Article 044

While going through the lives of the first type of people who have achieved things by fair means, you may consciously start thinking that this path is not for you because you may not have such good abilities and opportunities that most of these people have. On top of that, you may not want to wait for twenty years or even more to reach a good level of success. Hence you send signals to your subconscious mind that you don’t want to follow the path shown by these people since you are not willing to wait much, in order to achieve what you wish to achieve. As that happens again and again, your subconscious mind understands this script and it starts discouraging you from watching, hearing and reading about this type of people. Accordingly, you may watch, hear and read about them, less and less with time.

On the other hand, whenever you look at the resources achieved by the people of second type, you are fascinated a lot because they have done it in short periods of time. Two things that these people have in common with you are that they all have unhealthy amounts of greed and weak consciences. So whenever you are inspired by this type of people, you send a signal to your subconscious mind that you like this type of people and you want to watch, hear and read more and more about them. With time and repeated efforts, your subconscious mind understands your request and it starts working according to it by bending you more and more towards the lifestyles and achievements of these people.

A few people among this category may be the ones who have lived a long life of crime, gathered so many material resources and still avoided getting caught or being punished. These people are the ones who may interest you the most and they may become your role models. This is because the only thing that may put fear in your mind when you wish to start a life of crime is the fact that sooner or later, you may be caught and punished. Such exceptional people may give you a reason to overcome that fear.

These people may inspire you that you can pursue a life of crime, achieve so much and even then avoid being caught or punished. This is what may trigger an inspiration so strong inside you, that it is capable of breaking all the barriers of fears of being caught and punished. Hence you may decide to follow this path with solid hopes that you will be able to become like one of these exceptional people.

As these changes are taking place, many other things and activities are also happening simultaneously which may intensify this problem within you. When it comes to watching movies, you may go through a variety of movie genres but you may get stuck to the genre of crime and you start watching the movies in this genre, more and more. Even within this genre, your favorite movies may be the ones where the hero pursues a life of crime, he is able to avoid the punishment and live a happy life in the end, even if by suddenly quitting the life of crime after gathering so many material resources.

This is not just a movie for you and it has given you something new to follow your dream path. If the hero can pursue a life of crime and still be a hero, having a happy ending, why can’t you do the same? Suddenly, a movie has changed your world and it has made you look like a hero instead of looking like a villain, if you choose to pursue a life of crime. As a result, you may keep watching more and more of such movies and each time you watch one such movie with great conscious interest, you send a signal to your subconscious mind that a criminal is not always a villain and he can be a hero too. He can achieve so much through the life of crime and still have a happy ending. As you send more and more of such signals to your subconscious mind by watching more and more of such movies, your subconscious mind understands that you want to pursue a life of crime. Accordingly, it starts motivating you for pursuing it.

Apart from watching criminal movies, you may read newspapers or watch the news with great interest, about the people who have pursued a life of crime for a long period of time and they have still been able to avoid getting caught or being punished. Such activities may send more signals to your subconscious mind that the life of crime is good.

Apart from these things; you may watch, read and hear more and more about the best things in many spheres and you may wish to achieve those things. You may watch programs which feature best cars, luxurious houses, beautiful islands, top class hotels, best holiday themes, exotic places; charted flights with many facilities, best liquors, best women and many other best things and people who provoke you more and more to reach out and get them.

All these conscious activities keep sending more and more signals to your subconscious mind that you want to achieve all these objectives and you don’t care about which path you follow. Hence a point may come when these signals may write a script on your subconscious mind. This is when you may start walking on a new path, a path which promises you all the beautiful things you want, and a path which in reality may bring a great number of problems and troubles to you. This path may ultimately make you reach a point where you are left with nothing else but sufferings.

Depending on their overall personalities, some people suffering from being overambitious may not engage in crimes. Such people may gather much negativity inside them as they may wish for many such things which they may not be able to achieve. This is because they may have high ambitions but they may not wish to jeopardize themselves by indulging in illegal activities. Hence they may be safer but they may not achieve as much as the other type of people may achieve, especially in the short run.

As a result, the number of unfulfilled desires may increase and this may build negativity inside them. Such negativity may make them find faults with most things, situations and people. This is because nothing may compare to their dream image of it. Hence this habit may either make you engage in illegal/immoral activities or it may make you complain a lot. In some cases, it may do both. Therefore, you should start working to get out of this habit.

In order to get rid of it, you need to strengthen your conscience. Doing so will reduce the element of greed and the number of irrational desires. Let’s look at some activities which can help you get rid of this problem. At the first level, change what you watch, hear and read since these are big influences which work toward intensifying or reducing your problem of being overambitious. Stop watching, hearing and reading all such things which encourage you to be overambitious. Instead; start watching, hearing and reading such things which encourage you to have more conscience and balance.

For example, instead of spending your time looking at the lives of rich people, resourceful people and other such people who have achieved many material things in their lives, start spending your time towards knowing about people who have delivered real value to the world. Instead of watching the programs featuring luxury vacations, beautiful cars, private islands, private planes and other such things; start watching programs which offer constructive ideas about how you can contribute more to the society and how you can make yourself more balanced/better.

History is full with examples of noble people who have served so much value to this world, who had very high levels of conscience and who set great examples to inspire many people to follow them. Get connected to more and more such stuff so that it may influence your subconscious mind to inspire you in moving towards the right path and not towards the wrong path.

When it comes to movies, avoid watching movies where the hero plays a criminal and he still escapes punishment in the end. Instead watch movies in the genre of crime, where the hero is a noble character and the villain faces maximum punishment for his crimes. Such movies may inspire you to be like the hero and at the same time, they may scare you that if you choose to follow a life of crime, you are going to face severe punishments like the villain in the movie.

These are positive and constructive fears and you should use them to your advantage as they can stop you from engaging in crimes and/or other types of unfair practices like cheating and deceiving. In the beginning, you may find these activities difficult/boring to engage in. With time and efforts, you may start liking them.

Apart from that, start engaging in such activities which are small but at the same time, which are capable of giving you happiness and satisfaction. In order to do so, recollect all the small things which you used to like a lot, or which you still like a lot and start engaging in them more and more.

For example, start listening to or watching your favorite songs, start playing your favorite computer games or video games, start going to gym if you like it, start swimming if you like it, start watching comedy movies or TV programs, start visiting and meeting such friends and relatives whom you like a lot, start going out more to eat some of your favorite foods at places which are not expensive, start eating more potato chips, chocolates, ice creams and other such favorite items, and start doing all other such things which you like and enjoy doing and which don’t need much money or resources to be done and enjoyed.

As you keep doing these activities, a sense of responsibility and conscience may start coming to you, through the first set of practices as you watch, hear and read good and moral stuff instead of engaging in luring stuff. The second set of small activities may help you enjoy more often and feel satisfied more often without spending a lot. As more and more such messages of enjoying and feeling satisfied are sent to your subconscious mind through these small but specifically targeted conscious activities, your subconscious mind may start helping you stay away from being overambitious and engage in immoral or criminal thoughts and practices.

This is because the primary reason for you being overambitious is that you want to feel happy and satisfied by achieving all the top class things that you wish for; and you think that happiness is possible only when you achieve those things. In thinking so and in doing so, you subconsciously start keeping yourself away from all such small activities which can give you small amounts of happiness every now and then. All this happiness combined together can actually match or even surpass the amount of your dream happiness which you may get only when you achieve those big things. The habit of being overambitious may keep you further and further away from happiness because it makes you have a perception that you will feel happy only when you achieve big things. Due to this perception, you may stop working towards getting happiness from small but valuable things.


Himanshu Shangari