Article 013

A building was being constructed. Dozens of labourers were working hard to complete the task. It was a very hot day and the Sun was beating down hard. All the labourers seemed troubled from brutal attack of harsh sunlight and heat.

Three labourers were breaking big stones into smaller ones in harsh sunlight. All three of them seemed exhausted and they were soaked in sweat. A man went to one of the three labourers and asked him, “How are you, brother?”

The worker burst out angrily and said, “This is one hell of a life, Sir. I have to work hard in this heat and at the end of the day; all I get is Rs. 100 which my family will spend fast. Then they will ask me to go through all this again. Life is hell and it can’t get worse than this.”

This man went to the second labourer and asked him the same question. The labourer replied, “I am just about alright, Sir. Though I have to work hard all day long, at the end of the day the contractor pays me Rs. 100 which is sufficient to fulfill my family’s needs. Hence I work hard and I get rewarded. Life is not very good but it is fair.”

The man went to the third labourer and asked him the same question. He smiled with gratitude and said, “I am very well, Sir. God has been very kind to me. The structure we are raising is the building for a school. Once it gets ready, thousands of children will be educated and they will then shape the future of our country. I am very thankful to God that he chose me to be a part of this noble deed. Look at his grace that I am even being paid Rs. 100 every day for doing this noble deed. This money takes good care of my family. I couldn’t ask more from life, Sir. Life is simply as good as it can get.”

The man asking the question was a saint and he had brought some of his disciples to teach them an important lesson in life. He turned towards his students and said, “You see, heaven or hell, is only a point of view and nothing else.”

Through resources matter, sometimes to some extents and sometimes to great extents, happiness never completely depends on resources. All the resources in the world are physical. Hence they can deal with the physical realm only. Happiness is not a state of physical body and it is a state of mind. Therefore, whether or not you are truly happy, depends on the type of mindset you have.

A positive mind finds reasons to be happy and content, even in the worst of the circumstances whereas a negative mind finds one thing or another to complain about, even in the best of the circumstances.

Hence it all starts with mind and it all ends with mind. If you have a positive mind which is capable of seeing beauty in all species and things created by nature and by man, you’ll be able to enjoy most of your life. On the other hand, if you have a negative mind and you’re good at finding faults with most species, things and situations; almost nothing can make you happy for long. This is because even if you are happy for some time, it is certainly short lasting happiness. Very soon, you will find reasons to complain about such state of happiness also.

Different people react differently in various circumstances. Depending on their mindsets and reactions towards situations, the results are also different for them. A positive mind gets something good out of every situation, whereas a negative mind fails to gain even from the best situations, in most cases.

People with negative mindsets start apprehending bad things right from the start. They have fears while entering into jobs, taking exams, entering into relationships and other things. Accordingly; they fail at most of them. Their negative minds ultimately make their fears come true. Then they may be found saying: “I felt it right from the beginning and look, it has happened!” In reality, it is only their fears and negative mindsets which have made such negative situations become reality.

On the other hand, there are people who have positive mindsets. They are confident that whatever is going to happen to them, whoever is going to come into their lives, they will gain from everything and everyone in the long run. Surprisingly, but not surprisingly; they gain a lot in their lives. They can get positive results even from seemingly negative situations and the reason is the same, the power of their minds.

It is the unmatched power of the human mind which when works in positive direction, can create strongly positive people who can make almost anything possible. On the other hand, if it works in negative direction, it can create strongly negative people who may fail even in the most positive circumstances. Hence good and bad, success and failure; all of them are ultimately controlled by the mind. Therefore, it becomes very important to recognize the power of mind and start making positive use of it.

Let’s go deeper and see how the mind can create big successes or failures, depending on the direction it takes. In order to understand this concept, we’ll need to see how the mind controls all your reflexes and actions, which even you don’t know that it does. A part of your mind is called the subconscious mind and this is the part which is responsible for all the positivity and negativity that you have carried forward from your previous lives.

It is also referred to as unconscious mind. Subconscious mind forms more like the upper layers of this section of mind whereas the innermost layers may be referred to as the unconscious mind. For the sake of convenience, we’ll refer to this entire section as subconscious mind throughout the discussion. The other part of your mind is the conscious mind, which you deal with in your sane senses. The subconscious part is much bigger and accordingly much more powerful than the conscious part of the mind.

When you try to create or do something, it is first created in the conscious mind and then the message is forwarded to the subconscious mind. Looking at a negative-minded person, as he starts creating stronger and stronger conscious negative thoughts about a specific thing or person, his conscious mind sends these thoughts to his subconscious mind. A time comes when the latter starts working more and more to make it happen. This process is so subtle that even the affected person may not feel that he is himself responsible for his failures and setbacks. Once the subconscious mind gains more and more strength through his negative ideas, it starts controlling the body, brain, speech and all other important functions of this person in a way which may finally produce the results desired by him, and he fails.

Hence when a positive and fruitful situation comes to him, his subconscious mind sends strong signals that this opportunity is not the right one and it should be passed. Since the subconscious mind is much stronger than the conscious mind, he passes on this opportunity under pretext of fear, apprehension, confusion, lack of confidence and other such feelings.

On the other hand, whenever a negative opportunity comes, his subconscious mind sends strong signals to him, telling him that this is the opportunity he should take. The subconscious mind does so because negativity and loss was fed to it by the conscious mind. Accordingly, the subconscious mind tries to make it come true. Needless to say, the person fails and the task given by him to his subconscious mind is completed by it.

Let’s look into the working of a positive mind. A positive person creates positive thoughts and ideas in his conscious mind again and again. As these ideas are fed to his subconscious mind through the conscious mind, the former starts working to make them come true. In this case, when a negative opportunity comes to him, his subconscious mind sends strong signals that this opportunity should be avoided. Accordingly, he may not take it up.

On the other hand, when a positive opportunity comes to him, the subconscious mind sends strong signals that this is a perfect opportunity and he must take it. He simply follows the subconscious mind, he takes on the opportunity and the result is success. Once again, the subconscious mind has made the same thing happen in reality, which was fed to it. This is how the subconscious mind works: sending strong positive or negative signals to you.

You may have felt a strong sense of intuition or gut feeling, without knowing the reason behind it. These are the signals that your subconscious mind sends to you. Since you may not know the working of the subconscious mind, you may interpret them as gut feelings or intuitions whereas they may be nothing but your subconscious mind in action.

You may have faced situations, met people or seen places that give you feelings of Déjà vu which means they look like they have already happened to you, or they may seem familiar to you, but you don’t know why. This is again your subconscious mind sending strong signals to you that this thing, place or person is familiar, since the subconscious mind has already dealt with it or something like it in one of your previous lives, very likely in your recent past life. Accordingly, you feel that this situation or person is familiar. Since you can’t read the subconscious mind, it feels like Déjà vu to you.

The conscious mind is the part of your mind which interacts with you and your body on various levels. Everything fed to this part of the mind and everything coming out of it can be actively felt and understood by you. For example, when you drink juice, your tongue sends taste signals to your mind. Your mind tells you if it tastes good or bad and you know every detail of this act right from the beginning till the end. This is your conscious mind and almost all functions as well as activities of the conscious mind are within your knowledge. Hence this part of your mind is easy to understand.

Moving on to the subconscious mind, it is much more complex. The subconscious mind deals with your present life as well as with your past lives. In some cases, it deals more with the past life or lives than it deals with the present life. These are the cases that cause affected people to behave in ways which may seem strange to an average person. In reality, it is nothing but a shade of complex pattern of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is that part of your mind which stores knowledge, information, memory and experiences from your present as well as past lives. Right from the first life of every soul, the subconscious mind starts storing and recording everything and life after life, it keeps doing the same. You can consider it like a hard disk which has tons of storage space and it can store vast amounts of data.

Since all the data from your past lives is recorded on your subconscious mind, and this data includes good and bad experiences, all success and failures, all wisdoms and follies from your past lives, the subconscious becomes very powerful. This is because it has already dealt with most situations in one or another of your past lives. Hence it knows much better what would be the right thing to do in a particular situation, as a situation that you think you are facing for the first time in your life may be nothing new for your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind has all the records and this fact makes it a very powerful entity.

Let’s try to understand this concept by going back to the beginning which means the first life form of a soul. Let it be your soul. As the soul assumes a physical body, it also gets various planes and entities. The first one is the physical plane which deals with physical affairs. The second one is the mental plane which deals with intellect, learning and other likewise things. The third one is the emotional plane which deals with feelings, emotions and experiences. The fourth plane is the astral plane which deals with conscience and through it; it deals with entities having higher or much higher consciences.

Apart from that, you also have a mind; broadly divided in two sections. The first section is called the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the active part of mind and it controls all the activities that you consciously go through. For example, if you try to learn a language, you’re using your intellect to learn it and you are learning it consciously which means with visible effort. Likewise, if you go through some physical or emotional experiences; you do so consciously.

The second section of the mind is called the subconscious mind. Whatever you learn and/or experience through physical, mental, emotional and astral plane on conscious level; such information is stored on this section of your mind. Since it is your first birth, the subconscious is completely empty. As you start passing on instructions, experiences, information, choices and various other such things to it; it starts recording them.

The subconscious conducts various tasks. The first one is that it stores all the information sent by you to it through the conscious mind. Apart from that; it makes such information available to the conscious when needed, it executes tasks on its own, it sends warning signals, it gives gut feelings of liking/disliking and it does many other tasks. The subconscious does so on the request of your conscious mind only and the former doesn’t have a wish of its own.

Since this is your first birth, the subconscious is empty. As you start going through experiences and as you start storing them on your subconscious with different tags attached to them; it becomes active and it starts doing its job. Taking an example; you feel hungry, you see animals or birds around you eating and you also decide to eat. As you eat, you feel satiated. Hence the conscious mind sends information to the subconscious that whenever hungry, you should eat something.

As you do so again and again, this information becomes a pattern as well as a command. The subconscious is a creature of habit. Whatever you send to it repeatedly, it starts executing such instruction on its own, based on the information fed to it. Hence your subconscious starts reminding you of food whenever the feeling of hunger strikes you.

When you try different food items like various types of fruits, vegetables and animals; you like some of them and you dislike some others. Such likes and dislikes are also stored on the subconscious. It means if you repeatedly liked apple and disliked guava; this information is stored on the subconscious. Hence it’ll start giving you vibes of dislike when you see a guava whereas it’ll start giving you vibes of like when you see an apple. All other eating priorities are set in this way.

Taking another experience, a lion attacks you but you escape; or it attacks someone else and it kills him. You witness this experience and you consciously decide that lion is harmful for you. This information is stored on the subconscious. Hence it starts warning you to stay away from lions. Likewise, you come across dogs and horses; and they behave friendly towards you. This information is also fed by the conscious to the subconscious. Hence the latter starts giving you feelings of like; when you see dogs or horses.

This way, all other likes and dislikes as well as dos and don’ts are stored on the subconscious and it starts executing them. It means memory is built. Without this memory, you’ll have no idea that a lion attacked you once and you had a narrow escape. As a result, you may try to get closer to a lion or you may try to ignore its presence the next time you see it; and you may end up getting hurt. Hence the subconscious stores information provided by the conscious and it acts upon such information.

You meet and interact with people; and you record your experiences with them through the conscious mind. Such experiences are stored on the subconscious and it starts guiding you, based on those experiences. Hence you start recognizing that a particular person is good for you whereas another one is bad for you. Accordingly, you tend to be in the company of the first person more whereas you tend to avoid the second person.

Likewise, all other experiences are recorded on the subconscious. When you encounter wild animals or hostile people; you may learn and store a variety of things. For example, you may set a priority that some specific types of animals and people should be avoided as they have the potential as well as tendency to harm you. However when it is not possible to avoid them as they may attack or try to harm you anyways; you may try to defend yourself and in the process, you may counterattack. Hence you learn through such experiences that if you’re not able to avoid them; you should counterattack.

These preferences are also stored on the subconscious and your defence mechanism is built. It means when you come across a lion or a specific person the next time; you may be prepared for two options. The first one is to avoid facing the lion or the person and if the circumstances don’t allow doing so, you are prepared to counterattack.

You keep going through more and more experiences; and all of them are stored on the subconscious. You learn to appreciate beauty, develop specific tastes, recognize the opposite gender as well as your attraction for it; and all this information is stored on the subconscious. Hence the next time you see a female (considering you’re a male), your subconscious may give you feelings of liking for her. As a result, you may try to pursue her and be with her.

This process continues till your death. You learn a lot and you store it on your subconscious mind. Then you die and the soul leaves the body. When that happens; the conscious mind dies with the body whereas the subconscious goes with the soul. Each soul gets only one subconscious mind throughout its journey and such subconscious never leaves it. On the other hand, you get a new conscious mind, each time you assume a physical body. Hence the body as well as the conscious mind dies whereas the soul as well as the subconscious survives.

With time, you get a new body as well as a new conscious mind. This is where things start to become tricky. In your first life, both the conscious and subconscious mind were playing for the first time; where the duration of one play is a lifetime. Hence your stored information on the subconscious mind through the conscious mind and the former released such information as and when needed. You were not surprised by such information because you remembered storing it.

It means when the subconscious gave a feeling of fear upon seeing a lion; you knew why this feeling was there. You suffered injuries through an attack by a lion and you had conscious memory of that incident. Hence you could relate to this feeling of fear, since your first conscious mind stored this information on the subconscious and the information was released to the same conscious mind. Hence you knew the source of this information and you were not confused. Likewise, the subconscious guided you in many other cases also; and your conscious had no problems relating to the instructions since the conscious itself stored them on the subconscious.

As you assume next body and a new life begins; things start getting complicated. You see a lion and your subconscious gives you a feeling of fear. However, you may not understand this feeling now. This is because the conscious mind which stored this information on your subconscious mind is not there any longer. This is a different conscious mind and it doesn’t relate to this feeling. It means the first conscious mind was fine with this information since it had stored such information on the subconscious and it knew the source.

However, the second conscious mind knows nothing about the source of this information and hence it gets confused. A feeling of fear is there but you or let’s say your conscious mind doesn’t know why. Hence you may choose to go against this feeling and face a lion. If you choose to do that; you may suffer and two things may happen. Firstly, you store fresh information on the subconscious that lions are dangerous. Secondly, you realize that though you don’t know the source of the information provided by the subconscious, it was correct.

Since you may not know what conscious as well as subconscious mind is; you may simply call it gut feeling or inner voice. Hence you learn that there are voices inside you which try to guide you from time to time. Though you may not know the source of such voices; they may come true in many cases. Your conscious mind may be confused whether to follow them all the time or not. This is because the conscious mind is all about active control. Hence it is comfortable relating to things/people when it can define their sources. However, it is uncomfortable with things/people of undefined origins.

This is where a clash in your personality may begin. The subconscious may suggest you a number of things but you (your conscious mind) may not be comfortable following them; since you don’t know the source or reason. Life goes on. You learn a lot in this life also, you store such information on the subconscious mind and then you die. Here again, your subconscious as well as your soul leaves the body and they may set out on the journey to get a new body. The conscious mind dies with the body. It means that all the information stored by it is still there on the subconscious mind; but you are going to have a new conscious mind in the next life.

When you’re born again; you get SM1 (subconscious mind number 1) whereas you get CM3 (conscious mind number 3). Life begins and you start storing information on SM1 through CM3. In this life, your SM1 has information stored by CM1, CM2 and CM3. Accordingly, it tries to release such information in order to guide you, based on your instructions only; given by CM1, CM2 and CM3. However, your conscious mind (CM3) doesn’t recognize such information released by SM1, which was stored by CM1 and CM2. Hence the confusion deepens in this life, compared to the second life.

This goes on life after life and suppose in the present life; you’re operating with SM1 and CM1000. It means this is your birth number 1000. Hence you have had a thousand conscious minds so far; and you have stored information through them; on the very same subconscious mind, SM1. It means your subconscious mind has experiences of about a 100 thousand living years through the 1000 lives that you have had so far. In comparison, your conscious mind has experiences of about 35 years; considering you’re 35.

As you can see, there’s a world of difference between the knowledge possessed by SM1 and CM1000. This is where the confusion may get very strong. SM1 may release pieces of information from any of your previous lives and CM1000 may choose not to follow many of them since it doesn’t know the sources. In this case, the net outcome is more dependent on your conscious mind which forms the active core of your personality.

It means if you have an accepting type of personality, you may choose to pay attention to what your subconscious says in most cases. Hence it may guide you to try a thing or a job, you may not know why but you may choose to go with the suggestion. As you do that; you may perform very well and you may discover that you are naturally gifted in such field.

In the deepest sense, there is no such thing as a natural gift and everything has to be earned. It only means that you had engaged in such field time and again in your past lives; very likely in your recent past lives. Let’s say this field is that of dance. Your subconscious guides you to try it, you give it a try and sooner than you know; people recognize you as a gifted dancer. Though people may think you’re a gifted dancer, it may not be so.

It means you learnt to dance in your past lives and you took it to the level of perfection; in your recent past life. Through lives and lives of experiences; your subconscious is filled with knowledge related to dance. Since you liked it a lot; the subconscious encourages you to try it; whenever an opportunity presents itself. You listen to it, you give it a try and the rest happens magically.

The magic happens because you already know all there may be to know about dance. Hence you start dancing like an expert though you’ve not learnt it in this lifetime. People call you gifted or they say you have natural talent for dance; but now you know the real reason. Likewise, the subconscious may guide you in thousands of other domains; based on the information you stored on it; during your previous lives; through various conscious minds.

The subconscious mind may be considered as a multiuser computer network which stores information on it. Though thousands of user can log into it and they can store information on it; they can only retrieve and change information that they actively stored. It means they may not access/change the information stored by other users. This system may be considered as the subconscious mind and the users may be considered as the conscious minds. The system has the information stored by all these users. However, each user may have active access to that information only, which he stored by logging into his profile.

Taking another example, suppose a bank offers facility for safety deposit boxes or lockers. Suppose it has 1000 boxes in a secure room. It means 1000 different users may use these lockers to store information/valuables in them. Though each user may access, retrieve and change what he stores; he may not do the same in case of lockers possessed by other users.

Though this room or network of lockers has information stored by 1000 users; each user has access to information stored by him only. The room may be considered as the subconscious mind and each individual user may be considered as a conscious mind.

Hence when you access your locker or your network account; you know that there are many other lockers or accounts in the same place. Such place has all the information but you have limited access to it.

Suppose someone has a master password to such computer network or he has a master key which can open all the lockers. In this case, he has access to all the information stored by all the users. Obviously, this person has much more information or valuables than each individual user, since he possesses the sum total of what each one of them possesses individually. This is the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind operates like a network of users does; with some changes. For example, it may from time to time release such information to an active user; which he didn’t store but which at the same time may be useful. The user can’t relate to this information since he has no conscious memory of storing it. Hence he may choose to use it or ignore it. The system or the subconscious mind knows this information is valuable and it may help the user. Hence a lot of confusion may happen; as the subconscious may keep releasing information and the conscious may feel uncomfortable acting upon it, since it can’t locate the source of such information.

Let’s take another example. Suppose you meet a woman. As you interact with her, you start feeling an invisible bond with her, apart from the general physical attraction between the opposite genders. Hence you get voices from inside that you can trust this woman and she means well for you, though you may have met her only for 2-3 times. Your conscious mind may tell you to proceed with caution but the inner voices may tell you to move ahead without any fears. Though this woman may not give you any conscious reasons to believe or trust her at this stage; you may still get pulled to her due to such inner voices. Hence you may choose to trust her and you may develop a very good relationship with her; which may even turn into marriage.

The inner voices are the messages from the subconscious. Though you haven’t met this woman before, in this life; you’ve been with her in your recent past life or more than one past life. Hence your subconscious recognizes her subconscious as well as her aura. Just like you, she also has the same subconscious but a different conscious mind. Hence she may also feel the same invisible pull towards you and things may progress fast.

Your aura is the outward expression of the sum total of all the energies stored on your subconscious mind. These energies include your desires, resolutions, preferences, habits, karmic energies, experiences and other energies. In other words, your aura is the outward expression of the net energy equation on your subconscious mind at any given point in time.

The way your conscious mind tries to recognize this woman is through any conscious experiences with her in this life; since the conscious can’t go beyond this life. However, the way your subconscious tries to recognize this woman is by identifying her subconscious mind as well as her aura. Since her subconscious mind as well as aura is the same that she had in past life; though they may have undergone some changes; your subconscious recognizes her.

Hence for your conscious mind, she may be a woman you just met. However for your subconscious; she’s the one you spent one or more than one of your past lives with. Your subconscious minds have developed utmost trust for each other and they are filled with love and respect for each other. Hence your subconscious may tell you again and again to trust her completely, since it vividly remembers beautiful experiences of a lifetime or lifetimes that you two have had together in the past.

Therefore, it encourages you and if you proceed; you may find that your gut feeling was absolutely right. When an actual thing like ‘love at first sight’ happens; it happens due to the same reason. When you strongly feel like someone is your soulmate, it may also happen for the same reason. You’ve been with this person a lot in your past life or lives. Hence your subconscious recognizes her at once and it gives you a strong go ahead signal.

Looking at it from another angle, suppose you love a woman and you two get married. Suppose the marriage goes very well and towards the end of your lives; both of you have developed a lot of love, affection, understanding, trust and respect for each other. It is natural that both of you may create strong conscious desires for being with each other, in the next lives also. Looking at another option, you may simply have desires to be with each other. With this common desire and with so much love, affection, understanding, respect and trust for each other, both of you die eventually.

When this mutual desire to be with each other is this strong; the system of nature may put it on priority. Hence both of you may be born again during the same timelines. Circumstances may introduce you and both of you may feel strong attraction towards each other. This attraction is nothing like the average physical attraction and it is much more than that. As you meet; the relationship may grow very strong in a short period of time and before you know; you two may get married. You may have that feeling of ‘love at first sight’ or ‘she’s my soulmate’, in this case.

In reality, you’ve spent an entire life with her; loving, respecting and trusting her; and she has also done the same. Hence your conscious mind may not find reasons to trust her blindly, since it has no memory of those experiences. However, your subconscious may push you more and more towards her as it knows for sure that she’s one of the most trustworthy persons for you, in the entire world. This inner voice is not based on some random wishful thinking; it is backed by solid experiences of a lifetime or more with this woman. This is why you feel like some people may be trusted though you have not interacted much with them.

Looking at this situation from another angle; suppose you’re meeting a woman in this life and it is the first time with her; for your conscious as well as subconscious mind. It means you have had no interaction with this woman in any of your past lives. In such case, you may not hear many or any voices form inside, since your subconscious has no data related to her. Hence you’ll need to depend on your conscious mind.

Accordingly, things may proceed slowly. You may take longer or much longer to like her if that happens. The same may happen with her also, when it comes for her to like you. The relationship may grow far slower in this case and entities like love, respect and trust may take long or very long to establish.

In the first case, the feelings may be very strong right from the beginning whereas in the second case, they may build up gradually over time. You have a well-established equation with the woman in the first case whereas you have no equation with the woman in the second case. Hence you have to start from the scratch in the second case. Accordingly, there may be no love or strong feelings of trust in the beginning phase; and such feelings may take time to build. As the number of good conscious experiences increases; love, trust and respect may start building. It means you’re trying to accomplish with this woman; what you have already established with the other woman in your past life.

Likewise, all other experiences related to your physical, mental, emotional and astral plane are stored on your subconscious mind. Taking an example, suppose you died in a fire incident in your recent past life. Since the fire may have caused you a lot of suffering before you died; such suffering may leave strong impressions on your subconscious. As the impressions are fresh and strong; you may be scared of fire in this life. Though you may not consciously recognize the reason and you may find it odd; it makes perfect sense, since you’ve been recently burnt to death by it. Given the scale of age of your subconscious mind; 50 or 100 years count as recently.

In the same way, if you died by drowning in water in your recent past life; you may be scared of water bodies like lakes and rivers. The reason is the same. Your subconscious mind is trying to protect you by keeping you away from water, as it fears that you may drown again. Likewise, all other good and bad experiences you had in your past lives; shape up your subconscious mind in specific manners. As you’re born and you live your present life; the experiences of this life make additions/modifications to the already recorded experiences. This process continues life after life; your subconscious keeps gaining more information; and it may also witness some modifications which have been consciously made by you.

For example, if you’re afraid of water due to past life experiences, you may make modification to this memory. You may choose to face this fear. Hence you may learn to swim and devote a decent amount of time to this practice. Though you may be very much afraid in the beginning; such fears may start fading away with time and in a matter of some months or years; your fear of water may be gone.

It means you’ve made modification to one particular piece of information or memory stored on your subconscious mind. At the beginning of your present life; it told you to be afraid of water, based on the experiences of the past. However, you changed that piece of information with your conscious efforts. Hence it may not send warning signals when you get closer to water bodies. On the contrary, it may give you feelings of joy since you may have developed passion for swimming and the same passion has been recorded on your subconscious mind.

We have reached a very important point in discussion. This example shows that though your subconscious mind may have thousands of times more information than your conscious mind; it has no way of creating new information or modifying existing information on its own. On the other hand, your conscious mind may have far less information compared to the subconscious; but it is capable of recording new information and modifying existing information recorded on the subconscious. It means all the habits and patterns are stored on the subconscious and only the conscious mind can change them or introduce new habits or patterns.

Though a specific conscious mind like CM1000 can’t directly access those sections of the subconscious which store information recorded by other conscious minds; there are still ways to make the subconscious release such information. The subconscious is all about repetition and patterns. Hence more conscious commands you send to it through repeated actions, thoughts, resolutions and desires related to a specific goal; more interested it may become in helping you out. It should be noted that we identity ourselves by our conscious minds since we have control over this part of the mind only. Hence when the word ‘You’ is mentioned, it means your conscious mind. Though we’re much more than our conscious minds; many people may think they’re represented by their conscious minds alone.

As you create a desire and as you start working for it more and more; you start sending signals to your subconscious, asking for help. The subconscious may be slow or very slow to respond; depending on some factors. The first factor is the strength of your conscious messages. It means if all you do is keep wishing for something to happen and you don’t engage in efforts; the subconscious may not attach much importance to such signals.

Through thousands of lives of experiences; it understands that when you really want to achieve something, you work hard for it. Hence thinking or wishing alone may not do the trick and you’ll need to engage in efforts. As you engage in more and more efforts in order to achieve a goal; you send stronger and stronger messages to the subconscious and it may come to your help.

The second factor deals with the fact how old the information in question is. For example, if you were an actor in your past life and you wish to achieve success in the same field in this life also; not much convincing may be required. This information is fresh and the subconscious may not have to dig deeper in order to get it out and release it to you. If you were an actor 5 lifetimes ago and you wish to be an actor again, the job becomes relatively difficult.

This is because the information about how you achieved success in acting is stored on relatively deeper layers of your subconscious mind; and a lot of information has been stored after that; in the 5 lives that followed. Hence as you try harder and harder on conscious level to achieve success, the same may be noted by your subconscious mind and it may start digging deeper and deeper. It may take more time in this case; but the subconscious may release many secrets and tricks with the passage of time.

If you were an actor 50 lifetimes ago and you wish to be an actor in this life also; the job becomes much more difficult. In this case, you may need to work even harder. The harder your conscious mind works; stronger signals it sends to the subconscious for help. Stronger are the signals received by the subconscious, deeper it digs. Deeper the subconscious digs; better are the chances of it releasing the required information to you.

As more and more of such information is released, you may realize that your potential as an actor has increased a lot. Apart from that; you may notice that you’re becoming more and more aware about the dos and don’ts of the showbiz. As a result, you may achieve more success.

Considering another application of the subconscious mind, whatever you store on it through the conscious mind, starts forming patterns which may be called habits. Taking an example, if you consciously choose to keep positive outlook on most things, you may continuously send signals of being positive to your subconscious mind. Likewise, if you consciously choose to give your best to the jobs at hand, the same may be recorded by your subconscious mind and it may also form a pattern.

Hence your subconscious may understand you as someone who’s positive in approach and who won’t quit. Then all of a sudden, you come across a situation or task which may look far bigger than you can handle and you may consciously get afraid of even attempting it or you may get confused whether or not you’ll be able to succeed if you make an attempt. This is when your subconscious may come into play. It has loads of information stored on it and this information says you can do it. Hence you may end up attempting such task and completing it; though you were initially confused or scared.

Your subconscious keeps records of all your preferences, habits, desires, karmas and many other things. Since subconscious is a creature of habit and it is not capable of changing anything stored on it on its own; it tries its best to make you follow the already established patterns. In a situation like this, this trait of the subconscious may come as a blessing, since you may not have attempted this task without assurance from your subconscious.

You may have heard about the magic of positive thinking. Now you know how positive mindset works and why you should consciously engage in positive thoughts and actions. This is because all of them will be forwarded to your subconscious mind through your conscious mind. This is why wise people tell you to have positive attitude or positive mindset.

The same process works in the opposite direction also. For example, suppose you consciously doubt your chances of success in most jobs you attempt. Likewise, you consciously choose to quit most jobs which seem difficult or very difficult. This information is forwarded to your subconscious mind and with repetition over a period of time; it forms a pattern. Hence your subconscious mind may identify you as someone who’s afraid of difficulties and failures.

Then one day, you face a situation where quitting is not an option and you have to succeed as it may be a do or die type of situation. Though you may try your best on conscious level; your subconscious mind may stand in opposition. In tune with the patterns formed by your conscious mind, it may keep scaring you that you are not capable of doing this job and you should quit. Hence your mind may get divided in two parts; with the bigger part telling you that you can’t succeed. With this divided mindset, you may fail.

Though in both the cases; the subconscious seems to have the decisive edge, it is your conscious mind in reality, which holds the key. The subconscious may only give you what you’ve stored on it consciously. Whether such information helps you or it makes you fail; the subconscious has got nothing to do with that. It is a unit which stores, reminds and executes whatever the conscious mind has asked it to; through repeated efforts and over a period of time. Hence you should choose wisely between positive and negative mindset; since it may ultimately decide your success or failure as well as happiness or sadness.

This is how the conscious and subconscious mind interact with each other and how they affect each and everything you do. Though the subconscious is much more powerful than the conscious in most cases; the former only does what the latter tells it to do. The only catch is that it takes a lot of time and effort for the conscious to create a pattern on the subconscious.

Once such pattern is formed; the latter starts executing it even if the former wants it to stop. If such is the case, the conscious needs to rewrite the unwanted pattern with effort and time. Once such pattern is replaced with a new pattern; the subconscious will start executing the new pattern. Hence choose wisely what you write on your subconscious since it is going to play an important role in each and everything you try to accomplish.

If you want your subconscious to give you courage and positivity; feed courage and positivity through repeated conscious efforts. If you want it to give you peace and optimism; don’t feed disturbances and pessimism to it through repeated conscious efforts.


Himanshu Shangari