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The detailed version of this article is featured in the book ‘Kaal Sarp Yog (Revised Edition)’.
Anant Kaal Sarp Yog
If in a horoscope, Rahu is placed in the first house, Ketu is placed in the seventh house and all other planets are placed within the axis of Rahu and Ketu, Anant Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in that horoscope. To simplify, if all other planets are placed from house number one to seven or from house number seven to one in such horoscope, Anant Kaal Sarp Yog is formed in the horoscope. In some cases; when any one among Moon, Sun, Venus or Mercury is placed outside Rahu-Ketu axis; Kaal Sarp Yog may still form in the horoscope.
Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may trouble the native with problems related to health, lifespan, profession, marriage, addictions, vices, personality disorders and a number of other problems; depending on his overall horoscope.
The natives under the malefic impact of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog are prone to get addicted to various types of intoxicating substances which may prove harmful in the long run. In an extreme case when this defect is strong and supported by the overall horoscope; the native may get addicted to harmful drugs and he may face serious health issues because of them. Such native may die young due to drug overdose or due to serious health issues caused by drugs.
Taking an example, if malefic Rahu is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Cancer, malefic Ketu is placed in the seventh house in Capricorn along with Moon, debilitated Sun is placed in the fourth house in Libra along with malefic Mercury; and malefic Saturn is placed in the third house in Virgo, the native may become a drug addict. The native may consume harmful drugs on regular basis and he may witness loss of health, money and reputation because of them; among other things.
At the same time, if Jupiter is placed the third house of this horoscope in Virgo along with malefic Saturn; Venus is placed in the sixth house in Sagittarius and retrograde Mars is also placed in the sixth house in Sagittarius in Cancer navamsha of Moola nakshatra, the problem may aggravate. The native suffering from Anant Kaal Sarp Yog and other malefic planets may die between the age of 30 and 50, depending on the finer factors; due to drug overdose or due to serious health problem caused because of regular consumption of harmful drugs. The native may also face problems related to financial losses, profession, marriage and a number of other problems.
Once the formation of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog is confirmed in a horoscope, the next factor to check is the strength of this defect. The strength of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog is calculated through the placements of Rahu and Ketu in various signs, nakshatras and navamshas; as well as through the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on Rahu and Ketu. The overall theme of horoscope and running times (Mahadashas) also affect the strength of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog.
Let’s start with signs. Suppose malefic Rahu in the first house in Cancer and malefic Ketu in the seventh house in Capricorn form Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Rahu does well in Cancer and Ketu does well in Capricorn; through none of them is strong in their respective signs. Hence such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may possess significant strength in most cases and it may be strong in some cases; depending on placements of Rahu and Ketu in various nakshatras and navamshas within their respective signs.
Such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may cause problems related to marriage. As a result, the native may get married late or very late; or he may face more than one broken marriage on account of serious problems; depending on his overall horoscope. Such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may cause significant damage to the equation between the native and his wife. Hence even if the native settles in his second or third marriage; he may still not be able to enjoy such marriage. The marriage may sustain, primarily because of compromises and shared responsibilities; and the couple may not have love and understanding between them.
Such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may also get the native married to someone who may suffer from significant or serious health issues which may be physical or mental. Hence the native may not be able to enjoy his marriage and such marriage may prove more like obligation, suffering or punishment; depending on his overall horoscope. In an extreme case of this type when such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog is supported by other malefic planets; the native may lose one or two wives to death on account of serious diseases or accidents.
Such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may also cause problems related to the profession of the native. The native may not be able to achieve professional success till late or very late; or he may not achieve such success throughout his life; depending on his overall horoscope. The native may also face financial losses, bad reputation, job loss and a number of other problems. When supported by other malefic planets; such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may turn the native into a criminal and he may face prison sentence of more than 7 years.
Moving on, let’s look at the influences of benefic and malefic planets as well as the impact of running times and the overall theme of horoscope on such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog. Let’s take an example to understand this concept in a better manner.
Suppose malefic Rahu in the first house in Cancer and malefic Ketu in the seventh house in Capricorn form Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose benefic Venus is placed in the first house in Cancer along with Rahu; and benefic exalted Mars is placed in the seventh house in Capricorn along with Ketu. These two planets may add much more strength to the horoscope and at the same time; they may significantly reduce the strength of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog.
Mars is very strong in Capricorn and Ketu is no match for it in this sign. Hence the malefic effect of Ketu may reduce a lot. Venus and Rahu have comparable strengths in Cancer though none of them is strong in this sign. Hence Venus may reduce the malefic effect of Rahu though not as much as Mars may do in case of Ketu.
Suppose benefic Moon is also placed in the seventh house in Capricorn and Chandra Mangal Yoga is formed. Since both these planets are strong and they strengthen each other; malefic influence of Ketu may reduce a lot in this horoscope. Apart from that, Mars and Moon may send a lot of positive energy to Ketu and such energy may turn Ketu into a partly malefic and partly benefic planet, instead of being a highly malefic planet.
At the same time, the benefic combination of exalted Mars and Moon casts direct aspect on Venus and Rahu in the first house. Venus gains more strength and positivity due to such aspect whereas the negativity of Rahu may reduce a lot; due to the combined benefic influence of Venus, Mars and Moon. The same may happen with Ketu and it may receive positive energy from Venus, apart from receiving such energy from Mars and Moon.
As a result of the interaction between these five planets; Rahu and Ketu may also turn significantly benefic; though they may still be malefic also. The concept of malefic planets turning into benefic planets due to strong influences of benefic planets has been explained in the revised edition of the book ‘Pitra Dosh – Ancestors are Calling’.
When that happens, the strength of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may reduce a lot and the native may witness relief in most spheres of his life, affected by such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog. Venus rules the eleventh house in this horoscope and this house deals with profession and finances. Mars rules the tenth house which deals with profession and Moon rules the first house which also deals with profession. Venus and Rahu are placed in the first house which deals with profession health and lifespan among other things.
Hence the sphere of profession may benefit the most. Depending on the overall horoscope, the native may become a high authority government officer, he may achieve success as a businessman or he may become a creative professional. Taking an example, if a benefic combination of Sun and Jupiter is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in Aries and Mercury is placed in the eleventh house in Taurus, the native may achieve authority in government; through job. Such native may get selected for administrative services or revenue services and he may witness very good career.
Let’s go back to the original setup of Venus plus Rahu in the first house and Mars, Moon and Ketu in the seventh house. Such benefic combination may also help the native a lot with issues related to health and lifespan. Hence the native may not witness serious or even significant health issues due to Anant Kaal Sarp Yog and his lifespan may also be good; unless other malefic planets in the horoscope change these results.
Due to the formation of Chandra Mangal Yoga in the seventh house, the native may not face serious or significant problems related to marriage; unless Saturn is troubled in the horoscope. In case the native is female; placement of Jupiter is also important in order to assess wellbeing of marriage. Venus is the general signifier of marriage and wife in case of males and Jupiter is the general signifier of marriage and husband in case of females. Since Venus is already engaged in this benefic combination; the male native may benefit more, in the sphere of marriage.
Let’s look at the entire equation from the opposite angle and see what may happen when Rahu and Ketu are influenced by malefic planets. Suppose malefic Rahu in the first house in Cancer and malefic Ketu in the seventh house in Capricorn form Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in a horoscope. Suppose malefic Mercury is placed in the first house in Cancer along with Rahu; and malefic Saturn is placed in the seventh house in Capricorn along with malefic Ketu.
Saturn rules the seventh and eighth house whereas Mercury rules the third and twelfth house in this horoscope. Hence both of them are malefic. The concept of planets having tendencies to be benefic or malefic on the basis of the houses they rule in a horoscope has been explained in the chapter ‘Gemstones for House Lords’ of the revised edition of the book ‘Gemstones: Magic or Science?’.
As malefic Mercury and malefic Rahu combine in the first house; both these planets may afflict each other and they may become even more malefic. The same may happen in the seventh house and both Saturn as well as Ketu may turn highly malefic. To have an idea; such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog supported by malefic Mercury and Saturn may cause 2 to 4 times more damage in this case; depending on the finer factors.
Since the first house is seriously afflicted by two malefic planets; the native may face serious problems related to health and lifespan; among other problems. If Moon, Mars and Venus are not strong in the horoscope; the native may suffer from psychological problems which may turn into serious disorders in some cases. Such malefic combination of these four planets may trouble the native with problems like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder; among other psychological problems. The native may also become a drug addict and he may suffer from loss of health, money and reputation due to such addiction.
In an extreme case of this type when the overall horoscope is also weak or malefic; the native may die before the age of 40 years; due to drug overdose, health problems caused due to regular consumption of harmful drugs over a long period of time; or he may commit suicide. If the native commits suicide; he may do so under a bout of serious depression or some serious psychological disorder.
Looking the sphere of marriage, it may be almost destroyed in this case and even strong placements of Jupiter (for females) and Venus (for males) may not bring much relief. Due to this troublesome combination of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog, Mercury and Saturn; the native may not get married till his age of 40 years or he may not get married throughout his life.
Looking at another variation, the native may get married after 35 years of age; he may get divorced after going through a terrible marriage and he may never get married again. Looking at another probability, the native may get married after the age of 35, he may face serious problems in his marriage and the couple may start living separately. The native may not get divorced for a period of more than 7 years after separating from his wife or he may not get divorced throughout his life. It means the native may remain married on papers but he may neither live with his wife; nor he may be able to get married to someone else.
Apart from these, Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may create a number of other problems for the native; depending on his overall horoscope.
Looking at the running times, when the Mahadashas of benefic planets are in effect; the problems posed by such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may reduce. On the other hand, the Mahadashas of malefic planets other than Rahu and Ketu may increase the quantum of problems. When the Mahadashas of Rahu and Ketu are in effect, Anant Kaal Sarp Yog may cause maximum possible damage.
Malefic effects of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog can be reduced with the help of remedies. The application of gemstones and Poojas in particular may prove useful in reducing the strength and/or malefic effects of Anant Kaal Sarp Yog. Gemstones may be more useful in counteracting the malefic effects produced by Kaal Sarp Yog, and they may not be able to directly reduce the strength of this defect in many cases. Poojas may directly reduce the strength of this defect in most cases. As that happens; malefic effects produced by Kaal Sarp Yog may also reduce.
Himanshu Shangari