Category Archives: Blog Posts

A Detailed Guide on the Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga

A Detailed Guide on the Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga

Yogas is a concept that is unique to Vedic astrology. They are special combinations and positions of planets with respect to houses and other planets. Certain planetary positions lead to specific results, whether good or bad. Different ways planets associate with each other and form combinations called yogas. There are many yogas in Vedic astrology. One such prominent yoga is formed when Jupiter is in Kendra from the Moon when it is in houses 1,4,6 or 10 from the Moon. This is called Gaj Kesari Yoga, which can bless the native with authority, success, fame, wealth, spiritual growth, creativity, etc. Continue reading

Angarak Yoga

What are the Conditions for the Formation of Angarak Yoga?

Yogas are special combinations and positions of planets in a horoscope, in terms of houses and other planets. Even if the prevalent definition of any yoga seems to be simple, the actual process of calculating the results is complex. Billions of combinations are possible in a horoscope, but several other factors play a significant role in the formation of a specific yoga. These factors also affect the impact of yoga. One such yoga is the Angarak Yoga, which is formed when Mars is placed with Rahu or receives an aspect from Rahu. Continue reading

Types of Vipreet Rajyoga

Everything You Need to Know About the Types of Vipreet Rajyoga

If the lord of the sixth, eighth, and twelfth house is placed in any other two houses of the horoscope, Vipreet Rajyoga is formed. This means that if the lord of the sixth house is placed in the 12th or 8th house, Vipreet Rajyoga will be formed. Similarly if the lord of the eighth house is placed in the sixth or twelfth house, Vipreet Rajyoga will be formed. This yoga is divided into three categories. In this post we will look at the three types of Vipreet Rajyoga. Continue reading

Manglik Dosh

Manglik Dosh: What is It and How Does It Form?

Mars, or Mangal, is a fiery planet loaded with energy. Mars is the planet of energy, and marriage is a sensitive relationship. The extra energy on Mars may not be good for it, and it can break the marriage or cause the death of a partner. When functionally beneficial, its energy can be used for various constructive purposes. But when functionally malefic in a horoscope, the energy of Mars can become destructive. Malefic Mars can cause multiple problems for the natives related to marriage. This is when Mars is said to form Manglik Dosh in a horoscope. Continue reading

Nakshatras The Journey of Soul Part 02

Everything About Poorvashada Nakshatra: Understanding Its Various Aspects

Nakshatra is a Vedic term mentioned in Rig Veda, Atharav Vedaa and Yajurveda, which refers to a lunar mansion or constellations of groups of stars that influence a person’s life. As per Vedic astrology, lunar constellations or Nakshatras form an association with the natal symbols of the Moon. There are 27 Nakshatras whose names are related to a prominent star. Each Nakshtra is divided into four padas. In this post, we will see the various aspects of the Poorvashada Nakshatra in detail. Continue reading

Gaj Kesari Yoga

What Factors Impact the Strength of Gaj Kesari Yoga in a Horoscope?

Many people believe in astrology and the settings of the planets. Sometimes, the planets align in such a way that they create a yoga in the birth chart. This impacts a person’s personality as well as their life events. Every yoga has its characteristics and importance. Hence, a lot of people are curious about the yoga in their birth chart and the astrological positions of the planet. In this post, we will discuss how various factors affect the impact of Gaj Kesari on a horoscope. Continue reading

7 Problems That People With Pitra Dosh May Face

7 Problems That People With Pitra Dosh May Face

Pitra dosh may be associated with Shradh in some cases. Upcoming generations of people who don’t perform Shradh rituals may face various types of problems. Children of a native who has Pitra dosh may face physical or mental health issues. One such native may suffer from financial tightness as well as debts. The upcoming generations of the affected native may suffer from various types of health issues. The atmosphere of the house may be disturbed by unnecessary quarrels and arguments. Continue reading