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Debilitated Jupiter in Second House of Horoscope

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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Jupiter in Second House

When debilitated Jupiter is placed in the second house in a horoscope, Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Jupiter is benefic in the second house in most cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This may happen when Jupiter is afflicted by malefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of malefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Jupiter may become more malefic.

Since Jupiter is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for malefic planets to add negativity to Jupiter. If debilitated Jupiter is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet in the second house, it may turn significantly or highly malefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Jupiter can also turn it malefic in some cases, when such theme is malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Jupiter in the second house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Jupiter can bless the native with good results related to mother, education, family, wealth, speech, memory, health, profession, finances, reputation, authority, marriage (females) and several other good results, depending on his/her overall horoscope.

Such benefic debilitated Jupiter can bless the native with various types of benefits through his profession. The native may achieve success as an actor, singer, musician, dancer, architect, designer, teacher, coach, consultant, banker, speaker, orator, revenue officer, administrative officer, astrologer, tantric, psychic, professional dealing in finance industry, real estate industry, education industry, agriculture, food products, automobile, media industry or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

Taking an example, suppose benefic debilitated Jupiter is placed in the second house of a horoscope in Capricorn along with benefic Saturn. Benefic Mercury is placed in the third house in Aquarius, exalted Venus is placed in the fourth house in Pisces, benefic Rahu is placed in the eleventh house in Libra and Ketu is placed in the fifth house in Aries. Benefic Saturn may cancel the debilitation status of benefic Jupiter, and Neechbhang Rajyoga may be formed in the second house. In this case, the native may engage in finance industry, education industry, travel industry or hotel industry, depending on his overall horoscope and running times. He may witness good amount of success, money and recognition through his profession. He may witness good results after the age of 35 and better results after 40.

If benefic Sun is placed in the third house in Aquarius with Mercury, debilitated Moon is placed in the twelfth house in Scorpio and Mars is placed in the seventh house in Gemini, the equation may become better. Due to the overall strong and benefic horoscope, Moon may form Vipreet Rajyoga in the twelfth house of this horoscope. In this case, the native may engage in travel industry. He may start a tour and travel operating company after the age of 30 and he may come across very good amount of success, money and recognition through it. The native may start with operations on the national level. However, after the age of 40, he may witness growth and he may expand his field of operations to several other countries. If the finer factors and running times are supportive, the native may earn billions through the business of tour and travel. The native may also deal in real estate or hotel industry after the age of 40, and he may witness very good results.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Jupiter in the second house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Jupiter in the second house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to mother, family, education, properties, vehicles, health, lifespan, profession, finances, reputation, marriage (females), husband and several other problems, depending on his/her overall horoscope.

In horoscopes with Sagittarius ascendant, Jupiter rules the first house. Hence it becomes the most important planet for native’s health as well as lifespan. Since Jupiter is weak due to debilitation, the native may suffer from various types of health problems and he may also witness reduction in his lifespan, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

Taking an example, suppose debilitated Jupiter is placed in the second house of a horoscope in Capricorn. Malefic Moon is placed in the fourth house in Pisces, malefic Rahu is placed in the ninth house in Leo with Sun, Ketu is placed in the third house in Aquarius and Mars is placed in the eleventh house in Libra. Rahu forms Grahan Yoga by afflicting Sun in the ninth house. In this case, the native may suffer from health problems which may trouble him and which may reduce his lifespan. Depending on the overall horoscope and running times, the native may die before the age of 55 or 50. The native may die because of heart attack or some type of cancer, depending on the overall horoscope and running times.

If Mercury is placed in the eighth house in Cancer, malefic Venus is placed in the ninth house in Leo with Sun and Rahu, and Saturn is placed in the fourth house in Pisces with Moon, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may suffer from a serious health problem which may trouble him a lot and which may cause significant/serious reduction in his lifespan. The native may suffer from lung cancer or chest cancer and it may show up during early years of native’s life. The native may get it treated but it may come back again and again. Depending on the finer factors and running times, the native may die because of such cancer, before the age of 30 or 20. If the running times and finer factors are all negative, the native may die because of lung cancer, before the age of 20, after undergoing multiple surgeries/treatments over the years.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Jupiter in the second house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Jupiter in First House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Jupiter in First House

When debilitated Jupiter is placed in the first house in a horoscope, Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Jupiter is malefic in the first house in many cases though it may turn benefic in some cases. This may happen when Jupiter is influenced by benefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of benefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Jupiter may become more benefic.

Since Jupiter is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for benefic planets to add positivity to Jupiter. If debilitated Jupiter is influenced by one or more than one benefic planet in the first house, it may turn significantly or highly benefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Jupiter can also turn it benefic in some cases, when such theme is benefic. The concept of malefic planets turning benefic due to influences of benefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Jupiter in the first house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Jupiter can bless the native with good results related to health, personality, spiritual growth, marriage (females), husband, profession, finances, reputation, authority, fame and several other good results, depending on his/her overall horoscope.

Such benefic debilitated Jupiter can bless the native with a post of authority in government, through job or through politics. Hence the native may become a police officer, army officer, air force officer, naval officer, foreign services officer, administrative officer, revenue officer, judge, minister, chief minister, prime minister, president or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

Taking an example, suppose debilitated Jupiter is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn with Mercury. Benefic Venus is placed in the second house in Aquarius with Sun, benefic Moon is placed in the fourth house in Aries with benefic Rahu, and benefic Ketu is placed in the tenth house in Libra. In this case, the native may engage in the field of law. He may practice as a lawyer and he may witness good amount of success, money and recognition through his field of profession. The native may practice in criminal law, he may possess good knowledge of his field and he may witness growth with years.

If benefic Saturn is placed in the eighth house in Leo and benefic Mars is placed in the second house in Aquarius with Venus and Sun, the equation may become better. In this case, the native may possess very good knowledge of law and he may practice at a higher court of law. He may come across very good amount of success, money and recognition. After the age of 45 or 50, he may get elevated to the post of a judge at a higher court of law. The native may witness very good amount of success, recognition and authority as a judge, and he may enjoy various benefits. He may be known for his thoroughly logical yet liberal decisions. If the finer factors and running times are supportive, the native may become the chief justice of a higher court of law.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Jupiter in the first house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Jupiter in the first house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to health, lifespan, marriage (females), husband, profession, reputation, finances and several other problems, depending on his/her overall horoscope.

Jupiter is the general signifier of marriage and husband for female natives. It is malefic and it is weak due to debilitation. Hence it can trouble a female native with various types of problems related to marriage. Her marriage may get delayed, she may witness problems after marriage and/or she may suffer from one or more failed marriages, depending on her overall horoscope and running times.

Taking an example, suppose malefic debilitated Jupiter is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Capricorn. Benefic Venus is placed in the second house in Aquarius, Mercury is placed in the twelfth house in Sagittarius, malefic Rahu is placed in the fourth house in Aries, malefic Ketu is placed in the tenth house in Libra with Mars, and Moon is placed in the sixth house in Gemini. In this case, the native may get married after some delay. However, she may face serious problems in her marriage and her first marriage may fail because of such problems. The native may have serious differences of opinion with her husband and the couple may argue/fight frequently. If the overall horoscope and running times are supportive, the native may get married again and she may settle in her second marriage, after initial problems.

If malefic Sun is placed in the first house in Capricorn with Jupiter, and Saturn is placed in the eleventh house in Scorpio, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may witness serious problems in marriage and she may suffer from two or three failed marriages. She may settle in her third or fourth marriage, depending on the finer factors and running times. First marriage of the native may fail because of serious issues between her and her in-laws. She may have an especially troublesome equation with her mother-in-law, who may keep conspiring against her. The divorce may be finalized in a court after much drama, and the native may suffer from a lot of mental disturbance.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Jupiter in the first house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his/her overall horoscope. The native may face bad reputation, financial losses, failures and setbacks through profession. He may also suffer from health problems which may trouble him and which may reduce his lifespan.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Twelfth House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Twelfth House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the twelfth house in a horoscope, Sagittarius rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is malefic in the twelfth house in many cases though it may turn benefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is influenced by benefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of benefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more benefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for benefic planets to add positivity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is influenced by one or more than one benefic planet in the twelfth house, it may turn significantly or highly benefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it benefic in some cases, when such theme is benefic. The concept of malefic planets turning benefic due to influences of benefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the twelfth house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to spiritual growth, foreign lands, profession, finances and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such benefic debilitated Moon can take the native to foreign lands and he may settle there permanently, if his overall horoscope is supportive. Taking an example, suppose debilitated Moon is placed in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Benefic Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in the first house in Sagittarius and benefic Mars is also placed in the same house. Benefic exalted Saturn is placed in the eleventh house in Libra, Venus is placed in the ninth house in Leo and benefic exalted Mercury forms Bhadra Yoga in the tenth house. In this case, the native may go abroad and he may settle there, on the basis of his profession. The native may engage in a creative profession, like he may be an actor. He may possess good acting abilities and he may come across success, fame, money and recognition as an actor in a foreign country.

If benefic Sun is placed in the tenth house in Virgo with Mercury, benefic Rahu is placed in the first house in Sagittarius with Jupiter and Mars, and Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Gemini, the equation may become better. In this case, the native may possess very good acting talent and he may witness a lot of success, money, fame and recognition as an actor in a foreign country. The native may specialize in the genres of drama, action, comedy and romance. He may have a large number of fans throughout the world and he may receive several awards for his acting performances in various movies. The native may get married to a female actor or singer, who may be the citizen of a foreign country. The couple may be blessed with more than one child and they may achieve success through creative fields or through businesses of various types.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the twelfth house can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the twelfth house can trouble the native with problems related to mother, mental health, physical health, lifespan, profession, finances, reputation and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

In horoscopes with Sagittarius ascendant, Moon rules the eighth house which represents lifespan, among other things. Since Moon is weak due to debilitation and it is placed in the twelfth house which features a hostile environment, this placement of Moon may pose threat to native’s lifespan as well as health. Hence the native may suffer from problems related to physical and/or mental health and he may witness reduction in lifespan, where the quantum of such reduction is dependent on the overall horoscope of the native.

Taking an example, suppose malefic debilitated Moon is placed in the twelfth house of a horoscope in Scorpio with malefic exalted Ketu. Malefic exalted Rahu is placed in the sixth house in Taurus with malefic Venus. Benefic debilitated Mercury is placed in the fourth house in Pisces, and malefic Mars is placed in the third house in Aquarius. In this case, the native may suffer from physical health problems which may trouble him and which may also reduce his lifespan. The native may also suffer from problems related to mental health and he may die before the age of 60 or that of 50, depending on the overall horoscope and running times.

If Saturn is placed in the third house in Aquarius with Mars, Sun is placed in the fourth house in Pisces with Mercury, and Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Scorpio with Moon and Ketu, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may suffer from serious health issues which may trouble him a lot and which may claim his life. The native may die before the age of 50, 40 or even that of 30, depending on the finer factors and running times. The native may die because of some type of cancer, like stomach cancer, brain cancer, pancreatic cancer or some other type of cancer.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the twelfth house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Eleventh House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Eleventh House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the eleventh house in a horoscope, Capricorn rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is benefic in the eleventh house in most cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is afflicted by malefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of malefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more malefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for malefic planets to add negativity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet in the eleventh house, it may turn significantly or highly malefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it malefic in some cases, when such theme is malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the eleventh house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to marriage, husband, wife, mother, profession, finances, reputation, fame, authority and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such benefic debilitated Moon can help the native achieve success as a doctor, scientist, engineer, IT professional, software developer, computer programmer, marriage counsellor, consultant, psychiatrist, event manager, wedding planner, government officer, politician, professional dealing in liquor industry, travel industry, airline industry, casino industry, matrimonial industry, social media industry, internet industry, website industry, cyber security industry, finance industry, media industry, movie industry or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

Taking an example, suppose benefic debilitated Moon is placed in the eleventh house of a horoscope in Scorpio with benefic Venus. Sun is placed in the twelfth house in Sagittarius, Mercury is placed in the first house in Capricorn, benefic Rahu is placed in the second house in Aquarius and Ketu is placed in the eighth house in Leo. In this case, the native may engage in matrimonial industry. He may have a well-paying job in a big company which arranges matches for the purpose of marriage, and such company may operate through a website. The native may witness good amount of success, money and recognition through his profession. The combination of benefic Moon and benefic Venus in the eleventh house can bless the native with a good marriage, provided the overall horoscope is supportive for this result. Native’s wife may be engaged in financial sector or she may deal in a creative profession, like she may be a designer, architect or software developer.

If benefic Saturn is placed in the third house in Pisces, benefic Mars is placed in the tenth house in Libra and Jupiter is placed in the second house in Aquarius with Rahu, the equation may become better. In this case, the native may start his own business after the age of 25 or 30. Such business may operate through a website and it may deal in match making services. The native may come across very good amount of success, money and recognition through his profession. He may witness good results till the age of 35, very good results after 35 and wonderful results after 40. If the finer factors and running times are supportive, the native may earn billions through his profession. He may get married to a beautiful woman who may be a creative artist and he may enjoy a very good marriage.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the eleventh house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the eleventh house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to mother, marriage, husband, wife, profession, finances, reputation and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such debilitated Moon can delay the marriage of the native, it can disturb his marriage and/or it can break one or more marriages of the native, depending on his overall horoscope and running times. Taking an example, suppose debilitated Moon is placed in the eleventh house of a horoscope in Scorpio with malefic exalted Ketu. Exalted Rahu is placed in the fifth house in Taurus, Venus is placed in the twelfth house in Sagittarius and malefic debilitated Sun as well as Mercury is placed in the tenth house in Libra. In this case, the native may witness delay in marriage and he may not get married till the age of 35. He may witness more than one failed love affair and he may also go through one or more failed engagements, before he may get married.

If exalted Saturn is placed in the tenth house in Libra with Sun and Mercury, malefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the seventh house in Cancer, and benefic Mars is placed in the second house in Aquarius, the equation may become more troublesome for marriage. In this case, the native may not get married till 40 or 45 years of his age, or he may not get married throughout his life. The native may enjoy good results related to profession but he may do poorly in the sphere of marriage. He may witness several failed love affairs and he may also come across one or more broken engagements. Though the native may keep having love affairs with various women from time to time, he may never get married. The native may also have a child from one such love affair, but he may not marry the mother of his child, though he may provide financial support for the upbringing of the child.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the eleventh house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Tenth House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Tenth House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the tenth house in a horoscope, Aquarius rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is malefic in the tenth house in many cases though it may turn benefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is influenced by benefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of benefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more benefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for benefic planets to add positivity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is influenced by one or more than one benefic planet in the tenth house, it may turn significantly or highly benefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it benefic in some cases, when such theme is benefic. The concept of malefic planets turning benefic due to influences of benefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the tenth house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to profession, finances, reputation, fame, authority and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with success as a doctor, lawyer, police office, army officer, administrative officer, engineer, scientist, astrologer, psychic, tantric, healer, professional dealing in finance industry, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, travel industry, education industry, casino industry, tobacco industry, medical industry, arms industry or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope.

Taking an example, suppose debilitated Moon is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. A combination of benefic Sun and Mercury is placed in the seventh house in Leo, Saturn is placed in the fifth house in Gemini, benefic Mars is placed in the third house in Aries and debilitated Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Capricorn. In this case, the native may engage in travel industry. He may start a company which may arrange visas and tickets for people interested in going abroad. The native may earn good amount of money and recognition through this business and he may travel to several countries of the world, for professional purposes.

If benefic Rahu is placed in the eleventh house in Sagittarius, Ketu is placed in the fifth house in Gemini with Saturn, and benefic Venus is placed in the ninth house in Libra, the equation may become better. In this case, the native may witness very good amount of money, success and recognition through the business of arranging visas and tickets. He may start early, like any time after the age of 20 and he may witness success. After the age of 25, the native may achieve more, and he may keep growing. After 40, the native may witness sudden jump in growth and he may expand his business a lot. If the finer factors and running times are supportive, the native may earn billions through travel business. He may get married to a beautiful woman who may assume an active role in his business, and the couple may enjoy a good marriage.

Such debilitated Moon can bless the native with a post of authority in government, through job or through politics, depending on his overall horoscope.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the tenth house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the tenth house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to mother, health, profession, finances, reputation, litigations, court cases and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such malefic debilitated Moon can trouble the native with setbacks, failures, job loss, discontinuation of profession, bad reputation, financial losses, court cases and several other problems through his field of profession. Taking an example, suppose malefic debilitated Moon is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in Scorpio with Mercury. Malefic Ketu is placed in the second house in Pisces, malefic Rahu is placed in the eighth house in Virgo, benefic debilitated Sun is placed in the ninth house in Libra and Saturn is placed in the seventh house in Leo. Mercury is partly malefic in horoscopes with Aquarius ascendant and its presence with malefic Moon can make it more malefic. Hence the overall combination in the tenth house may become malefic.

In this case, the native may not find a permanent profession till the age of 35 or 40. He may only be able to find temporary jobs and he may have to remain jobless for periods of more than 6 months, many times in his life. If debilitated Venus is placed in the eighth house in Virgo with Rahu, Mars is placed in the tenth house in Scorpio with Moon and Mercury, and exalted Jupiter is placed in the sixth house in Cancer, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may not find a permanent profession throughout his life. He may only find temporary jobs and he may remain jobless for periods of 1 year or more, several times in his life. If the finer factors and running times are negative, the native may not find any job after the age of 35 or 40. He may belong to a rich or well-to-do family and he may live the rest of his life with the support of his family members.  The native may not get married throughout his life, though he may have one or more failed love relationships.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the tenth house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope. Such malefic Moon can render criminal tendencies to the native and he may become a professional criminal, if his overall horoscope is supportive for this result. The native may get caught and he may spend 5 years or more in prison, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Ninth House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Ninth House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the ninth house in a horoscope, Pisces rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is benefic in the ninth house in most cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is afflicted by malefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of malefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more malefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for malefic planets to add negativity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet in the ninth house, it may turn significantly or highly malefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it malefic in some cases, when such theme is malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the ninth house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to mother, love life, children, father, profession, reputation, fame, authority, finances, spiritual growth and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with success through a wide variety of professional spheres. The native may achieve success as a scientist, engineer, doctor, lawyer, computer programmer, IT professional, software developer, astrologer, tantric, psychic, healer, spiritual guru, religious guru, teacher in science or mathematics, researcher, analyst, discoverer, government officer, politician, minister, actor, director, musician, painter or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

Taking an example, suppose benefic debilitated Moon is placed in the ninth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Benefic Jupiter is placed in the sixth house in Leo, a combination of exalted Mercury and Sun is placed in the seventh house in Virgo, Venus is placed in the eighth house in Libra, benefic Rahu is placed in the tenth house in Sagittarius and Ketu is placed in the fourth house in Gemini. Benefic Mercury forms Bhadra Yoga in the seventh house. In this case, the native may become a lawyer. The native may possess good knowledge of law, he may practice at a higher court of law and he may come across good amount of success, money and recognition as a lawyer.

If benefic Mars is placed in the sixth house in Leo with Jupiter, and Saturn is placed in the eleventh house in Capricorn, the equation may become better. In this case, the native may come across very good amount of success, money and recognition as a lawyer. After the age of 50, he may get elevated to the post of a judge at a higher court of law. The native may achieve very good amount of success, authority and recognition as a judge and he may accomplish a lot during his career. He may deliver benchmark decisions in several important/controversial cases and he may achieve fame through them. The native may especially be famous for his liberal and/or trend setting decisions/rulings in the spheres of individual freedom and equality related to gender, religion, caste, race, sexual orientation and other likewise spheres.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the ninth house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the ninth house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to mother, father, children, love life, profession, finances, reputation and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Debilitated Moon in the ninth house generally doesn’t behave in a malefic manner on its own. As such, this placement of Moon is benefic and it may not produce malefic results unless Moon is afflicted by malefic planet/planets and/or the overall horoscope is malefic. The concept of various planets exhibiting tendencies to be benefic or malefic on the basis of the houses they rule in a horoscope has been explained in the chapter ‘Gemstones for House Lords’ of the book ‘Gemstones: Magic or Science? (Revised Edition).

Such malefic debilitated Moon can trouble the native with problems related to mother, children, father and mental health among other things. Taking an example, suppose a malefic combination of debilitated Moon and Saturn is placed in the ninth house in Scorpio. A combination of benefic Mercury and malefic debilitated Sun is placed in the eighth house in Libra and Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Aquarius. In this case, the native may witness problems related to mother, father, marriage, children and mental health, among other problems.

If malefic Ketu is placed in the sixth house in Leo with Mars, malefic Rahu is placed in the twelfth house in Aquarius with Jupiter, and malefic Venus is placed in the eighth house in Libra with Sun and Mercury, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may lose his mother to death during childhood. If the finer factors and running times are negative in a specific manner, he may lose his father also, during childhood. The native may suffer from problems related to mental health and such problems may intensify, if the finer factors and running times are negative. The native may either not get married throughout his life or he may get married and have a child. He may get divorced, he may lose the custody of the child to his wife and he may not get married again.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the ninth house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Eighth House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Eighth House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the eighth house in a horoscope, Aries rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is benefic in the eighth house in some cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is afflicted by malefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of malefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more malefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for malefic planets to add negativity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet in the eighth house, it may turn significantly or highly malefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it malefic in some cases, when such theme is malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the eighth house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to mother, education, properties, profession, finances, wealth, authority, spiritual growth, special abilities and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such benefic Moon can bless the native with a post of authority in government, through job or through politics. Hence the native may achieve success as a police officer, army officer, naval officer, air force officer, doctor, scientist, engineer, researcher, revenue officer, administrative officer, foreign services officer, politician or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope.

Taking an example, suppose benefic debilitated Moon is placed in the eighth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Benefic Venus is placed in the fourth house in Cancer, benefic Sun is placed in the fifth house in Leo with Mercury, exalted Mars is placed in the tenth house in Capricorn and Jupiter is placed in the eleventh house in Aquarius. In this case, the native may become a police officer. He may get selected for a high rank in police services and he may come across success, recognition and authority as a police officer. The native may be known for his bravery as well as courage, and he may achieve success in several important missions.

If benefic Rahu is placed in the first house in Aries, Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Libra and benefic Saturn is placed in the sixth house in Virgo, the equation may become better. In this case, the native may achieve success in competitive exams and he may get selected for the highest possible direct rank in police services. He may enjoy a very good career and he may come across a lot of success, authority and recognition as a police officer. The native may be a brave police officer and he may be a specialist working against terrorism and other types of violent crimes, especially the ones committed by organized mafia groups. He may become the head of a special task force which works against terrorism and mafia organizations and he may achieve great success in removing such threats from his region. He may receive several formal awards and medals for bravery and courage.

The native may also be deputed in some higher law enforcing agencies like Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and he may achieve success. If the finer factors and running times are supportive, the native may serve as the head of police of a state, before retirement. Even after retirement, the native may either be hired by a government defence agency on contract basis or he may join politics and he may become a minister in government.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the eighth house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the eighth house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to mother, mental health, education, properties, vehicles, profession, finances and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such debilitated Moon may prove especially troublesome for mother and mental health of the native. Moon is the general signifier of mother as well as mental health. In this case, Moon is also the specific signifier of mother and mental health, since it rules the fourth house in horoscopes with Aries ascendant. Hence the native may be especially vulnerable to problems related to mother and mental health.

Taking an example, suppose debilitated Moon is placed in the eighth house of a horoscope in Scorpio with malefic Mercury. Benefic Sun is placed in the ninth house in Leo, benefic Venus is placed in the tenth house in Capricorn, Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house in Pisces with malefic Rahu, and Ketu is placed in the sixth house in Virgo. In this case, native’s mother may suffer from a serious physical or mental disease. Such disease may trouble her a lot and it may claim her life before native’s age of 20 years. If Mars is placed in the eighth house in Scorpio with Moon and Mercury, and benefic Saturn is placed in the third house in Gemini, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, native’s mother may suffer from a serious physical disease like some type of cancer. Hence the native may lose his mother before the age of 15 or 10.

Taking another example, suppose debilitated Moon is placed in the eighth house of a horoscope in Scorpio with malefic exalted Ketu. Exalted Rahu is placed in the second house in Taurus, debilitated Sun is placed in the seventh house in Libra, Mars is placed in the eleventh house in Aquarius, Jupiter is placed in the third house in Gemini and benefic Venus is placed in the ninth house in Sagittarius. In this case, the native may suffer from a mental disorder which may trouble him and he may have to avail treatment for many years. If Saturn is placed in the eleventh house in Aquarius with Mars, and malefic Mercury is placed in the eighth house in Scorpio with Moon and Ketu, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may suffer from a serious medical problem like depression or insanity, and he may not get out of it, throughout his life. If the finer factors and running times are also negative, the native may have to spend many years in a mental asylum.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the eighth house can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Seventh House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Seventh House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house in a horoscope, Taurus rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is benefic in the seventh house in most cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is afflicted by malefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of malefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more malefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for malefic planets to add negativity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet in the seventh house, it may turn significantly or highly malefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it malefic in some cases, when such theme is malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the seventh house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to mother, marriage, husband, wife, profession, finances, reputation, authority, fame and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

Since the seventh house primarily deals with marriage, such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with various types of good results related to marriage. Taking an example, suppose benefic debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house of a horoscope in Scorpio with benefic debilitated Rahu. Benefic Mercury is placed in the first house in Taurus with debilitated Ketu, and a combination of exalted Venus and Mars is placed in the eleventh house in Pisces. In this case, the native may get married to a woman who may be the citizen of a foreign country and he may settle abroad on the basis of his marriage. Native’s wife may be a researcher, analyst or some type of creative professional and he may witness many benefits through marriage.

If benefic Sun is placed in the first house in Taurus with Mercury and Ketu, benefic Saturn is placed in the second house in Gemini and Jupiter is placed in the fourth house in Leo, the equation may change. In this case, the native may go abroad on the basis of his profession or education, depending on the finer factors and running times. He may get married to a woman from such country and he may obtain the citizenship of such country. The couple may enjoy a good marriage, with occasional troubles. The native may be a scientific researcher, analyst, software developer, web developer, IT professional, engineer, scientist or some other likewise professional, depending on the finer factors and running times. He may come across very good amount of success, money and recognition through his field of profession.

Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results through profession. Hence the native may achieve success as a doctor, engineer, scientist, researcher, analyst, software developer, IT professional, computer programmer, lawyer, judge, revenue officer, army officer, foreign services officer, politician, astrologer or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the seventh house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope. It can bless the native with success through liquor industry, oil and gas industry, casino industry, marketing, advertisement, media, tobacco, medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, real estate, automobile, private security, cyber security or some other industry, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the seventh house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to marriage, husband, wife, mother, profession, finances, reputation and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such debilitated Moon can cause delay and/or disturbances in native’s marriage. When it is supported by other malefic planets and/or an overall negative horoscope, it can break one or more marriages of the native. Taking an example, suppose malefic debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house of a horoscope in Scorpio with malefic debilitated Rahu. Debilitated Ketu is placed in the first house in Taurus, a combination of Venus and Mars is placed in the fourth house in Leo and debilitated Sun is placed in the sixth house in Libra. In this case, the native may get married in time but he may witness serious disturbances in his marriage. Hence his first marriage may fail due to such disturbances and he may settle in second marriage. Native’s first marriage may fail due to an extramarital affair of the native or his wife, or due to death of his wife, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

If malefic exalted Jupiter is placed in the third house in Cancer with benefic Saturn, and benefic Mercury is placed in the sixth house in Libra with Sun, the equation may become worse. In this case, the native may witness two or three failed marriages and he may settle in his third or fourth marriage, depending on the finer factors and running times. One marriage of the native may fail due to an extramarital affair of the native whereas he may lose one of his wives to death. The native may also have children from his first or second marriage and he may lose their custody to his wife, through divorce.

Such debilitated Moon can cause various types of problems related to native’s mother and such problems may aggravate if Moon is influenced by malefic planets. Taking an example, suppose debilitated Moon is placed in the seventh house of a horoscope in Scorpio with malefic Mars. A combination of Sun, Mercury and Venus is placed in the second house in Gemini and benefic Saturn is placed in the first house in Taurus. In this case, native’s parents may have a troubled marriage, they may get divorced before native’s age of 7 years and native’s father may get his custody. Hence the native may lose his mother through divorce of his parents.

If malefic Jupiter is placed in the second house in Gemini with Sun, Mercury and Venus, Rahu is placed in the sixth house in Libra and Ketu is placed in the twelfth house in Aries, the equation may become worse. In this case, the native may lose his mother to death, before the age of 10 years. She may die because of a fatal disease or in an accident. Native’s father may get married again, but the native may not have a good equation with his stepmother.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the seventh house can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Sixth House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Sixth House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the sixth house in a horoscope, Gemini rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is benefic in the sixth house in some cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is afflicted by malefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of malefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more malefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for malefic planets to add negativity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet in the sixth house, it may turn significantly or highly malefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it malefic in some cases, when such theme is malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the sixth house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to profession, finances, reputation, authority, fame and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with a post of authority in government. Hence the native may achieve success as a police officer, revenue officer, army officer, administrative officer, politician or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope and running times. Taking an example, suppose benefic debilitated Moon is placed in the sixth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Benefic Jupiter is placed in the seventh house in Sagittarius along with Mars as well as Saturn. Venus is placed in the eighth house in Capricorn, benefic Rahu is placed in the third house in Leo and Ketu is placed in the ninth house in Aquarius. In this case, the native may join the army. He may get selected for a high rank in the army and he may come across good amount of success, recognition and authority as an army officer.

If benefic Sun as well as Mercury is placed in the seventh house in Sagittarius with Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, the equation may become better. Sun and Mercury may form Budhaditya Yoga whereas Jupiter may form Hamsa Yoga in the seventh house of this horoscope. In this case, the native may achieve success in competitive exams and he may get selected for the highest possible direct rank in the army. The native may enjoy a distinguished career in the army, he may accomplish a lot and he may come across very good amount of success, recognition, authority and respect as an officer. The native may win several medals for his performances during various missions, and he may earn a lot of respect from his seniors, colleagues and juniors. If the finer factors and running times are supportive, the native may serve as the chief of army of his country, before retirement.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the sixth house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the sixth house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to mother, family, speech, finances, health, profession, reputation and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such malefic debilitated Moon can trouble the native with problems related to mother and those related to his mental as well as physical health. It can also trouble the native with problems related to profession and finances. The native may not earn much from his profession and he may witness financial tightness. Taking an example, suppose malefic debilitated Moon is placed in the sixth house of a horoscope in Scorpio with malefic debilitated Rahu. Malefic Ketu is placed in the twelfth house in Taurus along with Mercury, benefic Sun is placed in the first house in Gemini, Venus is placed in the second house in Cancer and Saturn is placed in the fourth house in Virgo.

In this case, the native may not get a well-paying job and he may have to engage in low-paying jobs. The native may also remain jobless for periods of more than 6 months, many times in his life. If malefic Mars is placed in the twelfth house in Taurus with Mercury and Ketu, and Jupiter is placed in the fourth house in Virgo with Saturn, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may not establish in a permanent profession, throughout his life. He may remain jobless, many times in his life and he may witness financial tightness, throughout his life. The native may also suffer from health problems as well as problems related to his mother. He may die before the age of 40, unless the finer factors and running times are supportive for a longer lifespan.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the sixth house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Moon in Fifth House of Horoscope

Debilitated Planets Part 1
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A more detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Debilitated Planets Part 1 (Revised Edition)’.

Debilitated Moon in Fifth House

When debilitated Moon is placed in the fifth house in a horoscope, Cancer rises in the ascendant. Debilitated Moon is benefic in the fifth house in most cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This may happen when Moon is afflicted by malefic planets, such as through conjunction and/or aspects. As the number of malefic planets and the strengths of such planets increase, Moon may become more malefic.

Since Moon is weak due to debilitation, it may become easy for malefic planets to add negativity to Moon. If debilitated Moon is afflicted by one or more than one malefic planet in the fifth house, it may turn significantly or highly malefic. Apart from that, the overall theme of horoscope having such debilitated Moon can also turn it malefic in some cases, when such theme is malefic. The concept of benefic planets turning malefic due to influences of malefic planets has been explained in Manglik Dosh section of the book ‘Match Making and Manglik Dosh (Revised Edition)’.

Let’s look at some results which may be given by debilitated Moon in the fifth house when it is benefic. Such benefic debilitated Moon can bless the native with good results related to health, lifespan, creativity, love life, children, mother, profession, finances, fame, reputation, authority and several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

The placement of debilitated Moon in the fifth house is an important placement as it affects several important spheres of native’s life. Moon is the general signifier of mother, it is the specific signifier of native’s health and lifespan in this case since it rules the first house; and it is placed in the fifth house which deals with children among other things. Hence this placement of Moon affects native’s own wellbeing as well as life, his mother and his children among other things. Accordingly, the native may witness various types of benefits related to these spheres, depending on his overall horoscope and running times.

Looking at profession, such benefic debilitated Moon can help the native achieve success as an actor, singer, musician, writer, sportsman, designer, architect, doctor, scientist, engineer, software developer or some other type of professional, depending on his overall horoscope.

Taking an example, suppose a benefic combination of debilitated Moon and Mars is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Benefic Mars may cancel the debilitation status of Moon and Neechbhang Rajyoga may be formed in the fifth house. Suppose benefic Venus is placed in the first house in Cancer, benefic Sun is placed in the third house in Virgo, Jupiter is placed in the second house in Leo and exalted Saturn is placed in the fourth house in Libra. In this case, the native may engage in the field of acting. The native may work in mainstream movies and he may come across good amount of success, money, fame and reputation as an actor.

If exalted Mercury is placed in the third house in Virgo with Sun, benefic Rahu is placed in the first house in Cancer with Venus, and Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Capricorn, the equation may become better. In this case, the native may possess very good acting talent and he may witness a lot of success, fame, money and recognition as an actor. He may witness early success and he may never look back. The native may specialize in the genres of romance, drama and intense type of roles. He may achieve several formal awards for his acting performances in various movies and he may have a large number of fans. If the finer factors and running times are favourable, the native may earn billions through movies and advertisements.

Such benefic debilitated Moon can also make the native interested in fields like astrology, numerology, tantara, spiritualism and other likewise fields. Hence the native may achieve success in one such sphere, if his overall horoscope is supportive.

Apart from these, benefic debilitated Moon in the fifth house of horoscope can bless the native with several other good results, depending on his overall horoscope.

On the other hand, malefic debilitated Moon in the fifth house of horoscope can trouble the native with problems related to mother, children, love life, creativity, health, lifespan, profession, finances, reputation and several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.

Such debilitated Moon can trouble the native with a wide variety of health problems and it can also reduce his lifespan, especially when it is joined by malefic planets. Taking an example, suppose a malefic combination of debilitated Moon and Mercury is placed in the fifth house of a horoscope in Scorpio. Malefic Rahu is placed in the ninth house in Pisces, malefic Ketu is placed in the third house in Virgo, Mars is placed in the twelfth house in Gemini and malefic Saturn is placed in the sixth house in Sagittarius. In this case, the native may suffer from health problems which may trouble him and which may also reduce his lifespan. Hence the native may die before the age of 60 or 50, depending on the finer factors and running times.

If Jupiter is placed in the sixth house in Sagittarius with Saturn, debilitated Sun is placed in the fourth house in Libra and debilitated Venus is placed in the third house in Virgo with Ketu, the equation may become more troublesome. In this case, the native may witness serious health problems and he may suffer a lot because of them. He may die before the age of 40 or that of 35, depending on the finer factors and running times. The native may die because of heart attack or because of stomach cancer, depending on the finer factors and running times.

Such debilitated Moon can also create problems related to children and such problems may increase in quantum, if the native is female. One such female native may witness delay in childbirth, medical complications, miscarriages, birth of physically or mentally ill children, and/or other problems, depending on her overall horoscope. In an extreme case, the native may not be able to give birth to an alive child throughout her life, though she may witness one or more miscarriages and/or failed pregnancy attempts.

Apart from these, malefic debilitated Moon in the fifth house of horoscope can trouble the native with several other problems, depending on his overall horoscope.


Himanshu Shangari