A Detailed Guide on the Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga

A Detailed Guide on the Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga

Yogas is a concept that is unique to Vedic astrology. They are special combinations and positions of planets with respect to houses and other planets. Certain planetary positions lead to specific results, whether good or bad. Different ways planets associate with each other and form combinations called yogas. There are many yogas in Vedic astrology. One such prominent yoga is formed when Jupiter is in Kendra from the Moon when it is in houses 1,4,6 or 10 from the Moon. This is called Gaj Kesari Yoga, which can bless the native with authority, success, fame, wealth, spiritual growth, creativity, etc.

Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga

The main condition for the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga is that all planets involved should be benefic in the horoscope. So, for this yoga to be formed, both Jupiter and the Moon should be beneficial. Jupiter and Moon can make four combinations when present in the same house. Out of these combinations, only the combination of benefic Jupiter with benefic Moon can result in the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga.

The remaining three combinations, which are benefic Jupiter with malefic Moon, malefic Jupiter with malefic Moon, and malefic Jupiter with benefic Moon, may not lead to the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in the horoscope. This is because, in all the combinations, one or both planets are malefic. So instead of forming Gaj Kesari Yoga, they may form malefic yogas where the malefic planet hits the general and specific significances of the benefic planet.

For instance, the significance of Jupiter may suffer when Jupiter is benefic, and Moon is malefic, due to which the native may face problems in various spheres of life-related to the specific and general significances of Jupiter, like problems related to luck, children, fortune, wisdom, spiritual growth, etc., since these are the general significances of Jupiter. And if Jupiter is present in the seventh house of the horoscope, the native may face problems related to marriage.

The combination of malefic Jupiter with a benefic Moon may affect the general and specific significances of the Moon, which may result in the native facing problems related to emotional disturbances, peace of mind, problems related to mother, etc. If the Moon represents the tenth house in a horoscope, the person may face problems related to professions.

The combination of malefic Jupiter and malefic Moon forms the worst combination since the significance of both Moon and Jupiter suffer in such cases. This may cause serious problems for the native since malefic Jupiter may hit the significances of malefic Moon and vice versa. Therefore this combination may prove to be very bad for the native and he may suffer a lot in many spheres of his life.

Factors Affecting the Impact of Gaj Kesari Yoga

Moreover, there are several other factors that affect the results of Gaj Kesari Yoga. These factors include the strength of the planets involved, the overall theme of the horoscope, the signs, the house in which the yoga is formed, influences of other benefic and malefic planets, the field of impact, and the time of activation.

To Conclude

Numerous combinations are formed in a horoscope. But there are several conditions to be fulfilled for the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga. Also the strength of this yoga is impacted by several other factors in the horoscope.


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