Gaj Kesari Yoga

What Factors Impact the Strength of Gaj Kesari Yoga in a Horoscope?

Many people believe in astrology and the settings of the planets. Sometimes, the planets align in such a way that they create a yoga in the birth chart. This impacts a person’s personality as well as their life events. Every yoga has its characteristics and importance. Hence, a lot of people are curious about the yoga in their birth chart and the astrological positions of the planet. In this post, we will discuss how various factors affect the impact of Gaj Kesari on a horoscope.

Calculating the strength of Gaj Kesari Yoga

Once the presence of Gaj Kesari Yoga is confirmed in a horoscope, the next thing an astrologer will do is check its strength. This can be calculated by the placement of Jupiter and Moon in different signs, houses, nakshatras and navamshas, as well as through the influences of other malefic and benefic planets on Moon and Jupiter. Gaj Kesari Yoga, formed due to the placement of the benefic Moon and Jupiter in the same house, is stronger than other variations. So, let us examine the different factors that impact its strength.

  • Signs: The positive impact of Gaj Kesari Yoga may decrease significantly if it is present in Scorpio or Capricorn. This is because the Moon and Jupiter are debilitated in these signs, which results in a weak Moon and weak Jupiter. However, the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, and Sagittarius may have good results. These natives are blessed with good results.
  • Influence of other planets on Jupiter and Moon: This is a major factor that can influence the results of Gaj Kesari Yoga. For instance, if malefic exalted Mars is present in Capricorn along with benefic debilitated Jupiter and benefic Moon, it may not lead to good results, even though Gaj Kesari Yoga will be formed. This combination can make the yoga very weak since Jupiter is debilitated and malefic Mars is strong.
  • Field of impact: the house of placement of the Gaj Kesari Yoga, along with the influences of other benefic and malefic planets on the yoga, is checked to calculate the field of impact. Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga in various houses can have different types of beneficial results. For instance, the formation of this yoga in the first house in Cancer can be the post with a post of authority in the government, while its formation in the eleventh house in Cancer may bring good profit through business.
  • Time of activation: Yoga may not be activated right from the time of birth. Gaj Kesari yoga present in the different horoscopes will have different times of activation, and hence, other people will start benefiting from it at various ages.
  • Overall horoscope: The overall theme of the horoscope can change everything. If the overall theme of the house is spiritual, the native may be blessed with spiritual growth, while if the theme is creative, the person can be blessed with success as an artist.
  • Impact of running times, planetary periods, or Mahadashas: This determines when the native may receive the maximum benefit from Gaj Kesari Yoga.


Though the Gaj Kesari Yoga looks very simple, the process of calculating its results is complex. Every aspect of the horoscope should be checked properly before concluding the type of results.

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