In fact, this is one of the best ways to condition someone and that is why clever people use it a lot often. A common person may find it relatively easy to do crazy things in public though such things may not be troublesome for other people and they may simply be crazy. However, a judge or an officer of high rank may not be able to do so; even if he wants to. This is because a common man is not trapped in the illusion of a big image whereas the judge is. It means even if the judge wants to do so; he may not do it due to the fear that his image will be spoiled and people will start respecting him less.
The same applies to the religious gurus who may want to engage in material things at times; but they stay away from doing so; since they fear that their public images will be spoiled. In reality; this is why they’re given so much respect by people so that they may not be able to do material things defined as immoral; even if they want to; since the stakes are high. It should be noted that such things may be defined as immoral by a number of people though they may not be immoral in reality. However, this practice only ends up creating more problems because the fear of spoiling a good image rises from ego and hence he’s not going to benefit in the long run.
It should be noted that if this spiritual guru wants to do certain things which are considered immoral but he doesn’t do them due to fear of his image being spoiled; he’s certainly going to end up doing them. Based on his personality type; he may do such things in the hidden or he may postpone these things for next life; if he chooses to stay away from them under compulsion. In both these cases; such things will anyways be done and hence; there is no point in delaying them due to fear or greed.
Kindly understand that the only way to get rid of a wish whether it is positive or negative; is to reach the stage where this wish disappears naturally. This can be achieved through two methods. The first and the common method is that if you keep fulfilling a specific wish again and again; a time comes when you get rid of it since you’re satisfied and you don’t want to do it any longer. This is what happens to most of us; we create wishes; we fulfil them and then we move ahead; in order to fulfil new wishes.
The second method is the spiritual method and through this method; you keep achieving more and more spiritual growth. As that happens; you naturally tend to create fewer wishes and you get out of the already created wishes. Hence your problem is solved in the most effective way. In the first method; you may need a long period of time to fulfil a wish in the deepest sense and then move away from it. In addition to that; you keep creating new wishes and the same process keeps repeating. Hence through the first method; you’re only getting out of specific wishes and you’re not getting out of the problem of creating one wish after another.
It means through the first method; you’re dealing with the effect and you’re not dealing with the cause. As soon as a pimple appears on your skin; you try to get rid of it by applying external remedies; not caring about the source of allergy which lies within you and which creates such pimples. As you get rid of this pimple which means as a specific wish of yours is fulfilled; another pimple appears somewhere else on your body; since the source of allergy is still the same strong. It keeps happening and you keep killing pimples or desires from outside by fulfilling them; not knowing or not caring that you have to kill the source of these pimples or desires and they’ll all go away on their own.
The second method of spiritual growth deals with the root and once the root cause is fixed; you don’t have to deal with individual pimples since there are no pimples or desires now. Hence when this spiritual guru is suppressing his desires to do certain things; he’s only making the matters worse because he’s not even treating the pimples from outside like a common man; and he’s engaging in something else which may prove very harmful.
For instance; if a common man wants to mate with a woman; he may do so and through repetition; he may get this woman out of his system and hence he may be able to move away. However if a religious guru wants this woman; he may try to suppress this desire. Since the wish for this woman is there; it means he hasn’t reached that level of spiritual growth where this wish is not created to start with. Since he’s not getting rid of this wish by trying to mate with this woman if he can; even the second method of treating this pimple from outside is not available in this case and this is what makes things more difficult for him.
Instead of treating this pimple; he may try to scratch this pimple away; which means he may try to suppress his desire for this woman. As you can understand; scratching a pimple is only going to make matters worse because it may initiate an infection. Looking at this infection in case of this religious guru; though he may not mate with this woman on physical level under fear of spoiling his image; he may keep mating with this woman as well as with a number of other women in his mind.
Hence whenever a woman visits him; his mind may start mating with that woman since the desire to mate is getting stronger due to the fact that any desire you try to suppress, only becomes stronger as it tries more and more to come out and express itself. Hence your subconscious mind keeps sending it to your conscious mind; whenever the situation outside supports this desire. Hence whenever he meets or sees a woman; the desire to mate with the woman he wants or with any woman in general; gets activated and he may start mating with this woman in his mind.
As this act of mating is finished; subconscious guilt forms. This is because he’s done something which he shouldn’t have according to his moral beliefs. Hence his peace is disturbed. There are only two ways out of this guilt; he should face it or he should find a way to pacify it for the time being; where the second way will also merge into the first way at a later stage; as already discussed.
If he chooses to face it; he may quit the post of being a religious guru for the time being and he may mate with as many women as he wants and as he can. At the same time; he may start working towards achieving spiritual growth so that he may eventually get out of this trouble. As he achieves more and more spiritual growth; this desire as well as many other desires may reduce in quantum and a time may come; when this desire may leave him forever.
This is the time he may once again become a spiritual guru if he wants. Any woman may visit him now and his peace may not be disturbed; since there is no desire related to women and hence there is no disturbance on account of suppressing such desire. In this case, he’s treating the allergy from inside and during the time it takes to kill this energy; he keeps treating the pimples from outside; which is a very effective way. It means he’s achieving spiritual growth to get rid of such wishes to start with; and till the time this growth comes to him; he’s fulfilling his desire to mate with women so that they may not trouble him.
It may look strange but mating with women while trying to achieve spiritual growth may help him achieve spiritual growth at a faster pace. This is because when he mates with a woman; the desire is fulfilled for the time being. Hence he’s peaceful and he may achieve spiritual growth in the most effective way. However, if he chooses to suppress this desire till the time he achieves sufficient spiritual growth which may kill this desire; the process of achieving spiritual growth may be delayed a lot. This is because he’s not peaceful.
Even when he engages in meditation; a number of women may haunt his mind and that can make it difficult for him to focus. On the other hand, if he’s taking care of his need to mate with women; he won’t have women haunting his mind; when he tries to meditate. It is like if you’re hungry but you choose not to eat and you sit for meditation; no matter how hard you may try; the feeling of hunger which means the need of your body for food will keep distracting you. Hence the best way is to take care of the hunger first and engage in meditation only when this hunger or any other type of hunger is not disturbing you for the time being.
Yes, these needs may come back but by that time; your meditation may be over. Hence you may meditate peacefully if you don’t suppress your desires and you rather choose to fulfil them. It means unless you’re grown enough to stay away from creating such desires and getting rid of the already created desires; fulfilling them helps you achieve spiritual growth at a faster pace; compared to the pace of spiritual growth if you choose to suppress them. We’ll discuss more on this topic; later on.
Though this is the correct way; it becomes difficult to walk on this path; as long as you have significant amount of ego though it may not be high. This is because this spiritual guru has an image and the moment he quits this post and he starts mating with a number of women; he loses this image and in fact; people may assign a new image to him where this image says he’s an evil or bad person since he forsake the post of a religious guru in order to mate with women.
Hence the pressure is high and this pressure may make him choose the second method; which is the method to pacify subconscious guilt for the time being. He may do so in a number of ways; depending on his overall personality. If the corruption factor in his personality is high; he may start mating with women in hidden settings. This way; his desire of mating with women is fulfilled and even his image is saved.
However, each one of these acts leads to a different type of subconscious guilt; which is formed as he’s doing something that he himself knows and he also tells other people; is wrong for a spiritual guru to do. These acts make him a hypocrite because he’s saying one thing and he’s doing another. It means he’s making people believe that such acts are bad and they should stay away from them; whereas he’s engaging in them in reality. He may try to pacify this type of guilt also but then another type of guilt may be formed and it may keep happening. As long as he’s not treating the root cause of this problem through spiritual growth; there’s no way out of this problem.
If he has a relatively less corrupted personality; he may choose another way. He may not mate with women in the hidden and he may instead choose not to meet or even see any woman. This is because he may reach this conclusion that his problem aggravates whenever he sees a woman or he talks to her. Hence he may be of the opinion that women are the root cause of this problem and so; he may choose to not meet them or see them.