The word Poorvabhadrapada literally translates into ‘the former lucky feet’ or ‘the former one with lucky feet’. In general, the meaning of this word is considered to add traits like being fortunate and lucky, to Poorvabhadrapada.
Looking deeper, the journey of nakshatras from Ashwini to Revati is the journey of soul from its first birth to liberation. Hence Ashwini represents the basic instincts necessary for survival. On the other hand, the previous nakshatra Shatabhisha represents strong urge to know the deepest secrets of existence. Hence great deal of evolution is witnessed from Ashwini to Shatabhisha.
Poorvabhadrapada is the beginning of the final chapter of this journey. Poorvabhadrapada is the first nakshatra where the urge to live everything in order to know the real thing reaches its peak. Shatabhisha wants to know but it may not want to live everything. It means when a native under strong influence of Shatabhisha learns a substance is toxic or poisonous, he may not wish to go further.
Hence this information in itself may be sufficient for him and he may not wish to taste such substance, in order to actually know it. Though we may claim information as knowledge, these two words are much different from each other, in spiritual terminology. Something that you learn through other sources but you have no personal experience with it is called information. Something that you have personally experienced may only be called knowledge in the deepest sense.
It means when a Shatabhisha native knows poison is harmful and he wishes to stay away from it, this is information and not knowledge, in spiritual terminology. Poorvabhadrapada is the first nakshatra which is not happy with information and it wants knowledge. Accordingly, Poorvabhadrapada becomes an even more difficult to handle nakshatra than Shatabhisha. The information that poison is harmful may not be sufficient for a Poorvabhadrapada native and he may wish to experience it. This urge to live and know through experience makes Poorvabhadrapada a highly volatile nakshatra and literally anything is possible with this nakshatra.
For this reason, Poorvabhadrapada is one of the most feared nakshatras. People under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may be seen living at polar extremes, depending on the working of this nakshatra in their horoscopes. The head of a big terrorist organization and a high authority law enforcement officer dedicated to destroy such organization; may both be under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada.
A native completely lost in materialistic extremes like alcohol, drugs and sex; and a highly evolved spiritual native who may be just a step away from liberation; may both be under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada. The working of this nakshatra is so confusing and extreme that it is labelled as the most difficult to handle nakshatra by many Vedic astrologers. As we discover its symbol and ruling deity, the reasons for such fears may become obvious.
Since the journey of liberation is closer to its end, nothing less than extremes should be expected. Even a simple video game or a sports competition becomes very difficult or extreme towards the end. The same happens here also. The first 24 nakshatras have enjoyed, gained information, lived some of such information and left what they thought might be problematic. Poorvabhadrapada is the sum total of all these nakshatras and it often wishes to live each and everything; rather than gaining information about it.
An ascetic under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may engage in extreme practices like standing on one foot for many years, not eating for many days, sitting or lying on thorns and other such extreme practices. He is not doing it for fun; he is simply an extremist. It means he may go to any lengths to achieve what he believes in. Hence if someone tells him that by standing on one foot for two years, he may achieve his goal; he may do so without giving it second thought. Due to this trait of living at the extremes, Poorvabhadrapada people may often become active members of one type of extremist group or another.
Though all this may look troublesome and it may not seem to bear any resemblance to the meaning of the word Poorvabhadrapada, it does make perfect sense. Poorvabhadrapada is the first step on the first path, where gaining information becomes insufficient and knowledge alone will do. The dark side of this path is that one may have to go through extremely bad or evil experiences on this path. The bright side is that from such experiences alone, true knowledge and wisdom is born.
It is nothing but fair that no one may know sin better than a sinner. The one who hasn’t sin may never know in reality, the kind of fire every sin initiates within. Such fire continuously burns the sinner from inside and through this suffering only; the purest desire for redemption as well as that for staying away from sin is born. Though one may think the ultimate destination may be reached without engaging in sins at all, it may not be so in reality.
Until you have sinned and then experienced the hell it brings with it; you may never get rid of it. Someone who has never engaged in a sin may simply have no idea why it is bad and how bad it may be. Hence he may always be lured by sins, since it is human nature to taste the prohibited fruit. Liberation means freedom from every desire and urge. Until you have sinned, suffered and moved on; the desire to try forbidden things may always be there.
With this desire, you may never be able to achieve liberation. It seems surprising that the thing which is stopping you from achieving liberation is the fact that you have the desire to sin but you don’t. Actions don’t count at all on this path; and only intentions or desires do. As long as this curiosity or desire is there, there is no scope of liberation. Poorvabhadrapada wishes to live each and every sin it wants to commit, suffer punishment, understand how it actually works and then leave it for good.
Once you have tried something, disliked it completely and left it; there is no chance you are going back to it. Until you have tried it; there is always a chance or desire to try it. Technically, the last part of leaving sins and desires for good doesn’t happen in Poorvabhadrapada and it happens in the next nakshatra Uttarabhadrapada. Hence Poorvabhadrapada is the attempt to try everything. This attempt tells it what is to be kept and what is to be left. The keeping and leaving part then happens in Uttarabhadrapada.
Hence Poorvabhadrapada is the first step on the final path. First step here means the first part. This path has two parts where the first part deals with knowing everything through personal experiences. The second part brings the final wisdom, guiding what to keep and what to leave. Since the final path is undoubtedly the luckiest path; the meaning ‘first lucky feet’ should better be understood as ‘first part of the luckiest path’.
The main symbol assigned to Poorvabhadrapada is ‘the front two legs of a funeral cot’. Fearsome it may seem, this symbol also indicates first part of the journey beyond death. It means Poorvabhadrapada is willing to take this first step and it is willing to cross this first part; which takes it beyond death; to liberation. Achieving victory over death requires dealing with it first. Hence Poorvabhadrapada exhibits traits like being dangerous, violent, volatile, versatile, dramatic, daredevil, adventurous, extremist and secretive. All these traits help Poorvabhadrapada complete the challenges it may face during the first part of the final path.
Another important as well as relevant symbol is associated with Poorvabhadrapada. This symbol represents a ‘two faced man’. One of his faces belongs to a gentle, civilized and well cultured person whereas the second face represents a violent, destructive, evil and mysterious person. This symbol indicates that Poorvabhadrapada has the ability to live at opposite extremes at the same time. It means people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may lead dual lives. One part of these lives is the public face whereas the other one is the hidden face.
Hence an average marketing executive who in reality is a government secret agent or spy; may very well be a Poorvabhadrapada native. A tourist guide, who turns out to be the mastermind of a bomb blast incident; may also be a Poorvabhadrapada native. A religious guru who engages in sex, drugs and alcohol during the dark hours of night; is very likely to be a Poorvabhadrapada native. A well reputed doctor dealing in trafficking of human organs; may be a Poorvabhadrapada native. Similarly, all other such people who are leading dual lives may be under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada.
This is because Poorvabhadrapada represents an extreme battle between the God and the Devil. In other words, Poorvabhadrapada represents an extreme battle between conscience and ego. The journey of liberation is in its final stage in Poorvabhadrapada. Hence it is natural for the Devil to use his best weapons, in order to win this battle. The God and the Devil are the good and the evil inside a Poorvabhadrapada native; and they are engaged in the decisive battle.
This is why Poorvabhadrapada features two opposite extremes at the same time. There are no doubts that the goodness will prevail in the end. However, the next stage represented by Uttarabhadrapada may or may not be achieved in present lifetime, by a Poorvabhadrapada native. If the overall horoscope is supportive, people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may finally win this battle. Such Poorvabhadrapada people may get rid of all evil and they may be left with goodness alone. This stage announces the arrival of second step or second part of the final path. It means such Poorvabhadrapada native may get promoted to an Uttarabhadrapada type native.
The horoscope of Saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is a good example of benefic use of energy of Poorvabhadrapada. Exalted Venus forms Malavya Yoga in the first house of this horoscope in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada; and Revati rises in the ascendant. A combination of Moon, retrograde Mercury and Sun is placed in the twelfth house in Aquarius, with Moon in Poorvabhadrapada and Sun as well as retrograde Mercury in Shatabhisha.
Retrograde Jupiter is placed in the fourth house in Gemini in Ardra. Rahu is placed in the third house in Taurus, Ketu is placed in the ninth house in Scorpio, retrograde exalted Saturn is placed in the eighth house in Libra and exalted Mars is placed in the eleventh house in Capricorn. The horoscope features strong influence of Ardra, Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati. All these nakshatras except Revati deal with search and realization of higher self. Due to a strong combination of planets in extreme nakshatras like Shatabhisha and Poorvabhadrapada; his search for the final truth was absolutely extreme. Apart from that; the twelfth house is the most extreme house of horoscope.
Placement of exalted Venus in the first house in Uttarabhadrapada explains his unmatched love and devotion for goddess Kali. Placement of Venus in Uttarabhadrapada explains he was finally blessed by the goddess to reach Uttarabhadrapada stage. Later on, the saint was also able to reach the final stage which is represented by Revati; rising in the ascendant. The life of this highly respected and loved saint was full of extreme acts. He behaved like a child at one moment and he became wise the next moment.
He tried a number of different methods to reach the final destination, just to check if all of them worked. He embraced the feminine side of nature so extremely that he actually grew breasts. An incident says that one day he put a sword to his head and he said to goddess Kali that he would behead himself, if the goddess didn’t show up and blessed him. It is said the goddess blessed him on that day. His life was full of such extremes; due to strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada.
On the other hand, some Poorvabhadrapada people may not win this battle during their present lives, due to their overall horoscopes. Such Poorvabhadrapada people may be seen living at extremes throughout their lives; without reaching the next stage. If that happens, the journey is continued in their next lives also; until they get through this stage during one of their future lives.
Vedic astrology assigns Aja Ekapada as the ruling deity of Poorvabhadrapada. The word Aja Ekapada literally translates into ‘a goat with one foot’. This god is believed to be a Rudra form of Lord Shiva. Hence Aja Ekapada connects Poorvabhadrapada to Rudra form of Lord Shiva; the form which is known for destruction.
Goats have been used for sacrifices since ancient times. Head is taken as a representative of ego since ego is believed to reside in head. Hence this god may imply that in order to cross the first part of the final path, one must get beheaded. It means one must completely get rid of ego in order to get through the first part of the final path. When a decisive battle with ego begins; it is natural for things to express themselves on extreme levels.
Ego is the first as well as the last entity which stops one from achieving liberation. It means ego possesses us and distracts us so that we may walk on any path but the final path. Despite its best efforts; if it fails to stop us from treading on that path; it may attack us with everything it has.
It should be noted that with liberation, ego alone is destroyed and nothing else is. Soul is untouchable and the body dissolves itself into the five elements; only to form again. Hence the journey to liberation is the journey to get rid of ego. When this journey reaches the first part of the final path; it becomes a matter of life and death for ego. The conscience is trying to get rid of ego in order to cross this part whereas the ego is trying its best to survive by creating various types of illusions, in order to confuse the native. Since this is the final battle, things touch extremes and the atmosphere becomes volatile. As a result, Poorvabhadrapada people may often oscillate between polar extremes.
Vedic astrology assigns Jupiter as the ruling planet of Poorvabhadrapada. The association of the most benefic planet among navagraha with a seemingly evil nakshatra like Poorvabhadrapada confuses some astrologers. In the deepest sense, Jupiter alone is capable of ruling Poorvabhadrapada. Among other things, Jupiter signifies conscience; and spiritual growth achieved through conscience.
When the decisive battle is fought between conscience and ego; more and more conscience is required to defeat ego. It is perhaps due to Jupiter’s influence only; that Poorvabhadrapada may finally win this battle and cross this part of the final path. Hence a native under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may keep engaging in extremes; realizing their wastefulness in the end. If Jupiter is benefic as well as strong and the overall horoscope is supportive, the native may finally win this battle and cross this part of the final path.
The first three quarters of Poorvabhadrapada fall in Aquarius ruled by Saturn whereas the last quarter of Poorvabhadrapada falls in Pisces ruled by Jupiter. These planets and signs add traits like indulgence, awareness, conscience, intelligence, patience, repentance, penance and realization to Poorvabhadrapada. The realization comes after indulgence, awareness and repentance.
The indulgence, awareness and repentance may happen in Aquarius part of Poorvabhadrapada whereas realization may come in Pisces part of Poorvabhadrapada. Awareness in this context means the native may be aware of whatever good or bad he may be engaging in. After engaging in the evil, awareness may create the need for repentance and penance. The native may purify himself through these processes and then the realization may come.
It is the realization that each time you engage in bad karmas, regrets and guilt are built. To get rid of them, you have to go through repentance and penance. Hence the realization tells you it is better not to engage in bad karmas in the first place, instead of going through this process again and again. This means it is better to retain purity than to corrupt it and regain it through troublesome processes. This is when you may get rid of ego since ego is in the root of all bad karmas.
To be precise, ego is in the root of all good and bad karmas as long as you are the doer. It should be noted that this realization can only be earned and it can’t be learned. The one who has actually been burnt by fire may truly realize the agony it inflicts. The one who has only seen other people getting burnt may never realize the true potential of such agony; though he may think he does. Therefore, realization is meaningful only if it comes as a result of your own experiences and not otherwise.
Poorvabhadrapada people may be good at balancing opposite sides of their personalities. These people are masters of disguise. For this reason, criminals under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may prove to be the most difficult types of criminals to handle. Shravana type criminals may also be difficult but they are not difficult to handle; and they are difficult to trace or catch. Shravana people may keep working under the radar and they may not engage in acts of violence. Even when they are caught, they may use legal and diplomatic methods to get out. When it comes to Poorvabhadrapada people; the first challenge is to trace their true identities.
Poorvabhadrapada people may not be hidden in literal sense and in most cases; they may be hiding in plain sights. It means a Poorvabhadrapada type criminal may be right before your eyes the entire time but you may not be able to recognize him; let alone catch him. Even if you catch a Poorvabhadrapada type criminal, he may prove extremely difficult to handle. Poorvabhadrapada people may not be scared of death and this puts them in positions of advantage. It means one such criminal may attack you and kill you instead of getting caught.
Even if he is killed during the process; he may not care. Even if you capture him alive, he may keep creating problems for you, every now and then. For instance, he may get your family kidnapped or harmed and ask for his release. Criminals under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada are generally blessed with large networks of people. Hence they may trouble you a lot; even if they are behind bars or restricted through other means.
Poorvabhadrapada people may be so skilled at disguising themselves that it may be hard; even for cleverest people to detect the true shades of their personalities. For example, a Poorvabhadrapada type college professor who has very good reputation and who is considered as a thorough gentleman preaching others to be good; may actually be a spy, a secret agent or a militant; depending on his overall horoscope. Hence people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada are likely to have hidden sides of personalities and such hidden sides may be opposite to the visible sides of their personalities. In most cases, the hidden sides may be their true sides and the visible sides may be cover-ups.
The symbol of a sword or a double-edged sword is also assigned to Poorvabhadrapada. This symbol also represents traits like destructive potential and dual-nature. Hence duality becomes the most prominent trait of Poorvabhadrapada. Poorvabhadrapada people may fool people by pretending to be fools themselves.
Taking an example, if a native carrying something illegal in his vehicle stops at a police post and asks a policeman the way to somewhere, pretending as if he is lost; he may be a Poorvabhadrapada native. In general, the police may randomly stop and check vehicles. Hence people often try to avoid them by pretending they are not able to see them. The police also know that most people try to avoid them and hence they may take interest in stopping some of these people.
The last thing many policemen may expect is someone looking for them and asking them something. In most cases, such an act causes distraction as the policeman is busy thinking about how to guide this native properly. At the same time, he may subconsciously assume that this native is genuine since he is not afraid of police and he seems to be lost. A Poorvabhadrapada native may ask for directions and he may leave, thanking the policeman for his helping spirit. This is what you should expect when you’re dealing with a native under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada.
These people may be intelligent, adventurous and brave. However, they may hide this side of their personalities and they may pretend to be average type of people or even less than average. The best way to find them is by spotting their ability to observe. Poorvabhadrapada people may be continuously observing their surroundings, hiding this act from other people.
For example, a Poorvabhadrapada type clerk may seem engaged in his day to day file work, with his head down. However when observed carefully, you may find that his entire body is much more alert than it should be while doing such work. If you try to get closer, the tension in his body as well as his level of alertness may increase. Once you enter the zone which is too close for him; he may suddenly stand up; as if he wishes to go to wash room or somewhere else. This Poorvabhadrapada native may be apprehending an attack and hence he is getting out of a vulnerable position. You have better chances of attacking him while he is seated. Hence he may stand up and become ready for an apprehended attack.
This happens because people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may lead dual lives. Doing so creates insecurity that someone may know about them and catch them. It is the fear of getting caught which means the instinct of survival which makes them so alert and observant all the time. Due to their ability to balance opposite extremes and have dual personalities, people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may become very successful as actors, if supported by their overall horoscopes.
Actors under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may be especially known for playing wide variety of characters and you may simply not be able to fit them into a specific type. Hence an actor who plays a terrorist, a cop, a doctor, a wrestler, a common man, a comedian, a serious character and various other characters with the same ease; may be under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada.
Poorvabhadrapada people are generally good at socializing though they may do so only in order to be parts of the crowd. Poorvabhadrapada people may be skilled at the art of keeping low profiles; to avoid getting special attention. When you get special attention, people may get interested in you and they may wish to know more and more about you. Since Poorvabhadrapada people may not want you to know more and more about them; they may avoid getting special attention.
Hence instead of finding them in front rows or in the last rows; you may find them seating in the middle rows; becoming parts of the crowd. Front rows draw maximum attention and there is an element of suspicion associated with last rows. However, no one bothers much about middle rows and this is where Poorvabhadrapada people may be found. The rows in this context relate to various spheres of life. It means Poorvabhadrapada people may be found in the middle in most cases; looking like common men. This is because they know that playing common man is the safest option. We generally take interest in very good people and/or very bad people. However, almost no one may take interest in a common man.
Poorvabhadrapada exhibits a wide variety of traits. However, different people may embrace different traits, depending on placements of various planets in this nakshatra, as well as on their overall horoscopes. Looking at planets among navagraha; Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, and Rahu may perform better in Aquarius part of this nakshatra. Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Ketu may perform better in Pisces part of this nakshatra. Among navagraha; Sun may not be comfortable in this nakshatra.
It should however be noted that Jupiter and Saturn become the most important planets for people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada. If both these planets are weak, malefic, afflicted or corrupted in a horoscope; the native under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may not be able to cross the first part of the final path during his present life.
However, if both Jupiter and Saturn are strong and benefic; the native has good chances of crossing the first part of the final path; provided the rest of his horoscope is supportive. Sun and Mars may also help Poorvabhadrapada people reach their targets; though they may not be as important as Jupiter and Saturn in most horoscopes.
It should be noted that different people may feel the impact of traits of Poorvabhadrapada in different domains; depending on the placement of this nakshatra in various houses of their horoscopes; as well as on their overall horoscopes. For example, if benefic Mercury is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in Aquarius in Poorvabhadrapada; its traits may primarily affect the professional sphere of the native.
Hence the entire personality of this native may not be influenced by Poorvabhadrapada. As a result, the native may have hidden ways of making money through profession, he may engage in illegal professions along with legal professions, he may become an actor, or he may have more than one profession at the same time; depending on his overall horoscope.
Considering another probability, if a combination of Venus and retrograde Saturn is placed in the seventh house of a horoscope in Aquarius in Poorvabhadrapada; the equation may change. The first wife of this native may have a personality type, which may be opposite to that of the native. This may cause serious problems in marriage and the marriage may dissolve in the end.
The second wife of the native may also have a personality type, significantly different from that of the native as well as from that of his first wife. If the second marriage fails due to his overall horoscope and the native gets married again; the same may happen. It means the native may always end up marrying women with opposite personality types. Hence all his marriages may require him to strike balances between his personality and those of his wives.
However, if a combination of retrograde Mercury and Rahu is placed in the first house of a horoscope in Aquarius in Poorvabhadrapada; it is a different equation. Most traits of Poorvabhadrapada may prominently reflect through the entire personality of the native. As already mentioned, the first house of horoscope is its core and energies registered in this house may reflect throughout the personality of the native. Since planets like Mercury and Rahu are placed in Poorvabhadrapada, the native may become a spy, a secret service agent, a private detective, a drug dealer or a terrorist; depending on the rest of his horoscope.
In the same horoscope, if benefic exalted Saturn is placed in the ninth house in Libra along with benefic Jupiter; benefic Sun is placed in the twelfth house in Capricorn along with Moon in Dhanistha, benefic retrograde exalted Venus is placed in the second house in Pisces in Uttarabhadrapada; and Mars is placed in the fifth house in Gemini in Ardra, the native may become a spiritual guru. The native may achieve very good spiritual growth and if the finer factors in his horoscope are supportive, he may be able to cross the first part of the final path; represented by Poorvabhadrapada.
Placements of malefic planets in Poorvabhadrapada may cause various types of problems for the native, depending on his overall horoscope. When Poorvabhadrapada is occupied by malefic or corrupted planets in a horoscope in relevant houses; the native may suffer from various types of psychological problems. Since people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may have more than one side of personality; not all of these people may be able to balance them properly. The most common outcome may be psychological disorders.
When the overall horoscope is troubled, people under strong influence of Poorvabhadrapada may especially be vulnerable to psychological disorders like schizophrenia. This disorder makes the sufferer have two sides of personality. One of them is his regular side and the other one possesses him at times; without his knowledge or control. This is why it is called split personality disorder also.
In this case also, Poorvabhadrapada is playing its role well; blessing the native with two sides of personality. The only difference is that the native is not able to switch these sides at his own will and the sides switch themselves without his will or control; creating panic and problems. Poorvabhadrapada people with supportive horoscopes are able to control these sides and they make such transitions only when they want.
Let’s look at performances of various planets in various navamshas of Poorvabhadrapada. Starting with Aries navamsha; Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Rahu may perform well but not very well in this navamsha. Saturn is debilitated in Aries whereas Venus, Mercury and Rahu are not strong in Aries. Mars may perform above average or well in this navamsha, depending on overall horoscope.
Sun may perform on average but not well in this navamsha; since it is weak in Aquarius and it is not comfortable in Poorvabhadrapada. Jupiter may perform above average or well here whereas Ketu may perform above average in this navamsha. Both Ketu and Jupiter are strong in Aries but Jupiter is more comfortable in Poorvabhadrapada than Ketu. Moon may perform on average in this navamsha. Among navagraha; Rahu may be the strongest in this navamsha. No planet may be significantly weak in this navamsha.
Looking at Taurus navamsha; Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Rahu may perform well or very well in this navamsha. All these planets are strong in Aquarius as well as Taurus. Within the sign of Aquarius; Rahu may deliver its best performance in this navamsha. It is strong in Aquarius, it is exalted in Taurus and it has great comfort in Poorvabhadrapada.
Mars may perform on average or above average in this navamsha whereas Sun may perform on average or below average here. Jupiter may perform on average or above average here whereas Moon may perform above average in this navamsha. Ketu may perform below average in this navamsha; since it is debilitated in Taurus. Among navagraha; Rahu may be the strongest in this navamsha whereas Ketu may be the weakest.
Moving on to Gemini navamsha; Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Rahu may perform well or very well in this navamsha. All these planets are strong in Aquarius as well as Gemini. Sun may perform below average here whereas Mars may perform on average in this navamsha. Moon may perform on average or below average here whereas Jupiter may perform on average in this navamsha.
Ketu may perform below average or poorly here; since it is not strong in Aquarius, it is weak in Gemini and it is not much comfortable in Poorvabhadrapada. Among navagraha; Saturn and Rahu may be the strongest in this navamsha whereas Ketu may be the weakest.
Considering Pisces navamsha; Jupiter may perform very well here whereas Venus, Ketu and Moon may perform well or very well in this navamsha. Jupiter is strong in Pisces and it is exalted in Cancer. Within the sign of Pisces, Jupiter as well as Moon may be the strongest in this navamsha. Venus and Ketu are exalted in Pisces and they have decent strength in Cancer.
Sun may perform on average or below average here whereas Mars may perform below average in this navamsha. Sun is weak in Cancer and Mars is debilitated in this sign. Apart from that; none of them is strong in Pisces. Saturn may perform on average in this navamsha since it is not strong in Pisces as well as Cancer. Mercury may perform poorly here whereas Rahu may perform below average in this navamsha. Though both of them are debilitated in Pisces; Rahu is somewhat stronger in Cancer than Mercury; and it is more comfortable in Poorvabhadrapada than Mercury. Among navagraha; Jupiter may be the strongest in this navamsha whereas Mercury may be the weakest.
Himanshu Shangari