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Rakshas Gana and the birth nakshatra of the female also belongs to Rakshas Gana, 6 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gana match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Manava Gan and the birth nakshatra of the female belongs to Dev Gan, 5 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gan match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Dev Gana and the birth nakshatra of the female belongs to Manava Gana, 6 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gana match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Dev Gan and the birth nakshatra of the female belongs to Rakshas Gan, 1 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gan match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Rakshas Gana and the birth nakshatra of the female belongs to Dev Gana, 0 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gana match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Rakshas Gan and the birth nakshatra of the female belongs to Manava Gan, 0 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gan match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

If the birth nakshatra of the male belongs to Manava Gana and the birth nakshatra of the female belongs to Rakshas Gana, 0 out of 6 points are assigned for such Gana match; according to the system of Gun Milaan.

For the sake of convenience, here is the points table for Gana matching:




Dev Gana Manava Gana Rakshas Gana
Dev Gana 6 5 0
Manava Gana 6 6 0
Rakshas Gana 1 0 6


In cases of horoscope matching where Gan matching gives a score of 0 or 1, Gan Dosh is formed. This defect may create serious problems in the marriage and it may even break the marriage. The system of Gun Milaan mentions an exception for the formation of Gana Dosh during Gun Milaan.

If the Moon signs of both male and female are same, Gan Dosh is considered nullified. For example, if the birth nakshatra of male is Uttaraphalguni and the birth nakshatra of female is Chitra; and the Moon sign of both male and female is Virgo, Gana Dosh is considered nullified in this case; though Uttaraphalguni nakshatra belongs to Manava Gana whereas Chitra nakshatra belongs to Rakshas Gana.

It should be noted that Uttaraphalguni nakshatra covers two signs. The first quarter of this nakshatra falls in Leo and the last three quarters of this nakshatra fall in Virgo. Likewise, Chitra also covers two signs. The first two quarters of this nakshatra fall in Virgo and the last two quarters fall in Libra. Gan Dosh is considered nullified in this case, only if Moon is placed in the Virgo parts of these nakshatras.

If male’s Moon is placed in Leo part of Uttaraphalguni and female’s Moon is placed in Virgo or Libra part of Chitra; Gana Dosh is not nullified. Likewise, if female’s Moon is placed in Libra part of Chitra and male’s Moon is placed in Leo or Virgo part of Uttaraphalguni; Gan Dosh is not nullified.

Now that we know the relevance of Gana matching in Gun Milaan, let’s look at its actual relevance in the process of horoscope matching. The qualities represented by Deva Gana and Manava Gana either bear resemblances or they may complement one another. Hence a cross-match between Deva Gan and Manava Gan is considered good. It can also be seen that the qualities represented by Rakshas Gana either don’t match with those represented by Dev Gana and Manava Gana; or they oppose such qualities. Hence a cross-match between Rakshasa Gan and Manava or Dev Gan is considered bad.

Due to possessing same or similar qualities; each Gana may do well or very well when matched with the same Gana. Hence Dev-Dev, Manava-Manava and Rakshas-Rakshas matches carry 6 out of 6 points. Dev and Manava Gana may also do well in cross Gan matches between these two. Hence Dev-Manava and Manava-Dev matches are also considered good. Accordingly, they carry 6 and 5 points respectively; where the first part represents the Gan of male.

If a Dev or Manava Gana nakshatra is matched with a Rakshas Gana nakshatra; such marriage may create serious problems. From the qualities possessed by Rakshas Gana, it may be easy to see that they may not go along well with Dev or Manava Gana. Hence the formation of Gan Dosh is justified.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Hence serious problems posed by Gana Dosh may be realized; only if the overall horoscopes of male and female natives support these tendencies. On the other hand, such problems may reduce a lot; if the overall horoscopes show tendencies against them.

Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better way. Suppose Moon is placed in Magha nakshatra in the horoscope of a male native and it is placed in Pushya nakshatra in the horoscope of a female native. Magha belongs to Rakshas Gana and Pushya belongs to Dev Gana. Hence Gun Milaan assigns 0 out of 6 points for Gan Match; and Gan Dosh is formed.

Such Gana Dosh may create a number of problems in the marriage. However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Taking an example, suppose Moon is placed in the tenth house of male native’s horoscope in Leo in Magha nakshatra. Scorpio rises as ascendant in this case. Suppose within Scorpio, Anuradha nakshatra rises in the ascendant.

It should be noted that the sign as well as the nakshatra which rises in the ascendant is capable of influencing various spheres of native’s life as well as his or her personality; in a strong way. Hence the overall personality of this native may feature significant shades of characteristics exhibited by Magha as well as Anuradha nakshatra. Anuradha belong to Dev Gan. As a result, this native becomes a mixture of Dev and Rakshasa Gan. However, Gun Milaan may still consider this native as Rakshas Gana because this system doesn’t consider anything other than Moon signs and Moon nakshatras. As a result, Gan Dosh may form during Gun Milaan but the couple may not face serious problems because of it; since the male native has become a mixture of Dev and Rakshas Gana.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Moon is placed in the tenth house in Leo in Magha nakshatra in the horoscope of male native and Jyeshtha nakshatra rises in the ascendant in the sign of Scorpio. Jyeshtha nakshatra belongs to Rakshas Gana. It means both rising nakshatra and Moon nakshatra of this native belong to Rakshas Gana. Accordingly, the native may have strong Tamasic traits in his personality; unless there are corrective planets in his horoscope.

In this case also, Gan matching gives 0 points and Gan Dosh is formed, if both these horoscope are matched. However, the equation is altogether different than the first case. The male and the female native may have personalities which may be quite different from each other and which may at times stand in opposition to each other. As a result, the marriage may suffer due to strong Gana Dosh; unless there are corrective energies in both horoscopes.

Similarly, there are a number of other probable malefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may increase the strength of Gan Dosh. On the other hand, there are a number of other probable benefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may reduce the strength of Gana Dosh. Hence each and every relevant factor in both horoscopes should be checked properly, in order to determine whether or not Gan Dosh may create problems in the marriage of two natives, under consideration for horoscope matching.

Vedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Gana Dosh. Though Gan Dosh Nivaran Pooja may be performed in general; it alone may not be sufficient in most cases. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Gana Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native or natives under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing both horoscopes.


Himanshu Shangari



Graha Maitri Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Graha Maitri Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Graha Maitri (planetary friendship) koot carries 5 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Different number of points are assigned for Graha Maitri matching, based on how the lords of the Moon signs of male and female match with each other; according to the rules of Gun Milaan.

There are 12 zodiac signs and each one of these signs is ruled by a specific planet among navagraha. Such planet is called the ruling planet or the lord of such sign. Here are the planetary lordships of signs according to Vedic astrology:

Aries is ruled by Mars according to Vedic astrology.

Taurus is ruled by Venus according to Vedic astrology.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury according to Vedic astrology.

Cancer is ruled by Moon according to Vedic astrology.

Leo is ruled by Sun according to Vedic astrology.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury according to Vedic astrology.

Libra is ruled by Venus according to Vedic astrology.

Scorpio is ruled by Mars according to Vedic astrology.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter according to Vedic astrology.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn according to Vedic astrology.

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn according to Vedic astrology.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter according to Vedic astrology.

Vedic astrology decides mutual relationships between all planets among navagraha. The relationship aspect of different planets with one another tells which Graha is friendly towards which Graha, neutral towards which Graha and enemy towards which Graha. Points for Graha Maitri are assigned on the basis of the relationship between the lords of Moon signs of male and female. Depending on the relationship between Moon sign lords of male and female under consideration for horoscope matching, the system of Gun Milaan assigns following points for Graha Maitri Match:

If the planetary lord of Moon sign of the male is same as the planetary lord of Moon sign of the female under consideration for horoscope matching, 5 out of 5 points are assigned. For example, if the planetary lord of Moon signs of both male and female is Mars, 5 out of 5 points are assigned.

If the planetary lord of Moon sign of the male and the planetary lord of Moon sign of the female under consideration for horoscope matching are friendly towards each other, 5 out of 5 points are assigned. Taking an example, if male and female have their Moon signs as Leo and Aries; the lords of these signs, Sun and Mars respectively are mutual friends.

If the planetary lord of Moon sign of the male and the planetary lord of Moon sign of the female under consideration for horoscope matching are friendly-neutral towards each other, 4 out of 5 points are assigned. This classification of Graha Maitri means that one planetary lord is friendly towards the second one whereas the second planetary lord is neutral towards the first one. For example, if male and female have their Moon signs as Aries and Cancer; 4 points are assigned. Mars is friendly towards Moon whereas Moon is neutral towards Mars.

If the planetary lord of Moon sign of the male and the planetary lord of Moon sign of the female under consideration for horoscope matching are neutral-neutral towards each other, 3 out of 5 points are assigned. For example, if male and female have their Moon signs as Aries and Libra; 3 points are assigned. Both Mars and Venus are neutral towards each other.

If the planetary lord of Moon sign of the male and the planetary lord of Moon sign of the female under consideration for horoscope matching are friend-enemy towards each other, 1 out of 5 points is assigned. For example, if male and female have their Moon signs as Virgo and Cancer, 1 point is assigned. Moon is friendly towards Mercury but Mercury has enmity for Moon.

If the planetary lord of Moon sign of the male and the planetary lord of Moon sign of the female under consideration for horoscope matching are neutral-enemy towards each other, 0.5 out of 5 points are assigned. For example, if male and female have their Moon signs as Libra and Cancer, 0.5 points are assigned. Moon is neutral towards Venus but Venus has enmity for Moon.

If the planetary lord of Moon sign of the male and the planetary lord of Moon sign of the female under consideration for horoscope matching are enemy towards each other, 0 out of 5 points is assigned. For example, if male and female have their Moon signs as Leo and Aquarius, 0 point is assigned. Both Sun and Saturn are enemies towards each other.

For the sake of convenience, here is the points table for Graha Maitri matching:

Moon Sign lord of Male Versus Moon sign lord of Female.



Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Sun 5 5 5 4 5 0 0
Moon 5 5 4 1 4 0.5 0.5
Mars 5 4 5 0.5 5 3 0.5
Mercury 4 1 0.5 5 0.5 5 4
Jupiter 5 4 5 0.5 5 0.5 3
Venus 0 0.5 3 5 0.5 5 5
Saturn 0 0.5 0.5 4 3 5 5


In cases where Graha Maitri matching gives a score of 0, 0.5 or 1 according to Gun Milaan, Graha Maitri Dosh is formed. This defect may create mental incompatibility between the partners. Hence it may lead to serious arguments and divorces in some cases; among other problems.

Now that we know the relevance of Graha Maitri matching in Gun Milaan, let’s look at its actual relevance in the process of horoscope matching. There are no doubts that Graha Maitri Dosh may result in mental incompatibility between the partners.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Hence serious problems posed by Graha Maitri Dosh may be realized; only if the overall horoscopes of male and female natives support these tendencies. On the other hand, such problems may reduce a lot; if the overall horoscopes show tendencies against them.

Let’s try to understand this concept with the help of some examples. Suppose Moon is placed in the third house of male native’s horoscope in Leo and it is placed in the ninth house of female native’s horoscope in Aquarius. The lords of Moon signs are Sun and Saturn in case of male and female; respectively. Hence Gun Milaan assigns 0 points and Graha Maitri Dosh is formed.

Sun and Saturn are enemies towards each other. However, if there is a common platform between the energies of these two opposing planets; solution may be reached. Getting back to the horoscopes of male and female, Moon is placed in the third house in Leo and in the ninth house in Aquarius, respectively. In both these horoscopes, Gemini rises as the ascendant. It means the first house is ruled by Mercury.

As already mentioned many times, the first house is the most important house and the lord of the first house is the most important planet in a horoscope. This house directly deals with personality, among other things. Mercury is friendly towards Sun as well as Saturn. Sun is neutral towards Mercury and Saturn is friendly towards Mercury. It means both Sun and Saturn do well or very well with Mercury. Hence Mercury becomes the common platform through which; Sun and Saturn may reach an agreement in this case.

Both the natives are strongly influenced by Mercury through Gemini. Hence their personalities may feature a number of characteristics which are same or similar. In this case, the strength of Graha Maitri Dosh may reduce a lot and it may not cause significant problems.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose Moon is placed in the first house of a male native’s horoscope in Leo and it is placed in the first house of a female native’s horoscope in Aquarius. The equation is troublesome in this case. Graha Maitri Dosh is formed and apart from that; the ascendants in both these horoscopes are strongly opposed to each other. As a result, mental compatibility may be troubled; much more than what Graha Maitri Dosh indicates. Accordingly, this marriage may fail after facing serious issues. Unless the rest of their horoscopes are strongly supportive, these two natives may not get along with each other; throughout their lives.

Similarly, there are a number of other probable malefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may increase the strength of Graha Maitri Dosh. On the other hand, there are a number of other probable benefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may reduce the strength of Graha Maitri Dosh. Hence each and every relevant factor in both horoscopes should be checked properly, in order to determine whether or not Graha Maitri Dosh may create problems in the marriage of two natives, under consideration for horoscope matching.

Vedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Graha Maitri Dosh. Though Graha Maitri Dosh Nivaran Pooja may be performed in general; it alone may not be sufficient in most cases. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Graha Maitri Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native or natives under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing both horoscopes.


Himanshu Shangari


Yoni Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Yoni Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Yoni koot (species) carries 4 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Different number of points are assigned for Yoni matching, based on how the Yonis of male and female match with each other; according to the rules of Gun Milaan.

Vedic astrology associates every nakshatra with an animal which is called the Yoni of that nakshatra. For example, the 1st nakshatra Ashwini is associated with Horse. Hence Ashwini nakshatra is said to belong to Horse Yoni. Similarly, an animal is assigned to each one of the 27 nakshatras. Accordingly, the Yoni of each nakshatra is decided; based on these animals. Let’s look at Yonis assigned to various nakshatras.

Ashwini is associated with Horse. Hence Ashwini is known as Horse Yoni nakshatra.

Bharani is associated with Elephant. Hence Bharani is known as Elephant Yoni nakshatra.

Krittika is associated with Goat or Sheep. Hence Krittika is known as Goat or Sheep Yoni nakshatra.

Rohini is associated with Snake. Hence Rohini is known as Snake Yoni nakshatra.

Mrigashira is associated with Snake. Hence Mrigashira is known as Snake Yoni nakshatra.

Ardra is associated with Dog. Hence Ardra is known as Dog Yoni nakshatra.

Punarvasu is associated with Cat. Hence Punarvasu is known as Cat Yoni nakshatra.

Pushya is associated with Goat. Hence Pushya is known as Goat Yoni nakshatra.

Ashlesha is associated with Cat. Hence Ashlesha is known as Cat Yoni nakshatra.

Magha is associated with Rat. Hence Magha is known as Rat Yoni nakshatra.

Poorvaphalguni is associated with Rat. Hence Poorvaphalguni is known as Rat Yoni nakshatra.

Uttaraphalguni is associated with Cow. Hence Uttaraphalguni is known as Cow Yoni nakshatra.

Hasta is associated with Buffalo. Hence Hasta is known as Buffalo Yoni nakshatra.

Chitra is associated with Tiger. Hence Chitra is known as Tiger Yoni nakshatra.

Swati is associated with Buffalo. Hence Swati is known as Buffalo Yoni nakshatra.

Vishakha is associated with Tiger. Hence Vishakha is known as Tiger Yoni nakshatra.

Anuradha is associated with Deer. Hence Anuradha is known as Deer Yoni nakshatra.

Jyeshtha is associated with Deer. Hence Jyeshtha is known as Deer Yoni nakshatra.

Moola is associated with Dog. Hence Moola is known as Dog Yoni nakshatra.

Poorvashada is associated with Monkey. Hence Poorvashada is known as Monkey Yoni nakshatra.

Uttarashada is associated with Mongoose. Hence Uttarashada is known as Mongoose Yoni nakshatra.

Shravana is associated with Monkey. Hence Shravana is known as Monkey Yoni nakshatra.

Dhanishtha is associated with Lion. Hence Dhanishtha is known as Lion Yoni nakshatra.

Shatabhisha is associated with Horse. Hence Shatabhisha is known as Horse Yoni nakshatra.

Poorvabhadrapada is associated with Lion. Hence Poorvabhadrapada is known as Lion Yoni nakshatra.

Uttarabhadrapada is associated with Cow. Hence Uttarabhadrapada is known as Cow Yoni nakshatra.

Revati is associated with Elephant. Hence Revati is known as Elephant Yoni nakshatra.

The behaviors of these animals towards on another have been decided by Vedic astrology. Mutual behaviours of various pairs of these animals have been divided into categories like same, friendly, neutral, enemy and sworn enemy. Based on these categories, the system of Gun Milaan decides how good or bad the Yoni match is between two nakshatras. The system of Gun Milaan assigns points for Yoni matching on the basis of rules as follow:

If the birth nakshatra animal of male is same as the birth nakshatra animal of female, 4 out of 4 points are assigned for Yoni match.

If the birth nakshatra animal of male and the birth nakshatra animal of female are friendly towards each other, 3 out of 4 points are assigned for Yoni match.

If the birth nakshatra animal of male and the birth nakshatra animal of female are neutral towards each other, 2 out of 4 points are assigned for Yoni match.

If the birth nakshatra animal of male and the birth nakshatra animal of female are enemies towards each other, 1 out of 4 points are assigned for Yoni match.

If the birth nakshatra animal of male and the birth nakshatra animal of female are sworn enemies towards each other, 0 out of 4 points are assigned for Yoni match.

For the sake of convenience, here is the points table for Yoni matching:


Female ↓

Horse Elephant Goat Serpent Dog Cat Rat Cow Buffalo Tiger Deer Monkey Mongoose Lion
Horse 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 0 1 3 3 2 1
Elephant 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 0
Goat 2 3 4 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 0 3 1
Serpent 3 3 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 2
Dog 2 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 0 2 1 1
Cat 2 2 2 1 2 4 0 2 2 1 3 3 2 1
Rat 2 2 1 1 1 0 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
Cow 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 3 0 3 2 2 1
Buffalo 0 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 1
Tiger 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 4 1 1 2 1
Deer 1 2 2 2 0 3 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 1
Monkey 3 3 0 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 4 3 2
Mongoose 2 2 3 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 2
Lion 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 4


In cases where Yoni matching gives a score of 0 or 1, Yoni Dosh is formed. This defect is associated with bad results related to physical compatibility between partners. In extreme cases, such incompatibility may lead to arguments, separations or divorces.

Now that we know the relevance of Yoni matching in Gun Milaan, let’s look at its actual relevance in the process of horoscope matching. There are no doubts that the specific problems indicated by Yoni Dosh may result in physical incompatibility between the partners.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Hence serious problems posed by Yoni Dosh may be realized; only if the overall horoscopes of male and female natives support these tendencies. On the other hand, such problems may reduce a lot; if the overall horoscopes show tendencies against them.

Let’s try to understand this concept with the help of an example. Suppose Moon is placed in the first house of a male native’s horoscope in Aries in Ashwini nakshatra. Suppose Moon is placed in the first house of a female native’s horoscope in Libra in Swati nakshatra. The birth nakshatra of male belongs to Horse Yoni and that of the girl belongs to Buffalo Yoni. The process of Yoni matching assigns a score of 0 in this case; and Yoni Dosh is formed.

Let’s see how such Yoni Dosh may create problems for these natives. Since the male belongs to Horse Yoni; he is likely to be aggressive, physically dominant, impulsive and active. Since the female native belongs to Buffalo Yoni; she may be passive, patient and not very active. This may create physical incompatibility between the partners. Hence the male may wish to go fast whereas the female may wish to go slow.

This may create gap between them and as this gap widens; a number of problems may show up. As the problems increase in quantum; the tension between the couple may rise and it may break their marriage. Even if it doesn’t break the marriage, it may significantly reduce the quality of such marriage. This is why Yoni Dosh is considered important.

However, the tendencies shown through Moon signs and Moon nakshatras are not the decisive ones and there are a number of factors in each horoscope, which may significantly or completely change these tendencies. Taking an example, if benefic exalted Saturn is placed in the seventh house in Libra in the horoscope of male native; the problem may reduce a lot. Exalted Saturn casts direct aspect on Moon in the first house and it may stabilize Moon. Hence the tendencies like impulsiveness, aggression and high physical drive may reduce significantly. As a result, the couple may not face many problems.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose in the horoscope of female, debilitated Mars is placed in the tenth house in Cancer. In this case, Mars goes weak and the malefic results indicated by Yoni Dosh may create problems in the marriage of this female native. Looking at male native’s horoscope, if Mars is also placed in the first house of his horoscope in Aries along with Moon; the problem may intensify. The extra energy added by Mars may make this native too impulsive, too aggressive and physically much more active; unless there are strong balancing factors in the horoscope.

If these placements of Mars happen simultaneously in the horoscopes of both these natives; the physical aspect of the marriage may become very troublesome. Hence the marriage may break, primarily due to highly mismatched physical compatibility between the partners.

Similarly, there are a number of other probable malefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may increase the strength of Yoni Dosh. On the other hand, there are a number of other probable benefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may reduce the strength of Yoni Dosh. Hence each and every relevant factor in both horoscopes should be checked properly, in order to determine whether or not Yoni Dosh may create problems in the marriage of two natives, under consideration for horoscope matching.

Vedic astrology mentions various remedies to reduce malefic effects of Yoni Dosh. Though Yoni Dosh Nivaran Pooja may be performed in general; it alone may not be sufficient in most cases. Since the type and quantum of problems indicated by Yoni Dosh as well as the type and strength of planets which may try to reduce the intensity of this defect may be different in different horoscopes; general remedies may not bring satisfactory results in most cases. Hence the remedial approach should be specially chosen for the native or natives under consideration. Therefore, appropriate and comprehensive remedial measures should be implemented; only after thoroughly analysing both horoscopes.


Himanshu Shangari



Tara Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Match Making and Manglik Dosh Revised Edition

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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Match Making & Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition 2020)’.

Tara Dosh in Horoscope Matching

Tara koot carries 3 points or Gunas in the system of Gun Milaan. Different number of points are assigned for Tara matching, based on how the Taras of male and female match with each other; according to the rules of Gun Milaan.

Let’s try to understand what a Tara is in a horoscope and what the importance of Tara matching is, in the process of Gun Milaan. All planets among navagraha move from one sign to another and from one nakshatra to another, in cyclic motion. Accordingly, Moon also travels from Ashwini to Revati nakshatra and from Aries to Pisces in a cyclic movement. At any given point in time; Moon is present in a particular nakshatra and in a particular sign. Suppose Moon is present in Rohini nakshatra and Taurus sign at this time. It means that the natives born during this time will have Moon placed in Rohini nakshatra and in Taurus sign, in their birth charts. Hence the birth nakshatra of these natives is Rohini and the birth sign or Raashi of these natives is Taurus.

Vedic astrology assigns nine types of Taras to different nakshatras. Hence all 27 nakshatras are divided into 9 groups of Taras, with each group containing 3 nakshatras. Tara is calculated from the birth nakshatra of native according to the following rules laid by Vedic astrology.

Birth nakshatra is taken as the 1st nakshatra and it is called Janma Tara.

The 2nd nakshatra from birth nakshatra is called Sampat Tara.

The 3rd nakshatra from birth nakshatra is called Vipat Tara.

The 4th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is called Kshem or Chhem Tara.

The 5th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is called Pratyari Tara.

The 6th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is called Saadhak Tara.

The 7th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is called Vadh Tara.

The 8th nakshatra form birth nakshatra is called Mitra Tara.

The 9th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is called Ati-Mitra Tara.

The 10th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is taken as the 1st nakshatra and the 11th nakshatra from birth nakshatra is taken as the 2nd nakshatra. This process goes on like this up to 27th nakshatra from birth nakshatra, which is taken as the 9th nakshatra and it is called Ati-Mitra Tara. Taking an example, if Moon is placed in Ashwini nakshatra in the birth chart of a native, Ashwini is this native’s birth nakshatra and Janma Tara. The rest of the nakshatras are called Sampat to Ati-Mitra Taras as per the above mentioned rules.

Here is a table showing Tara relationships for a native having his birth nakshatra as Ashwini.


Janma Tara Ashwini Magha Moola
Sampat Tara Bharani Poorvaphalguni Poorvashada
Vipat Tara Krittika Uttaraphalguni Uttarashada
Kshem Tara Rohini Hasta Shravana
Pratyari Tara Mrigashira Chitra Dhanishtha
Saadhak Tara Ardra Swati Shatabhisha
Vadh Tara Punarvasu Vishakha Poorvabhadrapada
Mitra Tara Pushya Anuradha Uttarabhadrapada
Ati-Mitra Tara Ashlesha Jyeshtha Revati


Similarly, Tara relationship can be found for all other birth nakshatras, using this procedure. According to the rules of Vedic astrology; 3rd, 5th and 7th nakshatra from the birth nakshatra of a native are considered as malefic or inauspicious nakshatras for the native. The same rule is applied in the process of Gun Milaan. Hence for a native with Ashwini as his birth nakshatra; Krittika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashada are 3rd nakshatras which means they represent Vipat Tara for him.

If Tara of male is 3rd, 5th or 7th with respect to birth nakshatra of female, it is considered as a malefic or inauspicious Tara. Similarly, if Tara of female is 3rd, 5th or 7th with respect to Janma nakshatra of male, it is considered as a malefic or inauspicious Tara. This way, the mutual Tara relationship for male and female is calculated. If Taras for both male and female are auspicious, 3 out of 3 Gunas are assigned for Tara match.

However, if there is a match of Shubh (auspicious) and Ashubh (inauspicious) Taras, Tara Dosh is formed. According to this system, both Taras can’t be Ashubh at the same time though they can be Shubh at the same time. Taking an example, suppose male’s Tara is Ashwini (1st nakshatra) and female’s Tara is Krittika (3rd nakshatra). Counting from male’s Tara, female’s Tara is 3rd and counting from female’s Tara, male’s Tara is 26th.

When we get a number higher than 9, it is divided by 9 and the remainder is considered. When we divide 26 by 9, the remainder is 8. Hence male’s Tara is 8th from female’s Tara. Accordingly, the relationship we get is 3-8. If such number is fully divided by 9, then 9 is considered as the Tara. For example, the 18th and 27th nakshatra from every nakshatra give us numbers 18 and 27 respectively. Both these numbers are fully divided by 9, leaving no remainder. Hence the Taras represented by such nakshatras will be counted as 9th Taras. In the table; the 9th, 18th and 27th nakshatras which are Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati respectively; represent 9th Tara which is Ati-Mitra (best friend) Tara; for the native having Ashwini as his birth nakshatra.

Moving on, for Ashwini and Mrigashira (5th nakshatra), we get a relationship of 5-6. Similarly, for Ashwini and Punarvasu (7th nakshatra), we get a relationship of 7-4. Hence both Taras can’t be Ashubh at the same time. However, both Taras can be Shubh at the same time. Taking an example; for Ashwini and Bharani (2nd Nakshatra), we get a relationship of 2-9. None of these numbers is 3, 5 or 7. Therefore, both Taras are Shubh.

Hence if there is a match of Shubh and Ashubh Taras, Tara Dosh is formed. Vedic astrology associates Tara with destiny and other important aspects of the native. It is believed that the presence of Tara Dosh in horoscope matching can create various types problems for the couple. These problems may range from delays and disturbances in many spheres of their lives and they may go up to divorce or death of one of the partners. Hence Tara Dosh is considered as a significant defect.

Now that we know the relevance of Tara matching in Gun Milaan, let’s look at its actual relevance in the process of horoscope matching. There are no doubts that the specific problems indicated by three types of Tara Dosh may trouble one of the partners if one such marriage is conducted. However, these tendencies are mild compared to those indicated by various planets in both horoscopes. Hence Tara Dosh may create serious problems in marriage; only if it is supported by the overall horoscopes of both natives. If the overall horoscopes match well; Tara Dosh may not be able to create serious or even significant problems.

Let’s try to understand this concept with the help of an example and let’s consider the most difficult Tara; the 7th one called Vadh Tara. Suppose Moon is placed in the first house of a male native’s horoscope in Aries in Ashwini nakshatra. Suppose Moon is placed in the seventh house of a female native’s horoscope in Libra in Vishakha nakshatra. In this case, Tara relationship of 7-4 is formed where female’s Tara is 7th from male’s Tara. Hence this combination may trouble the male with serious problems or it may cause his death; if this marriage is conducted.

Let’s consider female’s horoscope. Moon is benefic and it is placed in the seventh house, which represents marriage as well as husband and wife. Benefic Moon placed in this house may prove good for the wellbeing of marriage as well as for the lifespan of husband or wife; which is husband in this case. Suppose benefic Venus is placed in the second house of this horoscope in Taurus and exalted Jupiter is placed in the fourth house of this horoscope in Cancer.

Jupiter is the general signifier of husband for a female and Venus is the specific signifier of husband, since it rules the seventh house in this horoscope. Hence the three most important factors for marriage and wellbeing of husband for this female native are Jupiter, Venus and the seventh house. Jupiter as well as Venus is strong and the seventh house is empowered by benefic Moon. Hence Tara Dosh may not cause even mild problems related to the wellbeing of husband of this female in this case; provided the rest of her horoscope is supportive.

Let’s look at this equation from the opposite angle. Suppose malefic Ketu is placed with Moon in the seventh house in Libra and Grahan Yoga is formed. Suppose debilitated Venus is placed in the sixth house in Virgo and Jupiter is placed in the eighth house in Scorpio along with malefic retrograde Mercury. In this case; the seventh house, Jupiter and Venus are all troubled. Hence Tara Dosh may become duly effective in this case.

As a result, such female native may lose her husband to death; if the rest of her horoscope doesn’t rectify these problems and if the horoscope of her husband is also not supportive for long life. In case the rest of her horoscope is also malefic but her husband’s horoscope is strong enough to protect him; he may not die but the marriage may break or he may suffer from serious health issues.

Similarly, there are a number of other probable malefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may increase the strength of Tara Dosh. On the other hand, there are a number of other probable benefic combinations in both the horoscopes, which may reduce the strength of Tara Dosh. Hence each and every relevant factor in both horoscopes should be checked properly, in order to determine whether or not Tara Dosh may create problems in the marriage of two natives, under consideration for horoscope matching.


Himanshu Shangari